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Bài tập về gerunds và infinitives môn tiếng anh lớp 9

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GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES I Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 I hope ( find) ……………… a job Try to avoid (make) ……………… him angry He is thinking of ( leave) ……………… his job Please let me (know) ……………….your decision It’s no use ( wait) ……………… I hate (see) ……………… a child (cry) ……………… Gravity makes water (run ) ……………… downhill Gravity keeps the moon (travel) around the earth instead of (shoot) off into space It’s difficult (get) ……………… used to ( eat) ……………… with chopsticks Stop ( argue) ……………… and start ( work) ……………… I used ( smoke ) ……………… 40 cigarettes a day I’d like ( have) ……………… a look at your new car I’m looking forward to (see) ……………… You He warned her ( not touch) ……………….the wire Do stop (talk) ………………., I’m trying (finish) ……………….a letter Ask him ( come) ……………….in Don’t keep him (stand) ……………… at the door There are people who can’t help (laugh) ……………… When they see someone (slip) ……………….on a banana skin I’m sorry (disappoint) ……………… you He was made (sign) ……………….a paper he told me ( try) ……………….(come) ……………….early Can you smell something (burn) ……………….? Oh, I can feel something (crawl) ……………….up my leg It must be an insect Is there anything here worth (buy) ……………….? You’ll be able (do) ……………….it yourself when you are older He is too ill (eat) ……………… Anything I prefer (drive) ……………….to (ride) ……………… I’ve never heard Tom (swear) ……………… You’ll never regret ( ) ……………….a kind action I’ll remember (send) ……………….you a card when I reach London You seem (know) ……………… this area very well – Yes, I used (live) ………… here Do you feel like (go) ……………….to a film or would you rather (stay) …………….at home? Sad movies always make me (cry) ……………… It takes me hours (write) ……………… A letter The cowboy began (fire) ……………… I’d rather (earn) ……………….my living by (clean) ……………….the floor than (make) ……………….money by (blackmail) ……………….people Best wishes to you in the year (come) ……………… Don’t forget (lock) ……………… The door before (go ) ……………….to bed We are expecting Henry (call) ……………….us The teacher decided (accept) ……………….the paper Donna is interested in(open) ……………….a bar She refused (accept) ……………….the gift Richard is expecting us (go) ……………….to class tomorrow George has no intention of (leave) ……………….the city now II.Choose the best answer They don’t allow here A us parking B to park C park D parking I found him at the door A living B to live C to living D lived What made her to a thing like that ? A decide B to decide C decided D deciding It’s no use to him about our problem because he is never willing us A to talk, help B talk, helping C talking, helps D talking, to help Women can delay children because the birth-control methods are effective A to have B have C having D had The woman next door is often willing to help us whenever we are in difficulty A to live B living C lived D lives High school student are made a lot of homework A B doing C to D done A sportsman needs calm under pressure A remain B to remain C remaining D remained I remember him said that he would come but he is absent now A hear B to hear C hearing D heard 10 Do you mind quiet? A be B to be C being D been 11 The teacher recommended that book but I not have enough money it A to buy, buy B buying, to buy C buy, buying D bought, buying 12 He showed me the computer A what to operate B how to operate C operating D how operating 13 We enjoy dinner at home but we detest the dishes A to have , to wash B have, wash C to have, washing D having, washing 14 They don’t allow us in without tickets They make us out A go, go B to go, goingC to go, go D going, to go 15 She avoid at her teacher because she does not know how his questions A to look, answer B looking, to answerC look, answering D looking, answering 16 Advertisers use many methods to get us their products A buy B to buy C buying D bought 17 We regret the late arrival of the 12.45 train from London A announce B to announce C for announcing D to announcing 18 He went on for two hours A speak B to speak C speaking D spoken 19 The students refused to school in the afternoon A returning B to return C to be returned D return 20 Where have you been? I’ve been trying you for nearly an hour A phoning B to phone C phone D for phoning 21 I meant the car with petrol before we left A filling B fill C to be filled D to fill 22 He to the meeting A failed to come B failed coming C fails to come D failed having come 23 I’m considering my job Can you recommend a good company? A to change B changed C change D changing 24 your teeth with fluoride toothpaste after every meal is important A Brush B Brushed C Brushing D Being brushed 25 Have you ever considered to live in another country? A going B to go C go D are going A returning B to return C to be returned D return 26 Where have you been? I’ve been trying you for nearly an hour A phoning B to phone C phone D for phoning 27 I meant the car with petrol before we left A filling B fill C to be filled D to fill 28 He to the meeting A failed to come B failed coming C fails to come D failed having come 29 I’m considering my job Can you recommend a good company? A to change B changed C change D changing 30 your teeth with fluoride toothpaste after every meal is important A Brush B Brushed C Brushing D Being brushed A failed to come B failed coming C fails to come D failed having come 31 I’m considering my job Can you recommend a good company? A to change B changed C change D changing 32 your teeth with fluoride toothpaste after every meal is important A Brush B Brushed C Brushing D Being brushed III Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences 1 Whenever we met, Jack avoided (look) ……………….at me Most people enjoy (travel) ……………….to different parts of the world Mary needs (find) ……………… another job Her present company is going out of business May I change the TV channel, or you want (watch) …………….more of this program Joan is considering (change) ……………….her major from pre-med studies to psychology (t©m lý häc) Although Joe slammed on his brakes, he couldn’t avoid (hit) ……………….the small dog that suddenly darted (lao tíi) out in front of his car I hope (write) ……………….my autobiography before I die Do you think anyone would read it? Joyce thanked us for (invite) ……………….them to dinner and said that they wanted to have us over for dinner next week If you delay (pay) .your bills, you will only incur(bị, mắc, chÞu) more and more interest charge 10 My lawyer advised me not (say) ……………….anything further about the accident 11 A procrastinator ( ngêi hay tr× ho·n) is one who habitually postpones(do) ……………….things-especially tasks that are unpleasant 12 You should plan (arrive) …………….at the stadium early or you won’t be able to get good seats 13 My mom asked me (pick) …….up some eggs at the supermarket on my way home from 14 Nobody has offered (buy) ……………….the house next door, so I think they’re going to lower the price 15 The high way patrol(đội tuần tra) advises (take) ……………….the old route through the city because the interstate (giữa bang) high way is under major repair 16 Would you mind (peel) ……………….the apple for me? My arthritis (bƯnh viªm khíp) is acting up my right hand 17 Stop (nag) ……………….me! I’ll get everything finished before I go to bed 18 When the university suggested (raise) ……………….the tuition again, the student senate (Ban gi¸m hiƯu ) protested vigorously(qut liƯt ) 19 Are we permitted (bring) ……………….guests to the ceremony? I’d like to invite my friends to join us 20 The city council agreed (accept) ……the architect’s proposed design for a new parking 21 She expects (deliver) ……………….her baby at the new hospital 22 The bad weather caused us (miss) ……………….our connecting flight to Rome 23 We dislike (eat) ……………….dinner at 9.OO PM 24 Most of the students completed (write) ……………….their research papers on time 25 My niece hopes (travel) ……………….with me to Disneyland next April 26 This novel will remind me (defrost- lµm tan ) ……………….the chicken for dinner tomorrow nigh 27 I didn’t mean (interrupt) ……………….him 28 You must swear (tell) ……………….the truth in a court of law 29 Wiily denied (eat) ……………….a whole bag of chocolate chip cookies before lunch 30 I finished (cook) ……………….at 7.00Pm IV Supply the correct verb forms: I was lonely at first, but after a time I got used to (live) alone She remembers parts of her childhood quite clearly She remembers (go) to school the first time and (be) frightened and (put) her finger in her mouth She remembers her teacher (tell) her (take) it out Did you remember (lock) the car? – No, I didn’t I’d better (go) back and( do) it now We stopped once (buy) petrol and then we stopped again(ask) someone the way When I caught them cheating me, I stopped(buy) petrol there and started (deal) with your station instead I tried(convince) him that I was perfectly capable of (manage) on my own, but he insisted on (help) me Your hair needs(cut) You’d better (have) it (do) tomorrow I always try (come) in quietly they always hear me (go) upstairs It’s impossible(climb) an old wooden stair case at night without(make) noise They don’t allow(smoke) in the auditorium, they don’t want (risk) (set) it on fire 10 Would you like me( turn) down the radio a bit? No, it’s all right I’m used to(work) with the radio on 11 Would your children mind(keep) quiet for a moment? I’m try (fill) a form 12 The mister spent all his time (count) his money and (think) up new hiding-place He kept ( move) it about because he was terrified of (be) robbed He used to (get) up at night 13 I’m delighted (hear) that you can (come) on Saturday We are all looking forward to(see) you Remember (bring) your rubber boots 14 Jack suggested (take) me one flat and (keep) the other for me But Tom advised me( sell) the whole house 15 They let us( park) motorcycles here but they don’t allow us( park) cars 16 The inspector asked(see) my ticket and when I wasn’t able (find) it, he made me (buy) another 17 My father advised me(read) this novel 18 Does she want(because) a singer? 19 If you want the milkman(leave) you milk in the morning, don’t forget (put) a milk bottle outside 20 The teacher recommends(prepare) the lessons well before (come) to class 21 Can you help me (find) my mistakes? 22 They didn’t permit (camp) in this wood 23 Nothing will make me (change)my mind 24 Parents often recommend their children(not drink) too much 25 The lord had the gardener(plant) trees(get) shadow 26 She was afraid(tell) her parents the truth 27 This evening I have arranged(go) to theatres 28 She doesn’t like people(shout) at him 29 Finally he admitted(steal) his wife’s jewelries and (spend) all the money in gambling 30 Does the city government intend(do) anything about pollution? V Choose the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences: The teacher decided(accepting/ to accept) the paper The appreciate( to have/ having) this information His father doesn’t approve of his (going/ to go) to Europe We found it very difficult(reaching/ to reach) a dicision Donna is interested in (to open/ opening) a bar George has no intention of ( to leave/ leaving) the city now We are eager(to return/ returning) to school in the fall You would be better off(to buy/ buying) this car She refused(to accept/accepting) the gift 10 Mary regrets( to be/ being) VI Use the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses in the following sentences: I hope( have) a job Try to avoid( make) him angry He thinks of(leave) his of Please let me(know) your decision It’s no use (wait) Gravity makes water(run) downhill Gravity keep the moon(travel) around the earth instead of (shoot) off into space It’s difficult(get) used to (eat) with chopsticks Stop(argue) and start( work) 10 I used(smoke) 40 cigarettes a day 11 I’d like(have) a look at your new car 12 I’m looking forward to(see) you 13 He warned her( not touch) the wire 14 Would you mind(show) me how (work) the lift? 15 If you go on (let) the dog(run) after cars, he’ll end by(be) run over 16 Do stop(talk), I’m trying (finish) a letter 17 Ask him(come) in Don’t keep him (stand) at the door 18 There are people who can’t help( laugh) when they see someone(slip) on a banana skin 19 I’m sorry(disappoint) you 20 He was made( sign) a paper admitting his guilt 21 He told me(try)(come) early 22 Could I(see) Mr Pitt, please? 23 The road(join) the two villages is very narrow 24 Can you smell something(burn)? 25 (Look) at me and answer my question 26 Oh! I can feel something(crawl) up my leg It must be an insect 27 Is there anything here worth(buy)? 28 You’ll be able (do) it yourself when you are older 29 He is too ill(eat) anything 30 I prefer(drive) to (ride) 31 I don’t enjoy(go) to the dentist 32 I’ve never heard Tom (wear) 33 You’ll never regret(do) a kind action 34 I’ll remember(send) you a postcard when I reach London 35 You seem (know) this area very well Yes, I used( live) here 36 Do you feel like(go) to a film or would you rather(stay) at home? 37 Why you keep(look) back? Are you afraid of(be) followed? 38 Sad movies always make me(cry) 39 Where did you have your sister(make) your coat? 40 The old man(sit) on the park bench looked at the(jog) woman 41 It takes me hours (write) a letter 42 The cowboy began(fire) 43 I’d rather(earn) my living by(clean) the floor than (make) money by (blackmail) people 44 He is too busy (take) care of her 45 Best wishes to you in the year (come) 46 Don’t forget(lock) the door before(go) to bed 47 He gave up(gamble) 48 The snow keeps(fall) 49 It wouldn’t be safe now, we’ll have (wait) until the rain stops VII Give the correct form of the verbs I am looking forward to (see) you He dreads (have) to retire I arranged (meet) them here He urged us (work) faster I wish (see) the manager It's no use (wait) He warned her (not touch) the wire Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed My mother told me (not speak) to anyone about it 10 I can't understand her (behave) like that 11 He tried (explain) but she refused (listen) 12 At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between the courses 13 You are expected (know) the safety regulations of the college 14 He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman 15 lam prepared (wait) here all night if necessary 16 Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift? 17 After (walk) for three hours we stopped to let the others (catch with us 18 I am beginning (understand) what you mean 19 He was fined for (exceed) the speed limit 20 The boys like (play) games but hate (do) lessons 21 I regret (inform) you that your application has been refused 22 I couldn't help (overhear) what you said 23 Mrs Jones: I don't allow (smoke) in my drawing-room Mrs Smith: I don't allow my family (smoke) at all 24 He surprised us all by (go) away without (say) 'Good-bye' 25 Please go on (write); I don't mind (wait) 26 He wore dark glasses (avoid) (be) recognized 27 Before (give) evidence you must swear (speak) the truth 28 I tried (persuade) him (agree) with your proposal 29 Your windows need (clean); would you like me (do) them for you? 30 Would you mind (shut) the window? I hate (sit) in a draught 31 I can't help (sneeze); I caught a cold yesterday from (sit) in a draught 32 Do stop (talk): I am trying (finish) a letter 33 His doctor advised him (give up) (jog) 34 My watch keeps (stop) ~ That's because you keep (forget) (wind) it 35 Without (realize) it he hindered us instead of (help) us 36 People used (make) fire by (rub) two sticks together Date:…………………… Subject and verb agreement Choose the suitable verbs John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories The quality of this recordings (is/are) not very good The effects of cigarette smoking (have/has) been proven to be extremely harmful The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly in recent years Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night 10 The committee (has/have) already reached a decision 11 Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions 12 The crowd at the basketball game (was/were) wild with excitement 13 The piano as well as the pipe organ to be tuned for the big concert HAS/ HAVE 14 The mayor together with his two brothers going to be indicted for accepting bribes ARE/ IS 15 Neither of my two suitcases adequate for this trip IS/ ARE 16.There a list of committee members on the head-table ARE/ IS 17 Everybody in the class done the homework well in advance HAS/ HAVE 18 The jury their seats in the courtroom TAKE/ TAKES 19 Neither the teacher nor the students to understand this assignment SEEM/ SEEMS 20 either my father or my brothers made a down-payment on the house? HAS/HAVE 21 Hartford is one of those cities that working hard to reclaim a riverfront IS/ARE 22 Some of the grain gone bad HAVE/ HAS 23 John or his brother going to be responsible for this ARE/ IS 24 A few of the students doing so well they can skip the next course ARE/ IS 25 Either the Committee on Course Design or the Committee on College Operations these matters DECIDE/ DECIDES 26 One of my instructors written a letter of recommendation for me HAVE HAS Dr Ferndon is one of those professors who _ distracted most of the time SEEM/ SEEMS 27 _ either Luis or his parents written to Angela? HAVE/ HAS 28 Neither Luis nor his parents _ the least bit interested in keeping in touch with her IS/ ARE 29.Everybody on this team _ really hard to please the new coach TRY/ TRIES 30 Because there _ so many students in that class, I can sometimes sleep in the back row ARE/ IS 31 Neither traffic light neither the one on Asylum Avenue nor the one on Farmington Avenue _ working after the storm WAS/ WERE 32 Mr Bradley, along with his two sisters, _ lived in this town for thirty years HAVE/ HAS 33 There _ no reasons for this horrible development that I can see IS/ ARE 34 Some of the water _ already gone bad HAVE/ HAS 35 One of these students _ obviously cheated on the exam HAVE/ HAS 36 Either the UConn Women's Team or the UConn Men's Team _ going to be national champion this year ARE/ IS 37 Carlos and his brother Raoul _ traveling across the country next summer (is/ are) 38 Several of the students _ decided to withdraw from the course (have/ has) 39.Neither of the films _worth seeing (ARE/ IS) 40 I am the one who _ahead of the rest (STAYS/ STAY) ... announcing D to announcing 18 He went on for two hours A speak B to speak C speaking D spoken 19 The students refused to school in the afternoon A returning B to return C to be returned D return... fill 28 He to the meeting A failed to come B failed coming C fails to come D failed having come 29 I’m considering my job Can you recommend a good company? A to change B changed C change D changing... ……………….the tuition again, the student senate (Ban gi¸m hiƯu ) protested vigorously(qut liƯt ) 19 Are we permitted (bring) ……………….guests to the ceremony? I’d like to invite my friends to join

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 17:35
