VII Cults Frenzy: The cultists' total devotion to their emotions allows them to go berserk in combat, ignoring their own safety in their bloodlust This monsters include mutated animal companions, outer mutant familiars, and even dark young The Milk of the Mother: Shub-Niggurath’s makes them surprisingly dangerous in a fight, own maternal secretions have amazing even when unarmed They often gain the delirium mutagenic powers (See milk of Shub- warrior barbarian archetype (page 54) Niggurath on page 146.) Gift of the Mother: Shub-Niggurath often gives Treasures: Goat cultists led by the mi-go her cult leaders and those who have done her can sometimes procure their technology, services special “presents”—living horrors they can including brain cylinders, sensory (mostly) control and keep for their own These machines, and mist projectors 173