free ebooks ==> Bâjang 67 Bachelor, The The Bachelor is essentially a name that is applied to SATAN when he is in the guise of a great he-goat It was alleged that he had sexual intercourse with witches in this form Sources: Michelet, La Sorcière, 171; Smedley, Occult Sciences, 56 Bad In Persian demonology Bad was a DJINN and the demon of tempests who could control the wind He is most powerful on the twenty-second day of every month Sources: Drury, Dictionary of the Esoteric, 26 Badad In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, Badad (“Solitary”) is among the one hundred eleven SERVITORS OF AMAYMON, ARITON, ORIENS, AND PAYMON (see AMAYMON, ARITON, ORIENS, and PAYMON) Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 57; Susej, Demonic Bible, 256; Von Worms, Book of Abramelin, 244 Bael Variations: BAAL, Baël, Baell, Beal, Bel, Bele, Belenus, Beli, Belinus, BELUS In Johann Wierus’s Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (False Monarchy of Demons, 1583), Bael (“Lord”) is listed with the rank of First King of Hell of the Eastern Section, commanding sixtysix legions He appears to his summoner as a cat, a toad (or crab), a man, or a conglomeration of all three at once and speaking with a hoarse voice Bael is a good warrior and is known to grant the gift of alertness, cunning, and how to become invisible Sources: Baskin, Sorcerer’s Handbook, 276; Collin de Plancy, Dictionary of Witchcraft, 22; De Laurence, Lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia, 22; McLean, Treatise of Angel Magic, 51; Melton, Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 315; Waite, Unknown World 1894 – 1895, 230; Wedeck, Treasury of Witchcraft, 96 Bafamal In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, Bafamal is listed as one of the thirtytwo SERVITORS OF ASTAROT (see ASTAROT) Sources: Ford, Bible of the Adversary, 91; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 116; Von Worms, Book of Abramelin, 249 Baglis Baglis, the demon of balance and measures, was mentioned in Apollonius of Tyana’s Nuctemeron (Night Illuminated by Day) He is most powerful during the second hour of the day Sources: Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 68; Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 45; Webster, Encyclopedia of Angels, 31 Bahak-Zivo Variations: Bahak-ziwa, Father of the DJINN In the Codex Nazaraeus (Codex of the Nazarenes, also known as the Book of Adam), Bahak-Zivo was the DJINN who called the world into existence, pulling it from the dark waters He failed in the construction of creating life with a soul because he did not know ORCUS, the bottomless pit Even calling upon a more pure spirit, Fetahil, he was still unable to create life with a soul Sources: Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, 195; Dunlap, SÉd, 50–1; Norberg, Codex Nasaraeus, 149 Bahal In the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, book two, Bahal (“to disturb”) is listed as one of the thirty-two SERVITORS OF ASTAROT (see ASTAROT) Sources: Belanger, Dictionart of Demons, 58; Mathers, Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, 106; Von Worms, Book of Abramelin, 249 Bahaman A DJINN from Persian demonology, Bahaman is the demon of appeasing anger He has power over oxen, sheep, and all animals of a peaceful nature Sources: De Claremont, Ancients’ Book of Magic, 119; Spence, Encyclopedia of Occultism, 62; Susej, Demonic Bible, 70 Bairiron The Zodiac Qlippoth lists Emperor Bairiron as a demon of balanced power and authority (see QLIPPOTHIC ORDERS OF DEMONS) He and the demons of his order are described as a dragonlike lion Bairiron will assist the ANTICHRIST when he comes to being on earth This demon gives feeling of empowerment and energy, helps write spells, and gain spell ideas He teaches communication and wisdom to those who ask for it from him Bairiron’s sacred color is black and his zodiacal sign is Aries Sources: Ford, Book of the Witch Moon Chorozon Edition, 334; Mathers, Sorcerer and his Apprentice, 25 BâjangJANG) In Malaysia witches and sorcerers have the ability through a magical ceremony to bring forth a vampiric demon The ceremony involves the body of a stillborn child or the corpse of a family member The demon, when called up, if male, is referred to as a bâjang; the female of the species is known as a langsuir A strong enough caster