rodenticides, 1065 , 1066 t mushroom toxicity, 1066 –1067 nonpharmaceutical toxicity alcohols and glycols, 1053 –1054 ciguatera, 1057 –1058 ethanol, 1053 –1054 ethylene glycol, 1056 foods/fish, 1056 –1057 isopropyl alcohol, 1054 –1055 methanol, 1055 –1056 paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), 1058 scombroid poisoning, 1057 pharmaceutical toxicity acetaminophen, 1041 –1043 , 1043 f antihistamines, 1052 cardiac drugs, 1043 –1048 drugs dangerous in small doses, 1053 , 1054 t, 1055 f isoniazid (INH), 1052 –1053 oral hypoglycemic agents, 1053 psychotropic medications, 1048 –1050 salicylates, 1050 –1052 plant toxicity, 1066 , 1066 t Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), 351 –352 , 805 Toxidromes, 1034 t, 1067 t Toxoplasmosis, 311 Tracheal injury, 1225 f, 1331 Tracheal intubation (TI), 34 alternatives to, 34 –36 high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) devices, 35 , 35 t noninvasive ventilation, 35 –36 anatomic and physiologic features in children, 35 t annual incidence in PED, 34 approach to, 36 , 37 f complications cardiovascular instability, 34 oxyhemoglobin desaturation, 34 physiologic deterioration, 34 effectiveness of simulation in educational and affective outcomes, 34 equipment for, 36 –38 direct laryngoscopes, 37 –38 endotracheal tubes (ETT), 36 –37 for preoxygenation, 38 stylets, 36 –37 tube selection, 36 video laryngoscopes, 38 goals of therapy, 34 indications of, 34 maintenance of sedation following, 40 medications used for adjunctive agents, 40 neuromuscular-blocking agent (paralyzing agent), 39 –40 , 39 t sedatives, 38 –39 , 39 t patient positioning for, 38 pediatric anatomy and physiology, influence of, 35 t postprocedure management, 40 quality and safety, 34 Tracheitis, 133 , 479 Tracheobronchial injuries, 1285 Tracheobronchial pain, 366 Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), 1406 Tracheomalacia, 1405 , 1407 Tracheostomy, 1122 Trachoma infection, 188 Tranexamic acid (TXA), 1086 Transaminitis, 930 Transfusion-associated viral transaminitis, 930 Transfusion reactions, 801 Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood (TEC), 419 Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 520 , 556 Transient neonatal myasthenia, 559 Transient synovitis, 402 Transient (or toxic) synovitis, 301 Trans- 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, 338 Transplantation emergencies biliary complications, 12e goals of emergency care, 1e graft rejection, 3e –8e immunosuppressant medication–related complications, 10e –12e liver transplantation, 9e –10e posttransplant infectious complications, 1e –3e posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder, 8e recurrence of primary disease, 12e surgical complications, 10e vascular complications, 9e Transport communication center, C011 e11.7f Transport medicine air transport and safety, 13e –15e communication, 12e –13e , considerations, 6e interfacility transport, 1e –21e lights and siren use, 16e medical–legal issues, 18e –21e pretransport safety checklist, 7e quality improvement in, 12e stabilization for, 16e –17e vehicle safety, 15e –16e Transverse myelitis, 557 , 893 –894 Trauma, 97 , 158 Traumatic asphyxia, 1287 Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 269 , 620 , 1084 , 1254 , 1258 , 1445 Traumatic dental injuries displaced teeth, 1107 –1109 eruption/exfoliation timetables, 1108 t–1109 t evidences, 1106 hard dental tissues/pulp, 1106 –1107 treatment goals, 1106 Traumatic epididymitis, 412 Traumatic iritis, 188 , 1272 Traumatic muscular contusions of neck, 325 Traumatic nipple erosions, 112 Traumatic subdural hemorrhage, 1257 f Traumatic subluxations of cervical spine, 324 –325 Traumatic TM perforation, 393 Treacher Collins syndrome, 380 Trench mouth See Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG) Trendelenburg gait, 301 Treponema pallidum , 442 Triage acuity systems, 20 CIAMPEDS, 23 , 23 t decision, 24 documentation, 22 , 24 ESI algorithm, 21 f five-level, 20 high-risk conditions, 20 , 21 t history, 20 history taking in, 23 pediatric considerations, 22 –24 physiologic scoring systems, 27 , 27 t–28 t present times, 20 primary survey, 23 , 23 t resources, 22 t secondary survey, 23 –24 standardization of, 20 trends in, 24 –25 Trichinella spiralis , 560 Trichinosis, 560 Trichomonas vaginalis , 383 , 543 Trichophyton tonsurans , 443 Tricyclic antidepressants, 1048 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 456 , 1327 Trimethylaminuria, 337 Tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (THAM), 67 True cardiac arrhythmias, 425 Truncal ataxia, 107 Tube thoracostomy, for pneumothorax/hemothorax, 1287 Tularemia, 311 , 313 , 721 Tumor lysis syndrome, 905 ... neuromuscular-blocking agent (paralyzing agent), 39 –40 , 39 t sedatives, 38 –39 , 39 t patient positioning for, 38 pediatric anatomy and physiology, influence of, 35 t postprocedure management, 40 quality and safety,... Trans- 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid, 338 Transplantation emergencies biliary complications, 12e goals of emergency care, 1e graft rejection, 3e –8e immunosuppressant medication–related complications, 10e... complications, 10e vascular complications, 9e Transport communication center, C011 e11.7f Transport medicine air transport and safety, 13e –15e communication, 12e –13e , considerations, 6e interfacility