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Northcross Intermediate School Term Two 2009 Concept: Transformation Curriculum Focus Technology Kim Henry Toni Godfrey NX School Goal Our students will become active and reflective seekers of new knowledge Enduring Understanding: School Focus Enduring Understanding: Technology Transformation means change; change leads to a new state Transformation is essential for life That technology is driven by human need as the world changes That technology meets our needs when it is fit for purpose That technology is intervention by design That technological affects us and we affect technology Essential Questions: School Focus Essential Questions: Technology How does Transformation affect life? How and why does transformation occur? Can the technological world exist without transformation? How does Technology affect Transformation? How does Transformation affect Technology? Values: (Nature) (Practice) (Knowledge) (Nature) Excellence: Innovation, enquiry and curiosity: Diversity: Respect: Equity: Community and participation: Care the environment: Integrity Key Competencies - School Focus Technology Focus Managing Self Thinking I feel positive about myself and my learning I have a ‘can do’ attitude I can get myself going and keep going I can make plans and keep myself organised I can set smart goals and work towards them When things go against me I bounce back Others can depend on me I know how to behave properly in many different situations I know how to follow and when to be a leader I am very eager to find out new things I have original and creative ideas I ask questions about a variety of things I can examine ideas closely and pay attention to details I can find out information and form my own opinions about it I can weigh up and choose the best ideas I can organise and explain my ideas clearly I can think things through and make decisions I look for evidence to back up ideas 10 I think about how I think and can explain my strategies 11 I reflect on how to improve myself and ideas Participate and Contribute I am keen to join into various activities and groups I can work in a team I know how to include others in group activities I can take responsibility I try out new roles I care about the rights of others I work with others for the good of people and their environments Relate to Others I can mix happily with all kinds of people I connect with others by listening to them I understand that there are different points of view to be heard I can talk about issues to solve them I am a willing worker I can take of different roles and jobs I can work and be competitive at appropriate times Use Language Symbols and Text I am confident using reading in everyday situations I can express ideas clearly in writing for a range of purposes I speak and listen effectively in many situations I use computers (ICT) confidently for communication I am accurate and confident using mathematics in everyday situations ‘Solo’ vocabulary in Technology : Prestructural: Unistructural: Define, Identify, Basic completion of a product Multistructural: Describe, List, Verbally describe, Produce a completed product Relational: Analyse, Sequence, Cause and effect, Product complete and explained Extended Abstract: Predict and theorise outcomes, Show evidence, Justification, Innovative, Imaginative, Product completed to a high standard Strategies and Tools Analysing: Enduring Understanding: Written Mrs Potters Questions Evaluating: Enduring Understanding: Mid Point Group discussion Creating: Enduring Understanding: Observation of final product and support material at the end of the unit Technology Skills: Tangible Conceptual Students need to be able To use a variety of sources to find answers to questions To contribute to informed decision making To solve a problem To use appropriate equipment safely to solve problems Students need to be Aware of responsibilities as members of a technological society Empowered to become active in response to new technological challenges Critical thinkers who make sound decisions based on knowledge understanding and acknowledgement of others Risk takers who make mistakes, reflect, evaluate and try again Achievement Objectives: Level Technological Practice students will: Technological Knowledge students Nature of Technology students will: will: Planning for practice: Follow a design process Brief Development: Identify and investigate issues, existing knowledge and solutions Describe key attributes which will modify the outcome Outcome development and evaluation: Investigate a concept, develop briefs Undertake functional modelling Develop the appropriate outcome Carry out ongoing informed and critical evaluations that address fitness for purpose Technological modelling: Understand how different forms of technological modelling are used and how prototyping can be used to justify change Technological Products: Understand that materials can be changed to enhance fitness for purpose Technological Systems: Understand how systems employ control to allow for the transformation of inputs to outputs The Concept Characteristics of technology: Understand how technology expands human possibilities and draws on knowledge from many times, places and cultures Characteristics of technological outcomes: Understand that technological outcomes can be interpreted and used in many ways Using the equipment available in Media Studies, Technology and Electronics and working in a group of 3-4 use the design process to transform a feature from a Maori Myth or Legend to life on the big screen Considerations: How has technology affected the way we communicate beliefs, values and ethics? Why has transformation of story telling occurred and what aspects of this change are positive or negative? How can we show respect for diverse cultures and viewpoints? How does the design process help to develop a successful outcome? Learning Experiences: Y8 Organisation:    18 lessons including two half lessons at the beginning of the unit to set up and the end for sharing Students divided into classes as per roll and then into groups of - 4, no cross grouping Groups will move every two sessions although will be working between Electronics and Technology as required, small groups will be split with two students to focus on Electronics and two to focus on a transforming a character for the screen Lesson One: (Half)  Rolls in rooms o Complete data gathering assessment task (picture)  Move to Room 13   Combined half hour session outlining the topic Three versions of story telling o minutes of Murray Toohill telling a story o Reading a story o DVD  Students to discuss how story telling differs, make a comparison between genre, notes recorded into books  Consider Enduring Understanding PMI - Why has transformation of story telling occurred, what are positive or negative features? Back in rooms    Share the concept and considerations, giving a copy to each student along with the assessment rubric A Brief – what must it contain Discuss expectations, no completed product no mark Students will read a range of stories across School Journals parts – and picture books (This is to enable ESOL students to participate fully in the unit Teachers may also read a range of stories to these students) Technology Lesson One: (Half Lesson)  Teach the attributes of the sewing machine, its place and effect on society, how it works and is threaded and its dangers  Each student is to thread the machine with as little help as possible, student’s to sew around a prepared trail which teaches sewing straight, pivoting and inward and outward turns Lesson Two:  Complete sewing sample, confirm the character that will be transformed, plan the outcome, how will electronics be combined with the product, size shape, colour for screen Lesson Three: Consider Enduring Understanding  Ensure planning is complete  Cut out pattern  Cut out material  Construction Lesson Four: Consider Enduring Understanding  Construction Lesson Five: Consider Enduring Understanding  Mrs Potters Questions  Construction Lesson Six: Consider Enduring Understanding and  Student reflections – cooperative 120 words  Groups meet briefly to review what work is still required to be done and which members of group are best capable of doing it  Sharing with Audience Electronics and Control Lesson One: (Half Lesson)  Revise component recognition and circuit construction using Electroflash kits Lesson Two:  Revise Soldering technique  Examine possible challenges/implications of putting a circuit into a soft toy or other container (Placement of switches, wiring and access for changing batteries with regard to aesthetics and safety and practicality  Technique for connecting and inserting switches, LED’s, Bezels  Insulation of soldered joints to prevent short circuiting Lesson Three: Consider Enduring Understanding  Ensure planning is complete  In conjunction with group create circuit diagram- make decisions regarding placement of switch, battery, LEDs  List components required  Begin construction of circuit Lesson Four: Consider Enduring Understanding  Construction Lesson Five: Consider Enduring Understanding  Construction Lesson Six: Consider Enduring Understanding and  Student reflections- cooperative 120 words  Groups meet briefly to review what work is still required to be done and which members of group are best capable of doing it  Sharing with Audience Media Studies Lesson One: (Half Lesson)  Revise correct camera usage and camera shots  Revise storyboarding by spending 10 minutes planning foot filming activity (film different camera shots with the foot as a focus for the story)  Allow groups 15 minutes to film these shots  Download and practice editing together Lesson Two:  Decide on Myth or Legend, and the characters they are going to make  Garageband – Music composition    Complete editing practice Teacher to demonstrate and make an example with the class Students given 15 minutes to trial Have a ‘mini’ competition between groups at creating a short piece of music – each group to design bars, then, after minutes, move onto the next computer until all groups have contributed to each groups song Vote on which one sounds the best – discuss why Using their edited foot footage from lesson one, create appropriate music for it Teach them how to export music to iMovie Explain that the purpose of this is so that they will be able to compose their own music for their own films / stories – design some music for their films Share films with class     Lesson Three: Planning Consider Enduring Understanding  Write stories (or section of story that they wish to transform)  Plan / Storyboard  Check out locations  Practice Lesson Four: Consider Enduring Understanding  If the product is complete from Trevor / Kim then groups can begin filming (or at least film some parts)  Or Design a DVD cover for their movie Lesson Five: Consider Enduring Understanding  Participation in group conference – discussing ability to evaluate your work   Complete filming Begin Editing (sort clips, add titles, transitions and music from Garageband…) Lesson Six: Consider Enduring Understanding  Complete Editing  Work on DVD covers  Student reflections- cooperative 120 words  Groups meet briefly to review what work is still required to be done and which members of group are best capable of doing it  Sharing with Audience Assessment: Refer Rubric Indicators Y8 I am/I can AsTTle Not Assessed Basic Basic Proficient Proficient Advanced Advanced NCEA Not Achieved Not Achieved Not Achieved Achieved Achieved Merit Excellence Solo Taxonomy Prestructural Prestructural Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract Describe Define Completed Relate Link Apply Quality Completion Imaginative Creative Reflect and Justify Completed and Evaluated Solo Symbols Analysing Terminology Need Process Solution Enduring Understanding: Analysing is breaking down information to allow intervention by design Evaluating Written Mrs Potters Questions  Not completed Absent or Did not complete the task or ESOL - limited English or Required to teacher assistance   Not completed Not completed Identify Define Basic Completion Limited response to questions Basic response to questions One response to questions Descriptive response to questions, responses are relevant but not linked Analytical response to questions, linking ideas and making connections Highly detailed response to questions, prediction of product’s success Limited ability to identify possible improvements required for a successful design possible improvement identified for a successful design Able to describe or more possible improvements required for a successful design Detailed identification of possible improvements required for a successful design Highly detailed evidence identification of possible improvements required for a successful design Is unable to identify possible improvements required for a successful design Doesn’t understand the brief Doesn’t understand the brief Displays some understanding Displays understanding of the Displays good understanding of the brief brief of the brief Displays a deep understanding of brief Did not contribute to group relevant idea contributed to relevant idea contributed to More than relevant ideas Contributed and responded Insightful and justified conference group conference group conference contributed to group and explained to others in contribution to conference, Enduring Understanding: conference discussion in depth and is clear and concise and was Absent starting to make connections able to discuss progress in or detail Did not complete the task Clear understanding of the Evaluating or No understanding of the Little understanding of the Some understanding of the Good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of Fully justified, clear and is identifying and justifying the ESOL - limited English strengths and weaknesses strengths and weaknesses of strengths and weaknesses of strengths and weaknesses of their process or product in concise understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the or of their process or product their process or product in their process or product in their process or product in relation to the brief strengths and weaknesses of process &/or product in meeting a Required to teacher in relation to the brief relation to the brief relation to the brief relation to the brief their process or product in human need relation to the brief assistance Group conference (Mid Point) Creating Enduring Understanding: Absent or Creating Did not complete the task is creating a new product, idea or or a new way of looking at things ESOL - limited English to make it fit for purpose or Observation of final product and support material… at the conclusion of unit Required to teacher assistance No product completed Product completed to a minimum standard Product completed but shows little innovation Required direct teacher intervention to attempt product Used resources Used resources Product completed, and reflects origin ideas Product is complete, well Product is complete, well made, innovative and able to made, highly innovative and be used for the identified imaginative and able to be purpose used for the identified purpose Used resources and and applied beyond the introduced additional new original brief elements No design features are Important design features are Some important design Most important design Important design features are Important design features are shown, so it does not fit the not shown so it does not fit features are not shown so it features are shown so it is fit shown with increasing detail, shown in detail and justified, purpose the purpose does not fit the purpose well for the purpose has connected ideas that so it fits the purpose exactly aren’t normally linked so it fits the purpose well

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 02:41

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