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STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018 - 2019 ACADEMIC STEERING COMMITTEE William M Bowen, Chairperson Faculty Senate President Ashutosh Dixit College of Business Administration Stephen Duffy Representative, Board of Trustees Gary R Dyer College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences David F Forte Chair, University Faculty Affairs Committee Vickie Coleman Gallagher Faculty Senate Secretary Jorge Gatica College of Engineering Maria K Gibson School of Nursing Joanne E Goodell College of Education and Human Services Tatyana Guzman, Chairperson Budget and Finance Committee Karla Hamlen Mansour Chairperson, Admissions and Standards Committee Joan Niederriter Chairperson, University Curriculum Committee Harlan M Sands (ex officio, non-voting) University President Girish Shukla College of Sciences and Health Professions Adam T Sonstegard Faculty Senate Vice President J Rosie Tighe College of Urban Affairs Jianping Zhu (ex officio, non-voting) Chief Academic Officer Representative College of Law UNIVERSITY FACULTY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE David Forte (Fall 2018), Chairperson Stephen Gingerich* (2019) (PLOA Fall 18) Chieh-Chen Bowen (2020) Joanne E Goodell (2020) Ann Reinthal (2019) Andrew Resnick (2019) Jill Rudd (2020) Jainping Zhu (ex officio, non-voting) Chief Academic Officer ADMISSIONS AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE Karla Hamlen Mansour (2019), Chairperson Education and Human Services Marian Bleeke (2019) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Meredith Bond (2019) (ex officio, non-voting) Dean, College of Sciences and Health Professions Deborah Geier* (2019) Law Peter F Meiksins (ex officio, non-voting) Vice Provost for Academic Programs Richard Molina (2020) Business Administration Sanjay Putrevu (2020) (ex officio, non-voting) Dean, College of Business Administration Stephanie Ryberg-Webster (2019) Urban Affairs Albert “Fred” Smith (2020 College of Sciences and Health Professions Janet L Stimple (ex officio, non-voting) Asst V.P., Registrar’s Office Abed El-Rahman Tayyara (2020) Graduate Council Marvin Thrash* (2020) Engineering Sharon Wing (2019) Nursing Chika Morkah (Graduate Student) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed STUDENT LIFE COMMITTEE Jodi DeMarco* (2020), Chairperson Kimberly Fuller 2019) Emily Rauschert* (2019) Michael Skladany (2020) Andrew Slifkin (2020) Shannon Greybar Milliken (ex officio, non-voting) Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Students One faculty to be appointed (2019) To be designated (ex officio, non-voting) Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement Chika Morkah (Graduate Student) Uliana Spiridonova (Graduate Student) Four Undergraduate Students to be appointed *Second Term STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018-2019 UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Joan Niederriter* (2020), Chairperson Nursing Timothy J Arndt (2020) Business Administration Carole Heyward (2019) Law Kevin Mueller (2020) Sciences and Health Professions Kevin C Neal (ex officio, non-voting) Registrar Kimberly Neuendorf (2019) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences – Social Sciences Marcus Schultz-Bergin (2020) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences - Humanities Ann Marie Smeraldi (ex officio, non-voting) Michael Schwartz Library Winifred Weizer* (2020) Urban Affairs Amanda Yurick* (2020) Education and Human Services Jianping Zhu (ex officio, non-voting) Chief Academic Officer To be appointed (2019) Engineering (replace Nolan Holland – PLOA F18-S19) To be elected (2019) Graduate Council Uliana Spiridonova (Graduatae Student) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed COMMITTEE ON ATHLETICS Jeffrey Bolt* (2020), Chairperson Dana Hubbard (2020) John Jeziorowski (2019) Robert Kleidman, Faculty Representative to NCAA Emily Kullman (2019) Mark Souther (2019) (PLOA Spring 19) Xue-Long Sun (2020) Michael Thomas (ex officio, non-voting) Director, Athletics Three Students to be appointed DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION COMMITTEE Chairperson to be selected Sucharita Adluri (2019) Ronnie Dunn (ex officio, non-voting) Interim Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Jorge Gatica (2020) (PLOA Fall 18) Maria Gibson (2020) Amir Poreh (2019) Jacqueline Vitali* (2020) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE Tatyana Guzman (2020), Chairperson Stephen F Duffy* (2019) Robert Krebs (2019) Mary McDonald (2019) Allyson Robichaud (2020) Monica Gordon Pershey (2019) Sciences and Health Professions Janine Spears (2020) Business Administration Glenda Thornton (ex officio, non-voting) Director, Michael Schwartz Library Wenbing Zhao* (2019) Engineering Dustin Bowden (Graduate Student) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed GRADUATION, CONVOCATION, AND ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE Meghan Rubado (2019), Chairperson Urban Affairs Shannon Greybar Milliken (ex officio, non-voting) Interim Vice Provost and Dean of Students Thijs Heus (2019) Sciences and Health Professions Michele Kwiatkowski* (2020) School of Nursing Matias Martinez-Abeijon (2020) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Barbara E Smith (ex officio, non-voting) Director, Special Events Nigamanth Sridhar (ex officio, non-voting) Dean, College of Graduate Studies Sorin Valcea (2019) Business Administration Amanda Yurick (2020) Education and Human Services Ye Zhu (2020) Engineering One Graduate Student to be appointed Three Undergraduate Students to be appointed *Second Term Page STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018-2019 LIBRARY COMMITTEE Adrienne Gosselin (2020), Chairperson Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Lauren Collins (ex officio, non-voting) Director, Law Library Diane Corrigan (2020) Education and Human Services Amanda Goodsett (2019) Librarian Dorothy Hamilton* (2020) School of Nursing Thomas Hilde (2020) Urban Affairs Hannah E Pearson (2020) Librarian COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC SPACE Benjamin Baran (2019), Chairperson Business Administration Ana Capanegra (2020) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Bruce Ferguson (ex officio, non-voting) University Architect Joanne Goodell (2020) Education and Human Services Kenneth Kowalski (2020) Law Brian Mikelbank* (2019) Urban Affairs Maureen Mitchell (2020) Nursing Kenneth Vail (2019) Sciences and Health Professions Wenbing Zhao (2019) Engineering Two Students to be appointed ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE Chairperson to be appointed Sucharita Adluri (2020) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Don Allensworth-Davies* (2020) Sciences & Health Professions Lauren Collins* (2020) Law Jorge Gatica* (2019) Engineering Maria Gibson* (2020) Nursing Bruce Jeppesen (ex officio, non-voting) Dir., Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning Janine Spears (2020) Business Administration Patrick Wachira (2020) ??? Education and Human Services William Wilson (ex officio, non-voting) Information Services & Technology To be appointed (2019) (Replace T Guzman) Urban Affairs Rohit Bhattacharya (Graduate Student) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed Vice Provost for Academic Planning Sasidhar Gumma* (2019) Engineering Selma Koc (2020) Education and Human Services Caryn Lanzo (ex officio, non-voting) Director, Center for e-Learning William Matcham (2019) School of Nursing Karin Mika* (2020) Law Kevin Neal (ex officio, non-voting) Registrar Robert Shelton (2019) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences To be appointed (2019) (Replace T Guzman) Urban Affairs Two Students to be appointed UNIVERSITY PETITIONS COMMITTEE Deirdre Mageean* (2019), Chairperson Urban Affairs Diane Corrigan (2019) Education and Human Services Suzanne Giuffre (2020) Sciences and Health Professions Stephanie Kent (2020) Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Roger Klee* (2020) Business Administration Kevin C Neal (ex officio, non-voting) Registrar Catherine Schoenewald (2019) School of Nursing Ye Zhu (2020) Engineering - Page *Second Term ELECTRONIC LEARNING COMMITTEE Mary Milidonis* (2019), Chairperson Sciences and Health Professions Timothy J Arndt (2020) Business Administration Marius Boboc (ex officio, non-voting) FACULTY MEMBERS ON UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS OTHER THAN STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018 – 2019 Page ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE Valerie Hinton-Hannah (ex officio, non-voting) Maureen Mitchell, Nursing (2019) Andrew Resnick, Physics (2020) One Student to be appointed COMMITTEE (NEW) Clare Rahm, V.P Campus Support Services, Chairperson Mark Cole, History (2019) John Jeziorowski, Health Sciences (2020) One Graduate Student to be appointed One Undergraduate Student to be appointed BOARD OF TRUSTEES To be elected - President, Faculty Senate (2020) Stephen Duffy, Civil & Environ Engineering (2019) PARKING AND TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Birch Browning (2019), Music Albert “Fred” Smith* (2020), Psychology BOARD RECOGNITION COMMITTEE Mark Holtzblatt*, Accounting (2019) Mamadou Seck, Social Work (2021) Kenneth Vail, Psychology (2020) PARKING REVIEW BOARD Kelle DeBoth (2019), Health Sciences Girish Shukla (2020), BGES COYRIGHT REVIEW COMMITTEE Jeffrey Dean*****, BGES (2019) Monica Gordon Pershey, Speech & Hearing (2020) John Jeziorowski, Health Sciences* (2021) DISTINGUISHED FACULTY AWARDS COMMITTEE Seven Faculty to be appointed in December Dustin Bowden (Graduate Student) One Undergraduate Student to be appointed CSU FOUNDATION BOARD Vickie Coleman Gallagher (2020), Management INSTITUTIONAL COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Jill Rudd (2020), Communication OIE ADVISORY COUNCIL Jill Rudd (2019), Communication Adam Sonstegard (2020), English UNIVERSITY SPACE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Marius Boboc, Chairperson Benjamin Baran, Chair, Committee on Academic Space Stephen Duffy* (2020), Civil & Environ Engineering Kimberly Neuendorf (2019), Communication OHIO FACULTY COUNCIL To be elected, President, Faculty Senate (2020) Michael Kalafatis, Chemistry (2019) Jeffrey Snyder, Urban Studies - Alternate (2020) PATENT REVIEW COMMITTEE John Jeziorowski, Health Sciences* (2021) Michael Kalafatis, Chemistry (2020) Christopher Wirth, Chemical Engineering (2019) UNIVERSITY PEER REVIEW COMMITTEE Gary Dyer* (2019), Liberal Arts & Social Sciences Sanda Kaufman* (2019), Urban Affairs Kimberly A Neuendorf (2019), At-Large Faculty Rep Roland Pourdavood (2019), Education & Human Services To be elected (2020), Business Administration To be elected (2020), Engineering To be elected (2020), COSHP To be elected (2020), Law UPC CAMPUS SUPPORT SERVICES ADVISORY SEXUAL VIOLENCE PREVENTION COUNCIL Shannon Greybar Milliken, Int Assoc Vice Provost and Dean of Students (Co-Chair) Rachel E Lutner, Dir., Institutional Equity (Co-Chair) Don Allensworth-Davies, Health Sciences Patricia Falk, Law One faculty to be appointed (replace Lynn Deering) *Second Term *****Sixth Term Page FACULTY MEMBERS ON UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS OTHER THAN STANDING COMMITTES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018 – 2019 AD HOC COMMITTEE ON GENERAL EDUCATION ? FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES TO SGA Barbara Margolius, Math, Chairperson Joan Niederriter, Nursing Tachele Banks, Teacher Education Carol Olszewski, Music Michael Geither, English Joanne Goodell, Dir., Center for Faculty Excellence GENERAL FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Emily Rauschert, BGES Shannon Greybar Milliken, Int Vice Provost and Marnie Rodriguez, Sociology Dean of Students TBA Nursing ???Robert Bergmann, Asst Dean of Students (ex officio) Robert Shelton, History Stephen Duffy Civil Engineering, Faculty Representative Ann Marie Smeraldi, Library (UCC Rep.) Tim Long, Assoc V.P., Finance & Technology (ex officio) Maurice Stinnett, V.P., University Engagement Samia Shaheen, President, SGA Oya Tukel, Operations & Supply Chain Management Arlindo Ahmetaj, Treasurer, SGA Winifred Weizer, Urban Studies Budget Officer, Student Affairs (ex officio) TBA UCC Rep Rep Board of Elections Rep Judicial Board Rep Student Bar Association AD HOC COMMITTEE ON Rep WCSB PRESIDENTIAL PRIORITIES Rep The Cauldron Vickie Coleman Gallagher, Management, Chairperson Rep Campus Activities Board Stephen Duffy, Civil & Environmental Engineering Rep Viking Expeditions Gary Dyer, English Beth Ekelman, Health Science STUDENT GRIEVANCE BOARD Kevin Gallagher, Management Shannon Greybar Milliken, Int Vice Provost and Tatyana Guzman, Urban Studies Dean of Students Frederick Hampton, CASAL Michael Horvath (2020) Mary Hasenstaub, Nursing Andrew Resnick (2020) Nolan Holland, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering) (PLOA) Adam Sonstegard (2019) Debbie Jackson, Teacher Education Samia Shaheen, President, SGA Michael Kalafatis, Chemistry President, Student Bar Association Anup Kumar, Communication One student to be appointed Girish Shukla, BGES José Solá, History UNIVERSITY JUDICIAL BOARD Jonathan Witmer-Rich, Law Maria Gibson (2020) Michael Mauldin* (2019) Uliana Spiridonova (Graduate Student) IT ADVISORY COMMITTEE ? Six Students to be appointed Marius Boboc, Chair Bruce Jeppesen, Michael Schwartz Library AD HOC COMMITTEE ON Bonnie Kalnasy, Budget & Finance Analysis UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT SUCCESS Janet Stimple, Asst V.P., Registrar Debbie Jackson* (2020), Education, Chairperson Sajit Zachariah, Dean, Education Tom Geaghan, Director, Institutional Research Tatyana Guzman, Chair, Academic Technology Committee Lydia Grebenyova* (2020), CLASS Karin Mika, Chair, Electronic Learning Committee Heike Heinrich, Director, Student Success Programs One Student Rama Jayanti, Business Admin (Fall 2018) Peter Meiksins, Vice Provost for Academic Programs Brian Mikelbank, 2020, Urban Studies Emily Rauchert (2019), COSHP Laura Rickett* (2020), Business Admin (PLOA F18) Robert Spademan, Assoc V.P., University Marketing Barbara Walker (2019), English Kelly Wrenhaven (2019), CLASS Wei Zhang (2020), Engineering Updated: September 18, 2018 *Second Term ... *Second Term Page STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 201 8-2 019 LIBRARY COMMITTEE Adrienne Gosselin (2020), Chairperson Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Lauren Collins (ex officio, non-voting) Director,... officio, non-voting) FACULTY MEMBERS ON UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS OTHER THAN STANDING COMMITTEES OF FACULTY SENATE 2018 – 2019 Page ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE Valerie Hinton-Hannah... M Sands (ex officio, non-voting) University President Girish Shukla College of Sciences and Health Professions Adam T Sonstegard Faculty Senate Vice President J Rosie Tighe College of Urban Affairs

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 17:25
