nervous system Pleural effusion Peritonitis Pancreatitis Pericarditis cranial nerve palsies, papilledema, hypertension psychosis CSF—opening pressure, cell count, Gram and special stains, cultures Fever, chest pain, Chest radiograph dyspnea, Thoracentesis—cell decreased breath count, Gram stain, sounds, splinting protein, glucose, culture, cytology Abdominal pain, Radiograph fever, vomiting, (abdominal flat diarrhea, plate, cross-table, tenderness, upright and/or rigidity, lateral decubitus) hypoactive bowel Peritoneal aspiration sounds, melena —cell count, special stains, cultures CBC, electrolytes, ESR, ANA Test for occult blood in gastric contents and stool, nuclear scan Same Serum amylase/lipase Fever, chest pain, distended neck veins, decreased heart sounds, hepatomegaly Chest radiograph, EKG Echocardiogram-2d CBC, ESR, blood culture, ANA Raynaud Triple color change CBC, ESR, ANA, phenomenon of fingers and/or cryoglobulins Doppler flow studies Prednisone mg/kg/day or pulse therapy Plasmapheresis Cytotoxic agents Immunosuppressive agents Thoracentesis, if indicated Oxygen, prednisone, cytotoxic agents Surgical consult, NPO, IV hydration, NG tube, antacids, transfusion Prednisone Interventional radiology (if available) IV hydration, NPO, adjust steroid dose, hyperalimentation NSAIDs Prednisone mg/kg/day Pericardiocentesis as needed Protection from cold, biofeedback,