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Technology and Educational Reform in Early America.

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Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1965 Technology and Educational Reform in Early America Thomas Knight Shotwell Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses Recommended Citation Shotwell, Thomas Knight, "Technology and Educational Reform in Early America." (1965) LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses 1091 https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/1091 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons For more information, please contact gradetd@lsu.edu This dissertation has been m icrofilm ed exactly as received 6 -7 SHOTW E L L , T h o m a s K night, 19 TEC H N O I jOGY a n d e d u c a t i o n a l IN E A R L Y A M ER IC A reform L o u isia n a S ta te U n iv e r s it y , P h D , 1965 E d u c a tio n , h is to r y University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, M ichigan copyright by THOMAS KNIGHT SHOTWELL 1966 TECHNOLOGY A N D EDUCAT ION AL R E F O R M IN EARLY A M E R I C A A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State Univers ity and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Vocational A g r ic ult ura l Education by Thomas Knight Shotvell B S., Texas A & M University, 1955 M Ed., Texas A & M University, 1959 August, 1965 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The w ri t e r w ishes C M Curtis, to express sincere appreciation to Dr chairman of his graduate committee, for the a s s i s ­ tance and guidance give n throughout the study and the preparation of the manuscript Mumphrey, Also, thanks go to Drs C L Mondart, Anthony J H Hutchinson, and Lynn Pesson for their helpful sug­ gestions during the p reparation of the manuscript No adequate acknowledgment can be made to the m an y librar­ ians wh o made this w o r k possible; however, particular recognition is due the reference personnel and inter-library loan personnel at Louisiana State University, Texas A & M University, and the University of Texas Acknowledgment assistance is also made to Mrs in editing the manuscript ii Clara Huggett for her TABLE OF CONTENTS Page A C K N O W L E D G M E N T LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A B S T R A C T ii vii viii CHAPTER I II III INTRODUCTION American Education: The Critical Point Vocational Education and Technology Science and Technology The Character of S c i e n c e Social Change and A d j u s t m e n t Science and the Common M a n American Science and Technology Agriculture and Engineering The Rise of Interest in Te c h n o l o g y The P r o b l e m Definition of the P r o b l e m Statement of Objectives Outline of Research Procedure 3 11 12 13 14 15 THE EARLY S C I E N C E 17 S c i e n c e B a c k g r o u n d s The Heritage from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth C e n t u r i e s Science in the Eighteenth Century Scientific Progress The American and French Revolutions 17 18 SOME BACKGROUNDS OF TECHNOLOGY IN E D U C A T I O N More, Rabelais, L e i b n i t z Budd and F r a n k l i n Columbia University's Program The Agricultural E m p h a s i s Foundations and E nd owm e n t s Educational Plans of Revolutionary A m e r i c a The American Dream iii 20 22 24 26 29 29 32 34 35 37 39 41 Page CHAPTER IV AGRICULTURAL S C I E N C E Sir Humphrey Davy and Other Agricultural Scientists Some Problems Spreading of R e f o r m V THE EDUCATIONAL W O R K OF PHILIPP EMANUEL VON FELLENBERG The S c h o o l The Poor S c h o o l Other S c h o o l s The Collapse of H o f w y l Fellenberg's Impact on A m e r i c a Josiah Holbrook O t h e r s Fellenberg's Personal Relations with America The Manual Labor I d e a The Long Range E f f e c t s Americans at H o f w y l Fellenberg's Influence in Other Countries S u m m a r y VI VII VIII THE MANUAL LABOR MOVEMENT IN AMERICAN EDUCATION 44 45 50 53 56 59 60 62 62 63 65 68 70 72 73 75 76 77 79 The Manual Labor Society Secular and Religious Aspects The D e c l i n e 81 85 86 THE GARDINER L Y C E U M 90 Some Bac kg r o u n d s Robert Hallowell Gardiner Founding the L y c e u m The Manual Labor School at R e a d f i e l d Other H a p p e n i n g s Gardiner's Philanthropy The Curriculum at the L y c e u m Gardiner's Donations The Failure The Broader P i c t u r e 90 91 96 100 102 106 107 110 Ill 114 THE NEW HARMONY M O V E M E N T 116 The New J e r u s a l e m Maclure's Meeting with N e e f The Plan The C l a s s e s Lack of C r i t i c i s m The Long Range Effects of New H a r m o n y 116 118 120 120 124 125 iv MILITARY SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION West Point Partridge Neef's Military Training An O v e r v i e w 130 131 132 THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 135 F u n d s Religious Trouble The I nfluence 137 137 139 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA 141 The Lethe Agricultural S em ina ry The Pendleton School Other Agricultural Interests THE RENSSELAER SCHOOL Some B a c k g r o u n d s Eaton's Early Y e a r s Stephen Van Rensselaer The School at T r o y The First Students The Question of O ri gin al ity The Early Years Religion and the S c h o o l The S c h o o l 's Influence on Technology Cultural and Philosophical Influences on Eaton SUMMARY AND C ONC LUS IO NS G e n e r a l The T er ol ogy Division into S c h o o l s About the O r i g i n s Subsequent E v e n t s Some Other General P o i n t s Gardiner Lyceum M isc e l l a n e o u s Some L i m i t a t i o n s Higher Education v 141 143 143 146 146 146 149 152 153 154 158 158 159 160 163 163 163 164 165 166 167 169 170 170 172 Page BIBLIOGRAPHICAL N O T E 173 BIB LIO GRA PH Y 180 V I T A 199 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Sir John Si n c l a i r 46 Title Page of Code of A g r i c u l t u r e 47 Pyramid of Agricultural I n q ui ri es 48 Josiah H o l b r o o k 67 Title Page of Weld's Annual Report 84 93 Robert Hallowell G a r d i n e r Gardiner L y c e u m 101 W ill iam Maclure and the New Harmony School 122 Title Page of Joseph Neef's First Book 123 Amos Eaton 148 Stephen Van Rensselaer 151 Rensselaer School, 1825 vii 156 186 Hicks, John D The Populist R e v o l t : A History of the F a r m e r 1s A l l i ­ ance and the People's P a r t y Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1931 Pp xiil + 473 Hicks, John D and Mowry, George E A Short History of American D e m o c c r a c y Second Ed Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1956 Pp vii + 864 + l x x v Hindle, Brooke The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary A m e r i c a 17351 789 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956 Pp xi + 410 Hlrzel, Hans Casper The Rural Soc r a t e s 1800 Pp xii + 203 + xiil Hallowell: Holbrook, Stewart H Dreamers of the American D r e a m day and Company, Inc., 1957 Pp 369 Hornberger, Theodore 0 Austin: Peter Edes Printer, New York: Double­ Scientific Thought in the American C o l l e g e s 1638University of Texas Press, 1945 Pp 108 Hughes, James Monroe Education in A m e r i c a 1960 Pp 496 New York: Harper and Row, Jackson, S L A m e r i c a ’s Struggle for Free S c h o o l s : Social Tension and Education in N e w England and New Y o r k 1827- 842 W a s h i n g ­ ton: American Council on Public Affairs, 1941 Pp viii + 276 Jaffe, Bernard Men of Science in A m e r i c a : the Story of American S c i ­ ence Told Through the Lives and Achievements of Twenty Outstand­ ing M e n from Earliest Colonial Times to the Present D a y Rev ed N e w York: Simon and Schuster, 1958 Pp 715 James, Edmund J Champaign: The Origin of the Land Grant Act of 862 UrbanaUniversity of Illinois Press, 1910 Pp 111 Johnson, Thomas Cary, Jr Scientific Interests in the Old S o u t h York: D Appleton-Century Co., 1936 Pp vii + 217 New Jones, Richard Foster Ancients and M o d e r n s ; A Study of the B a c k ­ ground of the Battle of the B o o k s Washington University Stud­ ies in Language and Literature, N.S No 6, 1936 Pp xi + 358 Jordan, David Starr, ed Leading American M e n of S c i e n c e H Holt and Co., 1910 Pp vii + 471 N e w York: Kandel, Isaac Leon Federal Aid for Vocational Education A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for Advancement of Tea c h i n g New York: The Carnegie Foundation, 1917 Pp v i + 127 187 Kendall, Edward Augustus Travels Through the Northern Parts of the United States in 1807 and 8 N e w York: I Riley, 1809 Three volumes Kettel, Samuel Yankee N o t i o n s Pp xvl + 255 Boston: Otis Broaders and Co., 1837 Knight, Edgar, ed Reports on European E d u cation by John G r i s c o m Victor C o u s i n A l v i n E S t o w e New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1930 Pp 319 Knight, Edgar A D ocumentary His t o r y of Education in the South Before Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1953 Five volumes Knight, Edgar, and Hall, Cli f t o n L Readings in A m e r i c a n Educational H i s t o r y N e w York: A p p l e t o n Century Crofts, 1951 Pp xxi + 799 Laski, H J 1962 The Rise of European L i b e r a l i s m Pp.192 London: Unwin Books, Lieber, Francis Manual of Political E t h i c s Second Edition delphia: J B Lipplncott and Co., 1875 Two volumes Lockwood, G B The New Harmony M o v e m e n t Co., 1905 Pp xvi + 404 Lord, New York: P h ila­ D A p plet o n and Russell The Care of the E a r t h : A History of H u s b a n d r y York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1962 Pp 480 New McAllister, 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1949), 21 193 Burgess, Charles "William Maclure and Education for a Good Society," History of Education Q u a r t e r l y Ill (1963), 58-76 Burgess, George "Notice of Robert Hallowell Gardiner," Collections of the Maine Historical Society, VII (1876), 403-28 Carman, Harry J "Jessee Buel, Early Nineteenth-Century Agricultural Reformer," Agricultural H i s t o r y XVII, No (Jan., 1943), 113 Champlln, J T "Educational Institutions in Maine," Collections of the Maine Historical S o c i e t y VIII (1881), 157-80 Cincinnatus (Pen name used by W i l l i a m P l u m e r ) "A Planter or Farmer-No 4," American F a r m e r , II (1820), 91-92 Dalton, Asa "Robert Hallowell Gardiner," Collections of the Maine Historical S o c i e t y Ser 2, I (1890), 295-99 Everett, Edward "Importance of Practical Education and Useful Know­ ledge," The School L i b r a r y X I X (1842) Flick, Hugh M "Elkanah Watson's Activities on Behalf of Agriculture," Agricultural H i s t o r y XXI, No (Oct., 1947), 193-98 Gardiner, Robert Hallowell "Notes on Barometer, Rain and Snow Gages," Annual Report of Smithsonian Institute (1858), 432-33 "Memoir of Benjamin Vaughan, M D and LL.D.," Maine H i s ­ torical Society C o l l e c t i o n s Ser I, VI (1859), 85-92 "Observations On the Opening and Closing of Kennebec River, Maine," Annual Report of Smithsonian Institute (1858), 434-36 "On the Disappearance of Ice," sonian Institute (1860), 401-03 A n n u a Report of Smith­ Good, H G "Early Examples of Student Self-Government," Educational Research B u l l e t i n XXIV (1945), 113-18 Goode, G Brown "The Origin of the National Scientific and Educa­ tional Institutions of the United States," Papers of the Ame r i ­ can Historical A s s o c i a t i o n , IV, Part (1890), 93-202 Hale, Benjamin "Inaugural Address," American F a r m e r , V (1923), 225-27 Jefferson, Thomas "Catalogue for an Agricultural Library," American F a r m e r II (1820), 93 Jorgenson, C E "The N e w Science in the Almanacs of Ames and F r 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Agricultural H i s t o r y XI (Jan 1937), 3-15 Magoun, George F "Proposed Additions To, and Subtractions From, Our Education," Education (1884), 491-505 Mease, James 402-03 Monroe, "Agricultural Library." American F a r m e r VIII (1827), Paul 'Historic Foundations of American Education," Essays in Comparative E d u c a t i o n II (1927), 283-305 Monroe, W i l l S "Joseph Neef and Pestalozzianlsm in America." Edu c a ­ tion, XIV (April, 1894), 449-61 Monteith, John "A Brief Imperfect Sketch of the Manual Labor Academy at Germantown," United States Gazette (June 26, 1829), Morton, S G "A Memoir of W i l l i a m Maclure," American Journal of Sci­ e n c e XLVII (1844), 1-17 "Pestalozzianlsm in the United States," American Journal of E d u c a t i o n X X X (1880), 561-72 Park, J and Park, B "Robert Dale Owen's Lecture on Fellenberg's School." School and S o c i e t y LVI (Nov., 1942), 466-69 Ricketts, Palmer C "The Beginnings of the School," S c i e n c e LX (Oct., 1924), 367-371 Ross, Earl D "The 'Father' of the Land-Grant College," Agricultural H i s t o r y XII (1938), 151-86 "The Land-Grant College: A Democratic Adaption," A g r i ­ cultural H i s t o r y XV (1941), 26-36 "The Manual Labor Experiment in the Land Grant College," Mississippi Valley Historical R e v i e w XXI (1935), 513-28 Shotvell, Thomas K "The First Agricultural Textbook," Agricultural Education M a g a z i n e XXXVI (Sept., 1963), 68 "William Plumer: A n Educational Pioneer in Agriculture," Agricultural Education M a g a z i n e XXXV (May, 1963), 243-44 195 Sparks, J "Public Lands for Schools/' North American R e v i e w , XIII (1821), 310-42 Stevens, Nell E " A m e r i c a ’s First Agricultural School," tific M o n t h l y XXIII (1921), 531-40 The Scien­ Stimson, Rufus W "Agricultural Career Education in the United States at Dirt-Farmer Levels, 1621-1942," Agricultural Education M a g a ­ z i n e XV, No II (May, 1943), 204-05 "The Rumford Bicentennial," Procedures of the American Academy of Arts and S c i e n c e s LXXXII, No (Dec., 1953), 249-368 True, Alfred Charles "Secondary Education in Agriculture in the United States," S c i e n c e X X X (1909), 848-50 "College Courses in Agriculture," Educational R e v i e w XIX (1900), 169-74 "New Agricultural Education," Science, XVIII (1903), 68487 _ _ True, Rodney H "The Early Development of Agricultural Societies in the United StateB," A n n u a l Report of the American Historical Association for the Year Pp 293-306 Wilson, Carl B "The Baptist Manual Labor School Movement in the United States," The Baylor B u l l e t i n XL, No £ (1937), Pp 159 Wilson, Mitchell, "Count Rumford," Scientific A m e r i c a n CCIII (Oct., 1960), 158-68 Workman, W D "The F r e n c h m a n ’s School," South Carolina M a g a z i n e II (Jan., 1948), and 21 Theses and Dissertations Brandenburg, David John "French Agriculture: Technology and E n light­ ened Reform, 1750-1789," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Columbia University, 1954 Pp + 254 Dwyer, John A "Some Factors Influencing Public Opinion On Free Schools in Pennsylvania, 1800-1835," Doctoral Dissertation sub­ mitted to Temple University, 1956 Pp 315 Gray, Ethyl W "The Educational W o r k of Philipp Emanuel v o n Fellenberg, 1771-1844," Thesis, M A , submitted to Queen's University, Belfast, 1952 (manuscript in Fellenberg Museum, Switzerla n d ) 196 Hindie, Brooke "The Rise of the American Philosophical Society, 1766-1787," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to University of Pennsylvania, 1949 Pp + 6 Kell, Cornelius Jesse "The Origin, Development, and Future of the Rural Conmunlty Vocational Schools in Pennsylvania," T h e s i s M S submitted to Pennsylvania State College, 1920 Pp 76 Keppel, Anne Marie "Country Schools for Country Children; B ac k ­ grounds of the Ref o r m Movement in Rural Elementary Education, 1890-1914," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to University of Wisconsin, 1960 Pp 229 Mosley, Ira Byrd "'The N e w Education' A Study of Origins and D e velop­ ment," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Leland Standford Junior University, June, 1939 Pp iii + 393 Patrick, George W "Manual Labor Schools in the South: A Documen­ tary History," Master's T h e s i s 'submitted to the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1948 Pp xii + 161 Rahn, Alta P "A Study of the Forces Affecting School Legislation of Illinois From 1818 to 1838," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois, 1957 Pp 286 Shaughnessy, Thomas Elliott "Beginnings of National Professional Military Education in America, 1775-1825," Doctoral Disserta­ tion submitted to Johns Hopkins University, 1956 Pp 222 Whitfield, J Bell, Jr "Science and Humanity in Philadelphia, 17751790," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to University of P e n n ­ sylvania, 1947 Pp 322 Yarborough, Legrand Iris "A History of the Early Teaching of A g r i ­ culture in South Carolina," Doctoral Dissertation submitted to University of Florida, 1956 Pp vi + 154 United States Government Publications Adams, Herbert B Thomas Jefferson and the University of V i r g i n i a Washington: U S Bureau of Education, Circular of Informa­ tion 1888, No Pp 308 Barrows, H P Development of Agricultural Instruction in Secondary S c h o o l s Washington: Dept, of the Interior, Bureau of E d u ­ cation, Bui 1919, No 85, 1920 Pp 108 197 Blauch, Lloyd E Cooperation i n Agricultural Extension W o r k Vocational E d u c a t i o n , and Vocational Rehabilitation W a s h i n g ­ ton: U S Office of Education, Bui 1933, No 15 Pp 297 Coates, Charles Penny History of the Manual Training School of W a s h ­ ington U n i v ersity Washington: U S Bureau of Education, Bui 1923, No Pp 86 Edwards, Everett E A Bibliography of the History of Agriculture In the United S t a t e s Washington: USDA Misc Pub No 84, Nov 1930 Pp 307 _ Jefferson and Ag r i c u l t u r e Washington: USDA Agricul­ tural History Series No 7, 1943 Pp iv + 92 Evans, H e nry R Bibliography of Industrial V o c a t i o n a l and Trade Ed u c a t i o n Washington: U S Office of Education Bui No 22, 1913 Pp 92 Hall, Edward W History of Higher Education in M a i n e Washington: U S Bureau of Education, Clr No 3, 1903 Pp 241 Hawkins, Layton S Development of Federal Legislation for Vocational Edu c a t i o n Washington: U S Dept, of Health, Education and Welfare, 1962 Pp 110 Jewell, James Ralph Agricultural Education Including Nature Study and School G a r d e n s Washington: U S Bureau of Education Bulletin 1907, No Pp 140 Johnstone, P H "Old Ideas Versus New Ideals In Farm Life," W a s h ­ ington: USDA Yearbook for 1940 Pp 111-170 Stimson, Rufus W., and Lathrop, Frank W History of Agricultural Education of Less than College Grade In the United S t a t e s Washington: U S Office of Education, Vocational Division Bulletin No 217, Agricultural Series No 55, 1942 Pp viii + 648 True, Alfred Charles A History of Agricultural Education in the United S t a t e s 1?85-1925 Washington: USDA Misc Pub No 36, 1929 Pp 396 A History of Agricultural Experimentation and Research in the United S t a t e s 1607-1925 Including a History of the United States Department of A g r i c u l t u r e Washington: USDA Misc Pub No 251, 1937 Pp vi + 321 A History of Agricultural Extension W ork In the United States, 1785- Washington: USDA Misc Pub No 15, 1928 Pp Iv + 220 _ _ • 198 _ "Agricultural Education in the United S t a t e s ," W a s h i n g ­ ton: USDA Yearbook for 1899 Pp 157-190 "Education and Research in Agriculture in the United StatesWashington: USDA Yearbook for 1894 Pp 81-116 "Progress in Secondary Education in Agriculture," W a s h ­ ington: USDA Yearbook for 1902 Pp 481-500 _ "Some Features of Recent Progress in A gricultural E d uca­ tion," Washington: Annual Report of the Office of Experiment St a t i o n s 1902 Pp 417-459 True, Alfred Charles, and Crosby, Dick J The American System of Agricultural Education Washington: USDA, Office of Expe r i ­ ment Stations, Clr No 83, 1909 Pp 27 Orations Everett, Edward "The Importance of Education in a Republic." R e ­ marks made at a County Conanon School Convention, at Taunton, Mass on the 10th of October, 1838 O r a t i o n s II, 313-323 "On the Importance of Scientific Knowledge to Practical Men, and on Encouragements to Its Pursuit," Orations, I, 24682 Foster, Edmund "Husbandry, A n Ancient, Honorable and Useful Employ­ ment." A n oration delivered before the Western Society of Middlesex Husbandman, at their semi-annual m eeting at Little­ ton, on Monday, October 28, 1799 Printed by Samuel Preston, 1800 Grimke', T S "An Address on the Character and Objects of Science," Charleston, 1827 Kerr, W J., Davenport, Eugene, Bryan, E A., and Thompson, W The Spirit of the L and-Grant Institutions Addresses d e li v ­ ered at the Forty-fifth Annual Convention of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities at Chicago, 111., Nov 16-18, 1931 Mimeographed copy in the Library of the Coopera­ tive Extension Service, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Pp 43 Olmgtead, Denison "An Oration o n the Progressive State of the P r e ­ sent Age," New Haven, 1827 Stanton, E F "An Oration Delivered Before the Literary Institute of Hampden-Sydney College, Virginia," Southern Literary M e s s e n g e r II (March, 1836), pp 224-52 VITA Thomas K Shotwell was born May 31, 1934 Ln Hillsboro, Texas He attended the public schools in that city and w a s graduated from the high school in 1951 In 1951 he enrolled in Tarleton State College at Stephenville, Texas and received the degree of Associate in Science in 1953 He transferred to Texas A & M University and in 1955 completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education During 1955 and 1956 he served with the Agricultural Extension Service in the capacity of Assistant County Agricultural Agent for Van Zandt County After two years of military service he entered the G r a d u ­ ate School at Texas A & M University where h e received the degree of Master of Education in 1959 F rom 1958 to 1962 he taught at the Allen Military Academy and Junior College at Bryan, Texas In the Fall of 1962 he entered the Graduate School of Louisiana State University where he served as a Graduate Assistant until returning to the Allen Junior College in 1963 He is the author of a number of articles for professional m a g a ­ zines as well as a student laboratory guide in botany published by the Allen Junior College ln 1964 He is married to the former Shirley Imogene Plunkett of H i l l s ­ boro, Texas They have one child, Sharon Kay, age four 199 EXAMINATION AND THESIS REPORT Candidate: Thomas Knight Shotwell Major Field: Vocational Agricultural Education Title of Thesis: Technology and Educational Reform in Early America Approved: Ik (juutuj M a jo r P ro f e s s o r a n d C h a ir m a n D e a n of th e G r a d u a te School E XAMI N I N G COMMITTEE: Date of Examination: July 1965 ... time and that of their older pupils, in and out of school hours, such in- door industries as knitting, sewing, wool carding, and spin­ ning, and out-of-door w ork as kitchen gardening, and raising... Clocks and WatcheB, Weaving, Shoe-making Girls were to receive a similar training in "Spinning of Flax and Wool, and Knitting of Gloves and Stockings, Sewing, and making of all sorts ^Report of the... provided in all towns and cities where "pensons of known honesty, skill and understanding" were to be yearly chosen to instruct boys and girls "in the most useful Arts and Sciences that they in their

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