pelvis/femur, radiograph of, 1178 f sternoclavicular dislocation, 1181 f thoracolumbar spine, 1209 –1212 See also Thoracolumbar spine injuries upper extremity motor nerve, 1193 f wrist, sensory innervation of, 1193 f Mushroom toxicity, 1066 –1067 Myasthenia gravis (MG), 131 , 178 , 330 , 558 , 564 , 895 Mycobacterial infection, 321 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI), 321 Mycobacterium scrofulaceum , 321 Mycoplasma-induced rash and mucositis (MIRM), 351 , 456 Mycoplasma infection, 645 Mycoplasma genitalium, 545 Mycoplasma pneumoniae, 351 , 411 , 475 , 508 , 558 , 572 , 891 , 893 , 1320 Mycoplasma infections, 645 Mydriasis, 124 , 183 f local factors, 185 neurologic factors, 185 –186 unilateral, 182 Myocardial contusion, 1279 Myocardial infarction (MI), 366 –367 , 615 Myocardial ischemia, 366 –367 Myocarditis, 355 , 368 , 426 , 527 Myoclonic seizures, 883 Myoglobinuria, 560 Myopathies, 559 –560 Myotonic dystrophy, 560 N N -Acetylcysteine (NAC), 292 –293 , 1037 , 1042 N -acetylcysteine enemas, 132 N -acetyl-p -aminophenol (APAP) See Acetaminophen N -acetyl-p -benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI), 293 Nail bed injuries, 1143 , 1145 –1147 , 1147 f, 1167 –1168 , 1344 Nail bed lacerations, 1167 –1168 Nalmefene, 1039 Naloxone, 1031 , 1037 –1039 , 1078 for coma-producing toxic ingestions, 125 hydrochloride, 67 Narcolepsy, 520 Nasal bridge lesions, 1345 –1346 dermoids, 1346 encephaloceles, 1346 gliomas, 1346 midline nasal, 1345 Nasal cannulas (NC), 49 Nasal diphtheria, 166 Nasal drainage, 338 Nasal foreign body clinical recognition, 1115 evidences, 1115 initial assessment, 1115 –1116 management, 1116 treatment goals, 1115 triage, 1115 Nasal fracture, 1126 Nasal lacerations, 1166 Nasal septal hematomas, 1116 Nasal septum, vascular supply, 1330 f Nasal tampons, 167 Nasolacrimal duct (NLD) obstruction, 1402 , 1402 f Nasoorbital ethmoid fractures, 1126 Nasopharyngeal airways (NPA), 48 , 49 f Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 909 Natal teeth, 347 National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), 1092 National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS), 1231 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1313 National Traumatic Stress Network, 1446 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample (NEDS), 1095 Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), 84 , 1256 Neck abscesses clinical recognition, 1327 diagnostic testing, 1327 –1328 discharge/admission, clinical indications, 1328 evidences, 1327 initial assessment, 1327 management, 1327 –1328 pre-vertebral swelling, 1326 f treatment goals, 1327 triage considerations, 1327 Neck examination, 319 –320 , 320 f Neck lesions head, congenital lesions, 1347 f lateral, 1349 –1351 acute lymphadenitis, 1349 , 1349 f branchial cleft anomalies, 1350 –1351 cystic hygromas, 1350 , 1350 f facial port-wine stain, 1351 f lateral abdominal wall cystic hygroma, 1350 f malignancy, 1351 parotitis, 1349 f reactive cervical adenopathy, 1349 salivary gland infections, 1349 –1350 second branchial cleft pit, 1350 f sternocleidomastoid tumor, 1351 lateral neck lesions, 1349 –1351 midline, 1347 –1348 dermoid cysts, 1347 goiter, 1348 Graves disease, 1348 lymphocytic thyroiditis, 1348 submental lymphadenitis/lymphadenopathy, 1347 suppurative thyroiditis, acute, 1348 thyroglossal duct cysts, 1348 , 1348 f thyroid nodules, 1348 midline neck lesions, 1347 –1348 Neck masses, 317 –323 , 909 causes, 318 t life-threatening, 318 t congenital, 320 –321 differential diagnosis, 318 t, 320 –322 , 320 f disposition, 323 evaluation and decision making, 317 –320 , 319 f general diagnostic approach, 322 –323 inflammatory, 321 –322 neoplasms, 322 with no distress, 318 –320 respiratory distress and, 317 –318 systemic toxicity and, 317 –318 from trauma, 317 Neck neoplasms, 322 Neck stiffness approach to, 325 f–326 f causes, 324 , 327 t, 330 acute traumatic event, 331 atlantoaxial instability, 330 atlantoaxial subluxation, 327 –328 cervical spine fractures, 324 clavicle fractures, 325 –326 common, 327 t congenital, 329 –330 congenital muscular torticollis, 329 –330 epidural hematomas, 325 fever, 331 Grisel syndrome, 328 infectious/inflammatory conditions, associated with, 327 –329 life-threatening, 327 t non-life-threatening, 325 –327 , 329 potentially life-threatening, 324 –325 , 329 skeletal malformations, 330 space-occupying lesions, associated with, 329 spinal cord involvement, 331 spine infections, 328 subarachnoid hemorrhage, 325 torticollis, 328 ... 1092 National Emergency X-Radiography Utilization Study (NEXUS), 1231 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 1313 National Traumatic Stress Network, 1446 Nationwide Emergency