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Imperial Priests and Martyrs- Pretexts for State Violence and Rel

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City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects CUNY Graduate Center 9-2015 Imperial Priests and Martyrs: Pretexts for State Violence and Religious Change in France, 1848-1871 Benjamin Tyner Graduate Center, City University of New York How does access to this work benefit you? Let us know! More information about this work at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu/gc_etds/1165 Discover additional works at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY) Contact: AcademicWorks@cuny.edu IMPERIAL PRIESTS AND MARTYRS Pretexts for State Violence and Religious Change in France, 1848-1871 by BENJAMIN TYNER A dissertation submitted to the Graduate Faculty in History in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy The City University of New York 2015 ii 2015 Benjamin Tyner Some rights reserved This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ iii This manuscript has been read and accepted for the Graduate Faculty in History to satisfy the dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy _ Date _ DAVID TROYANSKY, Chair of Examining Committee _ Date _ HELENA ROSENBLATT, Executive Officer Supervisory Committee: _ EVELYN ACKERMAN _ DAGMAR HERZOG _ BRENNA MOORE iv Abstract Imperial Priests and Martyrs: Pretexts for State Violence and Religious Change in France, 1848-1871 by Benjamin Tyner Advisor: Professor David Troyansky This dissertation examines the lives and political significance of five French Catholic priests who were murdered between 1848 and 1871 Using French newspapers, printed religious texts and pamphlets, hagiographic biographies and other sources, I show the many ways in which French priests were wittingly and unwittingly used by the French Second Republic (1848-52), Second Empire (1852-70) and the Paris Commune (1871) and Third Republic (1870-1940) Archbishop of Paris Denis Auguste Affre (1848), Saint Augustin Schoeffler (1851), Archbishop of Paris Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour (1857), Saint Théophane Vénard (1861), and Archbishop of Paris Georges Darboy (1871) were all killed more for their relationship to the French state than for their religious beliefs In mid-nineteenth-century France, martyrdom served as a powerful cultural symbol demarcating good and evil and identifying appropriate targets for violence Despite the ultimately secular causes of their deaths, all of the murdered priests discussed (except Sibour) were called martyrs by those who found them inspiring, motivating and useful and were subsequently used as pretexts for asymmetrical violence visited upon those held accountable for their murder, only contributing to their reputation as members of an imperial priesthood I show how a series of political decisions made in the 1850s by French Catholics allied with the archbishops of Paris increasingly tied institutional French Catholicism to the government of the Second Empire for its survival But by tying themselves ever closer to the empire, the archbishops of Paris became vulnerable to changing attitudes towards the empire itself When the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1) swept the empire away the government that followed (ulti- v mately as the Third Republic) seemed ready to scapegoat Paris for all French woes In desperation, members of the Paris Commune (1871) expressed their frustration at the previous decades with the demolition of imperial symbols, including the imperial priesthood itself vi Acknowledgments This manuscript required contributions from so many I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Graduate Center, CUNY, for allowing me the opportunity to pursue this course of study and the time needed to complete it I would also like to thank my entire committee for their patience and advice In particular, I’m sincerely grateful for the time and encouragement offered by Professor Evelyn Ackerman and the dedicated and detailed support given to me by my advisor, Professor David Troyansky Without their help this manuscript would never have been completed In addition, I’m profoundly thankful for Union College, which employed me, supported my dissertation needs and provided encouragement and financial support My colleagues in the Humanities department at Union College took every opportunity to protect my time, to offer me wisdom and counseling, and to make excuses for responsibilities I neglected in favor of dissertation work I’d like to thank my friends for their unwavering confidence in me and for their willingness to provide help whenever it was needed With all of my heart, I thank my parents, Stuart and Karen Tyner, and my siblings, Erin Miller and Matt Tyner, who offered constant emotional availability and always-optimistic assessments of my progress I’m so thankful for Gabriel and Lyra, who cheerfully sacrificed many hours of time with their father Most of all, I’m grateful for Jenny, without whom none of this was remotely possible, who gave up countless professional opportunities and carried unequal domestic burdens along the way, and who nevertheless believed in me and rooted for me from start to finish Thank you, Jenny, I love you vii Dedication For Georgette: There is no finer life viii Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgments Dedication List of Illustrations Introduction Chapter 1: 1848 - Post-Springtime Wilt Chapter 2: 1850s - The Crucible of Crimea Chapter 3: 1850s - Debris of Demons Chapter 4: 1860s - Down with the Goddesses Conclusion Bibliography iv vi vii ix 20 65 116 176 243 247 ix List of Illustrations Frédéric Sorrieu, La République universelle démocratique et sociale - Le Pacte, 1848 From: L’Histoire par l’image, http://www.histoireimage.org/pleincadre/index.php?i=80&id_sel=undefined (accessed June 22, 2012) 28 “Martyrs Morts pour l'Ordre et la République.” Print reproduction (by author) from: Chez Bèz et Dubreuil, June 1848 34 Honoré Daumier, “Dernier conseil des ex ministres.” Le Charivari, March 9, 1848 From: Benjamin A and Julia M Trustman Collection of Honoré Daumier Lithographs, Robert D Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department, Brandeis University, http://bir.brandeis.edu/handle/10192/2114 (accessed June 22, 2012) 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