anatomic neck divisions, 1215 f–1219 f axial CTA of, 1218 f clinical assessment, 1220 clinical recognition, 1218 –1219 color flow Doppler (CFD), 1218 computed tomographic angiography (CTA), 1217 contents and structures, 1216 t discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1226 evaluation of, 1224 f, 1225 t evidences, 1215 –1218 history/physical examination, 1226 t management, 1220 –1226 negative predictive value (NPV), 1218 positive predictive value (PPV), 1218 sensory dermatomes, 1222 f–1223 f signs and symptoms of, 1221 t tracheal injury, 1225 f treatment goals, 1214 –1215 triage considerations, 1220 Penetrating thoracic trauma, 1284 Penicillin, 350 , 442 , 512 allergy, 1323 Penile care, in uncircumcised male infant, 1333 –1334 Penile gunshot wounds, 1140 Penile problems, 1333 –1336 balanoposthitis, 1335 –1336 , 1336 f meatal stenosis, 1335 normal uncircumcised male, anatomy of, 1334 f paraphimosis, 1334 –1335 , 1335 f penile care in uncircumcised male infant, 1333 –1334 phimosis, 1334 –1335 post circumcision concerns, 1334 priapism, 1336 Penile trauma, 1140 Penile zipper injury, 1141 , 1141 f Perforated appendicitis clinical assessment, 1293 –1295