Contemporary Contemporary Research in E-Marketing, Volume Research in by Sandeep Krishnamurthy E-Marketing, Volume Idea Group Publishing © 2005 (347 pages) 1 ISBN:1591403723 This innovative text brings the interdisciplinary work of e-marketing to one outlet, and fuels the cross-fertilization of ideas and dissemination of key research concepts Table of Contents Contemporary Research in E-Marketing, Volume Preface Chapter I - Social Oracles as Advertising Tools in Programmable Businesses Chapter II - Economic Issues in Advertising via E-Mail: Role for a Trusted Third Party? Chapter III - Web Personalization for E-Marketing Intelligence Chapter IV - E-Commerce as Knowledge Management: Managing Consumer Knowledge Chapter V - MSQ-Model: An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Mobile Service Quality Chapter VI - Experiencing Quality: The Impact of Practice on Customers’ Preferences for and Perceptions of Electronic Interfaces Chapter VII - The Impact of eBay Ratings and Item Description on Auction Prices: A Comparison of Designer Watches and DVDs Chapter VIII - Viral Experiences: Do You Trust Your Friends? Chapter IX - Public Opinions of Online Privacy: Definitions, Assessment and Implications for Industry and Public Policy Chapter X - Online Privacy: Consumer Concerns and Technological Competence Chapter XI - Using Server Log Files and Online Experiments to Enhance Internet Marketing Chapter XII - CRM, KDD and Relationship Marketing: Requisite Trio for Sustainable E-Marketing Chapter XIII - An Interactive Marketing Communication Model in New Product Diffusion Chapter XIV - A Rhetorical-Prototype Mechanism for Creating International E-Marketing Materials Chapter XV - How Innovativeness Influences Internet Shopping Index List of Figures List of Tables Back Cover Contemporary Research in E-Marketing brings the intrinsically inter-disciplinary work of e-marketing, by academic researchers from various fields, to one outlet This book fuels the cross-fertilization of ideas and greater dissemination of key research concepts Contributions from fields as diverse as marketing, management, MIS, communication, computer science and finance offer exposure to cutting-edge ideas with broad scope and international focus About the Editor Sandeep Krishnamurthy is associate professor of e-commerce and marketing in the Business Administration Program at the University of Washington, Bothell He obtained his PhD from the University of Arizona in marketing and economics His research interests are in the area of e-Marketing, ecommerce and open source software Most recently, he has published a 450-page MBA textbook, ECommerce Management: Text and Cases His scholarly work on e-commerce and open source software has appeared in journals such as Business Horizons, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of ComputerMediated Communication, Quarterly Journal of E-Commerce, Marketing Management, First Monday, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Service Marketing Sandeep also works in the areas of generic advertising and non-profit marketing His work in generic advertising has appeared in journals such as Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP) and Marketing Letters His work in non-profit marketing has appeared in the International Journal of Non-Profit Voluntary Sector Marketing He currently serves as associate book review editor for the Journal of Marketing Research and is a co-editor for a special issue of the International Marketing Review He regularly reviews papers for a variety of journals including Marketing Science and the >Journal of Advertising His writings in the business press have appeared on, and His comments have been featured in press articles in outlets such as Marketing Computers, Direct Magazine,,, Oracle’s Profit Magazine and The Washington Post He has developed and taught several innovative courses related to e- commerce to both MBA and undergraduate students Most recently, he developed and taught a course titled “Search and the World Wide Web” He was responsible for founding the management information systems (MIS) concentration in the business program Contemporary Research inE-Marketing, Volume Sandeep Krishnamurthy University of Washington, Bothell, USA IDEA GROUP PUBLISHING Hershey * London * Melbourne * Singapore Acquisitions Editor: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour Senior Managing Editor: Jan Travers Managing Editor: Amanda Appicello Development Editor: Michele Rossi Copy Editor: Bernard J Kieklak, Jr Typesetter: Jennifer Wetzel Cover Design: Lisa Tosheff Printed at: Yurchak Printing Inc Published in the United States of America by Idea Group Publishing (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.) 701 E Chocolate Avenue, Suite 200 Hershey PA 17033 Tel: 717-533-8845 Fax: 717-533-8661 E-mail: Web site: and in the United Kingdom by Idea Group Publishing (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.) Henrietta Street Covent Garden London WC2E 8LU Tel: 44 20 7240 0856 Fax: 44 20 7379 3313 Web site: Copyright © 2005 by Idea Group Inc All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Contemporary research in e-marketing / Sandeep Krishnamurthy, editor v cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1-59140-372-3 (h/c) ISBN 1-59140-373-1 (s/c) -ISBN 1-59140-374-X (eisbn) Internet marketing I Krishnamurthy, Sandeep, 1967HF5415.1265.C67 2005 658.8'72 dc22 2004016288 British Cataloguing in Publication Data A Cataloguing in Publication record for this book is available from the British Library All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material The views expressed in this book are those of the authors, but not necessarily of the publisher About the Authors Sandeep Krishnamurthy is associate professor of e-commerce and marketing in the Business Administration Program at the University of Washington, Bothell He obtained his PhD from the University of Arizona in marketing and economics His research interests are in the area of e-Marketing, e-commerce and open source software Most recently, he has published a 450 page MBA textbook, E-Commerce Management: Text and Cases His scholarly work on e-commerce and open source software has appeared in journals such as Business Horizons, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Quarterly Journal of E-Commerce, Marketing Management, First Monday, Journal of Marketing Research and Journal of Service Marketing Sandeep also works in the areas of generic advertising and non-profit marketing His work in generic advertising has appeared in journals such as Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes(OBHDP) and Marketing Letters His work in non-profit marketing has appeared in the International Journal of Non-Profit Voluntary Sector Marketing He currently serves as associate book review editor for the Journal of Marketing Research and is a coeditor for a special issue of the International Marketing Review He regularly reviews papers for a variety of journals including Marketing Science and the Journal of Advertising His writings in the business press have appeared on, and His comments have been featured in press articles in outlets such as Marketing Computers, Direct Magazine,,, Oracle's Profit Magazine and The Washington Post He has developed and taught several innovative courses related to e- commerce to both MBA and undergraduate students Most recently, he developed and taught a course titled 'Search and the World Wide Web' He was responsible for founding the management information systems (MIS) concentration in the business program He invites you to visit his web site at and his blog at Jounghae Bang is a doctoral student in the marketing field at the University of Rhode Island (URI), USA She holds a BS in business administration and an MS in management information systems (MIS) from the Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, Korea She has worked as a consultant in the information technology area at Deloitte Consulting Company in Seoul, Korea; and as a researcher in the Ewha Center for Informatization Strategies, Korea, involved in information system strategic planning projects and seminars Her research interests bridges the areas of customer relationship management, relationship marketing, data mining and e-commerce Nigel M Blackie is a lecturer in the school of Computing, Science and Engineering at the University of Salford, UK Nikhilesh Dholakia is professor in the marketing, e-commerce, and management information systems areas at the University of Rhode Island (URI), USA, and a faculty associate at URI's Research Institute for Telecommunications & Information Marketing (RITIM) He has published extensively in the fields of marketing, e-commerce, and consumer culture, and has taught in several academic and executive programs in Asia, Europe, and Latin America Dr Dholakia has won the Charles Slater award of the Journal of Macromarketing He has also chaired doctoral dissertations that have won the MSI/ Clayton and ACR/Sheth Foundation awards, and supervised award winning student essays at the Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) His recent books include Worldwide E-Commerce and Online Marketing: Watching the Evolution (Quorum, 2003), and M-commerce in North America, Europe and AsiaPacific: Cases and Readings (Idea Group Publishing, 2004 forthcoming) Dr Dholakia holds a BTech in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, and a PhD from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University Ruby Roy Dholakia is director of the Research Institute for Telecommunications and Information Marketing (RITIM) in the College of Business Administration at the University of Rhode Island (URI) (USA), and founder of COTIM series of conferences She is also a professor of marketing at URI She holds a BS in marketing, an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley and a PhD in marketing from Northwestern University Engaged extensively in research projects on telecommunications and information technologies for the home and the workplace, she has authored numerous books such as Marketing Strategies for Information Technologies (JAI Press, 1994), New Infotainment Technologies in the Home: Demand-Side Perspectives (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996), and Worldwide E-Commerce and Online Marketing: Watching the Evolution (Quorum, 2003) Her research on information technology consumers and markets, including e-commerce and m-commerce topics, has appeared in major business and IT journals Nick V Flor is an assistant professor in the marketing, information systems, and decision sciences group at the University of New Mexico's Anderson Schools of Management (USA) He holds a PhD in cognitive science from the University of California, San Diego His research interests include: programmable autonomous businesses, superorganizations, distributed cognition, and code improvisation Ronald E Goldsmith, Richard M Baker Professor of Marketing at Florida State University (USA), received his PhD in marketing from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa His research interests include developing measures of consumer behavior constructs, diffusion of innovations, and personality in consumer behavior Dr Goldsmith's articles have appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Business Research, the Service Industries Journal, the Journal of Retailing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, the European Journal of Marketing, The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice and others Ram D Gopal is GE Capital endowed professor of business and associate professor of operations and information management in the School of Business, University of Connecticut (USA) He currently serves as PhD director for the department His current research interests include electronic markets, intellectual property rights, online marketing, and database systems His research has appeared in Management Science, Operations Research, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Information Systems Research, Communications of the ACM, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Journal of Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and other journals and conference proceedings He currently serves as an associate editor for Information Systems Frontiers C Edward (Chip) Heath is an instructor in the Department of Marketing at Northern Kentucky University (USA) He is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Kentucky He received his undergraduate degree in finance from the University of Illinois and an MBA from Northern Illinois University with a concentration in information systems His previous research has been published in the Journal of ECommerce Research Professor Heath's research focuses on Internet related behaviors, consumer reactions to aesthetics, and ethical issues Charles F Hofacker is a professor of marketing at Florida State University, where he has been since 1985 with the exception of 2001, which was spent at the Università Bocconi in Milan, Italy Before the Internet, he pursued research in consumer choice, and also in the area of information technology With the onset of the Internet, he does research on how consumer choice is impacted by Internet technology He has had papers published on these and related topics in the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, the European Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychometrika and Multivariate Behavioral Research When not pursuing these topics he can often be found on his road bicycle Barbara A Lafferty is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of South Florida (USA) She received her PhD in business administration from Florida State University, an MS from the University of Illinois, and a BA from Ohio State University Her research interests include corporate reputation, causebrand alliances, and social marketing She has published in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Corporate Reputation Review, Journal of Global Marketing, and Journal of the Academy of Business Administration Veronica Liljander (born 1960) is professor (acting) of marketing and head of the Department of Marketing and Corporate Geography at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration (Hanken), Helsinki, Finland Her main research interests are service and relationship marketing, on which she has published articles, for example, in the International Journal of Service Industry Management, Journal of Services Marketing, and Psychology & Marketing She is currently on the editorial board of the European Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Service Industry Management, and the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising From 2000-2001, she spent a year as a visiting scholar at Maastricht University, The Netherlands In 2004, she spent a month as visiting professor at the University of Roskilde, Denmark Rachel McLean is a lecturer in management information systems at the Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, UK Penelope Markellou has an MSc in Computer Science, in the area of designing and evaluating e-business systems She is working as a researcher in the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras and in the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute Her research interests lie in personalization and Web mining techniques applied in the e-Commerce and e-Learning domains She has published several research papers and has co-authored five book chapters Jamie Murphy is an associate professor of electronic marketing at the University of Western Australia and he has also taught in the US, Canada, Austria and Switzerland His business background includes working as European marketing manager for several sports-related products and owner/manager of two restaurants His research interests focus on effective use of the interactive media by individuals, organizations and business, especially those in the tourism field He has covered Internet-related stories for the New York Times and Wall Street Journal and has dozens of scholarly publications When not pursuing these topics, he is on his road bike as well Kyle B Murray is an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Western Ontario's Richard Ivey School of Business (Canada) His research focuses on consumer judgment and decision making, with an emphasis on how consumers make choices in electronic environments Dr Murray's work in this area has been published in journals such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, and Advances in Consumer Research As an educator Dr Murray has taught undergraduate, MBA and executive level courses in marketing and e-commerce He has also been active as a consultant for a variety of organizations in fields as diverse as oil and gas, manufacturing, financial services, retailing, and not-for- profit enterprises He can be reached through the contact information on his Web site at Jan Nordman (born 1977) graduated with a Master's of Science (Econ.), and a major in marketing, from the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki (2003) With previous work experience from telecommunications and e-commerce, he decided to a study on mobile service quality for his master's thesis Studies and work have taken him around the world during the last years: Helsinki, London, Bangkok, Washington, DC, and Geneva, where he is currently residing Kartik Pashupati (PhD, Michigan State University) is currently at the Southern Methodist University (USA), formerly an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Florida State University (USA) His research interests include consumer responses to marketing communication, international advertising, interactive advertising and ICT policy in developing countries His research has been presented at national conferences and published in journals such as the International Journal of Advertising, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Journal of Interactive Marketing and Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies Pushkala Raman (PhD, Texas A&M University) is an assistant professor of marketing at Florida State University Her research interests include customer relationship marketing, privacy related issues, technology and the consumer, and volunteering behaviors Her research has been published in the Communications of the ACM, Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing and Journal of Customer Behavior She can be reached at Maria Rigou has an MSc in Computer Science, in the field of interactive systems evaluation She is currently working as a researcher (PhD student) at the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras, and also at the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute As a researcher, she is working on personalization techniques and the use of Web usage mining in adapting Web site content and structure and has several publications in the domain of Web mining and its applications in e-Commerce, e-Learning, as well as the formation and behavior of Online Communities She has coauthored three book chapters on personalization-related technologies Mark P Sena is an assistant professor in the Department of Information Systems at Xavier University He holds a PhD in decision science and information systems from the University of Kentucky along with a BBA in business analysis from Texas A&M University and an MBA from Miami University (OH) His research has been published in Decision Support Systems, the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, the Journal of Decision Systems, and Information Technology and Management Professor Sena's research interests include electronic commerce, enterprise systems, and business intelligence Kim Sheehan is associate professor at the University of Oregon's School of Journalism and Communication (USA) Her teaching and research interests include online consumer behavior, research methods, and advertising creative strategy Her research has appeared in Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing Kim is author of Controversies in Contemporary Advertising (Sage, 2003) and was co-author of Using Qualitative Research Methods in Advertising recently transmitted to production (Sage, 2002); in addition she contributed chapters to Internet Marketing: Readings and Online Resources, Paul Richardson, McGraw/Hill (2000) and Frontiers in Direct Marketing Research, Joseph Phelps, John Wiley and Sons (1998) The Advertising Research Division in 1997 awarded her Best Paper In 1999, Kim was finalist for Best Paper in the Journal of Advertising Prior to becoming an academic, Kim worked as media director and media supervisor for several advertising agencies including Foote Cone and Belding Her clients included Budweiser, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, McDonalds, Laura Ashley, People Magazine, Bank of Boston, and Kraft-Miracle Whip Spiros Sirmakessis is an assistant professor in the Technological Educational Institution of Messolongi and the manager of the Internet and Multimedia Technologies Research Unit of the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (http:// He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Patras, teaching Human Computer Interaction and e-Business courses His research areas include human computer interaction, human factors, e-business strategies, efficient techniques for designing interactive systems and web mining He has co-authored three books and several research papers published in international journals and conferences Kirk St.Amant is an assistant professor with the Institute of Technical and Scientific Communication at James Madison University His background is in anthropology, international government, and technical communication His research interests include intercultural communication with a focus on how online communication technologies affect cross-cultural interactions He has taught online courses in intercultural communication for Mercer University and James Madison University He has also taught courses in ecommerce, distance education, and business communication in the Ukraine as a part of the USAIDsponsored Consortium for the Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education (CEUME) Fiona Sussan is a marketing doctoral student at Baruch College, CUNY in New York, NY Her research interests include e-marketing, new-product diffusion and information systems She was a Fellow at the 2003 AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Her dissertation proposal has recently been awarded the John Funk Fellowship from the Center of Research in Technology and Innovation of Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Arvind K Tripathi received his PhD in operations and information management from the School of Business, University of Connecticut (2003) He is currently an assistant professor of management information systems at the University of Washington Business School, Seattle, Washington His current research interests are in the areas of management of information systems, online advertising/marketing, and electronic markets His research has appeared in Communications of the ACM and Americas Conference in Information Systems Shenja van der Graaf received her MA in media studies (Institute of Media & Re/ Presentation) at the Utrecht University (1999) and is currently working on her PhD on advertising practices In 2000 she was awarded with a scholarship from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences, Leiden University and Japan-Netherlands Institute in Tokyo Her research focused on the Japanese media industry and American and European markets In 2003 she was admitted in the summer doctoral program at the Oxford Internet Institute (University of Oxford) Currently she is collaborating on a several projects with Hakuhodo, Ericsson, and the Berkman Center for Internet & Society Zhiping D Walter received a PhD in business administration, specializing in management information systems from the Simon School of Business, University of Rochester She is currently an assistant professor of management information systems at the Business School, University of Colorado at Denver Dr Walter's research interests are in the areas of economics of information systems, Internet marketing, and information technology in healthcare Her research has been published or has been accepted to publish in Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Healthcare Technology Management and Technology Analysis and Strategic Management Michael A Webb is a professor in the Department of Economics at Xavier University He served as the dean of Xavier's Williams College of Business (1997-2003) after serving as department chair of economics at the University of Kentucky He holds a PhD in economics from the University of Illinois at ChampaignUrbana along with a BA and MA from the University of Texas at Arlington He has published research in such journals as International Economic Journal, Journal of Development Economics, Economic Inquiry, Oxford Economic Papers, and the Journal of International Economics Professor Webb's research focuses on international trade and development Index R reactive approach 53 relationship marketing 250, 257 reliability 112 rhetorical theory 304 robots 233 Index S security 99, 114 self-perceived technological competence (SPTC) 200, 209 self-service technologies (SSTs) 94 seller feedback ratings 149 seller information 152 sequential elimination 45 sequential pattern discovery 58 server log files 226 service expectations 97 service quality dimensions 98 shareable product asset 22 site depth 233 site navigation 237 skill acquisition 131, 139 sociability 173 social constructionist-critical theory 69 social constructionists 74 social oracles software agent spam 38, 212 supra-individual cognitive systems Index T technology mediation 14 time sensitiveness 107 traditional marketing communication theory 272 trust 100, 166 trusted third party 38 Index U unsolicited commercial e-mailing (UCE) 38 unsolicited e-mail 41 usage data 55 user acceptance 205 user data 54 user driven 51 user profile 52 Index V video cassette recorder (VCR) 268 viral e-mail 20 viral experience 166, 175 viral mapping 176 viral marketing 171 virtual community 21, 74 visual design 302 Index W Web crawlers 233 Web log data 230 Web personalization 48 Web site design 305 Web site goals 238 Web-mining 61 Wells Fargo & Co 252 word-of-mouth 273 Index Y (YNM) Index Z zone of tolerance 97 List of Figures Chapter I: Social Oracles as Advertising Tools in Programmable Businesses Figure 1-1: Screen shots: Topic list (left) and topic/opinion display (right) Figure 1-2: Oracle 1: Compatibility Game Figure 1-3: Oracle 2: Love Detective Figure 1-4: Database entry for the Compatibility Game Figure 1-5: Specific information activity map for the Compatibility Game Figure 1-6: General information activity map for the Compatibility Game Figure 1-7: What the customer believes is happening (asseti, vs: asseti') Figure 1-8: Customer conveying the social asset 'offline' Figure 1-9: Superimposing the maps for Figure (lightgray) and Figure at C Figure 1-10: Information activity map generalized across media Figure 1-11: Compatibility game as gossiping process Figure 1-12: 1st generation game user (suspects that responded are italicized) Figure 1-13: Information activity map for a 1st generation user of the Love Detective (suspects that responded are bolded) Figure 1-14: Activity from one of the suspects (correct guess in bold) Figure 1-15: Information activity for a suspect (correct guess in bold) Figure 1-16: General information activity map for a person playing the Love Detective Figure 1-17: Information activity map for Janis and John Figure 1-18: Information activity map with player, suspect and information generalized Figure 1-19: Information activity map with a friend substituted for YNM Figure 1-20: Descriptions of various social processes for finding out if a suspect likes a person Figure 1-21: Information activity maps for conventional advertising Figure 1-22: Simple form for e-mailing the 'gossip' (center of screen) Figure 1-23: Key elements of a direct-response advertisement Figure 1-24: Compatibility Game e-mail Figure 1-25: Love Detective e-mail Figure 1-26: Example of viral marketing Figure 1-27: Information activity map depicting how the partial assets sent by the social oracles lure customers to YNM (W) Figure 1-28: General information activity map for both social and product oracles based on partial asset delivery Figure 1-29: YNM's home page Figure 1-30: Compatibility report Figure 1-31: E-mail received by the user's friend or associate Figure 1-32: YNM's home page Figure 1-33: Love Detective: Prior to entering a suspect's e-mail Figure 1-34: Love Detective: After entering a suspect's e-mail Figure 1-35: E-mail received by the suspect Figure 1-36: Love Detective (recipient): Prior to submitting the wrong guess Figure 1-37: Love Detective (recipient): After submitting the wrong guess Figure 1-38: Love Detective (recipient): Prior to submitting the correct guess Figure 1-39: Love Detective (recipient): After submitting the correct guess Figure 1-40: Love Detective: What the sender sees after the recipient guesses correctly Figure 1-41: E-mail sent as a result of the recipient's wrong guess Figure 1-42: An information activity map Figure 1-43: Information activity map: E-mailing 'happy birthday' over the Internet Figure 1-44: Abbreviation for e-mailing 'happy birthday' over the Internet Figure 1-45: Bot automating the e-mailing of 'happy birthday' over the Internet Chapter II: Economic Issues in Advertising via E-Mail: Role for a Trusted Third Party? Figure 2-1: Framework for AdMediation Chapter III: Web Personalization for E-Marketing Intelligence Figure 3-1: Personalization process Figure 3-2: Clustering Figure 3-3: Classification Figure 3-4: Associations rules Figure 3-5: Examples of personalization output Chapter IV: E-Commerce as Knowledge Management: Managing Consumer Knowledge Figure 4-1: Figure 4-2: DooYoo reviews Figure 4-3: Socially constructed model of knowledge management Figure 4-4: Fish and Fly message board posting Figure 4-5: Fish and Fly message board responses Chapter V: MSQ-Model: An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Mobile Service Quality Figure 5-1: MSQ-model Chapter VI: Experiencing Quality: The Impact of Practice on Customers' Preferences for and Perceptions of Electronic Interfaces Figure 6-1: Sample interface screen shots Figure 6-2: Task completion times (six trial condition) Figure 6-3: Standard deviations of the task completion times (six trial condition) Figure 6-4: Incumbent choice share by the number of incumbent trials Figure 6-5: Distribution of graded pair comparison (preference) ratings Figure 6-6: Incumbent and competitor ratings of interface quality by trials Chapter VII: The Impact of eBay Ratings and Item Description on Auction Prices: A Comparison of Designer Watches and DVDs Figure 7-1: eBay feedback form Figure 7-2: eBay rating levels Figure 7-3: eBay feedback rating Figure 7-4: Impact of description quality on winning bid prices Figure 7-5: Example of high quality designer watch description (reformatted to fit page) Figure 7-6: Example of high quality DVD description (reformatted to fit page) Chapter X: Online Privacy: Consumer Concerns and Technological Competence Figure 10-1: Impact of self perceived technological competence on online privacy concerns Chapter XI: Using Server Log Files and Online Experiments to Enhance Internet Marketing Figure 11-1: Sample log file entry Figure 11-2: Frequency distribution of site depths for a regional hospitality site Figure 11-3: Distribution of time on site for a regional hospitality site Figure 11-4: Hourly page views for a hospitality site (top) and for a content site (bottom) Figure 11-5: Click-through probability as a function of item position within a menu Chapter XII: CRM, KDD and Relationship Marketing: Requisite Trio for Sustainable E-Marketing Figure 12-1: Enhancing e-marketing through CRM and KDD Chapter XIII: An Interactive Marketing Communication Model in New Product Diffusion Figure 13-1: Interactive marketing communication model in new-product diffusion Figure 13-2: US DVD player annual sales (1997-2003) Figure 13-3: Internet diffusion in the US (1997-2003) Chapter XV: How Innovativeness Influences Internet Shopping Figure 15-1: A theoretical model of the relationships among the four types of innovativeness Figure 15-2: A model of the relationships between global and domain specific innovativeness with online buying List of Tables Chapter II: Economic Issues in Advertising via E-Mail: Role for a Trusted Third Party? Table 2-1: A list of companies offering advertising via e-mail Chapter IV: E-Commerce as Knowledge Management: Managing Consumer Knowledge Table 4-1: Key thinkers and characteristics of knowledge management models Chapter V: MSQ-Model: An Exploratory Study of the Determinants of Mobile Service Quality Table 5-1: Respondent characteristics Chapter VI: Experiencing Quality: The Impact of Practice on Customers' Preferences for and Perceptions of Electronic Interfaces Table 6-1: Rating scales Table 6-2: Sample product category (Apple iMac) Chapter VII: The Impact of eBay Ratings and Item Description on Auction Prices: A Comparison of Designer Watches and DVDs Table 7-1: Prior research on impact of eBay feedback on winning bid price Table 7-2: Description of variables Table 7-3: Descriptive statistic Table 7-4: Pearson correlation statistics for DVDs (n=172) Table 7-5: Pearson correlation statistics for designer watches (n=117) Table 7-6: Multiple regression Chapter IX: Public Opinions of Online Privacy: Definitions, Assessment and Implications for Industry and Public Policy Table 9-1: Summary of privacy polls: 1996-2002 Table 9-2: Results of specific measurements of online privacy Chapter X: Online Privacy: Consumer Concerns and Technological Competence Table 10-1: Participant profiles Table 10-2: Key differences between high and low SPTC consumers Chapter XI: Using Server Log Files and Online Experiments to Enhance Internet Marketing Table 11-1: Results of ad banner click-throughs and follow up page requests Chapter XII: CRM, KDD and Relationship Marketing: Requisite Trio for Sustainable E-Marketing Table 12-1: Emerging CRM and e-marketing research agenda Source: Authors' research Chapter XIII: An Interactive Marketing Communication Model in New Product Diffusion Table 13-1: An interactive communication model Table 13-2: Hypotheses for new medium effect on new product diffusion Table 13-3: Hypotheses, diffusion parameters and results Table 13-4: DVD player and VCR diffusion results Chapter XV: How Innovativeness Influences Internet Shopping Table 15-1: Scale items used in the study Table 15-2: Scale characteristics Table 15-3: Pearson correlations among the study variables Table 15-4: Regression results ... cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 1- 5 914 0-372-3 (h/c) ISBN 1- 5 914 0-373 -1 (s/c) -ISBN 1- 5 914 0-374-X (eisbn) Internet marketing I Krishnamurthy, Sandeep, 19 67HF5 415 .12 65.C67... person who guessed correctly (John) Figure 1- 17 superimposes the maps for Janis (Figure 1- 13) and John (Figure 1- 15) at the YNM node Click To expand Figure 1- 17: Information activity map for Janis... (Holder, 19 99); large ship navigation (Hutchins, 19 91) ; puzzle solving (Zhang & Norman, 19 94); computer programming pairs (Flor, 19 98); customer-centered businesses (Flor & Maglio, 19 97); and