xxvi | Preface sorts of activities We had to make some difficult choices of which topics to include and which to exclude Because of space considerations, we decided not to include entries on individuals, even though they may have made profound contributions to the history of animal welfare and animal rights Although we have only some historical information in the Encyclopedia, we call readers’ attention to the historical account of the people who contributed to the anti-vivisection movement, published by the American AntiVivisection Society in Fall 2008 This account is extremely useful: http://www.aavs org/images/spring2008.pdf We were thrilled that many extremely busy and over-committed people, a veritable who’s who of people working on topics related to animal protection, thought that this revision was important enough for them to free the time to write new essays that reflect the growing interest and the accumulation of scientific information in hot fields such as conservation ethics, the use of noninvasive field techniques to study wildlife, exotic species, wildlife contraception, the importance of animal sanctuaries, the emotional lives of animals and animal sentience, puppy mills, no-kill shelters, dogfighting, cockfighting, bullfighting, animals in the performing arts, stress and well-being, the gender gap in the animal protection movement, factory farming and disease, climate change and its effect on animals, pet renting, the welfare of fish, the legacy of captive chimpanzees, animals in disasters, the Endangered Species Act, animal law from an international perspective, the nature and importance of human-animal interactions in general (anthrozoology), and the welfare of whales and dolphins In addition to many new essays, we have pieces written by founders and leaders of major animal protection groups, and people directly involved in humane education in the United States and abroad, including China, India, Kenya, Israel, Australia, and the European Union There are a number of essays in this edition on various cultural and religious views of animals, which bear on issues of animal protection Having these kinds of firsthand contributions from people who are actually doing the work is invaluable This revised and expanded encyclopedia offers a discussion of just about all of the major issues that need to be considered in discussions of animal protection Essays vary in length; some are short, covering topics succinctly, with others more wide-ranging and detailed All in all, the information in these two volumes is both broad in scope and unprecedented While the vast majority of essays are presented in a neutral manner, a few are more personal, because it is very difficult to be impartial when writing about our animal kin All humans have unique responsibilities to animals that need to be taken seriously We and the animals whom we use should be viewed as partners in a joint venture We can teach one another respect and trust, and animals can facilitate contact among us and help us learn about our place in this complex, challenging, and awe-inspiring world It is my hope that the information in these volumes will be useful to all people who are interested in animal rights and welfare, and will help us increase what I call our compassion footprint as we head into the future HOW TO USE THIS ENCYCLOPEDIA The 207 entries are arranged in alphabetical order All of the essays in these volumes, and the list of further readings that follows nearly every one, contain information about