Milk- or soy-allergic enterocolitis, 218 Milrinone, 80 t Milroy disease, 164 Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), 98 Minocycline, 456 Minor burns, 1101 –1102 Minor injuries/trauma, 1153 –1169 emergency care, goals of, 1153 fingertip See Fingertip injuries lacerations elliptical excision, 1162 f genitourinary, 1168 in proximity to joints, 1169 seemingly superficial laceration, 1156 f vascular injuries, 1168 –1169 wound assessment principles, 1156 t wound care, 1163 –1165 See also Wound care wound repair, principles of, 1153 See also Wound repair wounds See Wounds, management of Minor lesions, 1342 –1356 emergency care, goals of, 1341 face and scalp lesions dermoid cysts, 1345 , 1346 f epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC), 1345 nasal bridge lesions, 1345 –1346 preauricular lesions, 1346 –1347 , 1346 f–1347 f hand and foot lesions, 1342 –1345 eponychia, 1342 –1343 felon, 1343 –1344 ganglion, 1344 –1345 , 1345 f hair tourniquet injury, 1344 , 1344 f herpetic whitlow, 1343 , 1343 f paronychia, 1342 –1343 , 1343 f subungual foreign body, 1344 subungual hematoma, 1344 neck lesions