*NOTE: Total Academic Credits.: 128 + Co-Curricular Units (BEM) Course Subject and Number Course Title Level Restrict, Course Credits Semesters Offered (F=Fall, S=Spring,Su=Summer) Year Fall Spring Year Fall MA2160 and PH1100 (pre-req or co-req) MA1160/1 161 MA1160/1 161 CO-REQS Calculus I Calculus I (or first level Math (or first level Math course) course) 3-5 cr 3-5 cr F, S, S u F, S, S u MA2160, PH2100, & ENG1102 MA2160 PH2100 Calculus cr F, S, S u University Physics 1Mechanics cr F, S, S u PH1100 (pre-req or co-req) Spring ENG2120 BUS2 300 MA2720 Statistical Methods cr F, S, S u Quantitative Problem S olving cr F, S ENG1102 Engineering Analysis & Problem S olving cr F, S, S u Engineering Modeling & Design cr F, S, S u EC2001 PH1100 (L) ACC2000 ACC2100 Principles of Economics cr F, S, S u Physics by Inquiry 1 cr F, S, S u Accounting Principles cr F, S Accounting Principles II cr F, S MSE2100 MGT2000 Intro to Materials Science & Engineering cr F, S, S u Team Dynamics & Decision Making Sophomore level, cr F, S CH1150 Introduction to Business cr F, S University Chemistry cr F, S, S u CO-REQS CH1151 (L) MA2160, CH1150/1151, PH2100 & ENG1102 Statics-Strength of Materials cr F, S ENG1101 BUS1 100 Fall Calc I and Statistics Minimum MA1030 credit or Math placement into Pre-Calc MIS2000 University Chemistry Lab 1 cr F, S, S u IS/IT Management Sophomore level, cr F, S, S u SAMPLE =Free Elective Credits (Any Non-PE credits) = General Education Requirements SAMPLE = Engineering Requirements SAMPLE Flowchart is a guide for course sequencing recommendations COB courses have some flexibility Note if any pre-requisites or class level required before taking a course Actual Degree requirements are determined by your catalog term Meet with COB Academic Advisor annually for academic goal planning Your Off icial Audit can be found in MyMichiganTech with u.achieve Interactive Degree Audit • • • • • ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT *FLOWCHART 2020-21 Academic Catalog Year Year Spring ENG3200 CEE3503 Thermodynamics/Fluid Mechanics cr F, S Environmental Engineering (3 cr.) S BUS2 200 MGT3000 Business Law cr F, S Organizational Behavior Sophomore level, cr F, S OSM3000 Statistics Fall Statistics Year OSM4650 Six Sigma Fundamentals Junior level, cr F, S Project Management cr F, S, S u FIN3000 MKT3000 Principles of Finance cr F, S, S u Principles of Marketing cr F, S, S u Enterprise Caps tone Enterprise Caps tone Option (ENT1960/2950/2960/ 3950/3960/4961) cr.) Option (ENT1960/2950/2960/ 3950/3960/4961) cr MGT4000 Strategic Management Senior level, cr F, S EE3010 MGT4600 Circuits & Instrumentation cr F, S, S u Management of Technology & Innovation Junior level, cr F, S OSM4300 Operations & Supply Chain Management Junior level, cr Fa, S, Su MIS2000, FIN3000, OSM3000, MGT3000, MKT3000, BUS2300 Spring Capstone Business Cluster/ Enterprise/Internship& Advanced Project Mgt (2 cr EN4900 or cr COB courses-see back for options) F, S, S u 3-4 Free Elective cr *if necessary HASS: HASS: HASS: Communication & Composition cr F, S, S u Humanities & F ine Arts (HU/FA options) cr F, S, S u Social & Behavioral S ci (SS/EC/PSY options) cr F, S, S u EC2001, UN1015, UN1025 EC3100 International Economics cr F, S, S u Caps tone Business Cluster/ Enterprise/Internship& Advanced Project Mgt (2 cr EN4910 or cr COB courses-see back for options) F, S, S u Any HASS or restricted HASS cr F, S, S u (Math, Lab Science-7 cr., CORE-12 cr., HASS-12 cr & Co-Curricular Units) SAMPLE = Business & Major Requirements UN1 015 ***UN10 25 Composition cr F S, S u Global Issues cr F, S, S u Academic Credits by semester 16 Total Units of Co-Curricular/PE 15 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su *** ONE SEMESTER OF 3000 LEVEL OR HIGHER LANGUAGE COURSE CAN REPLACE UN1025 • • • • = Engineering Management Capstone Options/Requirements *see back SAMPLE 16 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su 12 total credits of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) credits must be upper division (3000-4000 level courses) UN1015 and U N1025 are prerequisites for all upper division HASS cours es See List online at https ://www.mtu.edu/registrar/ faculty-staff/advisors/gen-ed/ Gen Ed CORE: Gen Ed CORE: Critical & Creative Thinking cr F, S, S u Social Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning cr F, S, S u 16 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su 16-17 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su 15-16 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su 14-18 14-15 Co-cur Unit (0 UN IT) F, S, Su Updated July 2020 Engineering Undergrads: There are options to double major/dual degree with Engineering Management See COB Academic Advisor Course substitutions will be made for some courses Additionally the COB offers Master’s Degree options: MEM, Master’s in Engineering Management (https://www.mtu.edu/business/graduate/engineering-management/) TechMBA® Program (https://www.mtu.edu/business/graduate/techmba/)