free ebooks ==> Estrie 133 that someone is about to escape from them, they can call upon the goddess of justice, Dike, for divine assistance These demons are particularly devoted to their cause, especially when the crime is matricide There is no amount of prayer or sacrifice that can be offered that will deter them from their relentless pursuit of unyielding justice The erinnyes live in the underworld Some sources claim they dwell at the entrance to Tartarus while others say that they live in Erbus, the darkest pit of the underworld When home they torment those who have not yet atoned for their sins Sources: Baynes, Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol 17, 699, 730, 827–8; Bjerregaard, Great Mother, 268, 271; Keightley, Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy, 38, 174 –5, 302–3 Ermeniel The Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lemegeton, names Ermeniel as one of the ten Duke SERVITORS OF EMONIEL (see EMONIEL) An AERIAL DEVIL, he commands 1,320 lesser dukes and servitors Ermeniel is said to be goodnatured and willing to obey his summoner He lives in the woods Sources: Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 232; Trithemius, Steganographia, 81 Ern According to Enochian lore, Ern is a CACODAEMON His counterpart is the angel Rnil (see ENOCHIAN CACODAEMONS) Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology, 104; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 108 Error The demon Error is mentioned in Babylonian, Jewish, and Solomonic lore She is ranked as the sixth of the SEVEN HEAVENLY BODIES as well as one of the thirty-three (or thirty-six, sources vary) elements of the Cosmic Ruler of the Darkness She was said to be one of the SPIRITS OF SOLOMON as well, made to dig the foundation of the temple She claimed to be the demon that caused King Solomon to slay his own brother This demonic goddess appears as one of the seven beautiful female spirits that are bound together; collectively they represent a cluster of stars in the sky Together they travel about, sometimes living in Lydia, or Olympus, or on a great mountain Error is summoned because she is known to assist necromancers in placing spirits into corpses She also causes people to err, leads errant souls from piety, and has many other unnamed evil traits Her personal adversary is the angel Uriel, not to be confused with the demon of the same name (see URIEL) Sources: Abrahams, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol 11, 25; Charlesworth, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 935; Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol 11, 24 – Ertael Variations: Ertrael Ertael is, according to Enochian lore, one of the FALLEN ANGELS who swore allegiance to SAMIAZA, rebelled against God, lusted after and took a human woman as his wife, and fathered the NEPHILIM Sources: Beard, Autobiography of Satan, 113; Laurence, Book of Enoch, the Prophet 6; Lévi, History of Magic, 38 Essas This entity is often called upon during exorcism and cases of collective possession; he is also listed as one of the eighteen demons who possessed Sister Jeanne des Anges in Loudun, France, in 1634 (see LOUDUN POSSESSION) Sources: Aikin, General Biography, 493; Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary, 262; Hsia, World of Catholic Renewal, 151; Ramsay, Westminster Guide to the Books of the Bible, 349; Voltaire, Works of M de Voltaire, 193 Essaunien Variations: Shivven In Persian mythology Essaunien is said to be one of the eight AUSTATIKCO-PAULIGAUR, a type of demonic spirit, DJINN, or DIV These demons are said to preside over one of the eight sides of the world With Veeshnoo, the supreme god in the Vaishnavite tradition of Hinduism, they decide if a hero is worthy of entering paradise yet Sources: De Claremont, Ancient’s Book of Magic, 118; Smeadly, Occult Sciences, 51; Encyclopedia of Occultism, 113 Estrie ESS The estrie is a species of demon from the Hasidic lore of the medieval era They are considered to be vampiric demons or vampiric spirits and are described as looking like a noncorporeal mass of evil that can assume a human female form These SUCCUBUS-like demons take up residence in a community to ensure themselves a constant supply of blood At night the estrie will engage in sexual activity with men, draining them dry of their blood As long as these demons are able to drink blood and consume human flesh, they will be able to maintain their human form If an estrie should ever become injured or seen in its true form by a person, it must eat some of that person’s bread and salt or it will lose its abilities and be rendered helpless Eating bread and