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New toeic actual tests part 1, 2

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Mo z I L G E TOEIC Actual Tests Lee Sang Jin, Kim Tae V NHÀ XUẤT BẢN TỔNG HỢP THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Cơng ty TNHH Nhân Trí Viêt Actual Tests Part 1,2 M O ZILG E New TOEIC Actual Tests Part 1,2 Copyright © 2009, 2012 Book21 Publishing Group Published in Vietnam, 2012 This edition is published ỉn Vietnam under a license Agreement betvveen Book21 Publishing Group and Nhan Tri Viet Co., Ltd Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, vvithout the prior written permission of the Copyright owner M O ZILG E Actual Tests Part 1,2 Lee Sang Jin, Kim Tae Woo, Jeon Hee Jung 0j NTV NHÀ XUẤT BẢN T ổN G HỢP C ông t y T N H H THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Nhân Trí Việt M O ZILG E» - As TOEIC stan d s for T est of E nglish for In te rn a tio n a l C om m unication, th e re is th e n eed to assess proíiciency by aligning q u e stio n s w ith everyday language scenarios th a t h a p p e n in to d a y s w orkplace Tasks in th e new TOEIC te s t are m ore a u th e n tic a n d th e re is a w id er range of E nglish accen ts com pared to the previous version - The new L istening S ection has fo u r m ajor changes: a decrease in th e n u m b er of p h o to g p h q u e stio n s in P art (from 20 to 10) • th e use of b o th reco rd ed a n d w ritte n q u e stio n s in P a rt (sh o rt conversations) and Part (sh o rt talks) In P art 3, th e re are m o re v ersatio n al exchanges, from A-B-A to A-B-A-B • an increase in th e n u m b e r of q u e stio n s th a t follow each tâlk in P a rt (3 questions in ste a d of 2-4 in th e e a rlie r version) the use of d iffe re n t English accents, as sp o k en in th e U.S., G reat Britain, C anada and A ustralia - The new Reading Section has th re e m ajor changes: • th e elimination of P a rt (error-recognition q u estio n s) the addition of tex t-co m p letio n q u e stio n s (P a rt 6) • th e inclusion of read in g se ts of questions b a se d on tw o in te r-re la te d passages (Part 7) w w w nhantriviet.com PREFACE Old TOEIC Part New TOEIC Listening Comprehension Sectìon 1 Photographs: 20 questions Photographs: 10 questions Question-Response: 30 questions Question-Response: 30 questions Short Conversations: 30 questions Short Conversations: 30 questions (30 conversations, question each) (10 conversations, questions each) Short Talks: 20 questions Short Talks: 30 questions (6-9 talks, 2-4 questions each) (10 talks, questions each) Reading Comprehension Sectìon Incomplete Sentences: 40 questions Incomplete Sentences: 40 questions Error Recognition: 20 questions Text Completion: 12 questions (4 reading sets, questions each) ■ Reading Comprehension: 40 questions Reading Comprehension: 48 questions (single passages: 28 questions; double passages: 20 questions) w w w n hantnviet.com MOZILGE Listening Comprehension - 10 picture-based qưestions (Q l-1 ) - There is a 25-second D irection for th e whole L istening Section a n d a 0-second D irection for Part 1, which m akes a to tal of m inute and 35 seconds beíore question begins - There is a5-second pause betw een every two questions - At the end of one page, you will hear th e direction “ Go OĨ1 to the n e x t p a g e ” The elapsing tim e b etw een th a t p o in t to th e nex t question on a new page is 12 seconds D uring th is tim e, you should look ahead a t th e n e x t pictures on the new pages - You should m ark your answ ers directly on th e answ er sh e e t while you are listen in g to th e questions - 30 qu estio n s ( Q ll- ) - There is a 1-m inute D irection for P art - There is a 5-second pause b etw een every two questions - A pproxim ately 10-15 questions begin w ith W H- (w hat, w hen, who, why, how, which, w here) - Since th e question ío rm a t rem ains m uch the sam e th ro u g h o u t Part 2, te s tta k e rs te n d to lose co n centration sta rtin g from questions 35-40 It is essential th a t you practice answ ering all th ese 30 questions in one session w ith o u t b reaking th e m in several chunks “ If you are n o t sure of any one question, ju st skip it and cen trate on th e n ex t one - You should m ark your answ ers directly on th e answ er sh e e t while you are listen in g to the questions - 30 questions based on 10 conversations (Q 41-70) - There is a 30-second D irection for P art - Each conversation is followed by questions read to testta k e rs - A fter a question is read, te stta k e rs have seconds to answ er it before th ey hear th e n e x t one - The conversations in Part are longer th a n those in the old TOEIC as th ey have th e ío rm at A-B-A-B in ste a d of th e sh o rte r one A-B-A www.nhantrivietcom structure of the test -lí '■ ’ *■*> - 30 qu estio n s based o n 10 listening passages (Q 71-100) - There is a 28-second D irection for Part - Each listen in g passage is followed by questions read to testta k e rs - A fter a question is read, te stta k e rs have seconds to answ er it before th ey hear the n e x t one - Each listen in g passage is about 100-120 w ords, and is read in 25-35 seconds - For P art 4, it is w iser for you to m ark your answ ers on the question booklet and tra n s íe r th em to th e answ er sh e e t at the end of the Listening Section Reading Comprehension - 40 qu estio n s (Q 101-140) - A m ong th ese are: 1 -1 questions on vocabulary; 12-13 questions on w ord form s and 1416 questions OĨ1 gram m ar - The len g th of each question is about 12-20 words - If you cannot answ er a certain question in 30 seconds, m ark it w ith an asterisk and proceed to th e n e x t One, th e n review it ỉater w hen tran sferrin g your answ ers to th e answ er sh eet - For Part 5, it is w iser for you to m ark your answ ers on the question booklet and tra n s íe r th em to th e answ er s h e e t about m inutes beíore the end of th e Reading Section - 12 questions (Q 141-152) in reading passages (3 questions for each passage) - A lthough the qu estio n s are em bedded in the reading passages, they are sim ilar in n a tu re w ith those in Part and should not create any special problem s to testta k e rs once th ey are used to dealing w ith questions in the previous part - As w ith Part 5, you should m ark your answ ers on the question booklet and tra n s íe r th e m to the answ er sh e e t about m inutes before th e end of the Reading Section - 48 questions (Single Passages: Q 153-180; Double Passages: Q 181-200) - Usually there are single passages and double passages (i.e reading com ponents) - The reading passages m ay belong to a wide range of íorm ats: ads, business email and letters, m em os, articles, etc - You should try to answ er all the questions of Parts and in 25 m inutes, leaving at lea st 45 m in u tes to deal w ith P art - It is a good strategy to look ahead at the questions beíore sta rtin g to read the passages - As w ith Parts an d 6, you should m ark your answ ers on th e question booklet and tra n s íe r them to th e answ er s h e e t about m inutes beíore the end of th e Reading Section w ww nhantriviet.com MOZILGE Preíace Structure of the test Actual Test Actual Test 13 Actual Test 18 Actual Test 23 Actual Test 28 Actual Test 33 Actual Test 38 Actual Test 43 Actual Test 48 Actual Test 53 Actual Test 10 58 Actual Test Actual Test 64 Actual Test 66 Actual Test 68 Actual Test 70 Actual Test 72 Actual Test 74 w w w nhantriviet:or ... Actual Tests Part 1 ,2 M O ZILG E New TOEIC Actual Tests Part 1 ,2 Copyright © 20 09, 20 12 Book21 Publishing Group Published in Vietnam, 20 12 This edition is published... the test Actual Test Actual Test 13 Actual Test 18 Actual Test 23 Actual Test 28 Actual Test 33 Actual Test 38 Actual Test 43 Actual Test 48 Actual Test 53 Actual Test 10 58 Actual Test Actual. .. se d on tw o in te r-re la te d passages (Part 7) w w w nhantriviet.com PREFACE Old TOEIC Part New TOEIC Listening Comprehension Sectìon 1 Photographs: 20 questions Photographs: 10 questions Question-Response:

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