Undergraduate Student Government, Kent Campus Sponsor: Director Moore Co-Sponsors: Director Kierstead, Chief of Staff Wolford, Director Waligura, Director Novick, Senator Taylor, Senator Neipsuj Legislative Code: GA/B/F19/04 Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019 A Bill to fund the 2019 Advocacy Days at the Ohio Statehouse Whereas, the operations of the government of Ohio directly impact the students of Kent State University, Whereas, the Ohio Statehouse is the seat of the State legislature, which has primary jurisdiction over KSU and other State universities, Whereas, a trip to the Statehouse would help members of the Undergraduate Student Government become more informed about policy concerns that are relevant to Kent State students, Whereas, a meeting with state legislators will allow the members of the Undergraduate Student Government to make valuable connections with the State Legislature, Therefore, BE IT ENACTED by the Undergraduate Student Senate of the Kent Campus, acting in full session, that the Undergraduate Student Government: Will allot $1,500 to fund the Advocacy Days program of the Committee on Governmental Affairs, which will consist of a trip, by the hereinafter described delegation, to the Ohio Statehouse to meet with several State officials, including several State legislators Will send a delegation which shall consist of the Director of Governmental Affairs and such other students as the Director of Governmental Affairs shall determine