The southern Appalachians, which avoided glaciation during the Pleistocene, are among the oldest mountainous ecosystems on Earth, contributing to their exceptional biodiversity This region is home to over 2,000 plant species, several endemic salamander species, and a rich variety of invertebrates Additionally, it hosts unique fish species like brook trout, which are exclusively found in headwater streams.
Zoogeography examines the current and historical distribution of animal species across the globe Alfred Russell Wallace identified seven distinct zoogeographic regions or realms, each characterized by unique flora and fauna.
(Matthews 1998) North America falls in the Nearctic region which contains an estimated 1,061 fish species (Ross and
Matthews 2014) The major divide in fish assemblages in North America occurs along the continental divide According to
According to Ross and Matthews (2014), fish diversity significantly varies between the eastern and western United States, with the southeastern region, particularly the Appalachian area, exhibiting the highest levels of diversity.
Figure 1 Biodiversity of fish fauna in North America
Figure 2 The ancient Teays River System
West Virginia's distinctive geological history has significantly influenced the fish assemblages found in its northern and southern regions The Pleistocene glacial period played a crucial role in shaping the state's major drainage systems (Hocutt et al 1978) Prior to this period, during the early Pliocene, the primary rivers in West Virginia were the Pittsburgh River in the north and the Teays River in the south (Stauffer et al.).
The Pittsburgh River, which historically flowed north into the Great Lakes, served as a crucial dispersal route for fish migrating south into West Virginia The ancient Teays River system, originating in North Carolina and extending to Indiana, was the primary pathway for fish moving east toward the Atlantic Slope Glacial activity during the Ice Age significantly reshaped the landscape of the northern U.S., altering the Pittsburgh River drainage Additionally, glaciers in Illinois and Indiana indirectly impacted the Teays River in West Virginia, severing its connection to the Mississippi River Eventually, the Teays River connected to the Ohio River, and today, the New-Kanawha River systems are recognized as remnants of this ancient river.
These two ancient systems brought a plethora of fish fauna to West Virginia streams Some of the most abundant families of fishes in West Virginia are Cyprinidae (minnows),
Catostomidae (suckers), Ictaluridae (catfishes), Centrarchidae (sunfishes), and Percidae (perches and darters) (Stauffer et al 1995) (Matthews 1998)
Drainage basins and the connectivity of stream networks are crucial in shaping the diversity of freshwater fish assemblages, particularly in West Virginia A notable contrast exists between the fish assemblages in the Potomac and James River Basins, which drain toward the Atlantic Slope, and those in the Greater Ohio River Basin, which encompasses over 75% of the state's land area The fish populations in the Greater Ohio River Basin share similar geological histories, leading to closely related assemblages In contrast, the Upper Kanawha/New River system boasts a unique and diverse fauna, including four endemic fish species: the Kanawha darter, bigmouth chub, New River shiner, and Kanawha minnow.
(Etheostoma obsburni) and diamond darter (Crystallaria cincotta) are considered to be endemic to the Kanawha River system
The southern Coalfield region of West Virginia, often overlooked in freshwater fish ecology studies, has been significantly impacted by anthropogenic disturbances like logging and surface mining These activities have severely affected the biotic integrity of local streams and terrestrial ecosystems Furthermore, surface mining and the burning of fossil fuels are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, as documented by Fox and Campbell (2010) and Whitaker et al (2012).
4 operations often decrease the amount of available stream habitat through disturbances such as valley-fills and acid mine drainage (Bernhardt and Palmer 2011)
West Virginia is characterized by its rich natural resources and a complex history of human impact on these resources The arrival of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad in 1836 significantly boosted the state's logging industry (Johnston II 1961) Although coal was discovered in 1742, it wasn't until the 1890s, with the development of railroads linking coalfields, that the industry truly flourished (Clarke 2003) In the 1960s, the rise of surface mining, particularly mountaintop mining, marked a detrimental shift, allowing coal companies to maximize production while minimizing job opportunities (Figure 3; Appalachian Voices 2013).
Figure 3 Coal production compared to mining employment (Appalachian Voices 2013)
The method of mining in question has severe environmental repercussions, leading to diminishing public support Utilizing over 2,500 tons of explosives daily, it equates to the impact of a Hiroshima-strength atomic bomb dropped weekly in the region (Appalachian Voices 2013) This mining technique significantly harms aquatic ecosystems, polluting streams and toxicating watersheds, which poses substantial health risks for both humans and aquatic organisms Surface mining reduces pH levels and increases heavy metal concentrations, such as aluminum and iron, often jeopardizing the survival of aquatic life (Cravotta 2010) A striking illustration of these adverse effects is evident in the image of Kayford Mountain, West Virginia.
Kayford Mountain, WV, photo by Vivian Stockman, Oct 2003
The eastern region of West Virginia, particularly the upper Kanawha River drainage, has seen fish assemblage studies (Chipps et al 1994), while darter communities have been researched in the Elk River drainage in the west (Welsh and Perry 1998) Additionally, brook trout populations have been the primary focus of studies in the northern part of the state.
(Carline and McCullough 2003, Freund and Petty 2007, Hakala and Hartman 2004)
Little is known about the fish assemblages in southern West Virginia, as quantitative data on their composition, population sizes, biomass, and production rates are scarce A notable study was conducted by naturalist Edward D Cope in September 1867, who surveyed two tributaries of the Kanawha/New River During his weeks of research near Walker’s Creek and Strouble’s Creek, Cope utilized a fine mesh seine, capturing 100-200 fish per net draw and categorizing species by abundance This survey marked the last significant assessment of the region's streams prior to extensive anthropogenic disturbances.
Biomonitoring plays a crucial role in conservation efforts, particularly in understanding the fish species present in minimally-impacted streams in the southern region of the state Establishing baseline data or reference conditions is essential, as it allows for comparisons with impacted streams to assess the degree of impairment using a multi-metric index or Index of Biological Integrity (IBI).
1981, Barbour et al 1999) Reference conditions are rare and difficult to find (Davis and Simon
The rapid expansion of surface mining activities in southern West Virginia poses significant threats to both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, creating a shrinking window of opportunity for data collection in this area heavily impacted by anthropogenic disturbances.
A significant challenge in bioassessment protocols is their reliance on fish assemblages to assess stream impairment This approach poses problems in small headwater streams, such as those in southern West Virginia, where biodiversity is often limited, typically supporting only a few species (Davis and Simon 1995).
Fish production, especially in small stream ecosystems, serves as a crucial indicator of overall stream health Defined as the total quantity of fish tissue generated over time, it provides a measurable rate that facilitates effective monitoring and management of fish populations As an aggregate of energy flow through various trophic levels, fish production is one of the most comprehensive indicators of stream health Seasonal production estimates can reveal biomass fluctuations throughout the year and identify factors that may limit production Consequently, annual fish production data is invaluable for assessing stream health and establishing reference conditions.
Fish production studies have been largely concentrated on sport fishes, such as brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu; Goodnight and Bjorn
Assemblage-Level Fish Production in Three Minimally-Impacted, Southern West Virginia
Matthew G Rouch 1 , Daniel J McGarvey 1* , Andrew Kirk 1
1Center for Environmental Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia
23284 * Corresponding Author – Ph (804) 828-7278, djmcgarvey@vcu.edu
This study estimated fish production levels in three minimally-impacted streams in southern West Virginia using quarterly samples Zippin multiple-pass depletion surveys were conducted to determine fish population sizes, and length-frequency data helped identify species’ cohorts The annual fish production was highest in Slaunch Fork, with an estimate of 37.52 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹, while Cabin Creek showed the lowest production at 10.59 kg ha⁻¹ year⁻¹ Notably, the Creek Chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and Mottled Sculpin were among the species analyzed.
Cottus bairdii and Blacknose Dace Rhinicthys atratulus emerged as the dominant species, representing over 90% of the total sampled fish Our production estimates for the fish assemblage were similar to those from other well-researched eastern U.S streams, such as Coweeta Creek in North Carolina and Steeles Run in Kentucky This indicates that the streams in this underexplored and vulnerable region deserve additional research and conservation efforts.
Annual production studies have been conducted for many fishes of management concern, particularly for sport fishes (e.g., Goodnight and Bjorn 1971; Waters 1982; Eggleton and Morgan
Production studies involving multiple fish species or non-game fish are relatively uncommon Notable exceptions can be found in eastern North American rivers, with significant contributions from researchers such as Lotrich (1973), Small (1975), Mahon et al (1979), Neves and Pardue (1983), and Freeman et al.
The absence of empirical data on assemblage-level production hampers our understanding of aquatic ecosystems, as highlighted by Odum's (1957) study of Silver Springs, Florida Without comprehensive data on primary, secondary, and tertiary producers, the energy budget of such ecosystems remains incomplete, making it challenging to grasp the overall dynamics of aquatic systems.
Assemblage-level fish production is often more sensitive to human disturbances than the production of individual sport fish species A study by Penczak et al (1984) demonstrated significant changes in fish production in the Speed River, Ontario, following the construction of the Guelph dam Notably, sport fish species like Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and Rock Bass (Ambloplites rupestris) represented less than 25% of the total annual fish production in the river This suggests that sport fish production may not effectively reflect the overall health of fish assemblages.
This study represents the first estimation of assemblage-level fish production in three streams located in southern West Virginia We concentrated on these southern streams due to the limited research conducted in this region, contrasting with more extensive studies in northern areas.
Recent studies have focused on half of the state, including research by Carline and McCullough (2003), Hakala and Hartman (2004), Martin and Petty (2009), Utz and Hartman (2009), and Petty et al (2012) Our research specifically targeted minimally-impacted streams to estimate natural or historical rates of fish assemblage production This approach is crucial, as many streams in southern West Virginia have suffered degradation due to anthropogenic disturbances like industrial logging and mountaintop removal surface mining (Stewart Burns 2007; Bernhardt and Palmer).
2011), and the effects of these disturbances on assemblage-level fish production are largely unknown
Our study aimed to estimate seasonal fish population densities and biomass densities in various streams, as well as to calculate annual production for each species based on seasonal biomass data Additionally, we sought to compare our assemblage-level production estimates with those from other eastern U.S streams Looking ahead, we plan to broaden our sampling network in southern West Virginia to encompass more impacted streams and establish a comparative framework for evaluating the effects of different types of human disturbances on fish production at the assemblage level.
Our study focused on surveying a headwater stream from each of the three major river basins in southern West Virginia: the Tug Fork, Guyandotte, and Bluestone River basins A key objective was to assess fish production in minimally-impacted streams, for which we utilized the Critical Forest Map developed by Maxwell et al (2012) to identify suitable sampling locations.
The Critical Forest Map provides a raster representation of ecosystem health in the Southern Coal Fields region of West Virginia, similar to a multimetric index of biotic integrity This map employs various indicators of landscape structure and health, such as land use/cover type, geomorphology, and forest fragmentation, to generate a comprehensive index of ecosystem integrity Forest plots, represented as grid cells, are ranked on an ordinal scale from 0 to 3, where 3 indicates the least-disturbed forest habitat.
Using the Critical Forest Map in conjunction with the 1:100,000 scale NHDPlus digital stream network, we identified stream catchments predominantly featuring plots with Critical Forest scores of 2 or 3 Final site selection was based on this subset, ensuring that each chosen site was on public land for accessibility.
The selected site in the Tug Fork River basin was Slaunch Fork, a 4 th order stream
Slaunch Fork, a tributary to Panther Creek located in the Panther Wildlife Management Area of McDowell County (37.395° latitude, -81.890° longitude), features a diverse aquatic habitat with alternating riffles, runs, and pools This site exhibits the lowest average channel gradient of the three studied locations at 2.4% The substrate primarily consists of large, flat cobbles, interspersed with sand and silt in the pools Water quality measurements indicate specific conductivity levels ranging from 77.6 to 304.6 µS/s and dissolved oxygen levels between 8.61 and 11.6 mg/L Additionally, the mean channel width and depth are recorded at 7.0 meters and 0.33 meters, respectively.
Cabin Creek, located at the southern edge of Twin Falls State Park in Wyoming County, was chosen as our site along the Guyandotte River This 3rd order stream features the steepest average channel gradient at 6.0% among the three selected sites and is distinguished by a diverse habitat comprising pools, riffles, and runs within a deeply incised channel.
The study of 14 gorges revealed specific conductivity values between 77.9 and 117.3 µS/s, while dissolved oxygen (DO) levels ranged from 6.72 to 11.83 mg/L The average channel width and depth measured 4.4 meters and 0.35 meters, respectively The substrate primarily consisted of large boulders, with minor gravel deposits found in riffles and at the tails of pools.
Camp Creek, located in Camp Creek State Park, Mercer County, is a 4th order stream characterized by its deep pools and alternating riffles and runs The site features an average channel gradient of 3.4%, with specific conductivity measurements ranging from 84.5 to 169.5 µS/s and dissolved oxygen levels between 7.64 and 11.6 mg/L The mean channel width and depth are 6.5 meters and 0.35 meters, respectively The substrate composition includes a mix of sand and silt in the pools, alongside large, flat cobbles in the riffles.
The 2011 National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) reveals that West Virginia's land use is predominantly characterized by deciduous forests, with limited developed areas primarily concentrated along the Kanawha and Guyandotte Rivers, and in towns like Beckley, Bluefield, and Morgantown The eastern part of the state features some evergreen forests at higher elevations, while significant hay and pasture lands are found in the southeastern and northeastern regions The mountainous terrain results in minimal woody and emergent herbaceous wetlands Additionally, the southwestern area of the state has the most barren land, attributed to extensive anthropogenic disturbances, particularly from surface mining activities.
Table 7 Statewide NLCD 2011 land cover classification
Land Cover Classification Percentage Acres
Using NLCD data from 2011, general land use in our study site counties was relatively minimal and the important statistics summarized in the table below (Table 8) McDowell,
Wyoming and Mercer counties cover total areas of 1,384 km², 1,298 km², and 1,088 km², respectively These counties are characterized by minimal development and limited agricultural activity, featuring a high percentage of forest coverage Our research sites primarily consist of forests and herbaceous vegetation, with Mercer County notably containing a significant amount of hay and pasture land.
Table 8 Study site counties NLCD land cover classification
Mercer County leads in developed land, herbaceous vegetation, and hay/pasture land, while exhibiting the least barren land compared to McDowell and Wyoming Counties, which have over 1% barren land This distinction highlights the unique land-use dynamics in West Virginia Initial assessments indicated a strong correlation between barren land classified by the NLCD and areas left barren due to surface mining Further analysis, using satellite imagery of mining sites, reinforces this correlation, revealing that of the 126,000 acres identified as barren, a significant portion is linked to mining activities.
43 land in the state, about 9,000 acres or 9% of the total amount of barren land is contained within our three study counties
Figure 9 The comparison of satellite imagery showing surface mining sites and NLCD barren land classification for
Mountaintop mining and surface mining operations represent significant anthropogenic disturbances in the Cumberland Plateau and Eastern Allegheny Plateau regions of West Virginia Since the 1990s, the extent of these mining activities has raised concerns, particularly as the area of surface mining operations has expanded dramatically In 1998, surface mining was primarily limited to the southern central region of the state; however, by 2007, this area had doubled, extending into the southeastern part of West Virginia.
Figure 10 The expansion of surface mining operations in West Virginia from 1998 to 2009
Mapping operations in West Virginia have identified thousands of acres of potential minable coal beds, with mining expected to expand to the east and north, particularly in Mercer, McDowell, and Wyoming counties This ongoing expansion poses risks to the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in these watersheds Although the pace of mining growth has slowed recently, current rates still range from 17,000 to 25,000 acres annually, significantly threatening the region's ecological integrity.
Figure 11 Progress of coal bed mapping programs in West Virginia
Predicting Occurrence of Similar Fish Assemblages
The first objective of the GIS analysis was to predict where we would expect to find similar fish assemblages throughout the state based upon two climate variables, i) mean annual air temperature and ii) mean annual rainfall These are two important variables in determining fish assemblage composition (Godinho et al 1998) Data on mean annual rainfall and air temperature were obtained from WorldClim.org which provides global climate spatial data that can be used in GIS analyses Stream layers were obtained from the U.S Geological Surveys’ National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) (http://nhd.usgs.gov/data.html)
To analyze climate influences on streams, climate spatial data was intersected with the NHD statewide stream layer, resulting in two distinct layer files that incorporate mean annual air temperature and mean annual rainfall attributes for streams The examined sites exhibit a mean annual air temperature ranging from 50-53°F and receive between 38-47 inches of annual rainfall To identify areas with similar ecological assemblages, these climatic attributes must be searched across the entire stream network in the state By selecting streams that align with the climatic characteristics of the studied sites, a map can be generated to highlight locations with comparable climate variables.
The analysis indicates that streams in the southern central region of the state, which share climatic similarities with our study sites, are predominantly affected by extensive surface mining operations These activities pose a significant threat to the quality and safety of surface waters in the area A potential course of action could involve further investigation into the impacts of these mining operations on local water resources.
47 more comprehensive modeling effort to quantify the amount of similar stream systems that are threatened by expanding surface mining activities
Figure 12 Streams with similar climate attributes to our study sites
The second objective of the GIS analysis was to investigate the physical characteristics of our streams, specifically focusing on stream order, gradient, and elevation, to identify other streams across the state with similar traits Utilizing data from two raster layers for slope and stream order, a digital elevation model, and the National Hydrography Dataset stream shapefile layers from the U.S Geological Survey, we found that our three study sites exhibited elevations between 500 and 750 meters above sea level, gradients ranging from 3% to 6%, and stream orders from the 3rd order.
Elevation values between 500 and 750 meters were extracted from the statewide digital elevation model and associated with NHD flowlines using ArcMap's 3D analyst tool Streams within this elevation range were identified from the statewide NHD dataset, and raster layers for slope and stream order were converted into polygon shapefile layers The relevant slope values and stream orders were then extracted and merged into a single layer This combined data was intersected with the stream layer containing elevation values, resulting in a map that highlights sites with similar physical habitat characteristics to our study sites, potentially indicating comparable fish assemblages.
This analysis marks the initial phase of a modeling project aimed at predicting fish assemblages akin to those observed in our study sites across the state Scientifically, it is fascinating to explore the climatic and physical factors that have shaped the distribution of these assemblages From a management perspective, understanding that this assemblage is prevalent throughout the state and found at comparable elevations to surface waters is crucial for effective conservation strategies.
49 mining operations, it begins to place in context the amount of stream networks and fishes that are endangered
Figure 13 Streams with similar physical attributes to our study sites
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