CHAPTER 90 ■ ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCIES, RADIOLOGICAL EMERGENCIES, BITES AND STINGS IOANNIS KOUTROULIS, DEWESH AGRAWAL RELATED CHAPTERS Resuscitation and Stabilization Airway: Chapter Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Chapter Shock: Chapter 10 Pain: Abdomen: Chapter 53 Signs and Symptoms Seizures: Chapter 72 Clinical Pathways Shock: Chapter 10 Medical, Surgical, and Trauma Emergencies Cardiac Emergencies: Chapter 86 Renal and Electrolyte Emergencies: Chapter 100 Burns: Chapter 104 DROWNING Goals of Treatment Treatment of submersion injuries aims to resuscitate and stabilize those who need it, and prevent further cardiopulmonary and neurologic deterioration CLINICAL PEARLS AND PITFALLS