neonate with positive newborn screen, 878 –879 organic acidemias, 874 urea cycle defects, 876 –877 Metacarpal fractures, 1150 Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints, 1148 Metaphyseal corner (“bucket-handle”) fractures, 405 Metastatic disease of breast, 112 Methanol, 1055 –1056 Methemoglobinemia, 123 , 143 –144 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 1164 , 1176 , 1342 oral antimicrobial therapy, 1349 Methionine malabsorption syndrome, 333 Methotrexate, 1015 Methylprednisolone, 894 Methyl salicylate poisoning, 337 Methylscopolamine, 139 Methylxanthines, 531 Metoclopramide (Reglan), 887 Metronidazole, 81 t Metrorrhagia, 536 Microangiopathic anemia, 420 –421 Microsporum canis , 443 Midazolam, 39 t, 496 –497 Middle ear injuries, 1114 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), 202 , 481 Midline neck lesions See Neck lesions, midline Migraine, 157 –158 , 191 neurologic emergencies agents for acute treatment, 887 t clinical considerations, 886 –888 clinical indications for discharge/admission, 888 common form of, 886 diagnosis of, 887 evidences, 886 goals of treatment, 886 management, 887 –888 Milia, 634 Milk- or soy-allergic enterocolitis, 218 Milrinone, 80 t Milroy disease, 164 Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), 98 Minocycline, 456 Minor burns, 1101 –1102 Minor injuries/trauma, 1153 –1169 emergency care, goals of, 1153 fingertip See Fingertip injuries lacerations elliptical excision, 1162 f genitourinary, 1168 in proximity to joints, 1169 seemingly superficial laceration, 1156 f vascular injuries, 1168 –1169 wound assessment principles, 1156 t wound care, 1163 –1165 See also Wound care wound repair, principles of, 1153 See also Wound repair wounds See Wounds, management of Minor lesions, 1342 –1356 emergency care, goals of, 1341 face and scalp lesions dermoid cysts, 1345 , 1346 f epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC), 1345 nasal bridge lesions, 1345 –1346 preauricular lesions, 1346 –1347 , 1346 f–1347 f hand and foot lesions, 1342 –1345 eponychia, 1342 –1343 felon, 1343 –1344 ganglion, 1344 –1345 , 1345 f hair tourniquet injury, 1344 , 1344 f herpetic whitlow, 1343 , 1343 f paronychia, 1342 –1343 , 1343 f subungual foreign body, 1344 subungual hematoma, 1344 neck lesions head, congenital lesions, 1347 f lateral neck lesions, 1349 –1351 midline neck lesions, 1347 –1348 surface lesions, vascular malformations, 1351 –1356 Miosis, 124 local factors, 184 –185 neurologic factors, 185 Mitochondrial dysfunction, 74 Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), 1002 Mnemonics “DIG FAST,” for mania, 97 t for emergency medicine, , t “I WATCH DEATH,” for delirium, 96 t MUDPILES, 1035 SAMPLE, 30 , 32 t “SIGECAPS,” for depression, 96 t “tickles” (TICLS), 22 , 22 t VITAMINS, 561 , 561 t Modified Coma Scale, 271 t Molluscum contagiosum, 634 –635 , 634 f, 642 f Mongolian blue spots, 466 , 466 f Mongolian spots, 143 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), 1049 Monoarthritis, 405 Monocular blindness, 191 Mononucleosis, 511 f Monteggia fractures, 1192 –1193 Moraxella catarrhalis , 391 –392 , 543 , 1320 –1321 , 1395 –1396 Morbilliform drug eruptions, 452 , 453 f Morgagni diaphragmatic hernia, 1420 Morgagni hernias, 1420 –1421 Morquio syndrome, 330 Motion sickness, 159 Mucoceles, 350 , 1317 Mucopolysaccharidosis, 330 Mucositis, 351 –352 , 456 Multidisciplinary teamwork of ED, 13 –16 adaptability of members, 14 back-up behavior of members, 14 core values of team members, 14 mechanisms facilitating, 14 –16 , 15 t–16 t members, 13 mutual performance monitoring, 14 mutual trust among, 14 –16 shared mental models, 14 , 14 t team leadership, 14 team orientation, 14 Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS), 74 Multiple sclerosis, 120 Mumps, 847 –848 Mumps orchitis, 411 Munchausen syndrome, 102 , 531 Muscular dystrophy (MD), 559 Musculoskeletal deformity or disease, 481 Musculoskeletal emergencies, 1358 –1379 annular ligament displacement, 1374 –1375 clinical recognition, 1374 evidences, 1374 glenohumeral subluxation/dislocation, 1375 hyperpronation maneuver, 1375 f initial assessment/H&P, 1374 management/diagnostic testing, 1374 –1375 shoulder dislocation, 1375 back disorders discitis (diskitis), 1375 –1377 spondylolisthesis, 1377 , 1377 f spondylolysis, 1377 compartment syndrome, 1377 –1378 complex regional pain syndrome type (CRPS1), 1378 –1379 emergency care, goals of, 1358 Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease (LCPD) clinical recognition, 1373 epiphysis, 1374 f evidences, 1373 ... 74 Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD), 1002 Mnemonics “DIG FAST,” for mania, 97 t for emergency medicine, , t “I WATCH DEATH,” for delirium, 96 t MUDPILES, 1035 SAMPLE, 30 , 32 t “SIGECAPS,”... principles of, 1153 See also Wound repair wounds See Wounds, management of Minor lesions, 1342 –1356 emergency care, goals of, 1341 face and scalp lesions dermoid cysts, 1345 , 1346 f epidermal inclusion... Examination (MMSE), 98 Minocycline, 456 Minor burns, 1101 –1102 Minor injuries/trauma, 1153 –1169 emergency care, goals of, 1153 fingertip See Fingertip injuries lacerations elliptical excision,