needle decompression, 1277 open, 1277 tension pneumothorax, 1276 –1277 , 1276 f thoracotomy, 1278 treatment goals, 1276 triage considerations, 1276 Podophyllin, 533 Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) findings of breast abscesses, 111 cardiogenic shock, 76 hemorrhagic shock, 76 of hip joint effusions, 306 hypovolemic shock, 76 obstructive shock, 76 septic shock, 77 Polyarteritis nodosa, 1003 –1006 , 1005 t clinical assessment, 1004 clinical recognition, 1003 –1004 evidences, 1003 management of complications and emergencies, 1004 –1006 cardiac complications, 1004 CNS complications, 1005 GI complications, 1004 –1005 hypertension, 1004 renal complications, 1004 Polyarthritis, 405 –407 , 405 t, 406 Polyarticular arthritis, 1012 Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 343 –344 clinical and biochemical evidence of, 343 diagnosis of, 344 t pathophysiologic basis for, 343 Polycythemia, 141 Polydipsia causes, 429 t common, 430 t life-threatening, 430 t diagnostic approach to, 429 f