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A Body Politic to Govern- The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I

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University of Tennessee, Knoxville Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 8-2011 A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I Teddy W Booth II University of Tennessee, twbooth2@gmail.com Recommended Citation Booth, Teddy W II, "A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2011 https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/1061 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange For more information, please contact trace@utk.edu To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Teddy W Booth II entitled "A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in History Jeri L McIntosh, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Robert Bast, Thomas Burman, Heather Hirschfeld Accepted for the Council: Dixie L Thompson Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I A Dissertation Presented for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Teddy W Booth August 2011 ii Copyright © 2011 by Teddy W Booth All rights reserved iii Dedication To my loving wife Kristen who has supported me through all of this and to my two joys Eliza and Daisy All I is for you three iv Acknowledgements I completed this dissertation at the University of Tennessee Department of History under the sage guidance of Dr J L McIntosh I am grateful to her for all of her wisdom, advice, and belief in both me and this project Without her mentoring, encouragement, and stringent editing, I not think this project would have been completed I was also quite fortunate to complete my graduate studies at the University of Tennessee during the time of the formation of the Marco Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies The formation of this institute has broadened the classes that I was able to take as well as increased the reputation and regard for both the faculty and school throughout the country This is well-deserved I would also like to thank my original advisor, Dr Robert Bast From the first, he believed in me and my ability to complete this project He has made an impression on me through his pedagogy in the classroom, advice on seminar papers, and this dissertation I was also fortunate enough to have Dr Thomas Burman on my committee His knowledge of the medieval roots of humanism coupled with the many hours I studied or consulted with him over Latin translations were invaluable to both this project and my understanding of the classics in the early modern age I was also fortunate enough to have Dr Heather Hirschfeld, the Rigsby Director of the Marco Medieval and Renaissance Institute, on my committee I would also like to thank the University of Tennessee‘s Department of History for funding two research trips to the United Kingdom under the Galen Broecker Fellowship These trips were invaluable to me in my progress in research and as a historian as I was allowed to examine many primary documents firsthand I would also like to extend thanks to the Phillip‘s Faculty Development Fund at Milligan College where I, as a Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Humanities, also received supplemental funding to pursue my research There are also numerous others to thank such as my parents and some of my fellow students—especially Jason whose friendship helped me stay focused on this program I would also like to thank my dear friend Heather who in the midst of her own Ph.D program gave support when it was needed the most Most of all I thank God for providing me the blessing and inspiration to finish through the love of my sweet wife Kristen, and my two daughters Eliza and Daisy v Abstract ―A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I‖ is a study that examines the influence between the virtues and thoughts of the political humanists of the Italian Renaissance, and the political persona of England‘s Elizabeth I In order to this I have dealt with questions concerning how Elizabeth constructed literary works such as letters and speeches, as well the style in which she governed England I have studied Elizabeth‘s works and methods within their literary and historical contexts This has included the examination of the works of relevant humanist contemporaries such as her own advisors, Members of Parliament, and fellow monarchs In the course of my research I have traveled to libraries and archives in the United States, England, and Scotland to study original manuscripts when possible as well as microfilm copies of the originals in other cases My focus was to examine the literary works of Elizabeth I within their historical contexts in order to see what possible influence might be discernible from contemporary humanist as well as classical sources In this dissertation I demonstrate a discernible influence between the thoughts and virtues of political humanism upon the public presentation of Elizabeth I‘s political persona Elizabeth exemplified the virtues of political humanism through her dedication to the vita activa, amor patriae, and service to the greater good of her realm In so doing I argue that Elizabeth presented herself as a prince stressing her classical education and divine-sanction as the authority by which she ruled England‘s government and church vi Table of Contents Introduction Context of the dissertation Elizabeth and gender Gender and Elizabeth‘s ―body politic‖ Sources of the study Preview of Study Chapter 1: The humanism of the young Elizabeth Elizabeth‘s juvenilia under Henry VIII Elizabeth‘s works under Edward VI A switch of language Later writings under Edward VI Elizabeth‘s works under Mary I Conclusion Chapter 2: Elizabeth‘s early years as Queen Introduction Elizabeth I and sixteenth-century rhetoric Elizabeth‘s humanist influences The early days of Elizabeth‘s government Marriage and the succession Elizabeth as scholar and patroness of learning Elizabeth as supreme governor of religion Mary Stewart and the Northern Rebellion of 1569 Conclusion Chapter 3: Elizabeth‘s middle years as Queen Introduction Marriage and the succession Religious reforms Foreign affairs The case of Mary Stewart Conclusion Chapter 4: Elizabeth‘s later years as Queen Introduction The Spanish and the 1588 Armada Henri IV of France The Earl of Essex and Ireland A political humanist prince until the end Conclusion Conclusion The influence of political humanism after Elizabeth Conclusion Select Bibliography 14 18 26 30 41 47 51 54 60 62 64 67 74 79 92 103 107 124 125 126 141 159 167 181 182 183 195 206 220 239 241 247 249 252 vii Vita 268 viii Abbreviations ACFLO Elizabeth I: Autograph Compositions and Foreign Language Originals, ed Janel Mueller and Leah Marcus [Chicago University Press, 2003] BL British Library CSP Calendar of State Papers Domestic: Edward, Mary and Elizabeth, 154780, 1581-90, 1591-94, 1595-97, 1598-1601, 1601-03, ed Mary A Everrett, [London, 1870] Calendar of State Papers Edward VI, ed C S Knighton [London, 1992] Calendar of State Papers Mary, ed C S Knighton [London, 1998] CW Elizabeth I: Collected Works, ed L S Marcus, J Mueller, and M B Rose [Chicago University Press, 2000] Hartley T E Hartley, ed., Proceedings in the Parliaments of Elizabeth I, vols., (Leicester, England, 1981-1995) LP Brewer and Gairdner, eds Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic of the Reign of Henry VIII…[London, 1864-1905] NAS National Archives of Scotland, Edinburgh RH Register House TNA The National Archives, Kew (formerly PRO) 253 Primary Sources London: British Library MSS Additional C.92, 23240, 33271, 32379 Cotton Caligua C III Cotton Charter IV.38 Cotton Titus, C.VI., F.I Cotton Otho C.X Cotton Vespasian F.III Facsimile 218 Harley 6986, 6798 Lansdowne 94, 1236 Royal D.X., 18.B.VI Sloane 401 London: Lambeth Palace Library MSS STC 6428, sigs Hh.i r-Ll.i.v PF419.5I6 Oxford: 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Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I? ?? is a study that examines the influence between the virtues and thoughts of the political humanists of the Italian Renaissance, and the political. .. sustain her political image as sovereign This dissertation further contends that this political humanism which stressed the civic virtues of amor patriae, the vita activa, and the good of the state

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    University of Tennessee, Knoxville

    Trace: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange

    A Body Politic to Govern: The Political Humanism of Elizabeth I