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Condition Assessment Technologies for Drinking Water and Wastewater Pipelines: State-of-the-Art Literature and Practice Review

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Condition Assessment Technologies for Drinking Water and Wastewater Pipelines: State-of-the-Art Literature and Practice Review Nisha Thuruthy Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science In Environmental Engineering Sunil K Sinha Marc E Edwards Gerardo W Flintsch May 1, 2012 Blacksburg, VA Keywords: asset management, pipelines, condition assessment, drinking water, wastewater, utility case studies, literature review Copyright 2012 Condition Assessment Technologies for Drinking Water and Wastewater Pipelines: State-of-the-Art Literature and Practice Review Nisha Thuruthy ABSTRACT Aging and deteriorating drinking water and wastewater pipelines have become a major problem in the United States, warranting significant federal attention and regulation Many utilities have begun or improved programs to manage the renewal of their water and wastewater pipes and are proactively managing their pipeline assets rather than reactively fixing them However, the extensive size of drinking water and wastewater systems and the severity of the deterioration problem are such that it is important to prioritize renewal, by assessing the condition of the pipelines and resolving the most severe situations first There is a variety of condition assessment technologies and methodologies available and in current use This research incorporates an extensive literature review on actual cases of use of these various condition assessment technologies and techniques This research also compiles information gathered through interviews and data mining work with utilities across the United States The combination of case studies collected through literature review and case studies collected directly from utility sources about actual application of drinking water and wastewater pipeline condition assessment practices used have made it possible to synthesize the current practices and trends regarding pipeline condition assessment in the United States The synthesis also allows for the identification of key lessons learned that should be considered by utilities when implementing condition assessment of pipelines Recommendations have also been made for research priorities for filling utility needs TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Figures vi List of Tables ix List of Abbreviations x Introduction Condition Assessment Technologies for Drinking Water Pipelines: State-of-the-Art Literature and Practice Review Abstract Introduction Condition Assessment Technologies Visual/Camera Acoustic Based Methods Laser Based Methods Electric and Electromagnetic Based Methods 10 Flow Based Methods 12 Physical Force Based Methods 12 Temperature Based Methods 13 Environmental Testing 13 Other Methods 14 State-of-the-Art Literature Review for Technology Use 15 Definition of Scope 15 Reports Reviewed 15 Technology Use in Literature Sources Reviewed 16 State-of-the-Art Practice Review for Technology Use 38 Definition of Scope 38 Methods for Data Mining 38 Utility Practices Covered 39 Conclusions and Recommendations 57 iii Acknowledgements 57 References 57 Condition Assessment Technologies for Wastewater Pipelines: State-of-the-Art Literature and Practice Review 62 Abstract 62 Introduction 62 Condition Assessment Technologies 63 Visual and Camera Methods 64 Acoustic Based Methods 69 Laser Based Methods 74 Electric and Electromagnetic Based Methods 74 Flow Based Methods 77 Physical Force Based Methods 78 Temperature Based Methods 79 Environmental Testing 80 Other Methods 81 State-of-the-Art Literature Review for Technology Use 82 Definition of Scope 82 Reports Reviewed 83 Technology Use Information Found in Literature Sources Reviewed 83 Synthesis of Literature Reviewed 112 State-of-the-Art Practice Review for Technology Use 112 Definition of Scope 112 Methods for Data Mining 112 Utility Practices Covered 113 Synthesis of Practice Reviewed 126 Conclusions and Recommendations 128 Acknowledgements 129 References 129 Summary 134 Main Findings and Conclusions: Drinking Water Utility Practices 134 iv Main Findings and Conclusions: Wastewater Utility Practices 137 Recommendations for Future Research 139 Conclusions 140 References 141 Appendix A: Guiding Questions for Drinking Water Utilities 142 Appendix B: Guiding Questions for Wastewater Utilities 146 Appendix C: Utility Data Mining Process 150 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure Major Reports Useful for Practicing Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment Technologies and Methodologies 16 Figure Utilities from which Information on the Practice of Direct Assessment for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 40 Figure Utilities from which Information on the Use of Hand-Held Digital Cameras for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 41 Figure Utilities from which Information on Use of Rod Sounding for Condition Assessment of Water Pipelines was Gathered 41 Figure Utilities from which Information was Gathered on Use of Ground Microphones for Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment 42 Figure Utilities from which Information on Use of Noise Correlators and Noise Loggers for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 43 Figure Utilities from which Information on Use of In-Line Acoustic Leak Detection for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 44 Figure Utilities from which Information on Use of Acoustic Monitoring Systems for Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 46 Figure Utilities from which Information on Use of Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Measurement for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 48 Figure 10 Utilities from which Information on Use of Remote Field Technologies for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 49 Figure 11 Utilities from which Information on Use of Magnetic Flux Leakage for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 50 Figure 12 Utilities from which Information on Use of Transient Pressure Monitoring for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 51 Figure 13 Utilities from which Information on Use of Probing for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 52 Figure 14 Utilities from which Information on Use of Soil Testing for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 52 Figure 15 Utilities from which information on Lining Sampling for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 53 Figure 16 Utilities from which Information on Analysis of Existing Pipeline Data for Condition Assessment of Drinking Water Pipelines was Gathered 54 vi Figure 17 Major Reports Useful for Practicing Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment Technologies and Methodologies 83 Figure 18 Utilities from which Information on the Practice of Direct Assessment of Pipelines was Gathered 115 Figure 19 Utilities from which information the use of Hand-Held Digital Cameras for Condition Assessment Wastewater Pipelines was Gathered 116 Figure 20 Utilities from which Information on the Use of CCTV for Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 117 Figure 21 Utilities from which Information on the Use of Zoom Cameras for Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 118 Figure 22 Utilities from which the Use of Push Cameras for Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 119 Figure 23 Utilities from which Information on Use of Smoke Testing for Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 119 Figure 24 Utilities from which Information on the Use of Dye Testing for Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 120 Figure 25 Utilities from which Information on Use of Flow Monitoring for Condition Assessment of Wastewater Pipelines was Gathered 121 Figure 26 Utilities from which Information on Use of Night Flow Isolation for Condition Assessment of Wastewater Pipelines was Gathered 122 Figure 27 Utilities from which Information on Use of In-Line Acoustic Leak Detection for Condition Assessment of Wastewater Pipelines was Gathered 122 Figure 28 Utilities from which Information on Use of Ultrasonic Technologies for Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 123 Figure 29 Utilities from which Information on Use of Sonar for Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 123 Figure 30 Utilities from which Information on Use of Remote Field Technologies for Condition Assessment of Wastewater Pipelines was Gathered 124 Figure 31 Utilities from which Information on Use of Laser Profiling for Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 125 Figure 32 Utilities from which Information on Use of Soil Testing for Pipeline Condition Purposes was Gathered 125 Figure 33 Utilities from which Information on Use of Gas Sensors for Pipeline Condition Assessment was Gathered 126 vii Figure 34 Technology Categories Represented in Data Gathered During Literature Review of Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology Utility Experience 135 Figure 35 Technology Categories Represented in Data Gathered Directly from Utilities on Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology Experience 136 Figure 36 Technology Categories Represented in Data Gathered During Literature Review of Wastewater Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology Utility Experience137 Figure 37 Technology Categories Represented in Data Gathered Directly from Utilities on Drinking Water Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology Experience 138 viii LIST OF TABLES Table Description of Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology and Methodology Categorization Table Summary of Utility Practices Covered 39 Table Description of Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology and Methodology Categorization 64 Table Summary of Utility Practices Covered 114 ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3D Three Dimensional AC Asbestos Concrete AFO Acoustic Fiber Optic ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers AWWARF American Water Works Association Research Foundation BEM Broadband Electromagnetic CCP Concrete Cylinder Pipe CCTV Closed Circuit Television CI Cast Iron CIPP Cured In Place Pipe CMOM Capacity, Management, Operations, and Maintenance CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DI Ductile Iron DC Direct Current EPA Environmental Protection Agency GIS Geographical Information System GPR Ground Penetrating Radar GPS Global Positioning System HAZMAT Hazardous Materials HDPE High Density Polyethylene I/I Infiltration and Inflow ISTT International Society for Trenchless Technologies K-water Korea Water Resources Corporation LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging LRGUW Long Range Guided Ultrasonic Wave MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage x ... State-of-the-Art Literature Review for Technology Use 15 Definition of Scope 15 Reports Reviewed 15 Technology Use in Literature Sources Reviewed 16 State-of-the-Art... Technology Use Information Found in Literature Sources Reviewed 83 Synthesis of Literature Reviewed 112 State-of-the-Art Practice Review for Technology Use 112 Definition of Scope... Acoustic Leak Detection There are two modes of in-line acoustic leak detection: tethered and free-swimming For both tethered and free-swimming in-line acoustic leak detection systems, a minimum

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2022, 07:44


