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MATH FEC Guidelines Reviewed and Approved Fall 2016

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FACULTY EVALUATION GUIDELINES DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Reviewed and Approved Fall 2016 Election of the Faculty Evaluation Committee (FEC) All procedures specified herein shall be consistent with the Faculty Handbook In particular, the timeline, the number of individuals who serve on the FEC, and the characteristics of those who serve are specified in the Faculty Handbook Department of Mathematical Sciences General Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation I RETENTION- For retention, it is expected that tenure-track faculty applicants show on-going improvement in teaching, and increasing participation in both service and professional development over the course of the probationary period During years P-1 to P-3 tenure-track faculty are expected to focus on learning the department curriculum, and to demonstrate strong teaching, which includes making adjustments to teaching pedagogy in response to evaluations In the area of service, tenure-track faculty should serve on department committees, advise students starting in year P-2, accept appropriate department appointments, and move into university-wide service as he/she advances Faculty should develop and implement a research plan Evidence of this during years P-1 to P-3, can be given by conference presentations, and manuscript submission During the second half of the probationary period, years P-4 to P-6, the tenure-track faculty applicant should demonstrate continued improvement in teaching, and/or an established pattern of excellence in teaching, so that by the beginning of year P-6, it will be established that the applicant can be an effective teacher at Eastern New Mexico University In addition, there is an expectation of an increased service load with service beyond the department, an on-going professional development plan that includes regular conference presentations, and evidence of publications For retention, it is expected that instructors submit an FEC file that includes materials evincing improvement or sustained teaching excellence, service (primarily at the departmental level) and scholarship/professional development (especially with regards to the scholarship of teaching) for each evaluation cycle Thus, instructors on a three-year contract would submit materials from the past three years of employment II TENURE- The award of tenure is generally a sign that the University perceives the faculty member’s contributions to the institution to be significant, of high quality, and likely to continue at the same level of commitment throughout the employee’s affiliation with ENMU There is an on-going expectation of collegiality and of continued and dynamic commitment to the institution and its mission Tenure is earned through consistently strong performance in teaching, as well as satisfactory progress and performance in service and scholarship, commensurate with expectations at the completion of the probationary term Academic tenure is not an entitlement and in no way should years of service be considered the only prerequisite for receiving tenure The award of tenure constitutes an earned recognition which is both an indication of the institution’s present confidence in the individual faculty member and the institution’s rightful expectation of continuing exemplary performance in accordance with principles outlined in the 1966 AAUP Statement on Professional Ethics In all areas of evaluation, the faculty member’s self-reflective narrative should address the ways in which the activities described are successfully tied to the university’s central mission of teaching and mentoring students III PROMOTION- The award of promotion requires verification that the applicant has demonstrated professional development commensurate with those at an equivalent academic rank at similar institutions or in the profession generally In some instances, a case may be made for outstanding teaching and excellent service balancing fewer publications, but there must be clear evidence of the faculty member being active in the profession, being aware of the current issues and scholarship in the field, and making a sustained effort to enhance and increase his/her expertise in the chosen area of doctoral work or a related area that complements the teaching assignment The following discussions refer to expectations in the three traditional areas of evaluation at the specified ranks Please note that the expectations for each successive rank, by nature, include and expand upon expectations at lower ranks Teaching (All faculty are expected to meet with classes at assigned times, distribute syllabi, inform students of objectives, grading policies, and exam schedules, and hold office hours.) Professor: Faculty holding or aspiring to this rank must:  Demonstrate a pattern of excellent teaching  Be proactive in identifying issues and their solutions, when needed  Accept leadership roles in assessment  Accept leadership roles in curriculum development  Accept leadership roles in programmatic agendas  Mentor junior faculty as needed  Mentor students which includes supervision of independent studies, supervision of students at field sites, and/or serving as a mentor of student research Associate Professor: Faculty holding or aspiring to this rank should:  Show evidence of participation in and implementation of departmental curriculum planning and revision  Show evidence of participation in and implementation of departmental assessment  Take on an emergent leadership role in mentoring and programmatic teaching initiatives before applying for promotion to the rank of Professor  Be proficient at advising as well as supervising student research efforts, in both academic and applied contexts, if applicable  Have an apparent, well-developed teaching plan with self-scrutiny and proactive problem solving Assistant Professor: Faculty holding or aspiring to this rank should:       Show evidence of Instructor level competencies Show willingness to learn and implement new pedagogies/technologies Develop new courses as appropriate Participate in course assessment Have an evolving student advisor role Have a pertinent philosophy of teaching, which should be manifest in the experienced Assistant Professor Instructor: Faculty holding this position should:  Show documentation of teaching effectiveness This can be explored through examination of the instructor’s student evaluations  Have student evaluations with numeric rankings approximating the department and/or college medians  Address qualitative comments from students in his/her self-evaluation of teaching  Make apparent that she/he has made appropriate adjustments to her/his teaching based on trend analysis findings The impact of student evaluations will be considered in conjunction with the number of years the faculty member has been teaching as well as a careful examination of selected course materials such as syllabi, assignments, course notes, and examinations Suggested teaching and other student-related activities are inventoried below  Curriculum development  Course research  Development of new teaching materials (e.g., case based learning modules, performance rubrics)  Development of new instructional strategies and teaching pedagogies (e.g., critical thinking, active learning, problem based learning, community based instruction)  Development of new teaching formats (classroom/clinical demonstration modules, podcasts, Wimba/webcam, Mediasite and Web-based applications)  Developing/revising course syllabi (e.g., specifying assignments and measurement for documentation of student achievement, developing learner knowledge and skills outcomes tied to accreditation standards, student learning assessments, etc.)  Team-teaching efforts (such as faculty collaborative teaching efforts, etc.)  Supervision of student teachers  Off-load teaching  Workshops (student orientations, portfolio/special project instructional presentations, practicum meetings, etc.)         Student specific (e.g., directed studies, internships, student remediation plans: preparing students for conferences and other presentations, mentoring URAs, etc.) Guest lecturing and speaker programs Student research Course/program assessment activities Course data collection/analysis and application to teaching Programmatic student assessment measures (e.g., comprehensive examination questions, capstone projects, portfolios) Classroom teaching evaluations by students (e.g., numeric rankings, qualitative comments, performance trends as noted across APEs) Peer evaluations Any valuation of faculty achievement in teaching must necessarily consider a teacher’s experiences, opportunities, and the progression of their abilities from semester to semester for this appraisal to be valid and useful for future growth and development Faculty should be advised of the need for selfreflection on their teaching to inform change as needed for their evolution as successful educators Service: (University, College, Department, Profession, Community) Professor: Faculty at or aspiring to the rank of Professor should demonstrate university, college and departmental leadership by:  Chairing committees  Drafting documents  Initiating needed department studies and projects  Serving willingly on university task forces  Leading the department in overseeing advising responsibilities (for students within and beyond the department)  Representing the department at university activities, recruitment events, etc  Taking a leadership role in mentoring junior faculty members Associate: Faculty at or aspiring to the rank of Associate Professor should  Give evidence of active participation in and support of department planning  Assume committee responsibilities outside the department  Mentor Assistant Professors in service responsibilities inside and outside the department  Demonstrate active involvement in advising Assistant: Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor should:      Provide service within the department during the initial year Begin to participate on college-wide and university-wide committees after the first year Become proficient about the department and its curriculum Learn the advising process Mentor students-particularly those upperclassmen who are considering graduate study Instructor: Faculty at this rank should make limited service contributions at the department level As a general guide regarding the types of service activities that could be recognized, with due consideration to the relative scope and effort involved, the following are examples of service activities at various levels: Departmental service Special recognition should be given for service on committees with unusual demands of time and effort, such as key search committees, certain standing committees, and task forces Faculty must provide documentation/explanation of this effort Faculty should provide documentation of their contribution in the categories that are relevant to them The following are suggestions and examples:  Service as department chair  Special departmental responsibilities  Service as committee chair  Service as a committee member  Advisement of students in the department  Supervision of independent studies  Contributions to sponsored groups and/or activities  Program development College/University service  Committee chair  Committee member  Contributions to ENMU activities and student organizations  Program development/interdisciplinary activities  Involvement in university projects  Sponsor/advisor of student organizations  Awards and recognitions Professional service  Memberships in professional organizations, especially in the role of officer  Professional activities/positions/responsibilities Community Service  Volunteer community organizations-chair or member  Membership on voluntary boards  Assistance to public schools/other educational institutions Scholarship/Professional Development Professor: Faculty at or aspiring to the rank of Professor should:  Disseminate knowledge at the national/international level  Contribute significantly to the profession through juried journal publications and/or invited publications and/or presentations  Maintain an established agenda of scholarship  Mentor others in the department in terms of scholarly activity  Maintain professional contacts and networks within one’s professional field Associate: Faculty at or aspiring to the rank of Associate Professor should:  Disseminate knowledge at regional/national level  Contribute to the profession through juried publications that demonstrate application of scholarly knowledge  Maintain a continuing scholarship plan  Demonstrate ability as a collaborator (with colleagues, students) or team member in the research process, as appropriate to the discipline Assistant: Faculty at the rank of Assistant Professor should:  Disseminate knowledge at the regional/state level  Contribute to the profession through juried publications or invited pieces (such as textbook and book reviews, etc.)  Demonstrate continued progress in defining a scholarship plan leading to the support of teaching, publications, campus presentations, and conference presentations Instructor: An Instructor should maintain scholarly currency in their discipline as is relevant Professional development activities that support teaching, learning, and incorporating technology in the classroom are encouraged REVIEW FILE COMPONENTS Suggestions for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Clarity of presentation is a primary value in the preparation of the review file Faculty are encouraged to be concise and selective in their presentation of material, but they are advised to make their case as they deem best Generally, three-ring binders are the easiest folders to review and to transport from office to office Faculty are encouraged to retain some parts of prior review materials in their review file and to add materials through probationary years Table of Contents Section 1: Letter requesting continuation, promotion, tenure, etc Up-dated resume Self-evaluation of teaching, scholarly development, and service (or these self-evaluations can preface the subsequent sections) Past years’ evaluation reports Previous years’ self-evaluations Section 2: Philosophy of teaching (optional) List of courses taught Student evaluations of teaching (with sample of instrument used) and analysis Peer evaluations of teaching (optional) Samples of teaching materials (syllabi, assignments, etc., with discussion as needed) Special teaching initiatives (see the suggested teaching/student related activities list under Teaching) Past years’ teaching evaluations (or summary) Section 3: Five year research plan/overview of research interests (See the attachment) Published articles or reviews (include mss or copy) or letters of acceptance with mss Mss submitted for publication Conference paper/presentation Creative projects Description of ongoing research Description of ongoing research to enhance teaching Academic presentations Travel that has scholarly applications 10 Workshop or conference attendance 11 Grant applications and awards Section 4: Advising (number of advisees, materials, contacts) Committee service (indicate department, college, or university committee; state work required) Service to professional organization Community service Lectures or presentations to campus or community groups Section 5: (Optional) Additional information that might not fit in the sections above REVIEW FILE COMPONENTS Suggestions for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Clarity of presentation is a primary value in the preparation of the review file Faculty are encouraged to be concise and selective in their presentation of material, but they are advised to make their case as they deem best Generally, three-ring binders are the easiest folders to review and to transport from office to office Faculty are encouraged to retain some parts of prior review materials in their review file and to add materials through probationary years Table of Contents Section 1: Letter requesting continuation Up-dated resume Self-evaluation of teaching Section 2: Philosophy of teaching (optional) List of courses taught Peer evaluations of teaching (optional) Samples of teaching materials (syllabi, assignments, etc., with discussion) (optional) Special teaching initiatives (see the suggested teaching/student related activities list under Teaching) (optional) Student evaluations of teaching (with sample of instrument used) and analysis Past years’ teaching evaluations (or summary) Your primary role at Eastern New Mexico University is teaching; however, you may include any of the following items which you consider relevant            Overview of research interests Published articles or reviews (include copy of mss or letters of acceptance with mss) Mss submitted for publication Conference paper/presentation Creative project(s) Description of ongoing research Description of ongoing research to enhance teaching Academic presentations Travel that has scholarly applications Workshop or conference attendance Advising (number of advisees, materials, contracts)     Committee service (indicate tasks and whether a department, college, or university committee; state nature of service or responsibilities) Service to professional organization Community service Lectures or presentations to campus or community groups Sample Template for Status of Current Projects: Five-Year Plan Project topic Status Status/Finish date 10 Publication ...Department of Mathematical Sciences General Guidelines for Faculty Evaluation I RETENTION- For retention, it is expected that tenure-track faculty applicants show on-going improvement in teaching, and. .. high quality, and likely to continue at the same level of commitment throughout the employee’s affiliation with ENMU There is an on-going expectation of collegiality and of continued and dynamic... commitment to the institution and its mission Tenure is earned through consistently strong performance in teaching, as well as satisfactory progress and performance in service and scholarship, commensurate

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 02:46
