Heathside Walton School Update APRIL 2021 Dear Prospective Parent / Carer The trust would like to update you regarding the next phase of the Project in relation to the opening of Heathside Walton-on-Thames School This is the first of what will be monthly updates from now until when the school opens aiming to keep you fully informed of developments Project update • • • • Planning permission was obtained for the new Heathside Walton-on-Thames School in July 2020 Since then, work has continued apace ready for the School to open in September 2022, with an admission number of 120 Year pupils (four forms of entry) This will increase to six forms of entry and an admission number of 180 Year pupils in September 2023 and each year thereafter For the academic year 2022-23, ElmWey Learning Trust plans to open in temporary accommodation on the permanent site on Waterside Drive The project team is working on proposed revisions to the existing permission for the permanent accommodation, (a minor material amendment) This includes raising the height of the building by no more than 600mm, introducing a covered external dining area adjacent to the existing building for external dining facilities and some other minor amendments to the building faỗade We hope this planning application will be determined by Elmbridge Borough Council by Summer 2021 Subject to obtaining planning consent, BAM, the building contractor appointed to build the School, intends to start construction in October 2021 and is currently scheduled to complete the build by May 2023 This will allow the School to move from the temporary accommodation into the permanent buildings by July 2023, ready for the start of the new academic year in September 2023 Applying for a place at Heathside Walton • • • • For September 2022 Year admissions, the School will process applications outside the normal local authority process for coordinated school admissions Admissions for Year September 2023 entry and onwards will be overseen by the local authority, in the normal way For September 2022 Year admissions, parents will need to complete their local authority common application form for their other choices of school in addition to a separate application for Heathside Waltonon-Thames Heathside Walton-on-Thames’ Admissions Policy for Year admissions September 2022, can be found under ‘Key Information’ on the project website www.heathsidewalton.org A link to the Admissions Form will be provided in the next newsletter The Trust has been working closely with the Department for Education and BAM on the detailed design for the new School, to ensure that the educational provision provided will match and support the curriculum offer, allowing a first-class education to be delivered at Heathside Walton School Further information on the new School can be found on the project website: www.heathsidewalton.org If you know of other prospective parents who may wish to be added to our mailing listing for our monthly updates please ask them to complete this online form A L Cullum Executive Principal ElmWey Learning Trust (acullum@heathside.surrey.sch.uk)