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World history syllabus 20-21 CGUHS

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History & Geography of the World – 2020-21 COURSE SYLLABUS e-mail: cmallek@cguhsd.org Instructor: Mr Chris Mallek Room: F-102 Telephone: 520-836-8500 ext 3602 Instructor: My name is Chris Mallek and I have been teaching Social Studies on the high school level for 26 years I have taught World History, AP World History, US History, Geography, Foundations of Social Studies, Psychology and Sociology I have a Bachelor’s of Arts in the Teaching of History from the University of Illinois and a Masters of Arts in Education & Leadership from St Xavier’s University I am dedicated to the education of my students and hope that they leave my class more knowledgeable about their world and the importance they have in it Course Description: The course focuses on the history of humankind on the planet earth It strives to teach students the analytical skills used by historians in their research process and at the same time provide them with the common historical and geographical knowledge essential to becoming a contributing, participating citizen of our democratic country This course addresses Arizona High School Strands #2 (World History) & Strand #4 (Geography) It will also address Arizona’s College and Career Readiness standards If you are interested in reviewing these standards you can find them here: http://www.azed.gov/standards-practices/k-12standards/standards-social-studies/ Basic Text: World History: Patterns of Interaction, McDougal Littell Inc., copyright 1999 & 2012 STUDENTS HAVE ACCESS TO THE ONLINE VERSION OF THEIR TEXT !!! Students will receive a screen name and password to access the text Here is the location they will log into : https://my.hrw.com/ Students will be responsible for accessing the text online, completing the required work online and submitting the work online It is VERY IMPORTANT that they remember and protect their passwords Other materials will be issued in class and will generally be available through Blackboard Link to our class reading calendar that parents and students can access the required readings: https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=amJtdWlyNnZocDRkaW9vcDlpaWU1N29sYzBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLm NvbQ Instructional/Required Materials: Students will be required to bring their pen or pencil (pen preferred), and a one subject notebook (at least 70 pages) to EACH class YES, even while we are virtual, students will be taking notes by hand Research shows that will best help them learn and process the information Maintaining a good set of class and book notes is essential and required Attendance/Academic/Behavior Expectations: • • • • I expect and require attendance in this class everyday to ensure success There are many classroom experiences that can not be duplicated in make-up sessions or through make-up assignments Most students who establish poor attendance poorly in class Your success in this course depends on your daily and active engagement with the material This year, that means they are present and engaged during our virtual sessions and completing the assigned work in the afternoon Students should expect daily assignments These assignments usually include reading, note taking, participating in discussion boards, Kahoots, Nearpods, Active Classroom and/or written assignments Students who elect to not complete these daily assignments receive lower grades At the end of each chapter or unit, students will be tested to measure their level of mastery Any student receiving a score below 70% may schedule a retake This must be done outside of normal class time and within 10 class days of the test All established school/district policies will be followed More specific class rules and expectations follow Consequences for inappropriate behavior will include a warning, detention, parent contact, discipline referral, and/or behavior contract Evaluation/Grading Scale: Assignments, quizzes, projects, and tests will be worth points Grades will be determined by total points earned Class participation and notebooks will also be factored into your grade The scale (in percents) to be used during each grading period is: 90 – 100 = A 80 – 89 = B 70 – 79 = C 60 – 69 = D - 59 = F Grades will be updated and available on PowerSchool Click here: POWERSCHOOL for access Please check your student’s progress weekly and praise them for their accomplishments or speak with them about your concerns and then contact me for further information There is also a PowerSchool app that you can get for your phone It will also Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated Plagiarism (passing off someone else's ideas or work, as your own or copying someone else's work without proper citation) and cheating on exams or other class work constitute academic dishonesty and will result in a grade of "F" (0 points) for the assignment Allowing someone else to copy from your work or giving answers is also academically dishonest and subject to the same penalties Repeated occurrences will result in parent contact and referral to the dean for further discipline Late Work: All assignments are due on the scheduled date at the beginning of the period Late assignments will not receive full credit There are ways to make up some credit but it will involve you providing extra time Just as a note, I not provide much opportunity for ‘extra credit’ and never on an individual basis Credit should be earned by completing regular assignments to the best of your ability and ON TIME Make-Up Work: Class work missed due to absences will be required to be made-up upon return to class Students have as many days as they were absent from class to make up work missed due to excused absences It is a good idea to check Blackboard while you are home absent Failure to make up the required class work will result in the recording of a zero grade IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK THE INSTRUCTOR ABOUT MISSED WORK AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME Missed tests and quizzes must be made up by appointment with the instructor Failure to make class assignments and/or tests/quizzes will result in a zero being recorded for that grade Passes: This is an important class I will NOT issue passes unless it is an emergency Plan accordingly Excessive requests for passes require me to consult with a parent as to the health status of their student Legitimate medical excuses obtained from the school nurse are always respected PARENTS: I value your child’s education greatly I have reviewed the course syllabus with your student in class and it would be an excellent idea for you to the same at home Students will have homework or nights a week in this course on average Reading and completing activities is a big part of this You should regularly see them reading their World History book They will have calendars of required readings on Blackboard Please ask your student to see it If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me The phone number is 520-836-8500 & my extension is 3602 I can also be reached via e-mail at cmallek@cguhsd.org I am available after school for extra help approximately three days a week This occurs between & on Mondays - Wednesdays I will inform students of other opportunities for extra help in class CLASS ROOM RULES #1 Be in your seat (Virtual or Real) prepared to learn at ALL times -Bell rings/Class time starts = you are ready to learn #2 Speak in small voices Use the chat only for class related activities #3 During class discussions speak ONLY after Raising Your Hand & being called upon In Virtual, remain muted until called upon Use the ‘raise hand’ feature to let the class know you have something to share #4 Touch ONLY what belongs to you And even if it belongs to you, only when appropriate Virtually- focus is on the class and the materials it requires only #5 Speak with intelligence Present yourself as a "professional student." Use school appropriate language Utilize the vocabulary of our subject #6 ALWAYS look busy Best accomplished by being busy…Constantly take class notes Be engaged with your learning #7 Follow ALL school rules! #8."No I give: PASSES, SUPPLIES or TISSUE" (Read as: Be prepared!!) – Have what you need to learn (including yourself) In reality there are exceptions to these things But I want you to become an independent person and rely upon yourself This rule really applies almost exclusively to the in person model #9 "Work FIRST … Play LATER." – Be about the business of learning That is what our time together is for #10 "Teach how to fish … Do not give fish." – Do your own work If you struggle it shows you are being challenged That is how we learn and grow It is ok to ask for and give help HELP IS NOT GIVING OR TAKING WORK Help should be focused on the process of how to what is challenging Giving or taking answers is cheating and will cause all involved to lose credit PARENTS →Tips For Increasing Your Student’s Success From Mr Mallek – Casa Grande Union High School- Social Studies A Be involved → Ask your student on a regular basis what they are learning about This helps you know what is happening to your student in school and helps your student to review material they have covered Ask to see what they are working on Ask questions to see if they understand the information HIGH SCHOOLERS NEED YOU STILL!!! B Provide Time → Require your student to spend at least 10 – 15 minutes a night per class working on that class If they say, “I not have homework,” or “I already did it at school,” then have them reread or review what they did in class This is great for test preparation and helps your student be in the habit of keeping up with their schoolwork This studying should happen away from TV and phones, but in a place where you can observe them working (Not their bedrooms!) In our virtual world this means try to provide a structured time and space in your home for them to school C Demand to see work → Ask your student to share what they have done with you This shows your concern and keeps you in touch with them Question them & provide your opinion With virtual learning, this means you should ask them to log into Blackboard and show you what assignments they have D Call school → Occasionally call or email your student’s teachers This sends the message to your student and their teachers that you are concerned and involved I may be reached by phone at 520-8368500 ext 3602 (while in person only) My email address is: cmallek@cguhs.org Please make sure the email we have on file is your current email that you check at least weekly You are also strongly encouraged to check your student’s grade using the “PowerSchool” link above E Be sure to praise → Students need encouragement It does not need to be cash or a new car Students are very happy to be told by someone they love and respect, that they have done well and that you are proud of them F Know What is Expected of your Student: My class expectations are as follows: READ ! –Be sure to actually read each assignment at least once It is extremely helpful to be sure that you understand what you read Quiz yourself with section questions or assignments Write ! – Complete all written assignments Take copious notes Much of what you hear in class and all of what is written or displayed by Mr Mallek should be put in your notes They help you remember and review important information Always Be Present ! – You must be in class (And on time) both physically and mentally everyday in order to get the most out of this learning experience Nothing is more important If you miss class time you should immediately find out what you missed when you return Be Prepared ! – This means you must bring all materials (Notebook, pens and assignments) with you to class everyday It also means that you should be spending the time you need at home reading, writing and studying NO LATE WORK! BE RESPECTFUL ! – To yourself, To your teacher, To your classmates To everyone! At this point in your education I will expect that you know how to properly behave in a school I demand this! Your classmates and I not have the time to waste on immature behavior This is a serious learning environment Please contact me with questions, concerns or compliments Students best when we all work together ... phones, but in a place where you can observe them working (Not their bedrooms!) In our virtual world this means try to provide a structured time and space in your home for them to school C Demand... be reached by phone at 520-8368500 ext 3602 (while in person only) My email address is: cmallek @cguhs. org Please make sure the email we have on file is your current email that you check at least

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 15:20

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