free ebooks ==> Fallen Principality 136 BARAN, ALEXH, ALLOCEN , AMAND, AMANE , AMAROS, AMAZARAK, AMDUCIAS, AMEZYARAK, AMIZIRAS, AMUDIEL, AMY, ANANEL, ANDRAS, ANDREALPHUS, ANDROMALIUS, ANGEL-PEACOCK, ANMAEL, ANTARES, ARAKIBA, ARAKIEL, ARAON, ARAZIEL, ARDESIEL, ARIEL, ARIOCH, ARIZIAL, ARMAROS, ARMEN, ARMERS, ARSTIKAPHA, ARTAQIFA, ASAEL, ASAREDEL, ASBEEL, ASHTAROTH, ASMODAY, ASMODEUS, ASMODEUS ZAVEHE, ATARCULPH, AUZA, AZARADEL, AZAZEL, AZAZYEL, AZEMO, AZKEEL, AZZA, AZZAEL, BAALBERITH, BALAM, BALBERITH , BARAKEL, BARBATOS, BARBIEL, BARKAYAL, BARMA, BASASAEL, BATAREL, BATARJAL, Beelzeboul, BEELZEBUB, BELAIL, BELETH, BELIAL, BELIAN, BELPHEGOR, BERITH, BERNAEL, BETRYAL, BIFRONS, BIGA, BOTIS, BUER, BUNE, BUSASEJAL, BYLETH, CAIM, CARNIVEAN, CARREAU, CHAM, CHOBALIEL, COTIEL, CROCELL, CURSON, DAGON, DANEL (“Judge of God”), DANIEL, DANJAL, DANTANIAN, DANYUL, DIRACHIEL, DRELMETH, DUBBIEL, DUMA, EBLIS, ELIGOR, ENEDIEL, ENEPSIGOS, ERTAEL, EXAEL, EZEKEEL, FIRNEUS, FOCALAR, Foe, FOMALHAUT, Forneas, F ORNEUS, F URCALOR, GAAP, GADER’EL, GENIEL, GERYON, GOAP, GRÉSIL, GRESSIL, GURSON, GUSION, HAKAEL, HANANEL, HARUT, HAURES, HIVVAH, Hiyyah, HOSAMPSICH, IALDABAOTH, IBLIS, IELAHIAH, IMAMIAH, Iniaes, IOMUEL, IUVART, JEQON, JETREL, JOMJAEL, Jove, JUNIER, KAEL, KAKABAEL, KASADYA, KASBEEL, Kathazel, Kawkabel, KEZEF, Kokabel, LAHASH, Lahatiel, LAUVIAH, LEVIATHAN, LUCIFER, MAAMAH, MAHONIN, MAKATIEL, MALIK, MAMMON, MARCHOSIAS, MAROU, MARUT, MASTEMA, MEPHISTOPHELES, MERESIN, MERIHIM, MERIRIM, MISHEL, MOLOCH, MURMUR, NAAMAH, NACHIEL, NAHEMA, NELCHAEL, NEQAEL, NILAIHAH, NISROC, NISROCH, NITHAEL, OEILLET, O G, OLIVER , OMAEL, ONIEL, OPHIS, OUZA, PAYMON, P ENEMUE , P HARMAROS, P HARZUPH, PHENEX, PINEM’E, POSRIEL, PROCEL, PURSON, RABDOS, RAHAB, RAMIEL, RÄUM, RECIEL, REMIEL, RIMMON, ROSIER , RUMAEL, SABAS, SADIEL, SALIKOTAL, SAMAEL, Samathael, Sameveel, SAMIAZA, SAMIEL, Samjaza, SAMMAEL, SAMSAPEEL, SARAKNYAL, Sarfael, SARIEL, SATAN, SATAREL, SATHARIEL, SEALIAH, SEMAZAS, SENCINER, SERIEL, SHAITAN, SHAMDAN, SHAMSHIEL, SIMAPESIEL, SONNEILLON, SURIEL, TABAET, TAMIEL, TAREL, THAMMUS, THAUSAEL, TIRIL, TUMAEL, TURAEL, URAKABARAMEEL, USIEL, UVALL, UZZIEL, VERRIER , VERRIN, VODYANOI, XAPHAN, YEQON, YETAREL, YOMAEL, ZAGIEL, and ZAQIEL Sources: Beard, Autobiography of Satan, 113; Charles, Book of Enoch, 137; Laurence, Foreign Quarterly Review, Vol 24, 370; Lumpkin, Fallen Angels, the Watchers, and the Origins of Evil, 31; Mew, Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Vol 115, 407; Prophet, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, 174; Scott, London Magazine, Vol 5, 378; Voltaire, Essays and Criticisms, 106; Von Goethe, Goethe’s Letters to Zelter, 377 Fallen Principality A principality is a ranking or hierarchy of angel Although it is reasonable to assert that the word principality refers more to a title or function of the angelic being, rather than the kind of being, there is no way to be certain There are four named Fallen Principalities: ACHAS, Alex, CHAM, and ZABULON (see also FALLEN ANGELS) Sources: De Givry, Pictorial Anthology of Witchcraft, Magic and Alchemy, 128; Ramsay, Westminster Guide to the Books of the Bible, 349; Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 385 Familiar Variations: Familiar spirit Christian demonology of the Middle Ages defined a familiar as a demonic spirit that acted as an attendant or assistant to a conjuror, demonologist, or witch in both domestic duties as well in practicing their magical craft It was given to them by the demon or devil that they made the pact with soon after the contract was signed This demonic being typically took on the guise of an animal companion but lore claims that it would usually have the ability to shape-shift into a human or dwarf Sources: De Puy, Encyclopædia Britannica, Vol 7, 63; Maggi, In the Company of Demons, 100–103; Russell, Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, 14, 55, 187 Faraii The Grand Grimoire, alleged to have been written by Alibek the Egyptian and published in Cairo in 1522, names Faraii as one of the three SERVITORS OF SARGATANAS (see SARGATANAS) Sources: Baskin, Sorcerer’s Handbook, 276; Waite, Book of Black Magic and Ceremonial Magic, 188; Waite, Book of Black Magic and of Pacts, 158; Waite, Unknown World 1894 –1895, 230; Wedeck, Treasury of Witchcraft, 96 Faseua Named in the Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lemegeton, as one of the sixteen SERVITORS OF ASYRIEL, Faseua is a nocturnal demon (see ASYRIEL) It is said that he is goodnatured and willing to obey his summoners Sources: Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 20; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 74