free ebooks ==> Elafon 128 Elafon In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, Elafon (“stag”) is named as one of the ten SERVITORS OF AMAYMON AND ARITON (see AMAYMON and ARITON) Sources: Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 106; Susej, Demonic Bible, 257 Elathan According to Gaelic mythology and described in the Book of the Dun Cow (Lebor Na H-Uidhri), an ancient Irish manuscript compiled around the year 1100 C.E., Elathan is a chief among the Fomorians and is considered by some to be a demon of darkness Like all Fomorians, he has the body of a man and the head of a goat; however, Elathan was said to be very handsome He and all of his kind were defeated by the Tuatha de Denann and driven into the sea Sources: Knox, History of the County of Mayo, 329; Moore, The Unicorn, 71, 72; Squire, Celtic Myth and Legend, 33, 51 Elaton In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, Elaton (“borne away” or “sublime”) is among the ten SERVITORS OF AMAYMON AND ARITON (see AMAYMON and ARITON) Sources: Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 106; Susej, Demonic Bible, 257 Elcar Elcar is one of the twenty SERVITORS OF CA(see CAMUEL) A diurnal demon, he appears before his summoner in a beautiful form and is said to be very courteous MUEL Sources: Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 68; Trithemius, Steganographia, 73 Elder Lilith Variations: Lilith the Elder, the “shell of the moon,” Lilith Savta In Cabalistic lore Elder Lilith was the wife of SAMAEL; together they were originally a mere root under the throne of God that grew and became independent through an emanation of God’s power She is described as looking like a woman with an ever-changing face, and she is a sexually veracious demon There is a rivalry between the Elder Lilith and her daughter, YOUNGER LILITH, because her demonic husband, Samael, is sexually aroused by their daughter ASMODEUS, the husband of Younger Lilith, is constantly fighting with Samael because of his unsolicited sexual advances Of note, there is an old belief that on holy days Elder Lilith and Younger Lilith hold screaming contests Sources: Dan, Jewish Mysticism, 210; Patai, Hebrew Goddess, 228, 246, 253; Scheiber, Occident and Orient, 62 Electors of Hell An Elector of Hell is more commonly referred to as an angel of Hell, or, less commonly, as a planetary spirit Although nearly all grimoires agree that there are seven Electors of Hell, none of them agree on who those demons are; however, there are five electors that appear commonly on the list: Amudiel, Annixiel, Barbiel, Barfael, and Dirachiel Presented here is a list of the fifteen named Electors of Hell that were gathered from various Sources: ACIEL, AMNIXIEL, AMUDIEL, ANIGUEL, ANIZEL, ANNIXIEL, BARBIEL, BARFAEL, BARUEL, DIRACHIEL, EEQUIEL, ENEDIEL, GANAEL, GELIEL, and GENIEL Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 104; Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages, 297; Von Goethe, Goethe’s Letters to Zelter, 377 Elel In Argentinean demonology Elel is the demon of death, illness, and storms Sources: Lurker, Rutdledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, 56; Rose, Spirits, Fairies, Gnomes and Goblins, 98; Steward, Handbook of South American Indians, Vol 1, 166 Elelogap The Grimoirium Verum (Grimoire of Truth) is alleged to have been written by Alibek the Egyptian in 1517; however, it is now commonly believed to have been written in the eighteenth century and translated by Arthur Waite This grimoire names Elelogap as the demon of water, a servitor of AGALIAREPT and Taralimal, but who is under the command of SAMMAEL Having control over the element of water, Elelogap causes floods and tsunamis Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 117; Masters, Devil’s Dominion, 131; Waite, Book of Black Magic, 188 Elerion The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, names Elerion (“laugher” or “mocker”) as one of the twenty-two SERVITORS OF ARITON (see ARITON) Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 117; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 108, 122 Eligor Variations: ABIGOR, Eligos, Ertrael, Jefischa Eligor is called the Knightly Duke; he is in service under SAMIAZA He commands sixty legions, six chiefs, and six servitors Eligor is de-