DCs are higher than the minor brazen head due to Table: Magic Items higher Wisdom CO NSTRUC TI O N Item Price Starstone of Mnar 4,000 gp Brazen head, minor 5,200 gp Flute of the servitors 6,000 gp Memory (weapon special ability) +6,000 gp Seal of Hydra 10,000 gp Chain of the deep 12,000 gp Disk of the Hyades 12,000 gp Silver key 15,000 gp Tiara of Mnar 15,000 gp Brazen head 23,000 gp Medallion of Y'ha-nthlei 30,000 gp Leng glass 42,000 gp Ring of Eibon 42,000 gp Bokrug egg 49,000 gp Brazen head, major 70,000 gp Idol of Cthulhu 96,000 gp Lamp of Alhazred 150,000 gp Brazen head, legendary 182,000 gp Panchromatic armor 191,650 gp Cost 35,000 gp; Requirements Craft Wondrous Item or Improved Familiar, contact other plane, doom, hold person, imbue with spell ability, summon monster II BRAZEN HEAD, LEGENDARY Aura strong evocation; CL 15th; Slot none; Price 182,000 gp; Weight 15 lbs Alignment chaotic neutral; Senses 60 ft., blindsense, darkvision; Int 10; Wis 20; Cha 10; Ego 22; Languages read languages, speech (Aklo, Common, four others), telepathy This half-scale brass bust functions as a minor brazen head except that it can store up to levels of spells and it is a more skilled and potent familiar A legendary brazen head has 20 ranks in Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher), for a bonus of +25 It can only bond with an arcane spellcaster of at least 17th level that has the Improved Familiar feat Its base saving throw bonuses are each +9 In addition, it can teleport itself once per day Its familiar spell DCs are higher than the minor brazen head due to higher Wisdom CO NSTRUC TI O N BRAZEN HEAD, MAJOR Aura strong evocation; CL 11th; Slot none; Price 70,000 gp; Weight 15 lbs Alignment chaotic neutral; Senses 60 ft., blindsense, darkvision; Int 10; Wis 20; Cha 10; Ego 14; Languages read languages, speech (Aklo, Common, four others) CHAIN OF THE DEEP Aura faint evocation; CL 3rd; Slot neck; Price 12,000 gp; Weight — This half-scale brass bust functions as a minor brazen This strange, green-silver necklace shimmers as if head except that it can store up to levels of spells and constantly wet While it is worn, all deep ones and it is a more skilled and potent familiar deep one hybrids within 30 feet gain a +2 enhancement A major brazen head has 15 ranks in Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher), for a bonus of +20 It can only bond with an arcane spellcaster of at least 13th level that has the Improved Familiar feat Its base saving throw bonuses are each +7 Its familiar spell 164 Cost 91,000 gp; Requirements Craft Wondrous Item or Improved Familiar, contact other plane, doom, hold person, imbue with spell ability, summon monster II, teleport bonus to Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on weapon damage rolls CO NSTRUC TI O N Cost 6,000 gp; Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bless, desecrate