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Sandy petersens cthulhu mythos (1) 254

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VIII Great Old Ones and Outer Gods standing If every observer in the influenced area is destroyed by Hastur, it typically departs, although its influence may linger in the area for a few hours, days, years, or more at the GM’s discretion, allowing it to attack anyone who wanders into the area of influence INFLUENCE EFFEC TS Destruction (Ex) Every time a creature takes hit point damage or suffers ability drain from any of Hastur’s influence effects, that creature must make a successful Fortitude save to resist being instantly slain This is a death effect Devastating Attack (Ex) At the start of the round, Hastur lashes out at all observing targets with its tentacles Each target must make a successful Reflex save or take 20d10 points of bludgeoning damage A successful save reduces the damage by half Possession (Su) At the start of a creature’s turn, after resolving the effects of Hastur’s psychic assault, the creature must make a successful Fortitude save to resist being physically transformed by Hastur’s presence A failure indicates the creature takes 1d6 points of Constitution drain A creature drained to Constitution in this way has any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage inflicted via Hastur’s psychic assault immediately cured, but is also transformed into a chaotic evil Mythos undead (see page 391) under Hastur’s control This is a death effect Psychic Assault (Su) At the start of a creature’s turn, it must make a successful Will save or take 1d6 points of ability drain to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (determined randomly) as Hastur’s presence begins to induce madness and unmake sanity This is a mindaffecting effect Quantum Reality (Su) While all of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods have unusual effects and strange powers when their influence stains reality, Hastur may be the most complex and bizarre Hastur embodies a sort of cosmic variation on quantum entanglement When two particles are entangled, they affect each other regardless of distance between them Likewise, Hastur affects the observer across unlimited distance When Hastur establishes influence in an area, all creatures that observe it are in turn observed, and as long as line of sight between Hastur and the observer persists, both Hastur and the observer may interact with each other as if they were adjacent Once observation is established, breaking line of sight only prevents the observer from being able to affect Hastur—the observer remains adjacent to Hastur as long as his influence persists, even if the observer leaves the area of influence As a result of this breakdown of reality, since Hastur is always adjacent to the observer, his influence has no speed No matter What You See A gigantic entity vaguely resembling a disembodied head flies through the air, its surface bristling with tentacles, eyes, mouths, and oozing boils how far the observer runs, Hastur remains next to them and can affect them as determined by the stage of his influence Spells Hastur can cast a wide range of spells, but typically he limits his choices to a relatively narrow but still devastating selection of them At the start of each round every creature in the area of influence is targeted by one of the following spells The effective caster level of the spell is equal to the influence’s current CR At the GM’s option, other spells may be substituted for the ones below d12 Spell Cast phantasmal killer enervation hold monster slay living greater dispel magic harm insanity power word blind temporal stasis 10 power word stun 11 dominate monster 12 power word kill Hastur is one of the vilest entities even within the Cthulhu Mythos He is cosmic in origin, and dangerous even to name His prophet or avatar is the King in Yellow, though it’s not clear exactly what their relationship is, other than that it is a close one Hastur himself often appears as a great, boil-covered head bedecked with boneless limbs The most terrifying 247

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 14:13

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