Chylothorax in modified Fontan procedure, 1304 nutrition and, 1498t, 1501 superior cavopulmonary connection, 1299 CICU, Cardiac intensive care unit Cine images, 321 Cine phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging flow quantification, 112, 113f– 114f Cineangiography, 243 Circulating biomarkers, for endothelial function, 1368–1369 Circulation control of, 1357–1359 humoral, 1357–1358 local, 1357 neural, 1358–1359 embryonic, 83, 84f fetoplacental, 85–87 aortic isthmus in, 87, 87f arterial duct in, 87 oval foramen in, 87 placenta in, 85–86, 86f venous duct in, 86–87, 86f healthy, cardiopulmonary interactions in, 1182, 1182f preterm, monitoring of, 194–195, 195f transitioning, 189 in transposition of the great arteries determinants of systemic arterial oxygenation and mixing and, 681 physiology of, 680–681 Circulatory arrest, hypothermic, deep, in cardiopulmonary bypass, 230–231 Circulatory collapse, in prematurity, 200–204 etiology of, 200, 201t therapeutic approach to, 201–204, 202f–203f, 202t–203t Circulatory failure, acute, 1179–1191 background of, 1179–1180 cardiovascular drugs for, 1183–1185, 1184t clinical manifestations of, 1180, 1180t diagnosis of, 1180–1181 early recognition of, 1181 epidemiology of, 1179 investigation of, 1181 laboratory studies of, 1181 management of, 1181–1182 monitoring of, 1181 near-infrared spectroscopy in, 1181 pathophysiology of, 1179–1180 pulmonary artery catheterization in, 1181 pulse index continuous cardiac output in, 1181 temporary extracorporeal life support for, 1185–1191 therapeutic targets for, 1182 therapeutic tools for, 1182 ventilation for, 1182–1183 Circulatory maldistribution, 1265 Circumflex retroesophageal aortic arch, 880–882, 885f surgical techniques for, 895–896, 896f–897f Clearance, 1429 Clinical care pathways supporting care, of children and young people with congenital heart disease, 1481–1485, 1482f, 1484f barriers and challenges, 1483 defining, 1481 development and implementation, 1481–1483, 1482f safety, quality, and effectiveness, 1483 Clinical nurse specialist, multiple roles of, 1488, 1489f Clinical relevance, statistical significance versus, 413 Clinical trials, randomized, 418 Clopidogrel, 1436 Cloud computing, telemedicine in pediatric cardiology and, 1558–1559 CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance Coarctation of aorta, 843–864 associated lesions in infancy with, management of, 858–862 balloon and stent angioplasty and, 859–861, 860f–861f hypoplastic aortic arch segment for, 858–859, 859f ventricular septal defect in, 859 course and prognosis of, 855 early complications of, 862 exercise testing in, 401 historical considerations in, 843, 844f hypertension and, 1135–1136 interventional techniques for, 269–271 balloon angioplasty and, 269–270, 270f stent implantation and, 270–271, 271f investigations of, 851–855 cardiac catheterization and angiography for, 855 chest radiography for, 851–852, 852f computed tomography angiography for, 854–855 echocardiography for, 852–854, 852f–854f fetal, 855 electrocardiography for, 852 late complications of, 862–864 aneurysm, 863 hypertension, 862–863 other long-term effects in, 863–864 recoarctation, 863 magnetic resonance imaging for, 854–855 management of, 855–857 stabilization of neonates and infants, 855–856 timing of repair, 856–857 morphology of, 844–855, 845f of associated malformations, 847–849, 848f of collateral circulation, 849, 849f morphogenesis and, 850, 850f obstructive lesions in, 845–847, 846f–847f secondary pathology and, 849–850 physical findings of in neonates and infants, 851 in older children and adults, 851 in pregnancy, 1445 ... Clinical relevance, statistical significance versus, 413 Clinical trials, randomized, 418 Clopidogrel, 1436 Cloud computing, telemedicine in pediatric cardiology and, 1558–1559 CMR, Cardiac magnetic resonance Coarctation of aorta, 843–864 associated lesions in infancy with, management of, 858–862