valve formation and, 46 of arterial valves, 46 of atrioventricular canal, 46 of sinoatrial junction, 46 of venous components, 36–37, 36f–38f ventricular loop development and, 41–42, 41f–42f ventricular walls formation and, 46–47, 47f Cardiac failure chronic, fetal genes and, 85 genetic factors in, 85 Cardiac function, with pressure-volume loop, examination of, 1195–1196, 1195f–1196f Cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), 1482t Cardiac loop, formation of, 34–35, 34f Cardiac looping, in early myocardial development, 59–60, 60f Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), 317–332 3D printing, 330–332, 331f–332f in arrhythmias, 358 in cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity, 1170 in cardiomyopathies, genetic diseases, acquired cardiac diseases, 319t contraindications to, 328 ECG monitoring of, 328 environment and patient preparation, 327–328, 327f fetal, 329–330, 329f general anesthesia or sedation, 327–328 magnetic resonance imaging protocols and sequences of, 319–325, 320t–321t in myocarditis, 1175, 1177f postmortem, 330, 330f postprocessing of, 325, 326f for pulmonary hypertension, 1387–1388 quantification of physiology of, 325–327 radiation dose optimization in children, 333 recent development in, 328–332 safety, 328 scanner and patient preparation of, 327, 327f in structural congenital heart disease, 318t Cardiac myocyte, cellular physiology of, 1197–1198 Cardiac neurodevelopmental programs, for complex congenital cardiac disease, 1402 Cardiac output, 1264 developmental changes in, 96 in diagnostic catheterization, 242 exercise and, 382 exercise testing and, 393, 393t myocardial dysfunction with, 1179 surrogates for, exercise and, 383–384, 384f Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), 367, 368f for cancer therapy-related cardiotoxicity, 1172 for chronic heart failure, 1201–1202 for dilated cardiomyopathy, 1159 Cardiac rhythm, evaluation of, exercise testing for, 391 Cardiac segments, embryology of, 35–36, 35f–36f Cardiac shunt, 327 Cardiac sparing, fetal, 95 Cardiac status, in Kawasaki syndrome, 994–995 Cardiac stretch receptors, in control of circulation, 1358–1359 Cardiac surgery associated AKI, long-term renal consequences of, 1425, 1425t on brain, 1397–1399, 1398b anesthesia in, 1399 cardiopulmonary bypass strategy in, 1398–1399 hematocrit during bypass, 1399 pH management in, 1399 Cardiac tamponade, 1073t clinical presentation of, 1066 investigations for, 1066–1067, 1066f–1067f management of, 1067–1068, 1068f pathophysiology of, 1065–1066 Cardiac transplantation ethical issues in, 1475–1477 for Kawasaki syndrome, 992 for myocarditis, 1177 Cardiac tumors, 963–977, 964t catheterization in, 968 chest radiography in, 966–967, 967f clinical signs and symptoms of, 963–966, 965t arrhythmias, 965 cardiac failure and pericardial effusion, 965, 966f cardiac manifestations and, 964–965 embolic manifestations and, 963–964, 964f–965f obstruction, 965–966, 966f physical examination in, 966 systemic manifestations and, 963 computed tomography in, 968, 969f definitions of, 963 echocardiography in, 967–968, 967f–968f electrocardiography in, 966 investigations of, 966–968 laboratory studies in, 966 magnetic resonance imaging in, 968, 969f primary, 976 secondary, 976 treatment of chemotherapy, 977 heart transplantation as, 977 surgical, 976–977 types of, 968–976 blood cysts, 975, 975f fibromas, 971–972, 972f lipomas, 974–975 myxomas, 972–973, 972f–973f papillary fibroelastoma, 975 Purkinje cell tumors, 975–976 rhabdomyomas, 968–971, 970f