Minutes The University of Toledo Board of Trustees External Affairs Committee Meeting August 15, 2011 Committee Chair John S Szuch was present, as well as Committee members Ms Linda N Mansour, Ms Sharon Speyer, and Community member Mr David Dobrzykowski Committee member Judge Richard B McQuade, Jr was absent Other Trustees present included Mr Carroll L Ashley and Mr William C Koester Administrative Liaisons Mr Lawrence Burns, Ms Brenda Lee and Mr Vern Snyder were absent; Dr Jeffrey Gold was in attendance Other attendees included Dr Pamela Boyers, Dr Frank Calzonetti, Ms Meghan Cunningham, Mr David Dabney, Dr Lloyd Jacobs, Ms Cathi Kwapich, Mr Chuck Lehnert, Mr Rich Martinko, Dr William McMillen, Mr Pete Papadimos, Dr Linda Rouillard, Mr Richard B Stansley, Jr., Ms Joan Stasa, and Mr Jon Strunk ATTENDANCE The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m by Committee Chair Szuch in the Driscoll Alumni Center Board Room CALL TO ORDER Mr Szuch requested a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the June 6, 2011 Committee meeting and approve them as written The motion was received by Trustee Speyer, seconded by Trustee Ashley, and approved by the Committee APPROVAL OF MINUTES President Jacobs presented Resolution No 11-08-17: “Westside Rail Corridor Land Conveyance.” Dr Jacobs mentioned that this topic has been under discussion for 15+ years and then introduced Mr Rich Martinko, Director of the Intermodal Transportation Institute, to provide the Committee with additional information Since 2003, efforts have been underway to purchase 11.2 miles of the CSX Toledo Terminal Backside corridor to preserve the rail right-of-way for future use The rail corridor extends from Laskey Road to River Road in Toledo and from River Road to Bates Road in Wood County A consortium of local stakeholders have come together to purchase the property using federal transportation funds The members include the Trust for Public Lands, Metroparks of the Toledo Area, The University of Toledo, the City of Toledo, Wood County Park District, Wood County Port Authority, and Toledo Metropolitan Council of Governments The UT portion is 4.28 miles RESOLUTION NO 11-08-17 As a combination of federal and local funds was originally dedicated in 2005 for this project, other worthy transportation projects in our region will not be affected No additional local funds will be needed to acquire the property since $7,665,275 of federal plus $1 million of Metroparks land acquisition funds will be drawn from for the property purchase As future funds are secured, it is intended that the right-of-way will be developed over time as a multi-purpose trail forming a major north/south backbone connecting The University of Toledo, the University Parks Trail, Wildwood Preserve Metropark, the Ottawa Park Trails, several City of Toledo parks and schools, and the W.W Knight Nature Preserve in Wood County The corridor will also allow future connectivity to a statewide system of trails being developed in our region including the North Coast Inland and Wabash Cannonball Trails Mr Martinko displayed a project map outlining the partners’ areas as well as maps showing the North Terminus (Bancroft Street) and the South Terminus (Glanzman Road) The Resolution presented to the Committee asks the Board to authorize the President to conduct due diligence, to negotiate, and make and enter into all agreements necessary to acquire this property Committee Chair Szuch requested a motion to forward this item to the Consent Agenda at the September 19 Board meeting A motion was received from Trustee Ashley, seconded by Trustee Speyer and approved by the Committee Mr Szuch presented Resolution No 11-08-18: “Action by Written Consent of the Sole Member of Science Technology and Innovation Enterprises (DBA: The University of Toledo Innovation Enterprises).” This Resolution requests the addition of Mr Peter A Machin as a new member of the Board through 2017 Mr Machin is currently President, CEO and owner of G.B Manufacturing Company in Delta, Ohio, which is a privately held global supplier of metal stampings, fabrications, assemblies and tooling to the global automotive, truck and related industries Mr Machin’s former employment includes leadership positions at The Andersons in Maumee and Owens Corning in Toledo Dr Jacobs reported that Mr Machin is a graduate of the Harvard School of business and would be a great addition to the UTIE Board Mr Szuch requested a motion to forward the Resolution to the Consent Agenda at the September 19 Board meeting A motion was received from Trustee Speyer, seconded by Trustee Ashley and approved by the Committee RESOLUTION NO 11-08-18 President Jacobs referred to a signed petition he received from students and employees to rename Student Union Room 2592 the Trimble room, in honor of Mr Tom Trimble an employee who retired July 2011 after more than 30 years at UT Dr Jacobs reported that the great majority of naming opportunities are named rooms and buildings and on occasion other things From time to time there are naming requests for people who are not philanthropic, but have made a significant contribution and have bonded with a number of students and employees Dr Jacobs requested the Board approve the naming of Student Union room 2591, not room 2592, the Trimble room A motion was received from Trustee Mansour and seconded by Trustee Speyer to move the request to the Consent Agenda at the September 19 Board meeting NON-GIFT NAMING REQUEST Committee Chair Szuch called upon Dr Jeffrey Gold, Chancellor and ACTIVITY REPORT: Executive VP Biosciences and Health Affairs/Executive Dean of the College ACADEMIC of Medicine and Life Sciences, to provide the Committee with information HEALTH CENTER about the strategic overview of the work in progress for the Academic Health Center Corporation Dr Gold reviewed the following goals: Goal III – Research, Technology Transfer and Incubation, Nos 1, 2, and Goal V – Health Care Access and Delivery, Nos 1, 2, 8, and Goal VI – Outreach and Global Engagement, Nos 1, 4, 5, 6, and He indicated that all goals are highly aligned with the UT Strategic Plan document Dr Gold refreshed the Committee about the February 2011 Six-Month Report to the UT Board, where he reviewed the leadership members, the AHC Mission Statement, general achievements, and the Operations and Innovations Council For the 12-Month AHC Report, he updated the Committee on 11 separate items 1) AHC Agreement Extension 2) Expanded GME Residencies 3) Enhanced Student Academics 4) Bio-Bank Tissue Repository 5) Medical Student Scholarships 6) Academic Facilities Additions 7) Research Program Expansion 8) Academic Faculty Recruitment 9) UT Tuition PHS Scholarships 10) PHS Access to UTMC and UTP 11) IISC Participation Plan Dr Gold provided detailed information about each of the 11 items and indicated that much work in each area is ongoing He provided the Committee with an Academic Health Center brochure Year One Report: Better Together Dr Gold indicated that a follow-up session on the Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center (IISC) will be scheduled at the convenience of the Board The Committee reviewed their Charge without suggestions for changes COMMITTEE CHARGE With no further business before the Committee, Chair Szuch adjourned the meeting at 2:10 p.m ADJOURNMENT ... scheduled at the convenience of the Board The Committee reviewed their Charge without suggestions for changes COMMITTEE CHARGE With no further business before the Committee, Chair Szuch adjourned the... Board meeting NON-GIFT NAMING REQUEST Committee Chair Szuch called upon Dr Jeffrey Gold, Chancellor and ACTIVITY REPORT: Executive VP Biosciences and Health Affairs/ Executive Dean of the College... presented to the Committee asks the Board to authorize the President to conduct due diligence, to negotiate, and make and enter into all agreements necessary to acquire this property Committee Chair