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web 2011 OJuniorAS PRESENTER Abstract Submission and Guidelines

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2011 Oregon Junior Academy of Science We are happy to announce that the Oregon junior academy of science will be meeting in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Oregon Academy of Science at Portland Community College When: 26 February, 2011 7:30 am – 4:30 pm * *includes post-meeting activities following lunch Where: Portland Community College, Sylvania Campus CC Building 12000 49th Avenue Portland, OR 97219 Meeting registration must be post-marked by February, 2011 Abstracts are due by email by4 February, 2011 Please send abstracts for papers and/or oral presentations to: petra.redinger@pcc.edu Before doing so, please read instructions for submitting registrations and abstract in detail below 2011 OREGON JUNIOR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Membership and Meeting Registration Form (Tax ID#: 93-603-1393) Advance Registration must be postmarked by February 2, 2011 (Visit http://www.oas.pdx.edu/ for an editable version of this form.) REGSTRATION INFORMATION (Please type or print Complete one form for each person.) Name (Last, First, MI) School Email Phone Mailing Address City, State Zip Code Chaperone’s Name (required): Chaperone’s phone (required): [ ] Mark here if you will be making an oral or poster presentation (Be sure to send your abstract and abstract form too!) SECTION AFFILIATION and REGISTRATION Section Affiliation: Registration Fees: Questions: (Mark one.) (Circle all that apply.) [ ] Biology OJAS Student Annual Membership and [ ] Chemistry Meeting Registration [ ] Economics $5.00 (FREE for first 75 students! $0.00) petra.redinger@pcc.edu (503-977-XXXX) http://www.oas.pdx.edu/ [ ] Geology [ ] Geography Chaperon to OJAS Meeting Registration [ ] Health Science (Chaperones are FREE.) $0.00 [ ] History/Philosophy [ ] Political Science Late fee (If postmarked after 2/2/10, or if [ ] Psychology [ ] Mathematics/Computer Science [ ] Sociology/Anthropology [ ] Science Education registering at meeting, add $5.00) $5.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED* $_ _ *One check may cover multiple registrants, but each registrant must complete a separate registration form *Please send all related registration forms together with your check *If your fees total zero, you may email this form MAIL THIS FORM AND YOUR CHECK (Payable to "THE OREGON ACADEMY OF SCIENCE”) to: PETRA REDINGER Oregon JAS SY HT 305, Life Sciences Dept Portland Community College 12000 49th Avenue, Portland, OR 97219 NOTE: Presenters, please don’t forget to submit your abstract in addition in addition to pre-registering for the meeting! Mail this registration and your check to the OJAS Coordinator, Petra Redinger Email your abstract and the completed abstract submission form to Petra Redinger at petra.redinger@pcc.edu Oregon Junior Academy of Science 2011 Abstract Submission Form Abstract Submission must be received by February 4, 2011 (Please complete, save a copy, and email to Petra Redinger petra.redinger@pcc.edu ) OJAS Meeting Coordinator: Petra Redinger Section Affiliation: Type of Presentation (Mark one.) (Mark one.) [ ] Biology [ ] Oral [ ] Poster [ ] Chemistry [ ] Economics petra.redinger@pcc.edu Author(s): [ ] Both Title of Presentation: [ ] Geology [ ] Geography [ ] Health Science [ ] History/Philosophy [ ] Political Science [ ] Psychology [ ] Mathematics/Computer Science [ ] Sociology/Anthropology [ ] Science Education Presenting Author Details: Name (Last, First, MI) School Email Phone Mailing Address City, State Zip Code Chaperone’s Name: Chaperone’s Telephone: (required) Special equipment requests: Note: All rooms will have a PC computer podium with projection system, and a whiteboard or chalkboard Indicate special requests NOTE: 1) Email this form with your complete abstract to Petra Redinger at petra.redinger@pcc.edu 2) Don’t forget to also pre-register for the meeting (Mail your individual registration form, and your check if applicable, to the address on the registration form.) PRESENTER’S GUIDE FOR Oregon Junior Academy of Science ABSTRACT(S) SUBMISSION You may submit the electronic abstract as an attachment in MS Word After reading the instructions, it may be useful to delete the Guidelines and cut and paste your abstracts directly into this section of the Abstract Submission Form Please be mindful of the formatting, a sample abstract is shown below Please note the following details:        Prepare your abstract with Word on either the Macintosh or Windows platform, use point Times New Roman font If these options are not available, send as a text file The abstract should be 250 words or fewer Chemical structures, equations, figures and/or graphs are encouraged; however they must be saved and cut and pasted in the abstract as a jpeg image The abstract title should be in CAPITAL LETTERS followed by a period Include the names of all contributing authors List the full address where the research was done, including the city, state and zip code, followed by a period For multiple authors with different addresses list all names first and then follow with addresses in the order of authors (see style below) Present the entire abstract in one, single-spaced, fully justified paragraph with no indentations Use two spaces after each period Structures, figures, etc may be embedded in or follow the abstract as a jpeg image The margins should be at 1” on the left and 6.5” on the right following the title and author list Send the abstract as an email attachment and mail the completed submission form to your section chair If you cannot send as an attachment, save your abstract to a 3.5" disk (labeled with your name and disk format) and mail it along with the completed abstract submission form to your chair If there are special characters, structures, equations, figures or graphs, please send a hard copy as well Sample Abstract: THE ROLES OF 14-3-3γ AND CHK1 IN REGULATING THE HYPOXIA-P53 PATHWAY Rebecca Duby 1, Yetao Jin2, Hua Lu2, Department of Biology, George Fox University, Newberg, OR, 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Portland, OR 97239 In response to various physiological stresses (i.e DNA damage, hypoxia) the tumor suppressor protein, p53, is activated to induce cell growth arrest and/or apoptosis While little is known about the molecular mechanisms governing hypoxia-induced p53 activation, many of the proteins which have been identified in the UV-p53 pathway (Figure 1), have also been found to be activated or upregulated in response to anoxia, suggesting that they may play a role in the hypoxia-p53 pathway The objectives of this study, consequently, were: (1) to confirm that p53 activation is accompanied by hypoxia induced 14-3-3γ expression and MDMX S367 phosphorylation, (2) to establish ChK1 as the kinase responsible for this phosphorylation, and (3) to determine that the interaction between 14-3-3γ and MDMX is induced in response to anoxia U2OS osteosarcoma cells were cultured in an anoxia chamber and harvested at different time points as indicated (For the second assay, a portion of the cells were treated with UCN-01, a ChK1 specific inhibitor, prior to incubation) For assays one and two, cell pellets were lysed for SDS-PAGE and WB analyses with antibodies as indicated In the third assay, the cell pellets were utilized for IP with anti-14-3-3γ antibodies followed by WB with antibodies against 14-3-3γ and MDMX The results confirmed that 14-3-3γ is expressed and S367 MDMX is phosphorylated (Figure 2), that ChK1 phosphorylates S367 on MDMX (Figure 3), and that 14-3-3γ interacts with MDMX (Figure 4) Altogether, these results provide the first steps towards establishing a working model for the molecular mechanisms which govern hypoxia-induced p53 activation NOTE: Please don’t forget to pre-register for the meeting in addition to submitting your abstract! 1) Mail your registration and your check to the OJAS Coordinator, Petra Redinger, and 2) email your abstract and the completed abstract submission form to Petra Redinger at petra.redinger@pcc.edu ... Email your abstract and the completed abstract submission form to Petra Redinger at petra.redinger@pcc.edu Oregon Junior Academy of Science 2011 Abstract Submission Form Abstract Submission. .. useful to delete the Guidelines and cut and paste your abstracts directly into this section of the Abstract Submission Form Please be mindful of the formatting, a sample abstract is shown below... addition to submitting your abstract! 1) Mail your registration and your check to the OJAS Coordinator, Petra Redinger, and 2) email your abstract and the completed abstract submission form to Petra

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 22:30
