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7th September 2015 Report from the Chairperson Hearing Voices Training During the year a number of very successful hearing voices workshops were held around the country, including UCC, DCU, UCD, NUIG and TCD They were facilitated by Jacqui Dillon and Peter Bullimore Peter Bullimore facilitated 2-day Training Course in using the Maastricht Interview Evaluation feedback from all workshops were very positive, with an increase in numbers from disciplines other than nursing seeking to come on the courses As an outcome of these workshops, a number of hearing voices groups and a network to support practising facilitators have been set up around the country In addition the Hearing Voices Network Ireland (HVNI) was launched on Friday 17th April 2015 at the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin The Network was launched by Jacqui Dillon, Chair of the Hearing Voices Network, England and founder of the Hearing Voices Movement worldwide, and Professor Marius Romme from the Netherlands, on whose research the approach was founded Funding was received from the NMPDU to host these events, which included some funding to assist with the launch HVNI I would like to thank all members of the executive who helped in the organisation of the events Public Lectures This year the IIMHN organised and hosted two public lectures All lectures were very well attended and feedback was very positive The lectures were hosted in partnership with the Schools of Nursing and Midwifery UCC and TCD The School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC hosted a public talk on Is Psychiatry Dying? Crisis and Critique in Contemporary Psychiatry: Tuesday This was delivered by Dr Alastair Morgan and held on June 2nd, 2015 Alastair Morgan is a Senior Lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, England, author of Adorno’s Concept of Life ( 2007, 1|Page 7th September 2015 London and New York: Continuum) and the editor of Being Human: Reflections on Mental Distress in Society (2008, PCCS Books) The IIMHN, in conjunction with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin held A Public Lecture’ titles ‘Our Minds and Each Other’ which was delivered by Prof Gail A Hornstein on June 25 2015 Professor Hornstein is Professor of Psychology at Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts, USA) Representation on committees/conference Moira O Donovan represented the Institute on the Children's Mental Health Coalition group convened by Mental Health Reform and they prepared a paper on this issue Agnes Higgins continues to represent the institute on the Vision for Mental Health Nursing group Annual symposium The sixth Symposium of the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing took place on June 4th and 5th 2015, T in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin This year the conference was a join initiative between the IIMHN and European Network for Training, Evaluation and Research (ENTER) in Mental Health (www.entermentalhealth.net) and the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing (IIMHN) and was a day and half in duration The conference title was “Transforming Mental Health Services: Current trends across Europe” The conference was opened by Dr Michael Shannon of HSE In addition to keynote papers from Ms Jacqui Dillon, Dr Pat Bracken, Dr Tim Greacen and Prof Agnes Higgins the conference also included approx 30 concurrent sessions, delivered by national and international speakers and 40 poster presentations The conference was attended by approx 130 people from over 10 other European countries Feedback from the conference was overwhelming positive, with presenters really appreciating the opportunity to share their world and network with colleagues form around the country and internationally Sponsorship The IIMHN sponsored the annual CVNI conference held in Cork on 12 and 13 November through a donation of 250 euro Also donated 50 euro for renewal of HVNI domain name Pop up-board IIMHN purchased two pop up boards during the year as means of advertising at events Submissions The Institute made a number of submissions including 1) Submission to the NMBI on Draft of the Standards and Requirements Document 2) Submission on Perinatal mental health to the review group on Maternity services 2|Page 7th September 2015 Membership Over the year the Institute did a recruitment drive to recruit students./ Membership now stands at over 400 members (including approx 60 students) I would like to thank Padraig McBennett who is the current membership secretary Over the year we have received support from many organisations and people On behalf of the Executive I would like to say a sincere thanks to all of them Firstly the Nursing Practice Development Unit and Eithne Cusack for funding support the workshops and conference The PNA who willingly sponsored the prizes for the poster competition at the annual symposium The various Universities who hosted various events I would personally like to extend my sincere thanks to the members of the executive who assisted me throughout the years and helped shape and develop the IIMHN Finally, I would like to extend best wishes to the incoming chairperson and new executive Thank you Prof Agnes Higgins Chairperson Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing 3|Page

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 03:41

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