A study conducted in Langat’a Division on the impact of ICT facilities in higher education mathematics revealed that both teachers and students utilize various ICT tools in their teaching and learning processes The research found that institutions have established ICT laboratories and provided WIFI access for online resources, leading to improved student performance compared to traditional teaching methods Additionally, the study highlighted enhanced classroom relationships and a better understanding of mathematical concepts among students The majority of respondents, including lecturers and students, advocated for the integration of ICT in mathematics education, recommending further training for mathematics lecturers on effective ICT incorporation in their teaching practices.
From the analysis of the findings on the effects of teaching and learning of mathematics using ICT facilities, the researcher came up with the following recommendations:
The government must ensure that primary schools through universities are equipped with modern ICT facilities, enabling students to effectively utilize technology in their mathematics education This investment is crucial for fostering technological economic development in the country.
Therefore, the government through the Ministry of Education should help institutions obtain effective mathematics teachers and lecturers who are trained in ICT.
The Ministry of Education should conduct visits to higher learning institutions to update policies on the use of ICT facilities in teaching and learning These visits aim to promote the integration of ICT resources, aligning with the objectives of Kenya's Vision 2030.
The effective integration of ICT facilities enhances the teaching and learning of mathematics by aligning curriculum content with appropriate instructional strategies When educators utilize suitable content and methods, both students and teachers experience greater benefits Therefore, curriculum developers should prioritize the incorporation of ICT tools in mathematics education, making classes more practical and engaging rather than purely theoretical.
• The institutions of higher learning should provide good internet connectivity They should also maintain the available ICT facilities in order to avoid lofty of misses from the students
Lecturers are encouraged to utilize ICT facilities in both lesson preparation and delivery to enhance students' familiarity with these tools The study suggests that mathematics teachers should seek ICT training to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices.
Students should leverage social networks not just for socialization, but primarily for enhancing their mathematics learning through the exchange of relevant content Additionally, they are encouraged to utilize available ICT facilities effectively and to familiarize themselves with the ICT language by referring to the provided manual.
Suggestions for Further Research
This study explores the impact of ICT facilities on mathematics education in higher learning institutions within Lang’ata Division The findings align with the established objectives and geographical context Based on the results, several related topics are suggested for further research.
1 Assessing the effectiveness of using ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of mathematics and science at university
2 Investigation on the negative impacts of ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of mathematics.
3 Role of ICT facilities in the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools.
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I am MANIRAKIZA Paulin an undergraduate student, Registration No B.Ed /308/12/13 doing a Bachelor degree in Education at the Marist International University College (MIUC).
I am carrying out a study on “Effects of using Information, Communication and Technology
The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning mathematics is essential in higher education institutions within Lang’ata Division, Nairobi County This study aims to explore how ICT can enhance educational outcomes and improve the teaching methodologies used in mathematics courses The findings will contribute to fulfilling the requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.
Please respond to the attached questions following the specific instructions provided for each section Rest assured that all information will be kept confidential, and you do not need to include any personal identification in this document.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Kindly read the questions and indicate your opinion by ticking (√) in the corresponding brackets or by filling in the spaces provided.
3 What is your highest academic qualification?
4 How long have you been in the teaching Profession?
Section B: Availability of ICT tools in teaching and learning of mathematics.
5 Do you use ICT facilities in teaching mathematics?
If yes, which ones are at your disposal?
6 Does your institution have computer laboratories?
If Yes, how many are they? ……….
7 Does the school have computer laboratories with computers connected to internet?
8 Do you use a calculator in solving any mathematical problems?
9 Do your students use smart phones in mathematical research?
(Eg When working-out assignments and exercise given to them)
Section C: Outcomes of using ICT facilities in teaching and learning mathematics.
The listed below are statements expressing feelings and attitudes which one has towards various aspects There are given five alternatives namely:
Please indicate your opinion by ticking (√) in the space provided the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statements provided below.
Integrating ICT tools in mathematics teaching significantly enhances performance and stimulates student interest, making it easier to achieve educational objectives A positive teacher-student relationship often develops in classrooms that utilize these technologies However, some educators express concerns about the time consumption associated with ICT tools and their potential to limit personal interactions with students While there is encouragement for students to use ICT for quicker problem-solving, there are also claims that reliance on these tools may contribute to poor performance in mathematics.
Section D: Challenges and ways to overcome these challenges
10 Do you face any of the following challenges while teaching mathematics using ICT facilities?
Please indicate your opinion by marking (√) in the space provided for the following issues: a Insufficient training for Mathematics teachers in ICT ( ) b Inadequate infrastructure ( ) c Weak internet connectivity at the school ( ) d Insufficient ICT resources ( ) e Deficiency in technological knowledge ( ).
10.1 Which other challenges do you face while teaching mathematics using ICT facilities? i ………
11 If you do face challenges in teaching mathematics, what in your opinion can be the solutions to overcome these challenges? a) ……… b) ……… c) ……… d) ……… e) ………
I am MANIRAKIZA Paulin an undergraduate student with Registration No B.Ed /308/12/13 doing a Bachelor degree in Education at the Marist International University College (MIUC).
I am carrying out a study on “Effects of using Information, Communication and Technology
The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of mathematics plays a crucial role in enhancing educational outcomes in higher learning institutions within Lang'ata Division, Nairobi County This study aims to explore the effectiveness of ICT tools in mathematics education as part of the requirements for obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Education.
I kindly request your assistance with this study by answering the attached questions following the specific instructions for each section Please be assured that all information will be kept confidential, and you are not required to provide any identification in this document.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Please tick (√) in the space provided or write as applicable where explanations are needed.
2 Level: Year One ( ) Year Two ( ) Year Three ( ) Year Four ( )
Section B: Availability of ICT tools in the teaching and learning of mathematics
4 Do you use ICT facilities in learning mathematics?
If yes, which ones are at your disposal?
5 Does your institution have computer laboratories?
If Yes, how many are they? ……….
6 Does the school have computers connected to internet?
If Yes, is it good?
7 Do you use a calculator in solving any mathematical problems?
Section C: Outcomes of using ICT facilities in the teaching and learning mathematics.
You are given five alternatives depending on the extent of agreement
Statements SA A U D SD i Learning mathematic using ICT facilities consumes time.
Because of this I dislike them in mathematics class. ii The use of ICT tools has motivated me workout mathematical problems. iii.
The integration of ICT tools in mathematics education has significantly boosted my performance through continuous assessments and examinations These tools have deepened my understanding of mathematical concepts and fostered better relationships with my teachers and classmates Furthermore, utilizing ICT in the classroom equips me for future career opportunities and makes my mathematics lessons more engaging, motivating me to explore the subject further Additionally, the advancements in ICT have liberated me from relying solely on my teacher's notes, enhancing my overall learning experience.
Secession D: Challenges and ways to overcome these challenges
When learning mathematics with ICT facilities, many students encounter significant challenges Key issues include a lack of well-trained mathematics teachers proficient in ICT, inadequate infrastructure, and poor internet connectivity within schools Additionally, insufficient ICT resources and a lack of technological knowledge further hinder the learning process These obstacles can greatly impact students' ability to effectively engage with mathematics in a digital environment.
9 If you do face challenges in learning mathematics, what in your opinion can be the solutions to overcome these challenges? a ……… b ……… c ……… d ……… e ……… f .……….