Amy Lindsey, Indiana Dept of Homeland Security I joined the Indiana State Emergency Management Agency (now Department of Homeland Security) in June of 2002 as an intern in the Preparedness Division Before joining the State, I was a graduate student in the Ball State University meteorology program While at the Department of Homeland Security, I have served as the Community Emergency Response Team Coordinator, Emergency Management Training Coordinator, and am currently the Professional Emergency Manager Program Manager and Emergency Management State Training Officer I am also a member of the IDHS Forward Response Team for disaster response and spent weeks in Biloxi, MS helping with Hurricane Katrina response and recovery In 2004 Indiana began a unique effort to bring together the academic and practitioner worlds by forming an Emergency Management/ Homeland Security Higher Education Advisory Board with the purpose of developing and promoting partnerships between higher education, the private sector and public safety to enhance Indiana’s prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities for all emergencies, disasters, or threats Since then I have served as Secretary of that Board and as a liaison between the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the higher education institutions My goals in attending the conference are to network with academics, provide insight into the practitioner world, learn what colleges and states are doing to promote public safety degree and certification programs, and share Indiana’s unique collaboration between higher education institutions, private business, and government that aims to merge classroom theory with real-world experience