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Occasional Lecturers Policy and Forms vt1.7 Apr 2020 SoP update

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Arrangements for the Engagement of Occasional Lecturers Introduction These arrangements apply to the engagement of teaching staff on an occasional basis Such staff are not employees of University of Suffolk and engagement is generally infrequent, irregular, and without mutuality of obligation Occasional Lecturers undertake learning and teaching activities; they should not normally be engaged for the purposes of course administration/leadership nor may they undertake assessment/marking with the exception of those engaged at consultant level (see rate E below) In the exceptional circumstances that marking is required please contact a member of the HR team to discuss the appropriate contractual arrangements, prior to the engagement to undertake work A casual worker may be engaged to cover specific work/role for a maximum period of up to 12 weeks Engagement beyond this period will require Executive approval, as this triggers a new set of employment rights/obligations (and signals an ongoing need) Casual workers should not normally be used for:   Maternity cover or other long-term absences Long term vacant posts/secondments Approval to engage a casual worker must be obtained from the relevant Dean of School in advance in all cases, prior to any individual being engaged on a casual basis The Casual Worker Approval Form (see appendix 1) must be completed and submitted to the Finance and Planning Department for budget approval and the Human Resources Department for employment checks in order for payment to be processed for any work undertaken Rates of Pay (2019-20) Occasional Lecturer Rate A Based on Spinal Point 29 of Grade £17.00 per holiday pay) Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 hour (plus Occasional Lecturer Rate B Based on Spinal Point 34 of Grade £19.70 per holiday pay) hour (plus Occasional Lecturer Rate C Based on Spinal Point 41 of Grade £24.22 hour (plus per holiday pay) In exceptional circumstances: Occasional Lecturer Rate D Based on Spot Salary (please contact HR for this rate) (i.e Specialist practitioner expertise) Occasional Lecturer Rate E Based on Spot Salary (i.e Expertise at consultant level) (please contact HR for this rate The above rates, with the exception of Rates D and E, not include any enhancement to reflect preparation time, which should be claimed along with any teaching hours In order to avoid any disputes, it is usual to agree the number of hours for which payment may be made ahead of any claim being received A general rule of thumb is 30 minutes of preparation to 60 minutes of teaching Pay Arrangements Claims for payment must be authorised by a University of Suffolk manager, usually the relevant Dean of School, and submitted to the Human Resources Department Payment will be made at the end of the next available calendar month Details of payroll deadlines are available from the intranet Payment will be made by BACS It is not usually possible for payment by cheque Other than in the case of self-employed Occasional Lecturers, deductions will usually be made for tax and National Insurance Self-employed Occasional Lecturers are required to submit invoices with the claim form and will need to provide their tax payer reference number University of Suffolk reserves the right to check employment status with the relevant tax office Exceptionally will Occasional Lecturers be treated as self-employed, and only if the HMRC criteria for self-employment has been met (details of which can be found on the HMRC website or click on link below) Otherwise they will be paid in the normal way and subject to tax and NI Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/paye/employees/start-leave/status.htm Benefits for Occasional Lecturers Occasional lecturers may be granted access to the University IT network, where this is necessary to support their work here Access to our library may also be granted The annual leave entitlement for Occasional Lecturers is 30 days, pro rata to actual hours worked No additional payment is due in respect of public holidays or any other days when the University may be closed The pro rata leave entitlement is claimed by Occasional Lecturers each time they claim for hours worked; the pro rata leave is deemed to have been taken and an appropriate payment made Pro rata leave is calculated as follows: Hours worked x 0.1207 rounded to three decimal places (30 days leave / (52.143 weeks x days)) Occasional Lecturers are not entitled to other paid benefits such as sick pay, maternity pay, paternity pay Occasional Lecturers can elect to join the USS pension scheme if they wish Engagement of Occasional Lecturers All new occasional lecturers must be provided with the completed ‘Welcome to University of Suffolk’ document (appendix 2) which provides important information regarding teaching here, including Health & Safety procedures and use of equipment & teaching rooms Occasional Lecturers are required to complete both sections of the attached claim form prior to claiming payment for the first time in each tax year If no work is undertaken for the institution for a period of months the occasional lecturers HR/payroll record will be automatically closed and a P45 will be issued to the home address held on the Human Resource database Prior to engagement the University of Suffolk will require Occasional Lecturers to provide documentary evidence of their eligibility to work in the UK, without this no work can be offered or any payment made From April 2020 a Statement of Particulars will be sent to the occasional worker before, or on the day, they begin work The worker will be notified of the start date and this statement will apply to any subsequent assignment of the same nature If there is a change to the previous assignment, for example the rate of pay, then a new Statement must be issued Some teaching roles may necessitate a Disclosure & Barring Service check to be provided prior to any work being undertaken Information and advice about the DBS process is available from the HR team Director of HR Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 Appendix Casual/Occasional Worker Authorisation Form Details of Proposed Assignment – Course Team to Complete Please note that casual workers must not be used to cover maternity leave or other long term absences A casual worker can only be engaged for a period of up to 12 weeks, any extension to this will require Executive approval via the Post Release process Prior to any work being undertaken, original documentation proving eligibility to work in the UK must be provided, without this no work can be offered or any payment made Name of Academic making request: Proposed Role: If the engagement is required to cover an approved vacancy please state the title of the vacant post: Hourly Rate: (please tick one box or specify rate if other) Rate A Rate B Rate C Other (please specify): What are the main requirements of the role: (NB: HR to be contacted if marking is required) Proposed duration and start date: Number of hours per week: Number of weeks: Teaching: Prep: Start date: Other (specify): Casual Worker Details Reference: Name: Address: eMail address: Phone no: Evidence of Eligibility to work in UK supplied to HR?: Yes ☐ No ☐ Engagement Type: New Request Re-engagement ☐ ☐ Authorisation – Dean of School to Complete School Name: Signature: Date: Please check the assignment details have been fully completed before authorising this request and then send to Finance No claim forms will be processed for payment without a completed Authorisation Form in place Budget Check – Finance to Complete Forecast budget required for this assignment £ Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 Account code to be used on R-Link Finance notes: If vacancy savings to be redeployed please complete the below information Vacancy PRF reference: Amount to be redeployed: £ Details added to the Occasional/Casual Spend Tracker and Pay Forecaster updated (where relevant) by: Name: Signature: Date: If sufficient budget is not available the request should be referred back to the Dean of School for review HR Section Name of Worker: Date Statement of Particulars sent: (please attach evidence) Evidence of Eligibility to Yes ☐ work in UK supplied: Request type: Start date: New Request No ☐ ☐ Re-engagement Finish Date: Actioned by: Date: Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 ☐ Information to be given to visiting lecturers Appendix WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF SUFFOLK Please read the following important information regarding teaching here Your contact will be: Tel: Fire: If you discover a fire, sound the alarm using the nearest call point and exit the building via the stairs to the assembly point Instruct any students to evacuate immediately If you hear the fire alarm, exit the building with students as above If you have a student who is unable to leave the building without assistance ensure they are in a safe place in a refuge or on a stairwell and notify Waterfront Reception (24Hr service) on 01473 338999 (38999 from an internal phone) Emergency Assembly points James Hehir Building (IP3 0FS)- at the edge of the gravel, marked by a sign Waterfront Building (IP4 1QJ)- on the Plaza by the building East, The Atrium, Arts or Library Buildings (IP4 1LT)- by the car park attendants’ hut, marked by a sign First Aid: Please see notices showing local first aiders for the building First aid is also available 24/7 from Waterfront Reception (01473 338999) If you summon an ambulance ensure that you specify the building you are in (see post codes above) and inform Waterfront Reception on 01473 338999 Accidents: Any accident should be reported immediately to your university contact Furniture: Please not move any desks or furniture If you require a special room set-up, please discuss this in advance with your contact IT and AV Systems in laboratories & teaching rooms A generic guest login is provided that gives access to the local teaching PC connected to the room AV This allows use of Microsoft Office products, including PowerPoint, and various media players / readers The guest login does not provide internet access Network logins with Internet access can be given to named individuals, if some notice is given An acceptance of the university’s IT User Policy will be required The teaching room AV is controlled with a button panel to switch projectors on /off, and select an input source Facilities are provided to connect laptops to the classroom AV system Larger rooms are equipped with some voice reinforcement facilities For further advice on how to use teaching room IT and AV systems please contact the IT Helpdesk: 01473 338222 ithelpdesk@uos.ac.uk Version: vt1.0 Aug 2016 Review due: by 2018/2019 OCCASIONAL WORK PAYMENT REQUEST Please complete all sections if this is your first payment in the current tax year Otherwise, if your circumstances have not changed enter your name, signature and date of birth only Payment details are completed on next page _ TITLE FORENAME/S SURNAME PREVIOUS SURNAME(s) ADDRESS EMAIL POST CODE TELEPHONE NO: DEPT/SCHOOL STUDENT NO (IF APPLICABLE) NATIONAL INSURANCE NUMBER UK RESIDENT YES D.O.B COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE (If Not UK Resident) NO Do You Require a Permit to work in the UK? WORK PERMIT NO: Y/N EXPIRY DATE I HAVE OTHER PAID EMPLOYMENT (Please sign) I HAVE NO OTHER PAID EMPLOYMENT (Please sign) I AM IN RECEIPT OF A PENSION YES NO (Please delete as applicable) DO YOU HAVE A STUDENT LOAN? YES NO (Please delete as applicable) INCOME TAX FORM P45 ATTACHED YES NO (Please delete as applicable) BANK SORT CODE BANK A/C NO BUILDING SOCIETY ROLL NUMBER BANK/BUILDING SOCIETY ADDRESS SIGNED DATE TAX PAYE will be applied to all payments (fees etc.) NATIONAL INSURANCE If you are claiming exemption from NIC, your Certificate of Exception (Form CF384) or Deferment Certificate CA2700 must be supplied Work Place Pensions Auto-enrolment The government has introduced Auto Enrolment which requires employers to enrol entitled workers into a workplace pension scheme if they:  are not already in one;  earn over £10,000 a year (£834 a month)  are aged 22 or over;  are under state Pension age; and  are working in the UK You are not automatically enrolled in the scheme but if you wish to join in respect of this work please apply, so that we can assess whether you qualify as an entitled worker and are able to opt into the scheme You can apply by sending in a letter or email signed by you, to the HR Department, Waterfront Building, Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ, containing the phrase “I confirm I personally submitted this notice to join a workplace pension scheme” More information on pensions and saving for later life can be found at https://www.gov.uk/workplacepensions Please tick this box to say you have read the pension section Version: vt1.0 Aug 2016 Review due: by 2018/2019 Occasional Work Payment Request Full Name Post Title Date Worked Activity Hours Worked (in decimal format*) (A) Preparation Time (Lecturers only) Financial Code (Dept to complete) (B) *15 mins = 0.25 30 mins = 0.50 45 mins = 0.75 Total Decimal Hours (C) = (A +B) Agreed basic hourly rate (excl holiday pay) Contribution towards teaching resources (D) (Academic staff only) TOTAL ££s £ p £ p £ p (including (D)if appropriate) Please note: Holiday pay will be added at the appropriate rates (excl fee claimants) by the payroll department: Signed (claimant) - Dated - - Approved for Payment by Head of Department/Dean of School Signed Print Name - Dated Please return this form to the HR Department, University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, Neptune Quay, Ipswich, IP4 1QJ HR USE Checked (initial) Date Emp Number Sent to payroll: Date + initial Version: vt1.0 Aug 2016 Review due: by 2018/2019 New Existing Support Staff Academic/Senior Staff (This page is for information only; please not submit with your claim) Please record minutes in decimal hours using the following table For ease, you may claim to the nearest quarter hour: 0.75 0.25 0.50 For example: a) If you work hour and 25 mins – claim hr 30 mins (1.50 decimal hrs) b) If you work hrs 50 mins claim - hrs 45 minutes (2.75 decimal hrs) Here is the full conversion table if you or your manager prefers to claim to the nearest minutes MINUTES DECIMAL 08 10 17 15 25 20 33 25 42 30 50 35 58 40 67 45 75 50 83 55 92 60 1.0 Version: vt1.0 Aug 2016 Review due: by 2018/2019 ... way and subject to tax and NI Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/paye/employees/start-leave/status.htm Benefits for Occasional Lecturers. .. self-employed Occasional Lecturers, deductions will usually be made for tax and National Insurance Self-employed Occasional Lecturers are required to submit invoices with the claim form and will need... Information and advice about the DBS process is available from the HR team Director of HR Version: vt1.7 Apr 2020 Issue Statement of Particulars Review due: by 2021 Appendix Casual/Occasional

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 21:12

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