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Local managing director in a multinational enterprise who are you perspective from vietnam

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Local Managing Director in a Multinational Enterprise Who are you? Perspective from Vietnam Hoang Nguyen University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH), Vietnam Dinh Thoi Vietnamese - German University in HCMC, Vietnam Abstract Foreign direct investment (FDI) is expected not only to bring capital, technology, knowhow and managerial skills, but also to contribute to the GDP and create jobs to the host country In this paper, the mentioned job is not the general position in an enterprise, but it is the position in the fingers – the top managers/ the head managers By a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach, the results show that qualified education degree, experience, and being trusted, inspired, combined task and rich working relationship-oriented characteristics are three key factors to promote a local staf becoming managing director in FDI multinational enterprise (MNE) The findings give local stafs the directions to improve themselves professionally to meet the requirements of the managing director position; while the foreign employers can understand the characteristics of the local employees for personnel planning Keywords: Local Managing Director; Multinational Enterprise (MNE) 1.Introduction Any foreign company that operates in abroad needs employees from front stafs to middle managers and the top managers such as managing director (MD) According to the Dictionary of International Trade, “Managing Director is someone who is responsible for the daily operations of a company, organization, or corporate division In some countries, the term is equivalent to CEO (Chief Executive Officer), the executive head of a company In other countries, managing directors primarily work as the heads of individual business units within a company rather than heading up the company as a whole” In this paper, “MD” is a mention as the executive head such as CEO, CFO (Chief Financial Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer), and COO (Chief Operating Officer) of an oversea subsidiary MNE in a host country “Manager” is the head of an individual business unit Nonetheless, in the literature review section, “manager” is an umbrella term for people in the management level The question is who should be the head – an expatriate, or a local, or a local- hired foreign manager? In multinational enterprises (MNEs), hiring MD position in an oversea subsidiary is very important and depends much on the company’s recruitment policy: whether the headquarter applies a home-country national strategy which hiring home employees and send them to abroad branches as expatriates; or a host-country national strategy, which hiring the local people, or a third-country national strategy which hiring people from a third country A study by Harzing in 2001a finds that 40.8 percent of 2,689 subsidiaries had a parent-country national as MD This study also states that MNEs tended to select parent-country national for the MD positions than for other lower managing positions such as head of departments In the same line, Deresky (2011) claims that there has been a remarkable trend for multinational organizations to hire executives from foreign countries, in the belief that they “can better afect change than a homegrown executive” Recently, in a survey in 2016, ECA (Employment Conditions Abroad) International note that both Western and Asian enterprises prefer sending people from home country, train them and put them in the high position (Mayberry, 2017) However, not all MD expats are successful in their role because of high hiring cost and non-financial problems such as diferences in legal and cultural distance, stress family, overload responsibility and emotional immaturity (Selmer, 1999) Interviewing major senior management from 44 Australian and German enterprises doing business in China, Kühlmann and Hutchings (2010) indicates a trend of substituting expatriate managers by Chinese managers and local‐hired foreign managers In Vietnam, according to data from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Afairs (MOLISA), by the end of 2014, most expats are responsible for high management positions, executives, chief representatives or specialists (MOLISA, 2015) In 2011, MOLISA also announces that over 32% of foreigners working in Vietnam plays management roles, and 41% are technical experts From this regard, there is still a large room for the local people to be promoted to higher positions in the MNEs This research tries to find the answer for the question Local managing director in a FDI multinational enterprise- Who are you? The findings will give a real image of a MD that might be interesting for those who want to be MD, as well as knowledge for employers who apply the host-country national strategy for staffing Vietnam is not big country to be too crowded MNEs; however, the country is an example of a developing country with high economic growth rate, potential market growth, educated labors, and is a destination of FDI Therefore, studying this case might be relevant for similar circumstances 2.Theoretical Framework The USA Bureau of Labor Statistics (2014) shows that managers in general are efective communicators have extraordinary leadership skills, rich managerial experience, and the ability to stimulate employees Additionally, the managers must have results-orientation and innovative thoughts They have strong business-development abilities and skills to interact with clients, as well as to work well with stafs and senior managers This concept reflects fit an overall people in management level description However, besides asking for relevant capacities (candidate side), the recruitment of a MD depends heavily on parent company’ staffing strategy (employer side) In addition, leadership styles also influence stafs’ motivation and company performance; therefore, personal leadership style of the MD candidate must be a concern (in colleagues’ perspective) This paper argues that the promotion of a local to the MD position is not only determined by the candidate’s capacity, but also the headquarter ’strategy, as well as favorite candidate’s characteristics Therefore, three dimensions, which are (1) Candidate qualification, (2) Organization’s strategy, and (3) Leadership styles/ Personal characteristics, will be reviewed In this section, the word “manager” is a term for people in management level Well educated and trained degrees with deep executing experience in a particular market are almost the top requirements for a MD position Indeed, Grant and Urbanik (2013) identifies working experience including executives’ responsibilities and job experiences that shaped their know-how is one of three key categories of factor influencing of career progression to higher executive positions Moreover, Sitthipongpanich and Polsir (2013) notes that not only working experience but also qualified degree is a minimum requirement for a MD position The author presents that the director board should consist of various skills, experience, and expertise that are advantageous to the company For more specific cases, Hay and Hodgkinson (2006) claim that the key purpose of getting a MBA degree is that it leads to fast track career success, typically interpreted in terms of increased salary and higher hierarchical position In 2006, the Thai Institute of Directors Association issued Director Nomination best practices, which suggest particular board competencies and director capabilities Firstly, the management board must well controlled corporate procedures and approaches Secondly, they have best competencies in all firm’s operation, for instance, accounting and finance, organization and human resources management, risk management, crisis management, industrialization, marketing, and strategic planning In Vietnam, people who obtained Western education degrees, have deep Vietnamese market experience, speak fluent Vietnamese and English are the most hunted for the high position in MNEs (Forbes Asia, 2012a) Similarity, requirements of education and experience are easy to find in some famous recruitment websites such as vietnamworks.com, timviecnhanh.com Therefore, it is hypothesized that outstanding personal profile with qualified degrees and working experience is a positive factor on hiring Vietnamese people as MD As mentioned earlier, there are diferent types of staffing strategy: home-country national strategy, host- country national strategy, and third-country national strategy Each strategy has its own advantages and disadvantages In terms of human resource management, using host-country national for the MD position gives a better understanding the local institution, the local market (Scullion and Collings, 2006), and the local stafs for increasing their morale (Vaghefi et al., 1991) On the other hand, the host-country manager might not absorb all objectives and strategy from the parent-company because of diferences in terms of culture, educated background, language, and perception Evenly, Schniederjans et al (1998) states the probability of national loyalty confliction between foreign parent-company and local MD’s perspective On the contrary, a home-country MD is a guarantee for strictly following the business and management policies, greater control of organization, and greater cultural understanding However, this might discouraged the local-management Generally, when a foreign subsidiary has just been established, the headquarter prefers sending a homecountry national MD Then, when the business is in standard lines, a localization strategy will be applied and a host-country national MD is hired to replace the home-country national MD (García et.al, 2009) Furthermore, each company has their own decision making approach, whether centralization or decentralization Centralization means that decision-making authority is at the top of the organization; while decision-making in decentralization is authorized to the lower levels (Gomez-Mejia & Balkin, 2012) The question is whether the organizational structure and staffing strategy afects the local MD selection MOLISA’s record in 2014 that almost all foreigners who are in high management positions in MNEs in Vietnam were assigned by the native headquarters As a result, not many local people keep the role of top managers This situation leads to a hypothesis that whether the parent-company’s applies localization strategy and centralization structure to determine the local MD selection In any organization, employees are the central concern; without employees there is no performance In addition, employees are followers; consequently, they have the “power” to evaluate their supervisors positively or negatively Some managers appear to be nice and friendly; while others look too serious and dominance Nonetheless, there is no doubt that nobody wants to be untrusted On the other hand, leaders and managers can influence subordinates by their characteristics and behaviour An efective leadership can influence people However, not all managers are leaders and vice versus Most managers define a strategy, and perform executive and administration tasks based on their level; while leaders lean towards leading people in informal and unstructured way An efective manager is a person who can combine his/her official authority with the ability to inspire people Indeed, Tan (2011) and Robbins and Judge (2013) states that an organization needs both strong leadership and strong management The leaders need to be challenged in current circumstances in order to create future visions and to encourage people to achieve the common goals Meanwhile, the managers concentrate on formulating strategy, operating activities, and making productive hierarchical structures as well as making clear objectives, maintaining stable environment in order to keep people work together In the book “Một đời quản trị” (A lifetime of governance) (2017), Phan Van Truong, an advisor to the French Government on international trade writes that Vietnamese business managers often confuse leadership and management It is hypothesized that a local MD needs to have strong leadership as well as strong management skills Manager or leader is human being; they have their own characteristics; therefore, they have their own leadership style, which can be trained, or can be changed by aging, by experience, by situation, or even by heavy incidence According to Gomez-Mejia and Balkin (2012), there are four major approaches to classify types of leadership The Trait theories focus on personal characteristics that can make a person to become a leader Some certain traits are self-confidence, determination and communication skills However, some researchers proved that some traits can be learnt such as ambition, desire to lead, and high correspondence The Behavioral theories reflect leaders’ behaviors In other words, these theories try to describe leadership styles The two studies which conducted by Ohio State University (1940s) and University of Michigan (1950s) reveal subordinates reviewing most leadership behaviors The description is based on two dimensions: Consideration (at Ohio University)/ Employeeoriented behavior (at Michigan University) and Initiating- structure (at Ohio University)/ Production-oriented behavior (at Michigan University) The first dimension shows leadership’s concerns about followers in terms of feelings, needs, personal interest, well-being, and problems The second dimension refers to completing tasks such as organizing activities, responsibilities, and performance The Leadership style was first developed by Lewis and his students in 1939 They recognized two leadership styles corresponding to decision making approaches: the Autocratic style and the Democratic style For the autocratic style, the leaders make decision by themselves; while referencing subordinates ideas before making decision is in line with the democratic style Although, the democratic style satisfies workers; but the autocratic style brings better performance due to of strictly monitoring This theory also provides the third style – Laissez-faire style in which the leaders refuse to make decision The Contingency theories put the leadership styles into particular contexts In a specific occurrence, the leaders make decision which matches their behaviour in order to re-act the situation According to Fiedler’s model (1960s), leader behaviour or style was determined by three aspects of a situation: Leader-member relations; Task structure; and Position power The Fiedler’ study also supports the results from Ohio State University and University of Michigan in terms of two styles of leadership: Task-oriented and Relationship- oriented The task-oriented leadership want to see results of the tasks; they not pay much attention to the process to reach the accomplishments The people-oriented leadership care about people and try to build up good interpersonal relationships Similarly, the Directive leader style in House’s model (1971, revised 1996) also demonstrates that this kind of leader is comparable with the Initiating structure/ Production-oriented and Autocratic style in which the leaders set up almost employees’ activities from shaping targets to forming tasks, scheduling deadlines, and closely monitoring Interestingly, this model recognizes three other styles, which are similar to employee-orientation/ people-orientation as discussed earlier The leaders are warm and friendly (in Supportive leader), work with and listen to the employees (Participative leader), and motivate people by setting challenge goals (Achievement-oriented leader) By reviewing the above traditional explanation, the hypothesis is whether subordinates prefer a local MD with a task- oriented or people-oriented style In the book “Return on Character: The real reason leaders and their Companies Win”, Kiel (2015) finds that the company with CEO of strong characteristics gets 9.35% of ROA (Return on Assets) within a period of two years This ratio is times higher than a company where employees not give high appreciation to their leaders; the ROA is only 1.93% This means that leader’s characteristics are crucial for company’ succeed It can be said that the role of the administrator as a leader takes the organization forward and attracts others to follow along to achieve the goal This is only possible when the manager has the ability, bravery and good qualities that make others believe and support The Charismatic leadership theory demonstrates the leader associated with strategic vision to inspire other people, caring the needs and motivating followers to get the needs, selfconfidence, self-sacrifice, and providing idealistic role model (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, 2012) These characteristics make followers admire, trust and willing to believe their leaders Tan (2011) confirms that trust is vital to powerful initiative correspondence and collaboration Trust is a primary attribute associated with leadership; breaking it can have serious adverse efects on a group’s performance (Dirks and Ferrin, 2002) In the same line, the Transformational leadership style also emphasizes on building trust by keeping commitment, reliability and persistence to the followers as well as scarifying themself Inspiring people is one of positive characteristic of this style The leaders promote the followers intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration Likewise, motivating is not only manager’ task but also a characteristic in which the leader can motivate people by asking personal challenging goal, reinforcing desired behaviors, satisfying followers’ needs, ofering opportunities to encourage followers to use their talent, and giving reward as well (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, 2012) Talking about rewards in relations to power, either managers or leaders, they have the powers A manager has authorized power to give rewards or punishment to subordinates; but the best leaders inspire and motivate people to get spirit of discipline to work (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, 2012) The capability to afect other individuals implies that leaders have power The central point is how to use power fruitfully to influence people in order to achieve the targets In fact, some managers prefer applying the coercive power to make employees afraid and setting a distance with subordinates The size of distance depends on the national culture In countries with high power distance culture, the lower level person has to follow the higher level person without any discussion In countries with low power distance culture, the lower level person is respected and listened by the higher level person Caculating by Hofstede model1, Vietnam is a high power distance country with a score of 70, comparing to China of 80, Singapore of 74 and Thailand with a score of 64 Based on the above mentioned major characteristics of a manager/ a leader, it is hypothesized that a Vietnamese MD is high power distance, but is trusted and is an inspiring leader In summary, to test the portrait of a local MD in MNEs, this paper hypothesizes that the local stafs need to have a high education degree and rich working experience In addition, they should be a trusted person, have good ethics and capacities to inspire people However, the study also supposes that Vietnamese MD might be unclear between leadership and management and they are in large power distance In addition, the study argues that the local MD position much depends on the parent-enterprise’s policy regarding organizational structure and recruitment strategy 3.Research Methodology This study uses both qualitative and quantitative method The qualitative approach focuses on semi-structured oral in-depth face-to-face interview in order to explore new ideas and get deep thoughts and information (Boyce and Neale, 2006) People in management level in MNEs are very busy; thus getting their acceptance for interviewing is not easy 23 interviews were arranged with 11 Vietnamese and 03 foreign heads of individual business unit (as senior manager), 03 Vietnamese and 06 foreign heads of company (as MD) They have been working some MNEs in Vietnam for 12 to over 30 years The meeting took 45 minutes to 60 minutes with some questions related to the research topic with three main arguments The first question was candidate’s qualification in terms of education and working experience The second question is the organizational strategy whether the parent company applies localization and decentralization strategy The last question is the description MD’s leadership styles Data analysis generally follows these steps: (1) Coding the answers corresponding to the interviewees’ expression; (2) Categorizing the interviewee’s expression into similar or dissimilar group of ideas; (3) Interpreting the findings with interviewees’ words and sentences The quantitative approach is conducted by a sending an online questionnaire to managers and stafs who are working for MNEs in Vietnam The aim of this investigation is to collect data to draw a picture about https://www.hofstede-insights.com/models/national-culture/ education degree alike MBA or doctoral degree; but it is about professional knowledge and rich experience Beside, personal characteristic is a big concern The candidate should have both leadership and management skills; be a result-orientation person, keen on task-orientation but cannot lack of relationship-orientation Certainly, they must be trusted and know how to stimulate employees to follow, and to work together to achieve the final goals 4.2 Quantitative Data Analysis The quantitative approach in this research includes gathering both foreign and Vietnamese MDs and middle managers to discuss about the local MD position in FDI MNEs On the quantitative side, a survey was sent out to collect data to draw a picture about a local MD in local managers and employees’ description The data from 135 respondents went through descriptive analysis; reliability and validity testing; and regression application 4.3 Descriptive Analysis The Data contains 39 indicators, in which 37 measuring 09 independent factors and determining dependent factors The name of 01 dependent variable and 09 independent variables are shown in Table Based on the value of Mean in Table 1, it can be said that the respondents generally agree that Vietnamese MD needs to have qualified education degrees; not only a bachelor degree, but also higher degree(s) Especially, being excellent in English and the native language of the parent company is a compulsory Besides, people say that Vietnamese MD has to have professional working experience in MNEs and similar industry as well However, many respondents are not sure whether oversea working experience is necessary Some people clearly pointed out that in order to become a local MD, the person must have been working for at least fifteen years Table Mean’s Value of Variables Qualified education degree Working Experience QD WE Indicator s number QD1, QD2, QD3, QD4, QD5 WE1, WE2, WE3, WE4 Localization Strategy Centralization LS LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4, LS5 CS CS1, CS2, CS3 MLS MLS1, MLS2, MLS3, MLS4 Factor Management and Leadership skills Task and Relationship Code TRL TRL1, TRL2, TRL3, TRL4 Orientation Power distance leader PD PD1, PD2, PD3 Trustworthy leader TL TL1, TL2, TL3, TL4, TL5 Inspire leader IL IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4 OV OV1,OV2 Overall Vietnamese MD Average of Mean (N=135) 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.8 3.7 3.7 Regarding the organizational policy, the respondents totally agree that Vietnamese MD is only hired if the parent company applies the host-national strategy to localization the subsidiary business The respondents realize that hiring a local MD can reduce cost and cultural barrier However, some of them think that it is not easy to find a candidate who meets the employer’s expectation But this does not mean that it is impossible The respondents also recognize that the companies which employ the local MD follow the centralization organizational structure However, the structure is quite flexible to adapt to the current situation in the local and global market In term of leadership style and characteristics of a local MD, the respondents show some evaluation and comparison between Vietnamese MDs, Asian MDs, and Western MDs Generally, the respondents agree that a MD have both management and leadership skills They take both Task-oriented and Relationship-oriented styles to achieve better performance The MDs often make decision by themselves without referencing the others’ ideas Mostly, MDs get trust from subordinates and have the ability to influence people Setting the clear goal, ready to give advice, supportive, fairness, and respected behavior are among inspired ways of the local MD Table represents some comparison in the leadership styles of Vietnamese, Asian, and Western MD Table Leadership Style’s Comparison Leadership style Management and leadership skill Task oriented and Relationship oriented styles Power distance Trustworthy leader Inspiration Comparison Vietnamese MDs spend more time for monitoring; while Asian MDs are quite flexible based on specific situation; Western MDs pay more attention on building long-term strategy All three of them focus on task and results, but Vietnamese MD pay less attention to it Asian MDs are flexible in changing the oversea business organizational structure to adapt the changing of market; while Western MDs make clear KPI and create working environment This also a weakness of Vietnamese MD similar in power distance Both isVietnamese and Asian MDs are quite level, but the Mean value is not too high They are serious because of heavy responsibility At the same time, Western MDs try to close the gap withthese subordinates Among MDs, Western MDs get the highest Mean value, while Vietnamese and Asian MDs get a little bit lower value, but still very high Western MDs get the highest Mean value, the second place Again, belongs to Asian MDs, following by Vietnamese MDs Both Western and Asian MDs influence people by building trust and matching works and their decisions; while Vietnamese MDs convince employees by their professional knowledge Overall, more than 70% of the respondents agree that Vietnamese MD has the ability to replace the foreign MD However, the local people prefer working for foreign MD in order to learn from diferences This is understandable because Western MDs always get higher Mean values in leadership style and personal characteristics Although the assumption is based on scientific evidence, people often said that “A prophet is without honor in his own country” 4.4 Reliability Testing Analysis Cronbach's Alpha reliability index indicates whether the measurements are linked or not Alpha values: greater than 0.8 are good measures; 0.7 to 0.8 is usable; 0.6 or more is possible in case the research concept is new or new in the research context (Nunally, 1978; Peterson, 1994; Slater, 1995) Based on the value of “Corrected Item-Total Correlation”, the observations with variable coefficients are small (less than 0.3), which not contribute much to the description of the concept under investigation will be discarded The scale is chosen if Alpha reliability is greater than 0.6 (Nunally and Burnstein 1994) After running the reliability test, 02 whole independent variables including Management and Leadership Skills, and Power Distance are exclusive 06 independents variables remain with 27 indicators The dependent variable is lasted with 02 indicators Table Reliability Analysis Result Factors Items Deleted items Qualified Degree QD1, QD2, QD3, QD4, QD5 WE1, WE2, WE3, WE4 LS1, LS2, LS3, LS4, LS5 CS1, CS2, CS3 QD3, QD4, Remaining items Cronbach’ s Alpha #3 0.631 None #4 0.724 None #5 0.649 None #3 0.640 MLS1, MLS2, MLS3, MLS4 TRL1, TRL2, TRL3, TRL4 PD1, PD2, PD3 All #0 0.399 TRL1 #3 0.828 All #0 0.148 Trustworthy Leadership Inspiring Leadership TL1, TL2, TL3, TL4, TL5 IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4 None #5 0.873 None #4 0.886 Overall VN MD CS1, CS2 None #2 0.711 Working Experience Localization Strategy Centralisation Structure Management Leadership skills Task & Relationship orientation Power Distance 4.5 & Validity Testing (Exploratory Factor Analysis - EFA) Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is applied to clarify the validity of the construct as well as to find the various relationships among these items, then re-group or reducing the number of dimensions (Morgan, Leech, Gloeckner, & Barrett, 2012) The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value is used to examine the appropriate of factor analysis According to Mayers, Gamst, and Guarino (2006), the method of extracting Pricipal Components Analysis coupled with Varimax rotation is the most commonly used method Loading factor is the norm to ensure the true level of EFA For Hair et al (1998, 111), factor loading> 0.3 is considered to be the minimum, > 0.4 is considered important, > 0.5 is considered to be practical Therefore, 0.5 ≤ KMO ≤ coefficient is an index used to determine the suitability of factor analysis In addition, suppress absolute values is useful for suppressing the factor loadings Any factors that are lower than a chosen value are excluded Stevens (1992) recommends the value greater than 0.4 (which explain around 16% of variance) Child (2006) suggests the value less than 0.3; while Ho (2006) says 0.33 Field (2000) chose for a value of 0.50 In this study, the suppress absolute values is chosen less than 0.4 (exactly 0.44) Here is the result from EFA analysis for independents variables with 27 indicators: KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure Bartlett's Test of Sphericity of Sampling Adequacy Approx ChiSquare df Sig .828 1794.810 351 000 Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative % of Cumulativ % of Cumulativ Componen Total Variance % Total Variance e Total Variance e t1 7.486 27.727 27.727 7.486 27.727 % 27.727 7.327 27.138 % 27.138 3.804 14.088 41.815 3.804 14.088 41.815 2.287 8.469 35.607 1.696 6.282 48.097 1.696 6.282 48.097 2.205 8.167 43.775 1.623 6.010 54.107 1.623 6.010 54.107 2.169 8.032 51.807 1.159 4.293 58.399 1.159 4.293 58.399 1.746 6.468 58.275 1.107 4.102 62.501 1.107 4.102 62.501 1.141 4.226 62.501 997 3.694 66.195 946 3.504 69.699 862 3.194 72.893 10 798 2.955 75.848 11 789 2.921 78.769 12 730 2.705 81.474 13 650 2.408 83.882 14 555 2.057 85.939 15 503 1.862 87.801 16 486 1.801 89.603 17 385 1.427 91.030 18 361 1.338 92.367 19 341 1.264 93.632 20 299 1.107 94.739 21 293 1.084 95.823 22 244 904 96.727 23 221 818 97.545 24 197 729 98.274 25 185 686 98.960 26 157 580 99.540 27 124 460 100.000 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotated Component Matrixa Component TL4 859 TL3 844 TRL4 836 IL2 825 IL3 809 IL4 805 IL1 800 TRL3 774 TL5 766 TL1 696 TRL2 652 TL2 570 WE3 782 WE2 733 WE4 639 QD1 797 QD2 756 WE1 497 510 QD5 LS4 689 LS5 649 LS3 624 LS1 586 LS2 477 CS3 768 CS1 746 CS2 445 Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in iterations From the above result, 06 news independent variables are grouped which quite match with the 03 arguments as early mention that the local MD is influenced by Recruitment requirements, Organization’s strategy, and Leadership styles/ Personal characteristics The Table presents news variables as following: Table Variables for Regression Model Factors ID1 (PC) reflects leadership style/ personal characteristics ID (WE) represents recruitment requirements ID (QD) represents recruitment requirements ID (LS) denote organization’s policy ID (CS) denote organization’s policy ID6 (CMD) denote organization’s policy Items Task-Orientation style Trustworthy leader Inspiration leader Working Experience Indicators TRL2, TRL3, TRL4 TL1, TL2, TL3, TL4, TL5 IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4 WE2, WE3, WE4 Qualified Education Degree QD1, QD2, WE1 Localization Strategy LS1, LS3, LS4, LS5 Centralization Structure CS1, CS3 Centralization in making decision CS2 Noted that QD5 (Qualified degree) has value of 0.336 4.6 Regression Test Regression is a statistical measure used to predict and determine the strength of the relationship between two variables The dependent variable, denoted y, is regarded as the outcome which is influenced by the independent variables, denoted x, are the major factors for explanatory (Sekaran and Bougie 2013) In this study, overall local MD (Y) is dependent variable that is influenced by leadership style/ personal characteristics (X1) including Task-Orientation style, Trustworthy leader, and Inspiration leader; Recruitment requirements including Working Experience (X2) and Qualified Education Degree (X3); and Organization’s policy including Localization Strategy (X4), Centralization Structure (X5), and Centralization in making decision (X6) Y = a + b1XPC + b2XWE + b3XQD + b4XLS + b5XCS + b6XCMD + u Where a is the intercept, b is the slope, and u is the regression residual The result from the regression analysis is as following: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square 792a 627 610 Std Error of the Estimate 62468042 a Predictors: (Constant), Centralization in making decision, Centralization structure, Localization strategy, Qualified degree, Working experience, Leadership style R value is at 792 mean there are considered relationship between dependent variable and its independent variables The R Square value of 0.627 indicates that the dependent variable (Overall local MD) can be explained by the above independent variables In the next ANOVA table, the Sig is 0.000 reflects the statistical significance of the model, in which the dependent variable is predicted well ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig Regression 84.051 14.009 35.899 000a Residual 49.949 128 390 Total 134.000 134 a.Predictors: (Constant), Centralization in making decision, Centralization structure Localization strategy, Qualified degree, Working experience, Leadership style b.Dependent Variable: Overall local MD From the Coefficients table, there are variables that are Leadership Style, Working Experience, and Qualified Degree has sig less than 0.005 Both Localization strategy and Centralization are non-significance Coefficientsa Unstandardize d Coefficients Model Standardize d Coefficients Beta t Sig .000 1.000 418 7.751 000 054 620 11.481 000 250 054 250 4.639 000 Localization strategy 064 054 064 1.183 239 Centralization structure 038 054 038 696 488 -.017 054 -.017 -.316 753 B Std Error (Constant) -1.638E-16 054 Leadership style 418 054 Working experience 620 Qualified degree Centralization in making decision a Dependent Variable: Overall local MD The relationship equation is as below: Y = -.163 + 418*XLS + 620*XWE + 0.052*XQD+ 054 The result shows that the Localization strategy and Centralization are not statistically significant They not statistically impact the dependent variable – Overall local MD But it does not mean that they are meaningless factors To some extent, it is understandable that the host-national strategy and organizational centralization are not decisive factors for selecting a local MD The market is a battlefield; the company needs a commander who can lead the business to the peak of glory If a local candidate satisfies all requirements, the parent company has no reason to pay a high fee and high risk for sending a home-nation MD who does not deeply understand the internal market Among these three variables, Working Experience (.620) is the most influential factor, the second is leadership style (.418), and the last one is qualified education degree (.250) In Vietnamese education system, qualified degree is an approval for good knowledge and gets more competencies In fact, degree does not reflect a person’s knowledge However, holding higher degree is holding more chances to get better job It is just a psychology issue That is why the current MDs talk about qualified degree while a part of the respondents (who are in managers’ level and stafs’ level) think that a MD should have a graduated degree Besides, fluent English communication is a requirement due to international working environment At this moment, it is not difficult to improve English skill, so English skill is a must, not a priority as ten years ago As showed in the research, fifteen working years in MNEs is a minimum period that one person needs before getting promoted to MD position in Vietnam Actually, this period depends on company size and the products/services of company In manufacturing industry, experience either in starting up a new business, or handling big projects, or spending in several key positions are good points for MD position Vietnamese people prefer stable jobs They might work for a long time, even for their whole life in only one company; therefore, they lack diversified working environment’s experience This might be a disadvantage on their way to become a MD in a FDI MNE Certainly, MD is the top position in company; professional knowledge is definitely a compulsory However, experience looks more superior Ghattas, Sofer, and Peleg (2014) state that experience gained through past process execution is one of criteria driving the decision making Similarly, Lasmane and Briksnis (2014) find that one of the factors that influence the decision-making of a CEO is individual experience, which includes beliefs, values, likes and dislikes In the leading position, MDs have heavy responsibility on the success of the company They work and deal with people from the headquarter, subordinates, customers, partners, and competitors on a daily basis The leadership styles of MDs might afect people, working atmosphere, organization’s culture, and company performance Bertrand and Schoar (2003) report that diferent leadership style, diferent behavior leads to diferent decision making and diferent performance In this study, three major characteristics are tested: whether a local MD is task-orientation or relationship-orientation, whether the local MD can inspire and get trust from subordinate Like foreign MDs, Vietnamese MDs always focus on results as first priority Task assignment is the equipment to get expected performance However, if employees not accomplish their tasks, there is no achievement Mishra and Mishra (2013) state that CEOs of small companies can directly embrace all works; but not put fingers too depth Thus, task and relationship cannot separate nowadays A MD has to apply both of these styles to direct the company business Building code of conduct (COC) and organizational culture are one of the efective ways to match task delivery and people encouragement Caring people, convincing people is a job of MDs In this day and age, the market is changing rapidly and afected by technology changes, international trade changes, new entrants, new competitors, new business patterns and others Consequently, MDs have to quickly response to the change by redefining company internal and external resources and reshaping the organizational structure as well This asks for inspirational skills to attract the followers first Horwitch and Whipple (2014) express that “inspirational skills are exactly what today’s environment requires” From this study, what the employees expect from the local MD is their voice in protecting their financial and non-financial benefits As culture, the local MD is expected to care not only employees’ jobs but also employee individual life such as school for children Additionally, in Vietnamese culture (and Asian as well), people said that “Praise in public, Criticize in private”, to some extent this is a way to inspire people Sometimes, separating work and personal business is not always helpful Correspondingly, caring people is one of the ways to inspire followers Another linking issue is trust Trust is a positive inspiration and a vital matter in any organization When MDs are trusted by employees, it is easier for them to convince people; subsequently, working together to get the best performance Therefore, trustworthy is a required characteristic of a MD Mishra and Mishra (2013) believed that “leaders are critical to developing trust in an organization” The MDs need to build mutual trust and rebuild mutual trust, not only in management board, executives and subordinates but also in the whole company In professional working environment in MNEs, trusted leader is one of key factors that help company to survive and develop in globalization This study shows that Vietnamese MDs have tried their best to build trust and encourage people to tell the truth Transparency in policies and relationships, be a mirror for the employees, or be hungry to get feedback from employees are some good examples Table is a summary of qualitative and quantitative results All factors are supported in qualitative analysis while only 05 per 09 factors are accepted in quantitative analysis Although the Localization strategy and Centralization structure are denoted for organization’ policies are reliability and validity; they are not statistically significant in regression analysis Table Summary of Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Results Factors Qualitative result Quantitative result Qualified Degree Working Experience Supported Qualified education and knowledge is important Working experience is a crucial requirement Accepted Localization Strategy Supported Rejected Centralisatio n Structure Supported Management & Leadership skills Task & Relationshi p orientation Power Distance Trustworthy Leadership Supported Inspiring Leadership Supported Recruiting a local MD is indeed depended on organization policy Both foreign and local MDs prefer centralization organizational structure cannot separate management and leadership skills Task and Relationshiporiented must be combined the power distance is depended on individual trustworthy is one of regular characteristic of managers inspiring employees is MD’s job Supported Supported Supported Supported Accepted Graduated degree, English professional working experience in MNEs and similar industry Rejected Rejected Accepted Rejected take both Taskoriented and Relationship- oriented styles Accepted MDs get trust from subordinates Accepted MDs have capacity in influencing people 5.Conclusion Vietnamese MD in FDI MNEs – Who are you? The qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate as follows: In terms of personal qualification to meet the requirements of recruitments, the MD must have qualified degrees, excellent English, professional/technical background Besides, a professional managerial working experience is required; experience in being MD position, international working environment is a plus Regarding the organization’s policy where MNEs apply host-national strategy or centralization organizational structure can influence the recruitment outcome; but these factors are not decisive While companies from Asian countries such as China, Japan, or Korea are more likely to stick to a home-national strategy, the Western MNEs are willing to transfer “power” to the local MD if they are qualified Concerning leadership style/ personal characteristics of a MD, the management and leadership skills and power distance are not statistically significant This means these factors are not big concerns Being trusted and inspired are the most interesting characteristics Trust and inspiration are obligatory to make people become followers Consistently, task delivery follow up taking caring employees Those are portrait of a MD that a Vietnamese candidate should consider in order to become a MD of a FDI MNE in Vietnam In addition, there are some sharings from the current MDs both foreign and Vietnamese to answer the question: How to promote a local staf to be a MD in a Multinational enterprise? The chance to be promoted to MD is reserved to everybody The candidates should get knowledge about foreign culture, realize the cultural gaps, and fulfill the gaps The local MD has to play as a bridge to connect local subsidiary and oversea headquarter “Think Global, 39 Act Local” may be an appropriate strategy Professional or technical knowledge is necessary, but soft skills make diferences The candidate should sincerely learn from supervisors, from colleagues, and by practicing The important thing is the ability to lead 39 people Leadership style can be learnt and trained A typical MD should have some characters such as responsibility, passionate, decisiveness, sharps and preciseness, fast thinking and thinking out of the box, and good social skills.Last but not least, to be local MD, the candidate needs a little of luck This study contains some limitations The first limitation is sample Due to the difficulty in taking time of MDs; the study did … interviews The MDs are working for MNEs in manufacturing and production industry only The second limitation is the framework There are many factors influence on becoming MD position; however, this study stays within 03 dimensions: candidate qualification, organization’s policy, and leadership style/ personal characteristics Among plenty of leader’s characteristics, this paper focuses on only management and leadership style, task and people orientation, power distance, trustworthy and inspiration The sample size for survey is expected to be larger For future research, the test should either include internal factors (personal characteristics) and external factors (macro environment factors and internal company factors), or focus on local-foreign hired and Vietnamese overseas./ Reference Bertrand, M., Schoar, A (2003) Managing with Style: The Efect of Managers on Firm policies The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol cxviii, issue Boyce, C., Neale, P (2006) Conducting In-Depth Interview: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-Depth Interviews for Evaluation Input Pathfinder International Tool Series, Monitoring and Evaluation-2 Child, D (2006) The essentials of factor analysis Continuum, London Deresky, H (2011) International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures : Text and Cases Prentice Hall Dirks, K.T., and Ferrin, D.L (2002) Trust in Leadership: Meta-Analytic Findings and Implications for Research and Practice, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87 (4), 611-628 Field, A (2000) Discovering Statistics using SPSS for Windows SAGE Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi Forbes Asia (2012a) Interview with a “Plus” Atlantic Research Technologies, L.L.C García, C., Sebastian, R., Anne-Wil, H (2009) Management of International Staf IESE, DPON-79-E Ghattas, J., Sofer, Peleg (2014) Improving Business Process Decision Making Based On Past Experience, Volume 59, Pages 93-107 Ho, R (2006) Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis and Interpretation with SPSS Chapman & Hall/CRC, New York Horwitch, M., Whipple, M (2014) Leaders Who Inspire: A 21st-Century Approach to Developing your Talent Bain & Company Gomez-Mejia, L R., Balkin, D B (2012) Management: People, Performance, Change International Edition, Pearson Education Grant, A.K., Urbanik, G (2012) CIO to CEO, Barriers and Success factor Institute for Research on Technology Management and Organizational Learning, Ted Rogers School of IT Management, Ryerson University Hair, J F., Tatham, R.L., Anderson, R.E, Black, W., (1998) Multivariate Data Analysis Pearson Hay, A., Hodgkinson, M (2006) Exploring MBA career success Career Development International, 11(2), pp 108-124 Harzing, A.W.K (2001a) Who’s in charge? 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(2010) indicates a trend of substituting expatriate managers by Chinese managers and local? ??hired foreign managers In Vietnam, according to data from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Afairs... research tries to find the answer for the question Local managing director in a FDI multinational enterprise- Who are you? The findings will give a real image of a MD that might be interesting... common goals Meanwhile, the managers concentrate on formulating strategy, operating activities, and making productive hierarchical structures as well as making clear objectives, maintaining stable

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