In this unit we explore the concept of mentoring and its possible application to the school context.
learning outcomes
Introducing the concept of mentoring
This activity is broken down into a number of related steps designed to help you clarify your own current understanding of the concept of mentoring.
Write a one page essay on your own understanding of the concept
‘mentoring’ Reflect on whether you think you have been mentored or acted as a mentor to someone else.
Having reflected on your understanding of mentoring, read the passage below.
Jomo Sono, famously dubbed 'the black prince of soccer' during his time with Orlando Pirates, is regarded as a South African soccer legend He was among the pioneers who ventured overseas to play soccer when it was not a common practice, joining the Cosmos club in the United States The Premier Soccer League (PSL) club, Cosmos, which Jomo currently coaches, is named in honor of the American club where he made his mark.
Jomo is celebrated for his exceptional ability to spot soccer talent at a young age and develop them into professional players Notable talents he has nurtured include Mark Fish, Helman Mkhelele, and Phillip Masinga, all of whom played for prominent South African clubs before pursuing careers abroad Additionally, these players represented the South African national team, Bafana-Bafana, showcasing the success of Jomo's talent identification and development program.
Phillip Masinga, speaking on Radio Metro on Thursday 17 November 2005, said that Jomo Sono had mentored him He said that with passion and fond memories.
He further said that Jomo is now his mentor again as he acquires further knowledge of and skills in soccer coaching.
Natalie du Toit, a renowned South African swimmer celebrated for her record-breaking achievements, undoubtedly cherishes the memories of her coaches and mentors who have played a significant role in her success.
National rugby and cricket team players attribute their success to the invaluable support and guidance they receive from fellow teammates and coaches, which extends beyond mere skill training.
There are several definitions of mentoring, but in this module we will use the three cited by Sexton (1998) so that we work from a shared understanding of mentoring.
Mentorship is a long-term relationship where an experienced individual, known as the mentor, offers guidance, advice, and emotional support to a less experienced person, referred to as the protégé This relationship is characterized by a significant emotional commitment from both parties Additionally, mentors may leverage formal and informal influence to advance the protégé's career opportunities.
Mentorships are relationships which provide guidance and support and a role model and confidante for junior organizational members until they reach maturity (Burke and McKeen, 1989, pg 76).
Mentoring involves the transfer of knowledge, skills, and life experiences from a successful manager to another employee within an organization This process aims to enhance the employee's efficiency and effectiveness, fostering their professional growth and development.
According to Sexton (1998), mentoring is defined as a one-to-one developmental relationship between a mentor, who is more experienced, and a mentee, who is the learner While Sexton emphasizes individual mentoring, it is also important to recognize the existence of group mentoring In this module, we will refer to the individual receiving mentorship as a 'mentee,' although some authors prefer the term 'protégé.'
Building a strong relationship is crucial in mentorship, as it forms the foundation for effective guidance and support The importance of this relationship will be explored further in this module, emphasizing its role in successful mentoring experiences Let's take a closer look at key phrases from three definitions of mentoring to enhance our understanding.
To provide information, advice and emotional support
To provide guidance and support and a role model The process by which the knowledge, skills and life experiences are transmitted.
Mentorship, as defined by Sexton, encompasses guidance, support, and the sharing of knowledge, which can be exemplified in the relationship between Phillip Masinga and his mentor, Jomo Sono This dynamic illustrates how a mentor not only provides direction but also inspires and nurtures talent in sports Similarly, in the arts, mentorship can be seen in the way established artists guide emerging talents, fostering their growth and helping them navigate their careers Ultimately, mentorship plays a crucial role in shaping individuals, empowering them to reach their full potential in various fields.
Phillip Masinga likely received invaluable advice and emotional support from his mentor during his soccer career, guiding him through challenges and helping him develop his skills Mentorship in sports often includes encouragement to stay focused, strategies for overcoming obstacles, and insights on maintaining a positive mindset Similarly, personal experiences can reflect the importance of supportive guidance, whether it's constructive feedback, motivation during tough times, or fostering resilience to enhance performance.
What sort of guidance and emotional support is he receiving now from his mentor as a mentee coach? Or, in your own example, how have the roles and relationships changed?
In what way is Jomo Sono a role model to Phillip Masinga? Or, in your own example, how is the one person a role model for the other?
Having explored the concept of mentoring from a sports perspective do the following:
Discuss with your colleagues at your school and or a neighbouring school the concept of a mentor Compare your own thoughts on mentoring with those of your colleagues.
Carry out basic research on mentoring by reading literature on the subject in libraries, asking people who may have information and if possible searching on the Internet.
Give examples of people you consider to have been your mentors or your mentees What significant things do you remember about them?
Having described your mentors or mentees, discuss the value often attached to being a mentor or mentee.
Mentoring and the principles of adult learning
According to Bartell (2005:75), mentoring adults requires distinct skills compared to mentoring young individuals Given that the majority of participants in formal school mentoring programs are adults, it is essential to possess a foundational knowledge of adult learning principles.
When considering adult learners, it's essential to recognize key principles of adult learning Extensive literature indicates that adults favor learning environments that are relevant, self-directed, and practical, allowing them to apply knowledge to real-life situations Additionally, they thrive in settings that respect their experiences and encourage collaboration with peers.
Are practical and problem-centred
Promote their positive self-esteem
Show respect for the individual learner
Allow choice and self direction.
Gravett (2005:17) sounds a caution, however, with respect to these general characteristics which is important to bear in mind when conceptualizing a mentoring relationship:
Research on adult cognitive functioning and learner characteristics offers essential insights for supporting adult education It's crucial to recognize that, despite common traits among learners, each individual possesses distinct life experiences and needs that must be considered in the learning process.
Gravett then goes on to explore the implications of different learning theories (see the core module Managing Teaching and Learning), before concluding:
Both perspectives highlight the importance of learners' experiences in the learning process and emphasize the necessity of engaging students in challenging activities that encourage them to derive meaning from information.
She then argues for a “dialogic approach” to adult learning that is
“more than conversation or the exchange of ideas” but rather “involves a respectful relationship, with all participants … cooperatively exploring the learning content” in a “climate conducive to educational dialogue” (ibid:55)
What implication will the cited principles of adult learning have on how you plan for a mentorship programme at your school and how you implement it?
Mentoring and coaching
Coaching and mentoring are often used interchangeably, but it's crucial to understand the distinct differences between these two concepts According to Sweeny, coaching typically focuses on specific skills and performance improvement, while mentoring emphasizes personal and professional development through a supportive relationship Recognizing these differences can enhance the effectiveness of both practices in fostering growth and achievement.
How coaching is different from mentoring
Coaching involves providing support for technical and skill-related learning through observation, data collection, and non-judgmental reporting on specific behaviors Effective coaches utilize open-ended questions to encourage self-reflection, helping individuals recognize their behavior patterns and set goals This process fosters planning and action, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and personal growth.
Although not always the case, often the coaching is focused on learning job-related skills and the coaching is provided by a professional colleague.
Mentoring is the all-inclusive description of everything done to support protégé orientation and professional development
Coaching is a crucial strategy that mentors should master to enhance their protégés' skills and success To optimize learning and development, it is essential to integrate both mentoring and coaching approaches.
In view of Sweeny’s argument above what does it imply when we say, for instance, that in our school, teacher A is mentoring teacher B?
Emphasizing the distinction between coaching and mentoring during mentor orientation is crucial, as mentors play a vital role in guiding their mentees, or protégés, beyond mere skill development This understanding fosters a deeper relationship, encouraging personal growth and holistic development throughout the mentoring program's duration By clarifying that mentoring involves support, guidance, and sharing experiences, mentors can create a more impactful and meaningful connection with their mentees, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the mentoring process.
Would you say Jomo Sono and the coaches of Natalie du Toit or the Springboks or the Proteas are mere coaches or mentors as well?
The findings summarized in Table 1, adapted from Starcevich (1998), highlight the distinctions between mentoring and coaching based on mentee survey responses These insights reflect the varied perceptions of mentees, allowing for personal agreement or disagreement with each viewpoint presented.
Role Facilitator with no agenda
Relationship Self selecting Comes with the job Source of influence Perceived value Position
Personal returns Affirmation/learning Teamwork/performanc e
As a leader and manager in your school, it's essential to recognize the distinct roles of mentor and coach that you embody at various times Coaching is a targeted activity, while mentoring encompasses a broader range of support and guidance Often, mentors utilize coaching techniques as part of their overall mentoring strategy For further insights on this topic, refer to Texts 1 and 2 in your Reader, which provide additional resources.
Have you ever provided a piece of advice or emotional support to someone who came to you when they needed advice?
Would you say you were mentoring them?
Mentoring is a valuable relationship that can occur between two individuals or one person and a group, aimed at sharing knowledge and skills This process not only fosters personal and professional growth but also encourages the necessary risk-taking for development.
Mentoring embodies qualities similar to friendship, including trust and mutual respect, and can evolve into a friendship over time However, the primary distinction lies in the structured nature of formal mentoring programs, which aim to connect mentors and mentees for skill development, problem-solving, and addressing specific challenges.
Mentoring is fundamentally about facilitating change by offering consistent support throughout the transformation process Through engaging with their mentors, mentees can practice their actions, refine their thoughts, and receive valuable feedback This interaction allows mentors to provide essential emotional support, helping mentees navigate their personal growth and achieve meaningful change.
Structured mentoring plays a crucial role in organizations by supporting employees at various career stages, aiding in induction, career progression, skill acquisition, and problem-solving This approach fosters capacity building through valuable contextualized learning opportunities Additionally, mentors help mentees navigate the challenges of maintaining a productive and meaningful work-life, particularly during times of significant change.
A mentor is typically older and more experienced than their mentee, often guiding them in their professional journey and personal growth For example, in the legal field, seasoned lawyers frequently mentor younger counterparts Conversely, in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, younger individuals may coach older professionals due to their advanced skills and knowledge, although this dynamic rarely evolves into a true mentoring relationship Ultimately, mentoring encompasses a deeper, more comprehensive relationship focused on overall development rather than just skill enhancement.
Two types of mentoring
Literature identifies two primary types of mentoring in schools: natural (informal) and planned (formal) While this module emphasizes the structured approach of planned mentoring, it is important to recognize the significant role that informal mentoring also plays in the educational environment.
A relationship can naturally evolve between two individuals where one seeks personal and professional growth through the guidance of a more experienced colleague To foster this mentorship, it is essential to identify a knowledgeable and supportive peer Creating a conducive environment is crucial for informal mentor-mentee relationships to thrive.
Planned mentoring occurs through structured programmes in which mentors and mentees are carefully selected and matched through a formal process.
What do you think a school leader ought to do in order to create a conducive environment for informal mentoring to flourish?
Encouraging both formal and informal mentoring in schools is essential for fostering a supportive teaching environment Informal mentoring allows new or struggling teachers to seek guidance from experienced colleagues, promoting collaboration and assistance To effectively manage teaching and learning, as well as to lead and manage staff, establishing a mentorship program is crucial This initiative is a key strategy for school-based staff development and thrives in a school culture that emphasizes a shared vision, teamwork, and relationships grounded in mutual respect and trust.
Providing a once-off piece of advice or emotional support is not mentoring.
Mentoring in South Africa
In view of what you have discussed above on mentoring, write a two- page (preferably typed) essay on the topic below:
The rationale for having mentoring programmes in South African schools.
Making a case for establishing mentoring programmes your school Your essay should clearly mention the beneficiaries of mentoring programmes in the school.
You may make use of the following information in doing this task.
In recent years, mentoring has become increasingly vital in the workplace, as managers are now expected to focus on both their personal development and the growth of their teams This shift has transformed the role of managers from mere controllers to mentors, coaches, and facilitators Understanding the significance of mentoring is essential in today's dynamic work environment.
The world of work is changing
Organisational changes often lead to shifts in culture, with empowerment becoming a key focus for staff development As responsibilities are distributed across various levels, continuous learning and skill enhancement are essential Unlike the standardized Fordist model of the past, characterized by assembly lines and low-skill tasks, modern organisations are now encouraged to adopt a learning-oriented approach Mentoring has emerged as a crucial strategy in fostering these learning organisations, promoting growth and adaptability in the workforce.
The ongoing quest for cost savings has led to significant economic changes, characterized by downsizing, the implementation of flatter management structures, and a shift in training responsibilities from external trainers to line managers.
In response to the evolving economy, organizations must undergo significant transformations by developing innovative structures that address shifting demands This includes a gradual transition from traditional line management to self-managed teams, enabling companies to enhance productivity with fewer employees while maintaining high-quality standards.
As organizations evolve, the job market has become increasingly demanding yet less stable, with traditional lifelong employment becoming obsolete Individuals are now more mobile and focused on continuous development, seeking roles that not only provide fulfillment but also allow them to make a meaningful contribution to their work.
The evolving work environment necessitates ongoing updates to our knowledge and skills, as highlighted by Dreyer (1998), who also identifies several intrinsic benefits of mentoring programs.
Acquirement and refinement of knowledge, skills and abilities
Having a medium through which to address ideas to senior management
Easier induction into the teaching career
Receiving support, consolation, sympathy and constructive feedback
The opportunity to share achievements and failures
The acquirement of a personal ethic
The opportunity to observe other teachers at work
Maximum development and use of potential and talents
The opportunity to be reflective on own performance
The possibility of socialisation and the development of friendships with mentors
The availability of non-threatening guidance
Feeling more at home (less isolated) within an established staff
The opportunity to meet other beginning teachers/students
Growing independence, self-reliance, self-confidence and eventual self-actualization
Having someone to talk to
[Deppeler (1986:161), Parkay (1988:199), Erasmus (1993:145) and Smith & West-Burnham {eds.} 1993:19]
In the words of a protégé: "I am a better person than I would have been if I had not met him" (Hardcastle 1988:201).
Re-evaluation of own teaching
Development of new (adult) teaching and appraisal skills
Keeping in touch with the ideas and problems of beginning teachers
Development of friendships with protégés
Personal satisfaction in seeing protégés achieve something
Increased enthusiasm, motivation and energy for teaching
Making own experience, ideas and expertise available [Deppeler (1986:161), Erasmus (1993:150-151) and Smith & West- Burnham (1993:19).
In the words of Beverley Hardcastle (whilst reflecting on the role that mentors play) "How good it is to see lives changed by the care of special individuals" (Hardcastle 1988:207).
Benefits for the teaching profession
Benefits for the teaching profession include:
Well trained and well adjusted teachers
The development of good networks in the school environment
Improved relationships between the staff of schools
Identification of problems in schools
The likelihood of attracting and/or retaining more people into/in the profession
To this can be added the important aspect of empowering schools and practising teachers by giving them co-ownership of the process of developing their own future colleagues
1 What changes and work pressures have you recently experienced in your school in terms of developing the organisational structure and people within it in the following areas:
Developing new attitudes towards work?
2 How have the changes affected you as a leader and manager?
3 As a leader and manager, what additional knowledge and skills have you developed to cope with the changes? And how did you do this?
4 From what we have learned so far about the nature of mentoring, what would you expect to be the characteristics of an effective mentoring programme?
Perry and Volkoff (1998) note that throughout the growing body of literature about mentoring, a number of key components of successful programmes repeatedly emerge:
Voluntary participation by both mentors and mentees
Appropriately matched mentors and mentees
Clear expectations of mentors and mentees
Mentors trained in reflective interviewing
An environment which fosters learning
Needs of both mentees and mentors are met
Quality of the relationship between mentor and mentee
Interpersonal skills of the mentor
Programme embedded in the organisation
Demonstrated commitment by management of the mentor programme
High quality training for mentors using reflective and experiential techniques
Recognition system for mentors and mentees
Compare the above list with your own ideas.
Are there any characteristics you would expect to see added to the list?
Are there any characteristics listed that surprise or puzzle you, or require further elaboration?
How many of these characteristics are exhibited by your school currently?
What could you do to make the climate more conducive? (Perhaps you need to debate this issue with your SMT.)
This module will help you to consider these components in the light of your own school context.
Mentoring at school
Structured mentoring is a valuable tool in organizations, aiding employees at various stages of their careers It enhances induction processes, promotes career advancement, facilitates skill acquisition, and improves problem-solving abilities By offering opportunities for contextualized learning, structured mentoring plays a crucial role in capacity-building within organizations.
Mentors play a crucial role in helping mentees navigate the challenges of achieving a fulfilling work-life balance, particularly during times of significant change As organizations, schools must embrace the concept of a learning organization to foster continuous growth and adaptation.
Educational reformers argue that schools structured as democratic communities provide the flexibility and creative potential necessary for innovative improvements (Davidoff & Lazarus, 2002; Darling-Hammond, 1997; Glickman, 1998) Mentoring emerges as a key strategy for school staff to collaborate effectively and foster a learning organization This article will examine the specific role and purpose of mentoring within the school context, emphasizing its importance for school leaders and managers.
1.7.1 Purpose of mentoring at school
This activity will help us to explore the possible purpose(s) of mentoring in the school.
Step 1 : Read through the Case Studies below and think about how you would support Ms Mkhize and Mr Letshufi.
Figure 1: Ms Mkhize in her classroom
In her inaugural teaching term, Ms Mkhize felt isolated as she gazed out of her classroom window, observing a nurse gracefully moving between the two wards of the adjacent rural hospital.
After struggling to explain a concept in an Economics and Management Sciences (EMS) class, she abruptly gave learners an exercise to do on their own.
As she spotted the nurse entering the ward, a gentle smile spread across her lips She envisioned herself in the role of a nurse, warmly greeting each patient and was curious about their reactions to her presence.
“I wish……” she exclaimed to the surprise of the learners Some of them giggled
Mr Letshufi, a seasoned educator with 25 years of experience, recalls the crucial advice from his early training: “Establish your authority early on for a smoother year.” This guidance led him to adopt a strict approach, particularly at the start of each academic year, where he was known to implement corporal punishment more frequently than his colleagues.
Mr Letshufi's classes have generally performed on par with other students, but since the ban on corporal punishment, he has struggled to maintain authority in the classroom He has received two warnings for threatening to use corporal punishment and is increasingly frustrated by the behavior of his students Although he is considering early retirement, financial constraints make this option unfeasible.
Step 2: Answer the following questions
What do you think are the challenges facing Ms Mkhize and Mr Letshufi ?
In what ways could a mentoring programme assist in this regard?
Amongst the purposes of mentoring highlighted in Table 2 below, which one do you think is applicable to each situation?
To facilitate a smoother transition into a new job or skill, it's essential to minimize stress for both novice and seasoned teachers This is particularly important as experienced educators must adopt new skills, knowledge, attitudes, and values (SKAVs) to successfully implement updated curricula.
To improve instructional performance through modelling by a top performer
To retain excellent veteran staff in a setting where their contributions are valued
To respond to the Department of Education’s mandate
To promote the socialisation of new staff into the school ‘family’, values and traditions
To alter the culture and the norms of the school by creating a collaborative sub-culture.
When implementing a mentoring program in response to the new curriculum at your school, it is essential to identify relevant purposes that align with the program's goals Consider objectives such as enhancing student engagement, fostering academic achievement, and promoting social-emotional development Additionally, the program should aim to support teachers in adapting to curriculum changes and improving instructional practices By focusing on these key purposes, the mentoring program can effectively address the needs of both students and educators, ultimately contributing to a more successful learning environment.
Apart from attending workshops organized by the Department of Education, what have you done to enable educators to acquire knowledge of the new curriculum and skills in delivering it?
Each individual will react uniquely to the assigned tasks, but the essential takeaway is the importance of establishing a formal mentoring program with a clear purpose This defined purpose will influence all subsequent decisions regarding the program's structure and implementation For further guidance in making informed choices, refer to texts 3, 4, 5, and 6.
1.7.2 Models of mentoring at school
1 This activity will help you to begin thinking about the nature of a possible formal mentoring programme for your school.
2 Think about the mentoring models summarised below:
3 Write brief notes on the potential strengths and weaknesses of each model.
4 Which model is most suitable for mentoring a new (novice) teacher at your school? Explain.
5 Which model is most suitable for an experienced teacher who is struggling with the demand of the new curriculum?
6 Which model in your opinion is most suitable for peer mentoring (e.g teachers helping one another to develop their learning programmes and work schedules)?
7 Research other mentoring models either in the library or where possible on the Internet You might begin by asking colleagues at your school.
You can do this activity individually or with colleagues who are participating in the programme.
1 Imagine that a ‘collegial’ mentoring model has to be used by your heads of departments (HoDs) in mentoring the Post Level
1 educators in your school What do you foresee the consequences to be? Please explain.
2 You need to understand your role as a school principal who is expected to mentor the SMT members of your school Use a flipchart to analyse your job description from this perspective and make a note of the kinds of activities you will need to engage with in order to fulfil the requirements of the role.
3 Develop a comprehensive list of management and mentorship qualities that you need to develop.
4 The following resource may be useful to you in undertaking this activity.
Mentoring and coaching versus traditional types of training
The definitions have shown that both mentoring and coaching are concerned with the development of competence Let us examine how mentoring and coaching differ from other training services:
General transfer of new skills; and transfer of new job function
Programmes are mostly generic and not tailored to individual needs
Delegates are expected to complete standard modules and there is little room for tailoring the programme to account for existing knowledge, skills or preferences
Not so similar to the ‘live’ working environment to ensure effective skills transfer
Best suited to transfer of knowledge
Highly effective when used as a means of supporting training initiatives to ensure that the key skills are transferred to the ‘live’ environment
Actively taps human potential; and fine tunes and develops skills
Activities are designed to suit client’s personal needs and learning styles
Performed in the ‘live’ environment
TRADITIONAL FORMS OF TRAINING MENTORING AND COACHING and certain skills rather than the development of personal qualities or competencies
Tends to involve once-off ‘events’ with no follow-up.
Can focus on interpersonal skills, which cannot be readily or effectively transferred in a traditional training environment
Provides clients with contacts and networks to assist with furthering their career or life aspirations
Happens over a period of time in an ongoing relationship of support and guidance.
Perry and Volkoff (1998), referencing Gray (1994), emphasize the significance of recognizing the evolving nature of mentoring relationships and the anticipated changes that may arise throughout their progression.
Gray (in Mackenzie 1994: 81) devised a developmental model of mentoring outlining the styles that tend to be used at different phases of the relationship His model moves in four stages:
informational mentoring The emphasis during this stage is on imparting experience and information and the most active member in this phase is the mentor.
guiding mentoring There is a shift from imparting information to guiding the mentee as the relationship develops, but the mentor still plays the key role.
As the mentee matures, gains experience and develops confidence, the relationship tends to become more collaborative and more equal in status.
In this model, as the mentee becomes more independent, the mentor begins to disengage and play a lesser role.
Gray’s model points to the fact that an important part of the role of the mentor is to help the mentee become as independent as possible
Initially, the mentor may need to give a lot of guidance and support in a close relationship but the aim is to lessen this as the mentee’s confidence increases
Some of the following strategies might prove useful in helping to nurture this independence:
enouraging mentees to take decisions/find answers for themselves
as part of this, turning questions back (“I don’t know – how do you think you might tackle it? Suppose it was a …?”)
making it clear that you are not a subject expert in every area related to the work and that other people/sources might be consulted
Encouraging individuals to maintain a journal about their learning experiences fosters reflection on their progress and emotions This practice not only enhances self-awareness but also helps them identify their optimal learning strategies, ultimately building confidence and self-reliance.
prompting them to reflect on how far they have progressed
encouraging them to set targets for themselves
helping them to distinguish opinion from fact
increasing the gap between meetings as mentees become more experienced
persuading them to use a variety of resources.
Gray’s model could be simplified further to three key stages:
Finding out about each other
Helping and supporting one another
Saying goodbye, changing the relationship, reducing and removing immediate support.
The importance of relationship support and guidance in mentoring programmes
A mentoring program thrives on a shared vision among stakeholders, including the school principal, senior management team (SMT), and teachers, regarding the educational goals for students This collective understanding empowers novice teachers and those needing updated skills to strive for necessary competencies Both mentors and mentees recognize the importance of support and guidance in developing the required knowledge and skills for effective teaching.
The school's Vision and Mission Statement must serve as a dynamic guide that shapes classroom practices for teachers and directs school management in fostering effective teaching and learning Additionally, the mentoring program plays a crucial role in supporting the achievement of these objectives.
1.7.3 Legislative framework for school mentoring programme
There are several pieces of legislation that deal with the need for employees to acquire knowledge and skills while at the workplace Below we cite two Acts as examples.
The Skills Development Act No 97 of 1998 stipulates that:
The workplace should be used as an active learning environment
Employees should be provided with the opportunities to acquire new skills.
This unit examines the essential personal and professional qualities required for effective mentoring, highlighting the distinctions between these two categories in the mentoring context.
learning outcomes
Personal and professional qualities of an effective mentor
In exploring the role of mentoring within workplace-focused, resource-based learning programs, it is essential to address the characteristics that define an effective mentor A good mentor not only provides guidance and support but also fosters an environment conducive to learning and growth They should possess strong communication skills, empathy, and the ability to inspire and motivate mentees, ensuring a productive and positive mentoring relationship.
Mentoring can be effectively carried out by individuals at various levels within an organization, rather than solely by those in top positions Anecdotal evidence indicates that trainers who are not early adopters of technology may resonate better with certain mentees, highlighting that understanding and empathizing with mentees' experiences can be more valuable than technical expertise.
The effectiveness of a mentor can differ significantly based on the specific context in which they operate To be an effective mentor, it is essential to identify the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes relevant to your particular situation Assessing your own proficiency in these areas is crucial for successful mentoring.
If you're feeling uncertain about your abilities or the value you can bring, you might find yourself asking questions like “Why me?” or “What’s in it for me?” Additionally, concerns about time may arise The following activities are designed to help you explore these questions and discover your potential.
checking out a proposal or plan drawn up by a colleague before it can be submitted to the SMT
showing someone how to get the best out of a particular system
you have used your specialist knowledge in the same way as a mentor.
1 Think about the following first as an individual and then compare your ideas with others in the SMT or your study group.
From your own experience of mentoring or mentor-like activities, brainstorm what you think are the characteristics needed to be a good mentor.
Try to find consensus on the ten most important characteristics.
If you scored an average 6 – 7 or higher on most of the above, we feel you are well on your way to having the attributes of a successful mentor.
What in your opinion are the personal and professional qualities of an effective mentor?
Comment on the qualities of integrity and sincerity in the following instance:
The mentee approached the agreed activity with minimal effort, resulting in work that fails to meet acceptable standards Despite this, the mentor, wishing to avoid hurting the mentee's feelings, overlooks the deficiencies in the work and shifts the conversation to a different topic instead of addressing the underlying issues.
Bartell (2005) argues that it is important to give attention to the careful selection of mentors who will guide new teachers
The same applies to the selection of mentors who are to guide experienced teachers who may want mentoring in order to cope with, for instance, the new curriculum.
Bartell (2005:76) cites the following as some of the personal qualities of an effective mentor:
The literature suggests that the following professional qualities are also needed:
Commitment to studying and developing their own practice
Able to work with adults from diverse backgrounds
Sensitive to the view points of others
Informed about mentor responsibilities and willing to make commitment
Committed to providing both professional emotional support and challenge.
A successful mentor must possess both personal and professional qualities, as these attributes are interdependent and essential for effective mentoring Lacking either set of qualities can hinder the mentor-mentee relationship; for example, strong personal qualities without professional expertise may lead to a lack of effective guidance Therefore, both personal and professional qualities are crucial, forming a symbiotic relationship that enhances the mentoring experience.
1 Critically examine the professional qualities of an effective mentor listed above Add any other qualities that you think are needed.
2 For each of the above qualities try to record a specific example of either:
where you experienced this quality shown towards you by another person, or
where you consciously attempted to display this quality to another person.
NB: Try to explain the specific action or behaviour that you regard as evidence of that quality.
3 In the core module Manage teaching and learning, you learned that a school should be a learning organization Relate the concept of a school as a learning organization to a mentor’s commitment to studying and developing his or her own practice.
4 Discuss the statement that a mentor should be committed to ethical practice in view of the trust the mentee may have in the mentor and the information they may share with them.
The functions of a mentor
In the 1980s, mentoring theorists identified two primary functions of mentoring: career development and psycho-social support The career development category encompasses five key elements: sponsorship, coaching, protection, challenging assignments, and exposure, which collectively enhance professional growth and advancement.
These functions are more effective when the mentor has positional power For instance an HoD mentoring a post level 1 educator
According to Kram (1988) there are four psycho-social functions which a mentor may provide:
helping the mentee develop a sense of professional self (acceptance and confirmation);
providing problem-solving and a sounding board (counselling);
giving respect and support (friendship); and
providing identification and role modelling (role modelling).
In this module we focus on the six dimensional roles of Cohen (1999) to discuss the functions of a mentor Cohen’s six dimensional roles are presented below.
Relationship dimension Expanding information dimension
Exploring the facilitative dimension Engaging in constructive confrontation (feedback)
The relationship dimension between mentor and mentee is vital for successful mentoring Effective matching is essential, as both parties must establish clear ground rules for their collaboration, including the frequency and location of meetings, as well as strategies for addressing challenging topics and resolving potential conflicts.
The expanding information dimension emphasizes the mutual exchange of vital information between mentors and mentees, including updates on emerging opportunities such as provincial training workshops and subject-related conferences This collaboration also involves discussing challenges faced and tracking progress in agreed-upon areas, fostering a supportive learning environment.
Exploring the facilitative dimension involves assisting the mentee in navigating challenges while prioritizing the long-term goal of fostering autonomy rather than creating dependence.
Role modeling is essential in mentorship, as it involves the mentor being viewed as a role model by the mentee An effective mentor embodies the school's vision, mission, and values, earning the respect of both the mentee and the broader community.
The employee vision dimension focuses on helping mentees align their personal vision, mission, and values with those of the school, while also providing guidance on career planning.
Cohen’s six-dimensional roles model seeks to unify the various mentor functions identified by theorists like Kram, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of mentorship This model eliminates the need to separately consider career development and psycho-social functions, streamlining the mentoring process.
To become an effective mentor in my school, I need to develop strong communication skills to foster open dialogue, active listening to understand mentees' needs, and empathy to build trusting relationships Additionally, I should enhance my ability to provide constructive feedback, set achievable goals, and inspire motivation Researching mentoring strategies and collaborating with colleagues will further refine these skills, ensuring I can support my mentees effectively.
Effective mentors should possess strong relationship-brokering skills, alongside the ability to build and maintain connections They must excel in communication, set clear goals, and guide mentees while reflecting on the mentorship process Additionally, mentors should be adept at problem-solving and fostering these skills in their mentees Given that disagreements are inevitable in any relationship, conflict management skills are crucial for mentors to navigate challenges effectively.
Sexton (1998) emphasizes that successful mentoring relationships rely on mentees demonstrating openness, participation, cooperation, and progress, while mentors are expected to be committed and available Mentees look for mentors to provide encouragement, support, and valuable information, and they appreciate when mentors can refer them to others if they cannot assist directly This process fosters confidence in mentees It's important to recognize that mentoring occurs between adults, necessitating an understanding of adult learning principles Furthermore, mentoring does not always require face-to-face interaction.
E-mentoring is the merger of mentoring with electronic communications to develop and sustain mentoring relationships linking a senior individual (mentor) and a less skilled or experienced individual (mentee) independent of geography or scheduling constraints.
In South Africa, where qualified teachers often migrate from rural to urban areas, E-mentoring presents a valuable opportunity for under-qualified rural teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills, provided that these regions are equipped with adequate infrastructure Additionally, E-mentoring allows for the engagement of experts who may not be physically present in the mentees' schools, fostering a collaborative learning environment When implemented effectively, E-mentoring can promote partnerships among schools, ultimately benefiting the educational landscape.
Consider the notes and plans you have made so far Make a note of any ideas that you may need to change in light of the discussion in this unit.
Do you already have a mentorship programme at your school?
If you do, does the information in Units 1 and 2 speak to your programme? Explain
Establishing a mentorship program at your school is essential for fostering student growth and development We encourage you to consider implementing such a program to enhance educational experiences and support students effectively.
Dialogue, roles and relationships
The discussion we have had to date suggests the critical importance in a successful mentoring programme of being able to:
Work within clearly understood roles
In order to for these things to happen effectively, we need to be able to:
Pay particular attention to the role of the principal as a mentor.
Perry and Volkoff (1998) emphasize that dialogue plays a crucial role in mentor/mentee relationships, facilitating effective learning Similarly, Gravett (2005) advocates for a dialogic approach when engaging with adults In mentor programs, this concept is commonly implemented through a method known as reflective interviewing.
It consists of the judicious use of the following skills:
giving feedback – it is crucial for mentors to become sensitive to the growth needs of those they mentor, and attempt to offer appropriate feedback
Effective non-verbal communication is essential for mentors, as it conveys support and attention alongside verbal interactions This aspect becomes especially crucial in mentoring relationships that involve cross-gender and cross-cultural dynamics.
A mentor plays a crucial role in providing support, which can be expressed in various ways To enhance their effectiveness, mentors should consider creating a list of the types of support they are willing to offer Here are some examples of how mentors can effectively communicate their support.
a coffee break or lunch together at a time when the mentee needs to talk
an opportunity to spend time together reviewing the results of a task or planning for the next one
passing on information about upcoming professional events
information about ways to gain the support of key individuals
suggestions for acquiring scarce resources
guiding the mentee in the learning process.
2.5.2 Working within clearly understood roles
According to Perry and Volkoff (1998), in general, it is assumed that a mentor is responsible for:
ensuring that the mentee has access to an appropriate school project
assisting the mentee to develop and carry out the project
developing, in collaboration with the mentee, a meeting framework, including an appropriate schedule and agendas
providing the mentee with advice and support relevant to the specific project
assisting the mentee to identify appropriate network contacts
acting as a ‘sounding board’ to assist the mentee to reflect on what they are learning and to clarify their ideas
To effectively support their project work, mentees should seek assistance from various sources within the workplace This includes collaborating with fellow project workers, engaging with specialist departments within the school, and reaching out to local practitioners and other relevant personnel Establishing a strong support network is essential for the success of their projects.
A mentor is expected to hold regular face-to-face meetings with their mentee and maintain ongoing communication through phone, fax, and email It is crucial to discuss important aspects such as time availability, ethical conduct, and confidentiality at the beginning of the mentoring relationship.
According to Perry and Volkoff (1998), a primary objective of mentoring programs is to enable mentees to develop their own understanding and frameworks for action through direct experiences and reflective practices, both on their own experiences and those of others.
The mentor-mentee relationship can provide support for the mentee to further their own understanding and to develop confidence and independence
A successful mentoring relationship is built on mutual respect, creating a safe environment for mentees to explore options and brainstorm strategies This supportive atmosphere allows individuals to articulate their thoughts freely, fostering understanding through open dialogue Active listening from both the mentor and mentee is essential for this process to thrive, ensuring effective communication and deeper insights.
Language in leadership and management for further guidelines.)
A successful mentoring relationship requires the mentor to recognize the mentee as an independent adult capable of forming their own conclusions The goal is not for the mentee to blindly emulate the mentor's ideas or methods, but rather for the mentor to facilitate the mentee's exploration of potential outcomes associated with various strategies Sharing personal experiences and problem-solving approaches can be beneficial, yet it is crucial to avoid fostering dependency, ensuring that the mentee ultimately makes their own informed decisions.
A successful mentor-mentee relationship should be adaptable, allowing for re-negotiation to meet emerging needs and challenges By the end of the formal mentoring process, mentees should gain independence from their mentors and develop confidence in making their own informed decisions within their field of study.
A mentee's ideal mentor could be their line manager; however, it is essential for both parties to openly discuss and establish boundaries that differentiate their mentoring relationship from their managerial one This highlights the importance of effective mentor-mentee matching to ensure a productive dynamic.
To make an informed decision on mentor-mentee matching that suits your context, it is essential to read extensively on the topic, as highlighted by Bartell (2005:79) in this module.
Compatibility between a mentor and mentee is crucial for fostering a strong relationship Many new teachers express a preference for mentors who teach at the same grade level or in the same subject area, as this alignment enhances their understanding of the curriculum Additionally, factors such as age and gender can influence the selection of suitable matches Ultimately, the most significant aspect is the 'fit' between the mentor and mentee, as highlighted by Daresh (2003).
Effective mentor-protégé pairings should be grounded in a thorough assessment of professional objectives, interpersonal dynamics, and the educational requirements of both individuals Collecting relevant information about prospective mentors is essential for making informed and thoughtful matches.
Listening goes beyond mere hearing; it requires critical thinking skills, the ability to recall relevant themes, and the formulation of insightful questions to draw conclusions The main goal of effective listening is to genuinely understand another person's perspective, including their thoughts and feelings.
Figure 2: The Process of Listening
Listening involves more than just hearing; it begins with the ears detecting sound waves Following this, the interpretation of these sounds is crucial for understanding or misunderstanding the message Next, the evaluation stage allows you to assess the information and determine its usefulness Finally, your reaction is shaped by what you've heard and how you've evaluated it This comprehensive process defines true listening.
The following list discusses some of the major impediments to hearing and understanding what the other person is saying.
We may have preconceptions about what the person might say:
Sometimes we believe we can anticipate what the other person will say
Our attention is selective: This can lead to bias in what we hear, hence we hear what will reinforce our prejudices and fixed beliefs.
In this unit, we will explore the establishment, monitoring, and evaluation of mentoring programs in schools, building on previous discussions about the definition, importance, and key participants involved in mentoring Essential resources to support this process are available in the Templates section of the module.
learning outcomes
Programme design and development
When creating a mentorship program, it is crucial to define the specific target mentees to be served For example, a school might simultaneously operate five distinct mentorship initiatives.
teacher mentoring where the mentees are novice teachers being inducted into the school
Peer teacher mentoring involves experienced teachers seeking guidance from colleagues to gain new knowledge and skills In this context, a mentor does not have to be a line manager; rather, it can be a fellow educator who possesses a deeper understanding of the relevant skills and knowledge.
an HoD/ES may be grooming a self-effacing but expert classroom- based educator as a lead teacher in a particular area
the school may have established form tutors who meet regularly with a small group of learners to reflect on their challenges and progress more generally
learner mentorship where the mentees are Grades 11 and 12 learners who are mentored by retired professionals who are in the community.
When designing a mentorship program for novice teachers, it's essential to understand their preparatory training and qualifications Additionally, you should identify the ideal mentor profiles, especially if the program involves retired professionals, by assessing the availability and willingness of potential mentors.
Formal mentoring can be categorized into two main types: one-on-one mentoring and team/group mentoring One-on-one mentoring fosters deeper interactions and stronger relationships between the mentor and mentee In contrast, group mentoring involves a mentor guiding multiple mentees simultaneously, which can effectively promote team spirit and collaboration among participants.
When selecting a program, it is essential to clearly define its objectives using the SMART criteria: they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
Reflect on the five possible mentorship programmes mentioned above. Which of the five programmes does your school need? Do you have a more urgent developmental need not mentioned above? Explain.
What steps do you think you might need to go through in order to set up an appropriate mentoring programme to address this need?
Listed below are 11 suggested steps in a mentorship programme cycle, from programme design and development to programme evaluation:
On-going monitoring of the programme
How well do these ideas compare with yours? Is there anything you would add or omit?
Let us see how this might unfold.
The new NCS requirements mandate that all learners in a school must take either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy at the FET level While Ms Newton is a highly capable Mathematics Literacy teacher, her existing timetable prevents her from teaching all the classes, resulting in three less competent and motivated teachers handling the subject Recognizing Ms Newton's potential to assist her colleagues, the principal identifies the need for mentorship to help her become a lead teacher, enabling her to effectively guide and support the other teachers in delivering quality Mathematical Literacy education.
As it happens, he knows that Ms Newton gets on very well with Ms Sethlako, her HoD So he sets up a series of meetings with Ms Newton,
Ms Setlhako and three Mathematics Literacy teachers engaged in individual and group meetings to establish a staggered mentoring program for the year This collaborative effort secured buy-in from all participants, who agreed to meet monthly to discuss challenges and share solutions in their classrooms.
Ms Newton will lead the discussions, which will be recorded using Templates 1 and 2 provided in this module The documentation will capture formal reflections on the management of the sessions, their achievements, and the progress made in the classroom.
Ms Newton utilizes Templates 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 during her series of meetings with her Head of Department (HoD) before and after Mathematical Literacy sessions These meetings provide her with an opportunity to reflect on the sessions, express concerns, review her plans, and discuss her feelings about her new role Each session is formally documented At the end of the year, the Principal, HoD, and the Mathematical Literacy team will convene to evaluate the program's achievements based on guidelines from Text 7 and evidence from completed Templates 1 to 7 They will determine whether to continue the program in its current form, modify it, or discontinue it altogether, taking into account the reasons behind its success or failure to inform future mentoring initiatives.
A successful program necessitates strong leadership and effective management from all participants Furthermore, a commitment to the process is essential, which involves identifying and addressing potential obstacles.
Overcoming barriers to effective mentoring
Individuals may hesitate to seek mentorship due to various factors, including a fear of change Resistance to mentoring can manifest in two ways: overt hostility and subtle compliance The first type is characterized by clear signs of mistrust and unwillingness to engage meaningfully with the mentor In contrast, the second type may not be immediately noticeable, as the mentee may initially seem enthusiastic and agreeable, only to reveal reluctance as the mentoring sessions progress.
A mentor often finds it easier to address overt reluctance to mentoring compared to passive resistance In such cases, the mentor can engage with the resistant mentee to understand the underlying reasons for their discomfort Most mentees are willing to discuss their beliefs and feelings regarding the need for mentoring Although it may take several sessions to build a productive and collaborative relationship, a mentor equipped with self-awareness, patience, and the ability to manage the mentee's anger can effectively navigate initial resistance and foster a successful mentoring experience.
Addressing passive reluctance in a mentee can be challenging, as they may not fully understand their own reasons for resistance or may be hesitant to share them This situation leaves the mentor with multiple options to navigate the issue effectively.
Refuse to work with staff who are reluctant to be mentored – this, of course, could jeopardize the mentor’s position in the organization.
Refer the mentee to another mentor who specializes in working with
Accept ‘reluctance’ as one of the challenges of mentoring.
Dealing with the reluctant mentee can be daunting for the mentor There are various strategies that the mentor could adopt in such a situation, for example:
The mentor should ask the mentee for his or her reaction to being in the mentoring situation.
If the mentee’s response is negative, the mentor should ask why it is negative.
If a mentee seems hesitant to engage but is unwilling to express this, the mentor should gently address their demeanor by sharing personal observations and insights, while also providing objective evidence to support these observations.
The mentor should acknowledge the mentee’s reluctance but reiterate management’s wish for the individual to be mentored.
The mentor should explain and discuss some of the general benefits of mentoring and the specific benefits for the individual
The mentor should obtain a commitment and some measure of self- responsibility from the mentee to attend at least three mentoring sessions and agree to review the situation after that.
The mentor should establish values and purpose as a prelude to goal setting and action planning
In essence, the mentee’s reluctance can probably be overcome if the mentor can establish and clarify the individual’s values and purpose, and generate and encourage commitment and self-responsibility.
Programme management
The principal holds the primary responsibility for the effective management of a mentoring program within the school Although the coordination may be assigned to the deputy principal or a Head of Department, the principal must remain actively involved to ensure the program operates efficiently and meets its objectives.
Principals must provide mentors and mentees with a comprehensive understanding of the program, ensuring clarity in their roles and responsibilities Regular reviews of the developed policy are essential to maintain alignment and expectations among all participants.
Principals have also to maintain records of the programme, track programme activities and document the monitoring of the programme as well as the evaluation efforts.
Utilizing templates in a mentoring program is crucial, as they provide valuable information that enhances the overall effectiveness of the initiative These templates, available in the Templates section at the end of the module, serve as essential tools for organizing thoughts, tracking progress, and facilitating communication between mentors and mentees.
Mentoring Start-up Form (Template 3)
Beginning teacher and mentor needs assessment (Template 4).
What challenges are you likely to experience in managing a mentoring programme in view of the points highlighted above? What solutions to the challenges can you think of?
Mentorship programme implementation
Planning is part of the implementation process In the core module
Effective management of policy, planning, school development, and governance is crucial for successful implementation This module will delve into a specific planning model to highlight the significance of strategic planning in executing a mentorship program.
This activity constitutes your first main assignment for this module The activity focuses on: Planning a mentorship programme.
Follow the steps in the process outlined below.
STEP 1: Study the planning model below
STEP 2: Using the planning model above, assume that the ‘tasks’ are the three mentoring programmes listed below which your school would like to run. a A mentorship programme for novice teachers who join your school b A mentorship programme for three experienced teachers who are struggling with the implementation of the new curriculum c A mentoring programme for the school financial officer who is to be mentored by a retired professional in the community.
STEP 3: Answer the following questions a Outline the objectives of each of the three programmes
When planning your mentorship programs, ensure that your goals are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) Collaborate with your school’s SMT to determine the appropriate duration for each program Engage in discussions regarding the selection process for both mentors and mentees, considering whether mentors will be assigned or if mentees will have the freedom to choose their own mentors.
When planning your mentoring program, it is essential to follow the 11 steps of the mentoring process previously discussed in Activity 3c Additionally, selecting potential mentees should be based on a clear understanding of their individual development needs.
Why, in your opinion, is it necessary to conduct a needs analysis of: a The mentee? b The mentor?
The design and implementation of a mentoring program should be guided by the identified developmental needs rather than arbitrary decisions Evidence and observations, such as those from IQMS and PMDS processes, play a crucial role in this determination The specific needs and personality of the mentee will influence the selection of an appropriate mentor It is essential for mentors to possess knowledge and skills in mentoring, making it imperative to empower those selected as mentors, even if they lack formal training Experience in teaching does not automatically qualify someone to be an effective mentor, just as subject knowledge alone is insufficient for effective teaching.
Gender, age and cultural issues in mentoring
When planning for effective mentoring, it is crucial to address potential challenges that may arise from gender, age, or cultural differences This topic will be further examined in the upcoming activity.
To effectively manage the mentorship relationship following the workshop on the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), it is essential to identify the strengths and areas for improvement of the two standout members One member may demonstrate exceptional enthusiasm and a willingness to implement new strategies, while the other may struggle with adapting to the changes Establishing regular check-ins and providing tailored support can enhance their professional growth Encouraging open communication will foster a collaborative environment, allowing both individuals to share their experiences and challenges By setting clear goals and offering constructive feedback, I can guide them towards successfully integrating the NCS into their teaching practices.
Ms Naidu, a dedicated teacher in her late 30s, has successfully acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for implementing the new curriculum, becoming a key resource person within her department for the NCS In contrast, Mr Mudau, a teacher in his late 50s, is facing challenges in adapting to the NCS implementation.
The two teachers’ situations have come to your attention You have decided to include them in your mentorship programme You would like
Ms Naidu to mentor Mr Mudau.
Sensitivity is crucial in addressing the challenges faced by Mr Mudau, who may benefit from learning from Ms Naidu Observing lessons from various department members can provide valuable insights to develop case studies that highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of NCS implementation These scenarios, though anonymized, should resonate with the teachers involved Engaging departmental members in discussions about these scenarios will foster a collaborative environment, encouraging feedback that emphasizes the need for improved curriculum delivery and mutual support It is essential to identify leadership roles within the team, particularly recognizing Ms Naidu's expertise in NCS implementation Following the discussion, Mr Mudau and Ms Naidu should be encouraged to collaborate closely, possibly establishing a regular meeting schedule for planning and reflection Overall, addressing these challenges requires a careful consideration of gender, age, and cultural dynamics.
Addressing the need for mentoring an Head of Department (HoD) by a department member requires careful sensitivity It’s essential to reflect on your own leadership model and consider how openly you consult with staff members who possess greater expertise or experience in specific areas This approach not only fosters a collaborative environment but also sets a precedent for valuing input from all team members.
The design, implementation, and evaluation of a mentoring program in the ACE (School Management and Leadership) initiative are significantly shaped by the unique context of each school.
1 What do you consider to be unique circumstances in your school, which will have an impact on a mentoring programme in your school?
2 Do you have a support system for new school management team members in your school? Explain.
3 What role does/should the principal and HoDs play in the support system of teachers?
4 Sometimes it is not just newly-appointed school managers who need support but even people who have been managers for some years How can a mentoring programme help school teachers in need of support?
5 What sort of information should the school principal collect in order to establish both mentoring needs and mentoring capacity?
6 What sort of technical assistance should a school principal provide to school managers who are in need of mentoring?
7 What factors need to be considered when setting up a mentoring programme for educators where the mentor is either an HoD or another class educator?
8 What do you consider to be the value of mentoring in our constantly changing education system?
9 How will you tell whether or not your mentoring programme is working?
3.5.2 Mentoring programme monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluating a mentoring programme is essential for tracking its implementation and identifying areas for improvement This process allows the programme manager to assess whether the intended outcomes are being achieved, measure success, and ensure adherence to agreements regarding time, ethical conduct, and confidentiality Clearly defined outcomes also aid in selecting appropriate methods and tools for effective monitoring and evaluation.
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system is essential for assessing a program's progress and impact Monitoring involves the ongoing collection, analysis, and utilization of information regarding the program's development In contrast, evaluation encompasses periodic reviews of both internal and external data to determine the program's effectiveness, allowing for informed decisions on necessary improvements and corrective actions.
Measuring the success of mentoring programmes
According to Bartell (2005), teachers involved in mentoring programs are more likely to remain in the teaching profession, highlighting the value of dedicating time and resources to create and sustain effective mentoring initiatives.
The M&E system is very important in its ability to assist the role players of a mentoring programme in making sure it is, and remains, effective
It enables them to improve the programme throughout its life span The structure of the M&E system is characterised by several levels Barton
Coaching performance profile
Mentoring programs should extend beyond just beginning teachers to include educational assistants, school librarians, counselors, school nurses, coaches, and other new staff members By incorporating a diverse range of roles into structured induction programs, schools can foster a supportive environment that enhances professional development for all newcomers.
Text 4: How can I help? What individuals can do to support new teachers
To enhance the first-year experience for new teachers, it is essential for veteran educators, administrators, and school staff to actively welcome newcomers into the school community Simple actions such as inviting new teachers to lunch, encouraging their participation in school sporting events, and facilitating introductions to district and community members can significantly impact their integration (Heidkamp & Shapiro, 1999) Additionally, organizing department lunch gatherings and informal meetings fosters a supportive environment, setting a positive tone for early experiences in the school (DePaul, 2000).
The following sections describe other important steps that veteran teachers and principals can take to ease the beginners' transition into the profession
It's crucial not to wait for new teachers to seek help or assume that others are supporting them Many novice educators desire guidance from experienced colleagues but often hesitate to ask questions due to fears of appearing incompetent or being a burden This reluctance can prevent them from receiving the valuable assistance they need.
New teachers often face challenges when starting their careers, particularly when they find themselves in empty classrooms lacking essential equipment and supplies To ease this transition, veteran teachers can play a crucial role by assisting newcomers in gathering necessary materials, locating functional equipment, and identifying other teaching tools before the school year begins Additionally, first-year educators may require guidance in effectively setting up their classrooms for the first time.
Encourage new teachers to observe your classes to enhance their learning experience (DePaul, 2000) After the observation, allocate time for a Q&A session to discuss the techniques employed during the lesson (Huling-Austin, 1992) Sharing relevant books and workshop insights that align with your teaching style can also be beneficial New educators often value the opportunity to exchange ideas with seasoned professionals (Heidkamp & Shapiro, 1999).
Inviting new teachers to have their classes observed can be a valuable opportunity for feedback, as many appreciate constructive input in a non-threatening environment, rather than during formal evaluations (DePaul, 2000) Establishing a trusting relationship with the teacher is crucial before extending such an offer, ensuring that they do not feel evaluated Maintaining this trust is essential, as any breach can undermine respect and hinder future collegial relationships.
Inviting the new teacher to observe your class first may make the experience less threatening
Sharing your lesson plans and successful teaching activities is an invaluable gift for new teachers These tried-and-tested resources, even if not entirely applicable to their specific classes, serve as excellent models for crafting effective daily activities.
Consider dedicating time to mentor a new teacher, regardless of whether your school has a formal mentoring program By setting aside a few hours each week, you can provide valuable support by discussing challenges, sharing resources, and engaging in meaningful conversations with a beginning teacher.
Volunteering for more challenging classes and heavier teaching loads can significantly support new teachers This may involve accepting a greater number of lesson preparations daily or swapping higher-level courses for remedial ones, ensuring that newcomers are not burdened with the most difficult assignments.
New teachers should be cautious about taking on extracurricular activities and special projects, as these responsibilities often come with the job offer Engaging in tasks like leading the school newspaper, coaching sports teams, or participating in student government can consume valuable time needed for lesson planning and adjusting to the teaching profession Additionally, these roles may increase interactions with parents and require oversight of students outside school, which can be particularly stressful for those new to the field (Huling-Austin, 1992).
Prioritizing support for new teachers is essential, and schools should establish a formal mentorship program It’s important to identify the specific needs of novice educators and to encourage veteran teachers to participate by offering incentives Additionally, scheduling dedicated time for teachers to collaborate and observe each other’s classes can enhance professional development and foster a supportive learning environment.
1999) Plan for new teachers to participate in induction programs for their first two to three years on the job.
Investing in programs for new teachers is essential for their success Ciardi (1995) recommends several innovative funding strategies, including allocating salary differentials from retiring higher-paid teachers, utilizing savings from reduced recruitment costs, and seeking financial support from local businesses and foundations to hire a part- or full-time coordinator for new teachers.
Don't assign new teachers the most challenging classes (DePaul, 2000) Avoid burdening beginners with multiple preps, remedial classes, and the most difficult or needy students (Bloom & Davis, n.d.; Halford,
Make an effort to assign new teachers to the same grade level and subject area in which they taught as students (Bloom & Davis, n.d.;
Research indicates that first-time teachers can better acclimate to their roles by focusing on a limited amount of new material This approach not only helps them find their footing but also enhances their learning, as studies show that new educators gain a deeper understanding of teaching when they repeatedly cover the same content.
At the start of each school year, it's essential to provide orientations for new teachers, as highlighted by Bloom & Davis (n.d.) and DePaul (2000) These orientations should introduce new staff to the school environment and faculty while covering crucial school policies Additionally, it is important to dedicate time to discuss the school's mission, vision, and teaching philosophies, illustrating how these elements are integrated into daily practices However, it's important to note that orientation sessions should not replace a comprehensive formal induction program (Gordon, 1991).
To ensure teachers are well-prepared before the first day of school, it is essential to provide them with comprehensive information about their students This includes sharing student reading scores, proficiency levels of English-language learners, details about special needs students, and relevant demographic data Additionally, offering guidance on how to interpret this information will empower educators to tailor their teaching strategies effectively.
How can I help? What individuals can do to support new teachers
do to support new teachers
Veteran teachers, administrators, and school staff play a crucial role in enhancing the experiences of new educators during their first year To foster a welcoming environment, the entire school community should actively engage with newcomers by inviting them to lunch, attending school sporting events together, and facilitating introductions to other district and community members Informal gatherings, such as department lunches, also contribute significantly to building connections These simple yet impactful gestures help establish a positive tone for new teachers' initial experiences in the school.
The following sections describe other important steps that veteran teachers and principals can take to ease the beginners' transition into the profession
New teachers often hesitate to seek help from experienced colleagues due to fears of appearing incompetent or being a burden Many beginning educators genuinely desire guidance but worry about taking up valuable time or resources It is crucial for veteran teachers to proactively offer support, as this can significantly enhance the confidence and effectiveness of newcomers in the teaching profession.
New teachers often face challenges when starting in an empty classroom lacking essential materials and equipment (DePaul, 2000; Renard, 1999) Veteran educators play a crucial role in assisting newcomers by helping them gather necessary supplies, locate functional equipment, and identify additional teaching tools before the school year begins Additionally, first-year teachers may require guidance in organizing and setting up their classrooms effectively for their students.
Invite new teachers to observe your classes and allocate time afterward for a discussion to address their questions and share the techniques utilized during the lesson Consider providing resources such as books and workshop information that align with your teaching style Many new educators value the chance to exchange ideas with seasoned teachers, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Inviting new teachers to have their classes observed can be beneficial, as many appreciate constructive feedback in a supportive environment rather than during formal evaluations (DePaul, 2000) It's crucial to build a trusting relationship with the teacher before proposing an observation, ensuring that they do not feel their performance is being judged Maintaining this trust is essential to foster respect and promote a collaborative atmosphere for future interactions.
Inviting the new teacher to observe your class first may make the experience less threatening
Sharing your teaching materials is one of the most valuable gifts you can offer to a new teacher A collection of detailed lesson plans and successful activities, honed by your experience, can serve as an invaluable resource Even if your lesson plans are not directly applicable to their classes, they can inspire and guide the new teacher in developing their own daily activities.
Offering mentorship to a new teacher is invaluable, regardless of whether your school has a formal program Dedicate time each week to discuss challenges, share resources, and provide support, fostering a positive learning environment for both you and the beginning teacher.
Volunteering for challenging classes and heavier teaching loads can significantly support new teachers This may involve taking on additional lesson preparations daily or swapping higher-level courses for remedial ones, ensuring that newcomers are not burdened with the toughest assignments.
New teachers should be cautious about taking on extracurricular activities and special projects, as these additional responsibilities can consume valuable time needed for lesson planning and adjusting to their new role Often, educators feel pressured to participate in activities like the school newspaper, sports teams, or student government as a hiring condition However, these commitments can lead to increased interactions with parents and added responsibilities for students outside of school, which may be overwhelming for those new to the profession (Huling-Austin, 1992).
Prioritizing support for new teachers is essential, and establishing a formal mentorship program can significantly enhance their development Assess the specific assistance that novice educators require, provide incentives for experienced teachers who mentor them, and allocate time within the schedule for collaborative meetings and classroom observations.
1999) Plan for new teachers to participate in induction programs for their first two to three years on the job.
To support new teachers, it is essential to commit to funding induction programs Ciardi (1995) proposes innovative funding strategies, including allocating salary differentials from retiring higher-paid teachers, utilizing savings from reduced recruitment and hiring costs, and seeking financial support from local businesses and foundations for a dedicated new teacher coordinator.
Don't assign new teachers the most challenging classes (DePaul, 2000) Avoid burdening beginners with multiple preps, remedial classes, and the most difficult or needy students (Bloom & Davis, n.d.; Halford,
Make an effort to assign new teachers to the same grade level and subject area in which they taught as students (Bloom & Davis, n.d.;
According to Huling-Austin (1992), first-time teachers can effectively acclimate to their roles by focusing on a limited range of new material This approach not only helps them gain confidence but also enhances their learning experience, as research indicates that new educators benefit from teaching the same content repeatedly.
At the start of each school year, it is essential to provide orientations for new teachers to familiarize them with the school environment and staff, while also covering key policies These sessions should include discussions about the school's mission, vision, and teaching philosophies, emphasizing their practical application within the school However, it is important to note that these orientation sessions should not replace a comprehensive formal induction program.
To ensure a successful start to the school year, it is crucial to provide teachers with comprehensive information about their students before the first day of school This includes sharing student reading scores, proficiency levels of English-language learners, details about special needs students, and relevant demographic information Additionally, offering guidance on how to interpret this data will empower teachers to tailor their instruction effectively.
To support new teachers effectively, it's essential to provide them with comprehensive materials to facilitate their transition into the classroom This includes supplying a faculty handbook and curriculum guides that encompass necessary teaching materials, required texts, specific learning outcomes, and assessment tools tailored for each grade level Additionally, ensuring that beginners have access to or knowledge of where to obtain classroom supplies and equipment is crucial for their success.
Suggestions for beginning teachers
Structured induction programs and support for new teachers are crucial for their success, but new educators can also take proactive steps to adapt to their first job or a new school environment Regardless of the quality of the school's induction program, new teachers should seek assistance and identify available resources It's important to recognize that even well-intentioned principals and experienced teachers may overlook certain aspects that can aid in a new teacher's transition.
Ask for help Don't be afraid of looking incompetent if you ask questions — no one expects you to know it all right off the bat (Renard,
Finding a mentor is essential for new teachers, as it provides valuable guidance and support Regardless of whether the school offers a formal mentoring program, new educators can proactively seek out experienced colleagues to enhance their teaching skills and navigate challenges effectively.
Request to observe classes of more experienced teachers, as this practice allows you to visualize effective teaching strategies and methods Additionally, it demonstrates your willingness to learn from veteran educators, fostering a collaborative and supportive teaching environment.
Avoid negative elements in the school Don't let others' lack of enthusiasm for teaching or new techniques get you down (DePaul,
2000) Make an effort to connect with experienced teachers who enjoy their job, engage in ongoing professional development activities, and are generally enthusiastic about teaching (Renard, 1999)
Make an effort to get to know other teachers Invite them to your room for lunch, and participate in after-school activities with other staff members
Joining or forming a support group with fellow new teachers in your district creates a safe environment for sharing ideas and addressing challenges unique to beginners in the teaching profession.
Establish an early connection with the principal by inviting them to observe your class and provide constructive feedback While this may feel intimidating initially, building this relationship now shows your eagerness to learn and grow, rather than waiting for formal performance evaluations later.
To effectively support your teaching journey, seek out resources both within your school and externally If your principal does not supply a faculty handbook or curriculum guide, don't hesitate to request these essential materials Additionally, take the initiative to explore books, magazines, and online resources that offer valuable tips for new teachers (Renard, 1999).
Identify and join professional organizations in your field (Renard,
Joining professional teaching organizations like the Association of Mathematics Educators of South Africa (AMESA) offers valuable networking opportunities with fellow educators Membership keeps you informed about upcoming conferences, relevant publications, and the latest research and information in your subject area.
Reflections of a retired school principal
In the preface to his textbook The Handbook of School Management, Clarke (2007) reflects on his early experiences of being a school principal as follows:
Reflecting on my first day as a principal, I remember the stark contrast to my previous role as a deputy-principal in a large school where I had built strong relationships with the community, parents, and colleagues Despite my experience, stepping into this new position left me feeling isolated, as I had limited knowledge of the staff, students, and parents, apart from brief encounters before the term began The chairperson of the school governing body even mispronounced my name during introductions, which highlighted my unfamiliarity with the environment The initial pride I felt in achieving this headship quickly faded, revealing the challenges of navigating a role that could often feel cold and lonely.
In my first year, I found invaluable support from a collective of local principals known as the "small-school principals' association." This group, composed of first-time principals, met informally every quarter to discuss the challenges they faced and share the solutions they had implemented.
Each quarter, we gathered at different schools to discuss our challenges in a supportive environment, sharing coffee and sandwiches in the principal’s office or library During these meetings, each member presented an issue, and the group offered various solutions, including effective strategies, helpful contacts, and guidance on forms and procedures This collaborative experience inspired the creation of a handbook for principals However, after six years, when I transitioned to a larger, more prestigious school, I was removed from the group, which maintained a strict policy to ensure that discussions remained equitable and relevant for those at the start of their careers.
Evaluation and indicators
Evaluation is the periodic assessment, analysis and use of data about a project The main evaluation points in the project cycle are:
The assessment of a selected set of indicators about mentees conditions after programme start-up but before the beginning of programme interventions
The internal assessment of the performance and progress of a programme’s development over successive one year periods
Usually includes an assessment of effects (target population responses to programme outputs/interventions) and programme strategies
Usually an external (and thus ‘objective’) assessment of a programme which focuses on its performance, organisational capacity, and mid- course corrections to improve achievement in the remaining programme period
An evaluation of the program's effects and impacts, along with a cost-effectiveness or cost-benefit analysis, is typically conducted either shortly before or immediately after the program's conclusion.
An external and comprehensive evaluation of a program's impact on its target population is essential, ideally conducted 5 to 10 years after project completion Unfortunately, such evaluations are infrequently carried out due to a lack of funding support from donors.
Baseline studies depend on gathering new data, while subsequent evaluation activities utilize a mix of monitoring data, information from other organizations, and additional field data collection.
Indicators are essential qualitative or quantitative criteria that evaluate the occurrence of proposed changes Within the log frame framework, they are defined as specific and objectively verifiable measures that assess the achievement of project objectives Essentially, indicators serve as benchmarks for measuring the success and progress of a project in relation to its stated targets.
Indicators are essential for evaluating progress towards project goals, but they differ from the targets themselves Targets define specific desired outcomes within a designated timeframe, such as training 700 farmers in compost mulching techniques over three years or equipping 50 community health workers in each of four districts within the project's first year These targets can pertain to various aspects, including inputs, outputs, effects, or impacts.
In the CARE log frame format, indicators serve as assessments of progress toward desired changes in the target population, helping to achieve both intermediate and long-term objectives While indicators typically do not appear as numerical targets on their own, it's important to note that some donors may differ in how they define and combine indicators and targets.
The five main types of indicators used in project monitoring and evaluation correspond to the main levels in the project hierarchy of objectives
The indicators should be directly linked to the programme objectives, and to the appropriate levels in the hierarchy
The indicators should be capable of being assessed (or ‘measured’ if they are quantitative)
Indicators must be verifiable and relatively objective, ensuring that conclusions drawn from them remain consistent regardless of who assesses them, when, or under what circumstances.
Project stakeholders must effectively comprehend and utilize the information from indicators to enhance decision-making and boost both their work and overall project performance.
The steps for working with the indicator should be capable of being carried out with the target community and other stakeholders in a participatory manner: i.e., data collection, analysis and use.
Indicators of availability These show whether something exists and if it is available Whether there is one trained local worker for every ten houses
Indicators of relevance These show how relevant or appropriate something is Whether new stoves burn less fuel than the old ones
These show whether what exists is actually within reach of those who need it
A health post in one village may be out of reach of other villages due to mountains, rivers, lack of transport or poverty
These show to what extent something that has been made available is being used for that purpose how many non-literate villagers attend literacy classes regularly
Coverage indicators reveal the percentage of individuals in need who are actually receiving essential services For instance, in the context of tuberculosis, these indicators assess the proportion of people estimated to have the disease in a specific area who are receiving regular treatment.
Indicators of quality These show the quality or standard of something whether water is free from harmful, disease-causing substances or organisms
These show how much and what is being invested to achieve the objectives how long it takes how many men to plant what number of palm trees in a week
Evaluating the effectiveness of resources and activities is crucial for achieving objectives, particularly by analyzing the quantity, frequency, and quality of supervisory visits conducted after implementing bicycles as a replacement for heavy vehicles.
Impact indicators are essential for assessing the effectiveness of your initiatives For instance, following a measles vaccination campaign, a significant decrease in measles cases over the subsequent years would demonstrate the campaign's success in reducing the disease's incidence.
Indicator types What they show Examples
Indicators of availability These show whether something exists and if it is available Whether there is one trained local worker for every ten houses
These show how relevant or appropriate something is
Whether new stoves burn less fuel than the old ones
These show whether what exists is actually within reach of those who need it
A health post in one village may be out of reach of other villages due to mountains, rivers, lack of transport or poverty
These show to what extent something that has been made available is being used for that purpose how many non-literate villagers attend literacy classes regularly
Coverage indicators reveal the percentage of individuals in need of a service who are actually receiving it For instance, in the context of tuberculosis, these indicators measure the proportion of people estimated to have the disease in a specific area who are receiving regular treatment.
Indicators of quality These show the quality or standard of something whether water is free from harmful, disease-causing substances or organisms
These show how much and what is being invested to achieve the objectives how long it takes how many men to plant what number of palm trees in a week
To evaluate the effectiveness of resource allocation and activities in achieving objectives, it is essential to assess the number, frequency, and quality of supervisory visits following the introduction of bicycles as a replacement for heavy vehicles.
Impact indicators are essential for assessing the effectiveness of your initiatives For instance, following a campaign aimed at reducing measles, a significant decrease in measles incidence over the subsequent years would demonstrate a positive outcome of the efforts made.
Mentoring programme plan checklist
1 A plan agreed upon by both the mentor and mentee
2 The plan clearly identifies areas of the mentee’s careers s/he would like to develop
3 The plan has tentative deadlines for various activities
4 Ground rules and expenditure have been established
5 If the mentor is not the HOD the plan has been discussed with the HOD whose input and suggestions have been addressed
6 The development plan is revised as necessary at regular intervals
7 The plan stipulates that regular meeting are scheduled and take place
Both the mentor and mentee stay informed about all relevant regulations and school policies, as well as the latest developments in the teaching profession, ensuring they can refer to these guidelines as needed.
2 Partially in place 0 Not in place
1 The principal has a specific mentoring programme 3 2 1 0
2 Programme coordinator meets with mentors and mentees on a regular basis 3 2 1 0
3 The coordinator keeps records of the meetings 3 2 1 0
4 There is regular review of procedures to ensure that the programme is on track 3 2 1 0
5 There is a policy and guidance in place on how to run the programme 3 2 1 0
6 There is an agreed procedure for the selection of mentors 3 2 1 0
3 Fully in place 2 Partially in place
1 In planning 0 Not in place
1 Referral to a mentor is part of a school Improvement Plan that identifies the most appropriate package of support for various categories of mentees 3 2 1 0
2 There are guidelines for programme coordinator and mentees that define the quality of the information required at the point of referral 3 2 1 0
3 The referral criteria clearly reflect the targets set in the School Improvement Plan 3 2 1 0
4 The school uses a wide and diverse range of date to identify targeted support 3 2 1 0
5 The Mentor team has protocols in place to respond to crisis referrals, which are followed by the whole school 3 2 1 0
6 An introductory session takes place between the Learning Mentor and mentee addressing expectations, boundaries, responsibilities, and time scales – e.g written agreement 3 2 1 0
7 All mentees have an individual action plan identifying SMART Targets 3 2 1 0
8 Accurate and current records of Mentor and programme coordination are maintained in the context of school information storage
9 There is a clear, time specified exit strategy devised for all categories of mentees by all parties 3 2 1 0
10 Mentees are monitored and tracked for a period after exiting the programme 3 2 1 0
STEP 4: Identify priorities for mentoring and new teacher professional development at the school.
3 Fully in place 2 Partially in place
1 In planning 0 Not in place
1 There is monitoring and evaluation policy in place which is fully understood and implemented by appropriate staff 3 2 1 0
2 The school tracks and monitors the process of the targeted/mentees to ascertain the impact of differing levels of support 3 2 1 0
3 The key targets identified in a mentoring programme which forms part of the school improvement plan, are effectively monitored and evaluated 3 2 1 0
4 The school principal are a range of techniques to gather information (qualitative and quantitative ) such as mentor and mentee opinions, teacher perception, observations and progress of individual mentee targets 3 2 1 0
5 The information obtained through the monitoring and evaluation process is used to inform future mentoring programme development and target setting 3 2 1 0
6 The Mentors produce a detailed annual analysis/report for the programme coordinator and principal of their work 3 2 1 0
7 The Mentor team have clear procedures for sharing information/progress with other teachers in school 3 2 1 0
8 There is an understanding of what information is needed in the mentors report 3 2 1 0
9 The evaluation of the mentoring programme is made available to both the mentor and mentee 3 2 1 0
Objectives OVIs Means of verification (MOV)
Method for analysis of data
Type of activity: monitor, evaluation
Frequency Application(exp ected uses)
Operational definitions for the table:
Objectives - hierarchy of objectives in the log frame (e.g., Final Goal, Intermediate Goal, Output, Activity)
Indicators - details about exact information desired; clarify meanings of vague terms; link to impact, effect, output levels
The methodology outlines the specific sources of information to be utilized, including records from designated locations and interviews with key individuals It details the data gathering methods and tools employed, specifying who will collect the data and the timeline for this process Additionally, the methodology describes the means of data analysis, identifying the personnel responsible and the schedule for conducting the analysis.
Type of M&E activity - regular monitoring, or periodic evaluation (or one-off diagnostic study)
Frequency - how often will information about each specific indicator be gathered
Application - what anticipated uses for the information, what decisions will be influenced by the results
Circulation - information users; dissemination, who should get the information and analyses, and in what form
This template outlines potential mentor activities designed to foster a strong, quality relationship between mentors and novice teachers, while also enhancing the development of the Mentor Team within the school Effective mentoring at both levels is essential in most educational settings.
When completing the mentorship form, it is not essential for every item to be dated, initialed, or specifically addressed, as each mentor-novice relationship varies based on individual characteristics and needs This flexibility allows for a tailored approach to the activities that best support the novice The format serves as a journal-like record of the interactions and progress made throughout the year Therefore, it is important to prepare a personalized form for each teacher you mentor or coach.
This document serves as a reminder for Mentor Core Team activities, emphasizing the importance of recording the dates of all team meetings, sub-team meetings, and any events or activities sponsored by the team It is essential to accurately document only those activities that have taken place.
Note: Blank spaces are provided for additional one-on-one or team activities that occurred as was needed
Indicate the number of those teachers who are new to school/assignment:
(Extra lines are for you to insert your own plans/ideas)
- Contact your mentee (by phone or in person)
- Send an informal note to your mentee
- Review year-long list with mentee
- Send an informal note to your principal (re: contacts)
- Devise a plan to link mentee to system-wide meetings
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Welcome mentee with a personal phone call
- Take mentee on a tour of the building mentee on a tour of the school “zone”
- Show mentee where to find materials, supplies, etc
- Have coffee or lunch away from the building
- Attend social gatherings or meet in some social setting
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Share a funny or interesting event that happened today
- Write an occasional note supporting activities or events
- Schedule conferences with your mentee Talk about:
- Keeping gradebook, attendance & related records
- Identifying school policies and procedures
- Discuss optional in-service hours with your mentee
- Share system-wide publications (newsletters, etc.)
- Develop Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
Discuss prepare parent meetings & contacts
Schedule additional conferences Talk about:
- How mentee is progressing with “grading”
- Ask mentee what they would like to discuss
- Share resources for professional development
- Local university or HEI opportunities
- Continue to share events and happenings of the day
- Make time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” issues
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Check inservice publications for training opportunities
- Talk about arranging for substitutes
- Discuss school traditions and DoE policies regarding holiday events and activities
- Review current needs for Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM) and other resources
- Send short informal notes of reinforcement and support
- Spend time reflecting on successes that have occurred to date (for both of you)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule additional meetings Talk about:
- School/classroom procedures for ending and beginning the semester
- Report cards and grading/student assessment
- Talk about promoting positive relationships among learners and teachers
- Share resources for professional development opportunities:
- Local School study groups and training opportunities
- Review Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Reflect on successes to date
- Discuss areas of concern with mentee
- Have mentee self-evaluate growth experiences and discuss “next steps”
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
- Plan activities for third and fourth terms
- Review and discuss system staff roles, departments, and support services
- Plan a real (visible) celebration for the completion of the first term (semester)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
**Formative Evaluations for Novices and Mentors
** Be sure to orient & assist any new hires
Mentorship start-up form
STEP 4: Identify priorities for mentoring and new teacher professional development at the school.
3 Fully in place 2 Partially in place
1 In planning 0 Not in place
1 There is monitoring and evaluation policy in place which is fully understood and implemented by appropriate staff 3 2 1 0
2 The school tracks and monitors the process of the targeted/mentees to ascertain the impact of differing levels of support 3 2 1 0
3 The key targets identified in a mentoring programme which forms part of the school improvement plan, are effectively monitored and evaluated 3 2 1 0
4 The school principal are a range of techniques to gather information (qualitative and quantitative ) such as mentor and mentee opinions, teacher perception, observations and progress of individual mentee targets 3 2 1 0
5 The information obtained through the monitoring and evaluation process is used to inform future mentoring programme development and target setting 3 2 1 0
6 The Mentors produce a detailed annual analysis/report for the programme coordinator and principal of their work 3 2 1 0
7 The Mentor team have clear procedures for sharing information/progress with other teachers in school 3 2 1 0
8 There is an understanding of what information is needed in the mentors report 3 2 1 0
9 The evaluation of the mentoring programme is made available to both the mentor and mentee 3 2 1 0
Objectives OVIs Means of verification (MOV)
Method for analysis of data
Type of activity: monitor, evaluation
Frequency Application(exp ected uses)
Operational definitions for the table:
Objectives - hierarchy of objectives in the log frame (e.g., Final Goal, Intermediate Goal, Output, Activity)
Indicators - details about exact information desired; clarify meanings of vague terms; link to impact, effect, output levels
The methodology outlines the specific sources of information, including records from designated locations and interviews with key individuals It details the data gathering methods and tools to be employed, identifies the personnel responsible for data collection, and specifies the timeline for these activities Additionally, the methodology describes the means of data analysis, designating who will conduct the analysis and when it will take place.
Type of M&E activity - regular monitoring, or periodic evaluation (or one-off diagnostic study)
Frequency - how often will information about each specific indicator be gathered
Application - what anticipated uses for the information, what decisions will be influenced by the results
Circulation - information users; dissemination, who should get the information and analyses, and in what form
This template outlines potential mentor activities aimed at fostering a strong growth-oriented relationship between mentors and novice teachers, while also enhancing the development of the Mentor Team within the school The dual levels of mentoring are essential in most educational institutions.
When completing the form for mentor-novice relationships, it's not essential for every item to be dated, initialed, or specifically addressed, as each relationship is unique The variations stem from numerous factors, primarily the characteristics and needs of the novice, which dictate the required activities This format serves as a journal-style record of the interactions between the mentor and novice throughout the year It is important to prepare a customized form for each teacher you mentor or coach.
This form serves as a reminder for Mentor Core Team activities, emphasizing the importance of recording the dates of total team meetings, sub-team meetings, and any events or activities sponsored by the team It is crucial to only document activities that have actually taken place.
Note: Blank spaces are provided for additional one-on-one or team activities that occurred as was needed
Indicate the number of those teachers who are new to school/assignment:
(Extra lines are for you to insert your own plans/ideas)
- Contact your mentee (by phone or in person)
- Send an informal note to your mentee
- Review year-long list with mentee
- Send an informal note to your principal (re: contacts)
- Devise a plan to link mentee to system-wide meetings
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Welcome mentee with a personal phone call
- Take mentee on a tour of the building mentee on a tour of the school “zone”
- Show mentee where to find materials, supplies, etc
- Have coffee or lunch away from the building
- Attend social gatherings or meet in some social setting
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Share a funny or interesting event that happened today
- Write an occasional note supporting activities or events
- Schedule conferences with your mentee Talk about:
- Keeping gradebook, attendance & related records
- Identifying school policies and procedures
- Discuss optional in-service hours with your mentee
- Share system-wide publications (newsletters, etc.)
- Develop Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
Discuss prepare parent meetings & contacts
Schedule additional conferences Talk about:
- How mentee is progressing with “grading”
- Ask mentee what they would like to discuss
- Share resources for professional development
- Local university or HEI opportunities
- Continue to share events and happenings of the day
- Make time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” issues
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Check inservice publications for training opportunities
- Talk about arranging for substitutes
- Discuss school traditions and DoE policies regarding holiday events and activities
- Review current needs for Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM) and other resources
- Send short informal notes of reinforcement and support
- Spend time reflecting on successes that have occurred to date (for both of you)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule additional meetings Talk about:
- School/classroom procedures for ending and beginning the semester
- Report cards and grading/student assessment
- Talk about promoting positive relationships among learners and teachers
- Share resources for professional development opportunities:
- Local School study groups and training opportunities
- Review Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Reflect on successes to date
- Discuss areas of concern with mentee
- Have mentee self-evaluate growth experiences and discuss “next steps”
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
- Plan activities for third and fourth terms
- Review and discuss system staff roles, departments, and support services
- Plan a real (visible) celebration for the completion of the first term (semester)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
**Formative Evaluations for Novices and Mentors
** Be sure to orient & assist any new hires
Mentor record of activities
This template outlines potential mentor activities aimed at fostering a strong, quality relationship between mentors and novice teachers, while also enhancing the development of the Mentor Team within the school Effective mentoring at both levels is essential in most educational settings.
When completing the form for mentor-novice relationships, it's not essential for every item to be dated, initialed, or addressed, as each relationship is unique and influenced by various factors The novice's specific characteristics and needs play a crucial role in determining the necessary activities This format will serve as a journal-like record of the interactions between the mentor and novice throughout the year It is important to create a personalized form for each teacher you mentor or coach.
This document serves as a reminder for Mentor Core Team activities, emphasizing the importance of accurately dating all team meetings, sub-team meetings, and any sponsored events It is crucial to only record activities that have actually taken place.
Note: Blank spaces are provided for additional one-on-one or team activities that occurred as was needed
Indicate the number of those teachers who are new to school/assignment:
(Extra lines are for you to insert your own plans/ideas)
- Contact your mentee (by phone or in person)
- Send an informal note to your mentee
- Review year-long list with mentee
- Send an informal note to your principal (re: contacts)
- Devise a plan to link mentee to system-wide meetings
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Welcome mentee with a personal phone call
- Take mentee on a tour of the building mentee on a tour of the school “zone”
- Show mentee where to find materials, supplies, etc
- Have coffee or lunch away from the building
- Attend social gatherings or meet in some social setting
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Share a funny or interesting event that happened today
- Write an occasional note supporting activities or events
- Schedule conferences with your mentee Talk about:
- Keeping gradebook, attendance & related records
- Identifying school policies and procedures
- Discuss optional in-service hours with your mentee
- Share system-wide publications (newsletters, etc.)
- Develop Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
Discuss prepare parent meetings & contacts
Schedule additional conferences Talk about:
- How mentee is progressing with “grading”
- Ask mentee what they would like to discuss
- Share resources for professional development
- Local university or HEI opportunities
- Continue to share events and happenings of the day
- Make time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” issues
- “Drop in” to touch base
- Check inservice publications for training opportunities
- Talk about arranging for substitutes
- Discuss school traditions and DoE policies regarding holiday events and activities
- Review current needs for Learning and Teaching Support Material (LTSM) and other resources
- Send short informal notes of reinforcement and support
- Spend time reflecting on successes that have occurred to date (for both of you)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
- Schedule additional meetings Talk about:
- School/classroom procedures for ending and beginning the semester
- Report cards and grading/student assessment
- Talk about promoting positive relationships among learners and teachers
- Share resources for professional development opportunities:
- Local School study groups and training opportunities
- Review Mentor-Mentee Action Plan
- Reflect on successes to date
- Discuss areas of concern with mentee
- Have mentee self-evaluate growth experiences and discuss “next steps”
- Schedule time to periodically reflect on the “Norms and Standards for Educators/IQMS” questions
- Plan activities for third and fourth terms
- Review and discuss system staff roles, departments, and support services
- Plan a real (visible) celebration for the completion of the first term (semester)
- Communicate with your principal about your activities
- Mentor Core Team Activity and/or Meeting
**Formative Evaluations for Novices and Mentors
** Be sure to orient & assist any new hires