free ebooks ==> Er Mo 132 empty bag up to the wind and held the ring near the mouth of the bag, which pulled the demon into it Ephippas was named as one of the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON that were bound to build his temple While bound to the king, he carried stones to the building site This was the demon that was used to lift a stone that was originally rejected by the builders as too heavy; it was later used as the cornerstone to the entrance of the temple Ephippas confessed to the king that he causes death, moves mountains, overthrows kings, sets fires, and withers trees Together with the demon of the Red Sea, AMELOUITH, they miraculously created a column out of some unknown purple substance they raised out of the Red Sea Sources: Calisch, Fairy Tales from Grandfather’s Big Book, 127; Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol 11, 4, 22; Rappoport, Myth and Legend of Ancient Israel, Vol 1, 95, 100, 107 Er Mo According to Szechuan demonology, Er Mo is the king of demons Sources: Ashley, Complete Book of Devils and Demons, 100; Graham, Customs and Religion of the Ch’iang, 96 Eratoath Variations: RABDOS In the Testament of Solomon, Eratoath (“scepter”) was one of the seventy-two SPIRITS OF SOLOMON that were bound to build his temple; he was made to supply green cut marble from a mountainous region Eratoath was once a mortal sage but was changed into a large hound when he became a demon His personal adversary is the angel Brieus Source: Conybeare, Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol 11, 27–28 Erekia In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Erekia (“one who tears asunder”) is named as one of the twenty SERVITORS OF AMAYMON (see AMAYMON) Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 122; Forgotten Books, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 42–3; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of AbraMelin, 122 Erenutes In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Erenutes (“receiving”) is among the one hundred eleven SERVITORS OF AMAYMON, ARITON, ORIENS, AND PAYMON (see AMAYMON, ARITON, ORIENS, and PAYMON) Sources: Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 114; Von worms, Book of Abramelin, 256 Erg According to Enochian lore, Erg is a CACODAEMON His counterpart is the angel Rgan (see ENOCHIAN CACODAEMONS) Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology, 102; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 108 Ergamen In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, Ergamen (“busy”) is named as one of the fortynine SERVITORS OF BEELZEBUB (see BEELZEBUB) Sources: Ford, Bible of the Adversary, 93; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 107; Von Worms, Book of Abramelin, 257 Erge Variations: Deo Erge, Erge Deo, Erge deo Andossus From Basque mythology comes the demon Erge (“taker”) The intangible and invisible demon of death, he takes a person’s life when he feels that their time is right Sources: Lurker, Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 59; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gomes, and Gobblins, 102 Ergodiel Variations: Ciriel In Enochian lore, Ergodiel is one of the twenty-eight demonic rulers of the lunar mansions Sources: Chopra, Academic Dictionary of Mythology, 102; Laycock, Complete Enochian Dictionary, 108; McLean, Treatise on Angel Magic, 42 Erinnyes Variations: “The ANGRY ONES,” Dirae (“the Terrible”), Erinyes, Eumenides, the Fatal Sisters, F URIAE, F URIES, the Kindly Ones, the Solemn Ones In ancient Greek and Roman mythology the erinnyes were demons of vengeance Born from the blood of Uranus when he was castrated, they are described as winged, black-skinned female demons donning black robes They have fiery eyes, snakes in their hair, and doglike faces There are three erinnyes in all: ALECTO, Megaera, and Tisiphone The erinnyes, whose name translates from Greek to mean “a punisher,” “punishing,” or “to punish,” would seek out those who have committed murder in order to enact justice upon them by causing the criminal to go insane Usually victims of the erinnyes commit suicide If they feel