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Internships in Writing and English Studies Programs- Opportunitie

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Georgia State University ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University English Dissertations Department of English 8-11-2015 Internships in Writing and English Studies Programs: Opportunities, Locations, and Structures Lara Smith Sitton Georgia State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/english_diss Recommended Citation Sitton, Lara Smith, "Internships in Writing and English Studies Programs: Opportunities, Locations, and Structures." Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2015 https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/english_diss/155 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Department of English at ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University It has been accepted for inclusion in English Dissertations by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University For more information, please contact scholarworks@gsu.edu INTERNSHIPS IN WRITING AND ENGLISH STUDIES PROGRAMS: OPPORTUNITIES, LOCATIONS, AND STRUCTURES by LARA SMITH SITTON Under the Direction of Lynée Lewis Gaillet, PhD ABSTRACT The Association of American Colleges and Universities considers internships as one of several “High Impact Educational Practices.” While these experiential learning exercises are not new, there are resurgent calls for universities to help students find and engage in more internship experiences before completion of their undergraduate degrees At the same time, however, the US Department of Labor has strict guidelines as to what constitutes “internships” and what constitutes “unfair labor practices.” While there is a history of the private and public sectors creating internships for students in professional-degree programs and business schools, a need exists for more internships for humanities students—particularly English and writing students This dissertation examines considerations for faculty members working with English majors to   develop internship initiatives with structures that have pedagogical foci and follow the US Department of Labor internship guidelines Using a case study approach, this project examines the growth of Georgia State University’s English Department internship program over the past twenty years Through exploration into the opportunities, locations, and structures relevant to an urban university, the study reveals how faculty members designed a student-focused program that serves students, the university, and the community Relying largely upon the review of departmental archives; a study of the history of GSU in the Atlanta community; interviews with faculty members and internship providers; and an exploration into the terms “intern” and “internship,” the dissertation ultimately sets forth considerations for those working with student internship programs and a model for college and university internship program evaluation INDEX WORDS: Interns, Work-based learning, Internship courses, Locations, Community, Experience, Service learning, Community learning, Experiential learning, Structures, Writing, Jobs, Employment     INTERNSHIPS IN WRITING AND RHETORIC PROGRAMS: OPPORTUNITIES, LOCATIONS, AND STRUCTURES by LARA SMITH SITTON A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences Georgia State University 2015     Copyright by Lara Smith Sitton 2015     INTERNSHIPS IN WRITING AND RHETORIC PROGRAMS: OPPORTUNITIES, LOCATIONS, AND STRUCTURES by LARA SMITH SITTON Committee Chair: Committee: Lynée Lewis Gaillet Ashley J Holmes Michael Harker Electronic Version Approved: Office of Graduate Studies College of Arts and Sciences Georgia State University May 2015     iv DEDICATION For the three most important individuals in my life—Clint, Mitch, and Grant Thank you, thank you, thank you I am so grateful for our long dinners and early morning editing sessions May you always know that this project is evidence of life’s great possibilities when heart and mind are aligned     v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful for the insightful and thoughtful guidance of my dissertation director, Lynée Lewis Gaillet, and committee members, Ashley J Holmes, and Michael Harker Their wise counsel and contributions significantly refined and shaped this project To Dr Gaillet, I extend deep, lifelong gratitude Her encouragement as my director, wisdom as a mentor, and knowledge as a professor has been profoundly influential, and I am truly thankful for all that she has done This project is the result of many years of observation, work, and learning in classrooms and workplaces, as a student, as a teacher, and as a professional The GSU English Department, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, and Goizueta Business School at Emory University provided the support needed to explore intersections of experiential learning and writing instruction While there are many to thank, I would like to also thank Beth Burmester, Molly Epstein, Nancy Hargrove, Pearl McHaney, Stuart Noel, Matthew Roudané, Renée Schatteman, Malinda Snow, and Laurissa Wolfram Their support helped this project come to fruition and gave me the opportunity to pursue professional goals along the way I am indebted to the unwavering support and love of family and dear friends who joined me on this journey—especially my godmother, Oralea Britton, and dear friends BP Pope, Alesia Stanley, and Amy Szalkowski I also thank my in laws, Claude and Eva Sitton, who so kindly supported my desire to pursue the paths of teaching and writing This project would not have been possible without three very special men: my sons, Mitch and Grant Stallings, and my husband, Clint Sitton They remained steadfast in their support and belief in my work     vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v   CHAPTER INTRODUCTION: INTERNSHIPS FOR ENGLISH MAJORS   1.1 Introduction   1.2 The Genesis and Purpose of the Project   1.3 Project Design and Goals 16   1.4 What is an Internship? 18   CHAPTER STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT: A PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESEARCH MODEL 24   2.1 The Need for More Research 24   2.2 Literature Review: Secondary Sources 27   2.3 Literature Review: Primary Sources 38   2.4 Methods and Methodologies 41   CHAPTER OPPORTUNITIES: THE VALUE OF INTERSHIPS FOR ENGLISH MAJORS 46   3.1 Identifying Support for College Internship Programs 46   3.2 A Changing Curriculum: Pre-Professionalism and Internships 47   3.3 Public and Institutional Calls for More Experiential Learning 51   3.4 An Articulation of the Value of English and Writing Degrees 54   3.5 Work-Based Learning: Apprenticeships, Vocational Training, and Co-ops 58   3.6 Service and Community-Based Learning 63   3.7 The Essential Nature of College Internships 67   3.8 Considerations of Compensation and Oversight 71       vii CHAPTER LOCATIONS: CONNECTING A COMMUNITY TO AN INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 74   4.1 Experiential Learning and an Urban University 74   4.2 The Significance of Location 76   4.3 A Collaborative Founding: GSU and the Atlanta Business Community 79   4.4 GSU English Department Archives: Location, Content, and Discoveries 86   4.5 The Call for a More Formalized Internship Program 91   4.6 GSU Internship Courses and Faculty Support 100   4.7 The Locations and Projects of English Department Interns 108   4.8 Internships in Teaching and Education 111   4.9 Connections Between Location and Community Partnerships 115   CHAPTER STRUCTURES: INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AND COURSE DESIGN 119   5.1 The Importance of Intentional Design 119   5.2 Characteristics of Strong and Viable Internship Experiences 129   5.3 Best Practices for GSU Internship Course Design and Manageable Programs 134   5.4 Development of Internship Course Assignments 144   5.5 Serving the Needs of Community Partners 149   5.6 The Work of Internship Mentors and Interns 157   5.7 Internship Program Structures for On-Campus Partnerships 160   CHAPTER IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH 165   6.1 Summary of the Findings and Best Practices for Internship Course Development 165   6.2 Creating a Research Plan for Programmatic Development 176   6.3 Looking Ahead 180       186 Metropolitan America Ed Laura W Pena Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania, 2013 37– 56 Print Bay, Jennifer “Preparing Undergraduates for Careers: An Argument for the Internship Practicum.” Symposium: What Should College English Be College English 69.2 (Nov 2006): 134–41 NCTE Web 27 Dec 2013 Bly, Robert Careers for Writers and Others Who Have a Way with Words New York: 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