emergency care, goals of, 1263 eyelid lacerations, 1269 t clinical recognition, 1268 evidences, 1268 lateral canthotomy/cantholysis, 1269 f management, 1270 tear drainage system, 1269 f treatment goals, 1268 triage considerations, 1269 hyphema, 1270 –1271 , 1271 f clinical recognition, 1271 evidences, 1271 management, 1271 treatment goals, 1271 triage considerations, 1271 injury mechanism, assessment of, 1263 medical history of, 1263 open-globe injury clinical recognition, 1266 –1267 by corneal laceration, 1266 f evidences, 1266 eye shield, 1267 f management, 1267 scleral laceration, 1266 f with teardrop pupil, 1266 f treatment goals, 1266 triage considerations, 1267 physical examination of, 1263 –1266 anterior surface of eye, evaluation of, 1265 bedside ultrasound, 1265 –1266 emergency department, 1265 t emergent consultation, 1264 t eyelids, opening of, 1264 , 1264 f papilledema/retinal hemorrhages, direct ophthalmoscopy to, 1265 periorbital tissues and eyelids, inspection of, 1264 pupils and extraocular movements, evaluation of, 1265 red reflex, checking, 1264