treatment goals, 1361 triage, 1362 Septic joint, 560 Septic shock, 39 diagnostic testing in, 77 –78 , 78 t end-organ dysfunctions, 77 t history and physical examination findings, 77 POCUS findings, 77 protocol-based care for, 81 –82 American College of Critical Care recommendations, 82 antibiotic administration, 82 antimicrobial therapy, 82 fluid resuscitation, 82 quality metrics, 82 vital sign abnormalities, 75 –76 Sequential alerts, 12 Serosanguinous nipple discharge, 112 Serotonin syndrome, 120 , 203 Serum antibody titers, 1364 Serum sickness, 314 , 402 , 584 –585 antithymocyte globulins, 584 clinical recognition, 584 laboratory assessment, 584 –585 , 585 t management, 585 pathophysiology, 584 treatment, goals of, 583 Sever disease, 301 –302 Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 202 , 481 Sexual abuse, 1141 Sexual abuse/assault, 1448 –1456 approach against, 1448 –1449 clinical considerations, 1449 –1450 clinical recognition, 1450 initial assessment, 1450 patient discharge admission, clinical indications for, 1456 triage consideration, 1450 conditions mistaken for sexual abuse trauma, 1450 t current evidence, 1449 emergency care, goals of, 1448 management/diagnostic testing, 1451 –1456 acute medical management, 1451 forensic evidence collection, 1451 HIV prophylaxis, 1454 –1455 postexposure prophylaxis, 1454 pregnancy prophylaxis, 1455 pregnancy testing, 1453 reporting of sexual abuse, 1455 –1456 STI testing, 1453 –1454 , 1455 t nonacute sexual abuse, 1459 physical and medical findings in suspected, 2018 approach to, 1457 t prophylaxis by weight group, 1455 t sexual assault response team, 1450 t assessing and maintaining competency by, 1448 assessing and maintaining quality by, 1449 composition of, 1448 training of, 1448 Sexual assault nurse examiners (SANE), 1448 Sexual assault response team (SART), 1448 –1449 assessing and maintaining competency by, 1448 assessing and maintaining quality by, 1449 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 383 , 543 , 851 Seymour fracture, 1147 f Shaft injuries, 1199 –1200 Shared mental models, 14 , 14 t Sheridan Gardiner, 1393 Shigella infection, 153 , 338 , 504 , 534 Shigella flexneri , 543 Shigella vaginitis, 752 Shin splints, 301 Shock adrenal insufficiency following, 84 clinical considerations, 72 history and physical examination findings, 76 –78 vital signs, 75 –76 clinical findings, 74 t clinical parameters for reversal of, 82 –84 , 83 t compensated, 73 , 73 f corticosteroid insufficiency following, 84 definition, 72 emergency therapy, goals of, 72 etiologic types of, 73 f intensive care and transport, 84 management airway, 81 electrolyte abnormalities, 80 fluid resuscitation, 78 –79 initial antimicrobial choices, 81 t protocol-based care for, 81 –82 source control, 81 vascular access, 78 vasoactive therapy, 79 –80 , 80 t mortality following, 84 –85 pathophysiologic considerations, 72 quality of life (QOL) following, 85 types cardiogenic, 74 –75 dissociative, 75 distributive, 75 hypovolemic, 74 neurogenic, 75 obstructive, 75 uncompensated, 73 , 73 f Shoulder, anatomy of, 284 f range of motion of shoulder joint, 288 f Shoulder dislocation clinical assessment, 1182 clinical recognition, 1181 disposition, 1183 evidences, 1181 management, 1182 –1183 treatment goals, 1181 triage considerations, 1182 Shoulder injury differential diagnosis, 283 –286 , 285 t acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries, 283 acute brachial plexus injuries, 286 clavicle fracture, 283 glenohumeral joint dislocations, 283 nonossifying fibromas, 286 osteochondromas, 286 osteolysis, 283 rotator cuff damages, 283 –284 Salter–Harris type I fracture, 284 , 286 scapula fractures, 283 stress fractures of proximal humeral epiphysis, 286 thoracic outlet syndrome, 286 evaluation and decision, 286 –288 approach to, 287 f rotator cuff injury, 285 f shoulder subluxation, 285 f SHOUT (Sick or not sick; History and hospital course; Objective data; Upcoming plan or disposition; and To do), , t Shuffling gait, 301 Shunt infection, 504 Shunt malfunction, 1386 Shunt obstruction, 504 Sialadenitis, 1349 –1350 Sickle cell anemia, 164 , 428 Sickle cell disease, 160 , 374 , 419 acute chest syndrome, 784 anemia, 784 avascular necrosis, 785 infection/sepsis, 783 papillary necrosis, 785 priapism, 783 splenic sequestration, 784 –785 stroke, 784 transfusions, 785 ...current evidence, 1449 emergency care, goals of, 1448 management/diagnostic testing, 1451 –1456 acute medical management,... 82 –84 , 83 t compensated, 73 , 73 f corticosteroid insufficiency following, 84 definition, 72 emergency therapy, goals of, 72 etiologic types of, 73 f intensive care and transport, 84 management