free ebooks ==> Aratron 46 Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 37; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 69 Aratron Variations: Arathron In 1575 an unknown author published Grimoire Arbatel de Magia Veterum (Arbatel of the Magic of the Ancients) in Basel, Switzerland In it was mentioned the demon Aratron, a chief under the domain of the demon CASSIEL and one of the seven OLYMPIAN SPIRITS He is able to command those things which are astrologically attributed to Saturn; 17,640,000 spirits; 36,000 legions of spirits with each legion containing 490 spirits; 49 provinces; 49 kings; 42 princes; 35 presidents; 28 dukes; 21 ministers; 14 FAMILIARs; and seven messengers He is at his peak of power on the first hour of the day on Saturdays Aratron would be summoned for his ability to bring together underworld spirits with men who seek them He can also instantly turn to stone any living organism; cause men to become hairy; cure barrenness in women; give Familiars; grant long life; teach alchemy, how to become invisible, magic, and medicine; and transform coal into treasure and vice versa He will also truthfully answer questions regarding his provinces and provincials Each of the Olympian Spirits rules, in succession, for a period of 490 years Aratron is not due back into power until the year 2880 Sources: Drury, Dictionary of the Esoteric, 16, 239; Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 36; González-Wippler, Complete Book of Spells, 120; Konstantinos, Summoning Spirits, 176; Mathers, Grimoire of Armadel, 56 Araziel Variations: Arazjal, Arazyael, Arazyal, Asaradel, Atriel, Esdreel, Sahariel, Samuil, SARIEL, SERIEL From the Book of Enoch, Araziel is one of the CHIEF OF TENS who swore allegiance to SAMIAZA and rebelled against God, lusting after and then taking a human as his wife His name translates to mean “God is my noon,” “light of God,” “moon of God” or “my moon is God.” He is said to have been the FALLEN ANGEL who taught men the course of the moon Araziel commands the sign of Taurus Araziel commands the sign of Taurus Sources: Behrens, Lost Scrolls of King Solomon, 283; Laurence, Foreign Quarterly Review, Vol 24, 370; Lévi, History of Magic, 38 Arbiel Arbiel is listed as a chief duke in Theurgia Goetia, the second book of the Lemegeton, under the command of HYDRIEL, one of the eleven WANDERING PRINCES An AERIAL DEVIL, Arbiel him- self commands 1,320 servitors He may be summoned any time of the day or night, as he is a very courteous demon and willing to obey his summoner When he appears, he does so as a serpent with a virgin’s face and head Arbiel lives in or near water, marshes, and wetlands Sources: Belanger, Dictionary of Demons, 37; Guiley, Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology, 115; Peterson, Lesser Key of Solomon, 95 Arcan The demon Arcan was first mentioned during the Elizabethan era, his name appearing in a book titled An Elizabethan Devil-Worshiper’s Prayer-Book; it was quite possibly written by John Dee Arcan’s rank is given as being a king and he is described as being black-skinned with exposed fangs and saucerlike eyes He carries a bow and arrow and rides upon a roe He has dominion over the moon Sources: Anonymous, Manuscripts and Books on Medicine, Alchemy, Astrology and Natural Sciences Arranged in Chronological Order, 239; Gettings, Dictionary of Demons, 37; Summers, A Popular History of Witchcraft, 91 Arch She-Demons An arch she-demon is a female ARCHDEMON, and there are eight such named in all the various grimoires: AGRAT-BAT-MAHLAHT, ASTARTE, BARBELO, EISHETH ZENUNIM, LEVIATHAN, LILITH, NAAMAH, and Proserpine Sources: Greer, New Encyclopedia of the Occult, 191; Hanauer, Folk-lore of the Holy Land, 325; Hyatt, Book of Demons, 40, 43, 45, 52; Matthews, Sophia, 147–8; Voltaire, Works of M de Voltaire, 193; Willis, World Mythology, 51; Wise, Origin of Christianity, 95 Archaios Ophis Variations: Ho Opis Ho Archaios (“the Ancient Serpent”) In Greek mythology, Archaios Ophis (“very old snake”) is a demonic, primeval snake Sources: Gunkel, Creation and Chaos in the Primeval Era and the Eschaton, 238, 241; Kelly, Satan, 152; Mortenson, Coming to Grips with Genesis, 369 Archangels of Punishment, The There are five Archangels of Punishment listed in the Testament of Solomon Their names are: AF, HEMAH, KEZEF, MASHITH, and MESHABBER They are in service under the Angels of Death and command the ANGELS OF PUNISHMENT Sources: Ashley, Complete Book of Demons and Devils, 78; Davidson, Dictionary of Angels, 351; Singer, Jewish Encyclopedia, 593