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Recovery Curriculum Whole School Plan - Unit 1 Spring 2021 - The Great Realisation

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Recovery Curriculum – Spring 2021 Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts Text: Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA7fGLK35wQ Outcomes • • • Consider pupils’ mental health and wellbeing Identify any pupils who may need additional support so they are ready to learn Rebuild a sense of community so that every pupil, parent and staff member feels safe and secure Assess where pupils are in their learning, and agree what adjustments may be needed to the school curriculum over the coming weeks Overview Despite the fact the pandemic has been happening for almost a year, it is still important that the children understand that the world has changed and that their lives have changed and will change again It is vital that the children know that they are not the only ones living in this situation It is imperative that we give children the opportunity to discuss their feelings surrounding the current pandemic Even though we may feel more used to it now, it is important to revisit these discussions, especially when returning to school after another long absence We need to help children to remember rules whilst in school, structure of the day and general systems and procedures such as behaviour policies Children need to have time to refresh their understanding of the changes around the school and how we can follow social distancing They also need to understand why this is important Children will have got used to being at home and will need support to follow rules and policies Children have had a long time at home with their immediate families and interactions will have been limited, with much of their learning done on screen Children need to develop skills needed for play, collaborative learning, team work and communication The three prime areas in EYFS: CLL,PSED, PD are crucial to all children as they return With the support of the text, children will learn about how to frame negative situations positively so that we can see the silver lining and look to the future Children will be given the opportunity to be creative, innovative and expressive as they adjust into a new way of learning again The additional activities below can be used to supplement learning both in the classroom and at home Text: Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA7fGLK35wQ Learning Targets To understand what has stayed the same within our school and community To understand what has changed within our school and community To understand what has changed within our families and lives Foundational Learning Essential Activities Spoken Language • Listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers • Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge • Use relevant strategies to build their vocabulary • Speak audibly and fluently with an increasing command of Standard English • Participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates • Gain, maintain and monitor the interest of the listener(s) • Select and use appropriate registers for effective communication PSHE Discuss how pupils feel being back at school Explore what has changed in the school (For EYFS/Y1 children this may be extended as exploration of classroom) And what has also changed at home since before Christmas What has changed in the world? Recap any key rules associated with COVID-19 - what they can and can`t at the moment and why Talk about how we felt at first during the pandemic and how we feel now If children need to, they may want to contribute confidentially by writing a note or telling a key person if they not want to say in front of the class Remind children of basic skills for S&L (this is to carry on throughout all activities with additional support for EAL children or any children who have delayed speech or vocabulary skills) Create (or if you have one in place, review) a safe charter for your classroom This could then feed into a whole school charter- having Y6 run a virtual assembly Have the class charter as part of a new display within each room to remind children of the rules Reading Share the poem/video together and talk about what the book is about Make a mind map together of the positives from the poem KS2 children may want to take this further by discussing the theme of the book and how the concept that a negative experience can sometimes have a silver lining Explore the idea that even bad things can have good consequences Can children recall the positive aspects of the pandemic from the poem? To understand what has changed in the world To understand how to keep ourselves and others safe around school (including new rules) To understand how we can look at the positives in any situation and make a positive difference to others To think positively about the future Reading • Develop pleasure in listening to texts • Participate in discussions about the text • Recall basic facts from the text • Clarify the meaning of vocabulary (where appropriate) • Infer events and feelings from the text (relative to year group) • Sequence and summarise the text (relative to year group) Writing • Sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil comfortably and correctly • Correctly form letters • Use spelling knowledge to spell words correctly (relative to year group) • Use capital letters and appropriate basic punctuation (relative to year groups) • Write and construct sentences accurately (relative to year group) Maths, Phonics and Guided Reading lessons to begin gradually from Week 2, going at a pace appropriate to children’s needs PSHE NB: Before this activity is completed please be mindful if any children in the class have had traumatic experiences during the pandemic and, if they have, assess whether or not these are conversations the child or yourself would want to have with the whole class or if this would require a different level of intervention Discuss children’s experiences of the pandemic, both negative and positive (or good and bad for EYFS) Gather the children’s experiences then work together to decide if they feel that they are a negative or a positive experience (acknowledge some could be both) Talk through what we could in the tricky situations e.g if we haven’t been able to see our grandparents, how could we keep in touch Depending on the key themes that children may have been affected by, you may wish to build in an activity such as writing a letter, a postcard or drawing a picture to relatives who the children haven’t seen or someone who has helped them during lockdown You might want to use the positives we identified in the poem to help widen the discussion around the positive things that have happened, both to us and in the wider world Reading Share lockdown stories together focused on the great things ordinary people have done in the pandemic You could explore famous stories such as that of Captain Sir Tom Moore, or less well known stories, even from your own community Children could share the great things that they have done too Recall key facts and ideas from the stories they hear or read Where appropriate, older classes may want to engage in some inferential reading to discuss how those people, and the people they helped, feel Discuss together how we can make a positive difference to situations like the pandemic Explore what you could as individuals, as a class and as a school to make a positive difference at the moment PSHE Discuss the theme of ‘The Great Realisation’ Compare life before the pandemic, with life now and what we hope life will look like in the Summer Talk together about what children’s realisations have been Create a class display of your great realisations during the pandemic You could also link this discussion to children’s habits, discussing positive and negative habits and deciding which habits and things about their current experiences we want to keep after restrictions end, e.g You may want to continue exercising, but cut down on your screen time Explore how we can help each other to keep our positive habits going and continue to avoid our less positive habits This could be developed further by engaging in a buddy system to help Art Art and creativity are essential ways to help children understand and accept what they have felt or are feeling Look closely together at the illustrations in the book and then encourage children to respond to the previous lesson on realisations to create their own art work You may want to give them a medium to work with or allow them to select their own This art work could form a central display and/or you could create a virtual art gallery for parents and the wider community Writing Focusing on the positive habits and realisations children have made, discuss these further with children Children could write a letter, a speech or a diary entry (a genre they have been taught before) which shares their great realisation You could collate these as a school in a communal space or create a film exploring your collective realisations and share them with families (remembering all the good learning and linking to home that we have been able to during the pandemic) PSHE Discuss the idea of looking forward to the future What are children looking forward to today, this week and after Easter when restrictions are eased? Children could make their own list and you could collate these into a class list of activities you would like to together before the end of the school year You could create a display of these and tick them off over time, to show children visually that things are improving If there are set backs, keep the lists and explore with the children about how far we have come and the next steps in returning to normality Turn the discussion to our wider hopes for the future linked back to the realisations in the poem What can we to make a positive change for good? You could explore any of the key global ideas introduced, e.g plastic pollution, nature, and work together to decide on actions you could take as individuals/as a class/as a school to keep that positive change going This could be a bigger project and could link back to units of work created for the Autumn term available at https://www.oneeducation.co.uk/resources/tags:Literacy/filt:COVID19%20Resources/sort:desc Writing Look at the Nationwide ‘In months’ time’ messages that people have written and recorded for themselves Discuss what children would like to in months’ time and what they would like to say to themselves then Gather ideas together Look at examples of written messages together Children could write/film their own message to themselves Then, as a class, use the messages to create your own ‘In months’ time…’ poem which shares your collective hopes for the future This again could be collated and shared with families Some children, at the end of this week, may still need further support There are additional units of planning on our website https://www.oneeducation.co.uk/resources/tags:Literacy/filt:COVID19%20Resources/sort:desc Text: Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA7fGLK35wQ Possible Activities Linked to The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts English • • • • Learn and perform excerpts from the poem EYFS – write a sentence to a family member about what they have learned/realised during this time KS1 – write a letter asking someone that they know about what they have realised during this time and sharing their own realisations KS2 – Write a persuasive speech encouraging their local community to continue with their new habits Reading • • • • • • Use instruments to follow the rhyme and rhythm of the poem Create a musical composition as a backing track for the poem Create musical compositions with the theme of realisation • • • Music • Share the poem and other linked texts, e.g The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and the Horse; The Red Tree Retell the story of the poem Discuss and think about what people may have realised during this time – how may they differ? Compare realisations of others in the class and within the community PSHE and Wellbeing Art and Design • • • World in a bottle – one side depicting the world before and one side with our hopes for after Create dioramas showing our wishes for the world after the great realisation Story stones – paint story stones to retell the story Explore how children are feeling on return to school and the impact COVID19 has had on their lives Discuss how we can cope with negative feelings Explore how difficult situations can also result in positive feelings, such as children’s realisations – seeing the silver lining Consider the importance of exercise together Children could create a class leaflet encouraging people to keep up with their exercise after lockdown UKS2 – explore links to unhealthy habits, e.g smoking, drinking Create posters encouraging people not to return to these habits P.E • • • STEM • • • • Discuss the reasons why we still need to social distance, can`t hug and need to wash our hands from a scientific point of view (age appropriate) Explore the positive effects of exercise on the human body Link discussions to the idea of time Explore what the future could look like, linking to STEM Take some time to exercise together in a green space, either onsite or in the local area Create a dance depicting the great realisation, and the concept of the silver lining Design a game to encourage teamwork and collaboration Computing • • • Create a stop motion animation focused on the great realisation Create photo collages and videos showing the return to school Share work with other classes (and possibly other local schools) via video conferencing Text: Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA7fGLK35wQ Possible Activities Linked to The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts Geography and Nature • • • Discuss the positive impacts COVID-19 has had on the environment and nature Children could choose a particular issue to research and complete a child-led project on how we can keep these positive effects going Parks and green spaces have been shown to be really important during the pandemic Children could create a campaign for additional green spaces/improving green spaces in their community Discuss how nature can help our wellbeing Spend time in a green space – how does it make children feel? What can they see, hear, smell, touch? This could link with previous units from Autumn available on www.oneeducation.co.uk History • • Make links to other times of ‘great realisation’ that children will be familiar with, e.g The Great Fire of London, WW2 Children could make inferences about people’s feelings, writing in role or dramatizing key moments Research people who have led movements of realisation during history Parental Involvement • • • • • Send home the link to the book so it can be shared at home Encourage families to create a ’10 things I’d like to do’ list of things they would like to together when restrictions are relaxed Window Art Realisations After sharing the book together, families could discuss their own great realisation and create a piece of artwork together to display in their window A window art trail could be organised so children can share their realisations with the community Select additional activities from the list above, or your own ideas, to be completed at home Share with families Photograph the work produced in school and share online for parents to see and comment on Wider Community • • • Encourage the children to write letters or draw pictures and send these to the local community, retelling the story of the great realisation and encouraging the community to display their great realisations in their windows Invite community members to record a short video about their great realisations during lockdown and children could share these in assembly Create a community time capsule linking to the pandemic and the communities great realisations ... retelling the story of the great realisation and encouraging the community to display their great realisations in their windows Invite community members to record a short video about their great realisations... they would like to say to themselves then Gather ideas together Look at examples of written messages together Children could write/film their own message to themselves Then, as a class, use the. .. collages and videos showing the return to school Share work with other classes (and possibly other local schools) via video conferencing Text: Unit 1: The Great Realisation by Tomos Roberts

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 00:20

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