management, 1259 emergency therapy, goals of, 1254 skull fractures, 1259 –1260 basilar, 1260 f, 1261 clinical recognition, 1260 depressed, 1259 f diagnostic imaging, 1260 discharge, clinical indications, 1261 evidences, 1259 –1260 linear, 1259 f management, 1260 –1261 treatment goal, 1259 Neutropenia, 351 Nevus of Ota, 466 Newly born infant resuscitation ED readiness, 62 equipment and medications, 63 t initial steps, 63 –65 airway positioning, 64 ambient temperature regulation, 64 heart rate assessment, 65 meconium-stained amniotic fluid management, 64 methods of safe stimulation, 64 suctioning, 64 supplemental oxygen, 65 management circulation, 66 –67 Golden Minute, 63 initial steps, 63 –64 medications, 67 oxygenation and ventilation, 65 –66 umbilical cord, 65 ventilation, 63 Neonatal resuscitation algorithm, 63 f pathophysiology of fetal heart, 62 –63 postresuscitation care, 67 special situations