THEOLOGOS 1/2015 | ŠTÚDIE 75 The number of the anointings is to be adapted to the occasion, and the prayers which belong to the rite of anointing are to be revised so as to correspond with the varying conditions of the sick who receive the sacrament.48 These three postulates from the Council document seem to be similar to those that were developed originally by the Liturgical Commission of the Council As in fact they are, but it is necessary to note that there was great discussion and corrections through emendationes It is worth looking at, but very briefly, the entire road we have traveled from the demands of the Preparatory Committee on the Liturgy to specific decisions of Vatican II contained in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy In Polish only Fr Stefański worked in a synthetic way in one of his works devoted to the renewal of the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.49 Beginning with article 73 the name determines the essential thing Each effect of the Sacrament of the Sick was recognized as the „last rite“ And although this practice is not that old it caused damage in the pastoral sense Therefor an appeal arose in an attempt to change the state of things by a proposed renaming50 and thereby to end the centuries-old fear of the sacrament and restore it to its rightful „owner“, which is the seriously ill man Cardinal A Larraona chairman of the Liturgical Commission presented preliminary material to the Council Fathers that emphasized three 48 49 50 For later consideration it is worth having these postulates in Latin: 73 Extrema Unctio, quæ etiam et melius Unctio infirmorum vocari potest, non est sacramentum eorum tantum qui in extremo vitæ discrimine versantur Proinde tempus opportunum eam recipiendi iam certe habetur cum fidelis incipit esse in periculo mortis propter infirmitatem vel senium 74 Præter ritus seiunctos unctionis infirmorum et Viatici, conficiatur ordo continuus quem unctio ægroto conferatur post confessionem et ante receptionem Viatici 75 Unctionum numerus pro opportunitate accommodetur, et orationes ad ritum unctionis infirmorum pertinentis ita recognoscantur, ut respondeant variis condicionibus infirmorum, qui sacramentum suscipiunt”, Latin text from: tekst łaciński za: Konstytucja o Liturgii Świętej Sacrosanctum Concilium, w: Sobór Watykański Drugi Konstytucje, dekrety, deklaracje; tekst łacińsko – polski, red J GROBLICKI, E FLORKOWSKI, Poznań 1986 English trans vatican va J STEFAŃSKI, Sakrament chorych w reformie Soboru Watykańskiego II, Poznań 1988, s. 40 – 58 Fr Stefański quotes extensively from: Acta et documenta Concilio Oecumenico Vaticano II apparando as well as Acta Synodalia sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II both documents show the entire discussion and each meetings vote on this matter by the Council fathers as well as the Liturgical Commission Next to other well known proposals such as sacra unctio infirmorum, or oleum infirmorum, it appeared also as: oleum sanctum/benedictum – sacred/holy oil, unctio – anointing, infirmi benedictio – blessed sick, aegrotorum sacramentum – sacrament of the sick, morbi exorcismus – exercising the sick, infirmi consolatio – comforting the sick For more on this read: Fr J Stefański in: AD, Series I/II, 95 25