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10/10/08 APPLICATION FOR CEMS MEMBERSHIP IN TURKEY: Contents Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: OVERALL GOVERNANCE 1.1 Brief Overview of Sabancı University 1.2 Brief Overview of Faculty of Management (FMAN) 1.3 University Governance .6 1.4 Finances and Support for CEMS ACADEMIC REPUTATION OF FMAN 2.1 Research Policy and Climate 2.2 Contributions to Research 14 2.3 Plans for International Accreditations .20 PROXIMITY TO THE CORPORATE WORLD 22 3.1 Board of Trustees and International Board of Overseers 22 3.2 Practice-Academia Cooperation at FMAN .23 3.3 Executive Education and Consulting Activities 30 3.4 Outreach Programs and Research Forums 31 3.5 Fundraising .32 3.6 Alumni Employment 34 3.7 Career Services 34 INTERNATIONAL POLICY & RELATIONS WITH CEMS SCHOOLS 36 4.1 Partner Business Schools 36 4.2 Institutional Memberships 38 4.3 International Faculty at FMAN 39 4.4 International Students .39 4.5 International Student Exchange 40 4.6 International Internships 41 4.7 Support for Learning of Foreign Languages .41 VISION FOR CEMS MEMBERSHIP AND PLANS FOR PRE-EXPERIENCE MASTER’S IN MANAGEMENT 42 5.1 Our Strategic Approach to Graduate Management Education 42 5.2 Role of CEMS at FMAN – Expectations and Contributions 44 5.3 Introduction of CEMS-MIM in our Program Portfolio 45 QUALITY OF OUR CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDENTS 50 6.1 SU Undergraduate Intake Statistics 50 6.2 Admissions to FMAN’s Full-time Graduate Programs .52 6.3 Placement Success of our Alumni 56 OTHER STRENGTHS OF SU AND SU-FMAN 58 7.1 Integration with and Contribution to the Society 58 7.2 Unique Undergraduate Curriculum 59 7.3 Academic Support Services for Students 60 7.4 Infrastructure and Campus Life 60 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this report we seek to show why Sabanci University is the best candidate to be the CEMS Partner Institution from Turkey In brief: • While young, we have built a very strong reputation in the 10 years since our founding and now are recognized as one of Turkey’s top universities, with innovative programs, excellent faculty and students, and a superb infrastructure • We are very strongly committed to internationalization as evident from the fact that we have the highest number of per capita exchanges of all Turkish universities and the highest per capita level of research grants from the EU Both of these successes are the result of our international vision and the infrastructure that we have put in place to support the internationalization efforts of our students and faculty members The university has recently significantly expanded and upgraded its International Office and its scholarships for international students which will further enhance our internationalization efforts • Our vision of management education is very close to the CEMS vision Most of our programs include required internships and/or company projects, emphasis on international exchange, managerial skills workshops and very close engagement with the business community • We have exceptionally strong corporate ties, as evidenced by our active advisory boards, frequency and caliber of company projects, internships, guest lecturers and practice faculty • We have the strongest group of full time faculty in management of all the Turkish universities This group is particularly strong in cross cultural management, and has impressive knowledge of the Turkish and international context • We are well managed and have an excellent infrastructure in terms of technology and human resources • Our faculty is characterized by integrity, commitment and high levels of professionalism We hope that in reviewing this document you will see how keen we are to become members of this network and what a good partner we would be Thank you for your consideration Whatever happens we hope that CEMS will have great success in Turkey! INTRODUCTION: OVERALL GOVERNANCE 1.1 Brief Overview of Sabancı University Sabancı University (SU), a private not-for-profit foundation university was established in 19971 with educational activities beginning in 1999 Founded with a great deal of idealism regarding our role in Turkey with regard to establishing innovative programs, educating critically minded students, and contributing to the development and dissemination of world class research it is gratifying to see that within only ten years we have made great strides towards reaching these lofty goals The mission of SU is “to develop competent and confident individuals, enriched with the ability to reflect critically and independently, combined with a strong sense of social responsibility; and to contribute to the development of science and technology, as well as disseminating the knowledge created to the benefit of the community” Beginning from the initial discussions to establish SU (including a small international search conference to articulate the vision of the university) we foresaw that research, education and training will emphasize learning to learn, teamwork, fundamentals, and creativity, will be interdisciplinary, and will not hinder the students from seeking their own goals and ideals The philosophy and the motto of SU is “Creating and developing together” in an innovative, interdisciplinary institution, responsive to the needs of all its constituents through a participatory and team-based culture SU currently has 3,604 students (2,958 undergraduates and 646 graduates) and is comprised of three faculties: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS), Faculty of Management (FMAN) and the School of Languages (SL) The university has 156 full-time faculty, 47 part-time faculty and 32 adjunct/network/practice faculty, and 304 full-time administrative and support personnel Across the university, 86% of the full-time faculty members hold doctorates from abroad, in the FMAN this percentage is 82% 1.2 Brief Overview of Faculty of Management (FMAN) The smallest of the three existing faculties, the FMAN began as the Graduate School of Management in 1999 with a full-time MBA, Executive MBA and PhD programs In 2003, facing the tremendous demand for business education amongst our undergraduate students we began, within the auspices of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), an undergraduate management program All of our most recent degree programs (Leaders for Industry, ITM and Masters in Finance) offer Masters of Science degrees FMAN offers the following degree programs Undergraduate Program: • Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Management (20032) Graduate Programs • • • • MBA – Full-time Program, 21 months (1999) Executive MBA – (EMBA) Sixteen month, part-time program for experienced managers (1999) Leaders for Industry (LFI) – a dual degree program Masters in Management and Masters in Engineering offered with the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (2001) Information Technology in Management (ITM) – a one year Masters degree program, offered for full-time working professionals (2005) Private foundation universities are a relatively new phenomenon in Turkey, beginning in the late 80’s with Bilkent University in Ankara Today there are 127 universities in Turkey of which 33 are foundation universities, with Sabancı clearly in the top tier of these, along with Bilkent and Koỗ universities Years in the parentheses indicate the first year classes were offered • • Masters in Finance – a one year full time program (2008) PhD in Management – offered only for specialization in Operations Management, Organization Studies and Finance3 (1999) Table Comparison of FMAN Degree Programs Executive MBA MBA MiF ITM LFI Degree(s) Awarded MBA MBA MSc in Finance MS in ITM MSc in Man and MSc in Eng Applicant Career Stage Average 10 years work experience Average work experience < year Average work experience < year Participant Profile: 60% with Manager or higher position Average ALES 83 and IBT TOEFL 93 Admissions Requirements Bachelor's degree, interview, ALES and TOEFL/SU ELAE Average GMAT 594, IBT TOEFL 100 and ALES 84 Bachelor's degree, interview, GMAT, ALES and TOEFL/SU ELAE Average work experience < year Average ALES 89 and IBT TOEFL 98 BSc degree in Engineering, interview, ALES and TOEFL Length 16 months 21 months 10,5 months Average 18 months work experience Average ALES 72 and IBT TOEFL 83 Bachelor's degree; interview; GMAT/ GRE/ ALES/ and TOEFL/SU ELAE; 12 months Format Part-time, weekends Collaboration with Henley Management College in organizing international field trips General Management curriculum; * 30 credits of required courses * credits of electives Full-time Full-time Part-time General Management Curriculum; * 38 credits required courses * 12 credits elective courses * credits CAP Specialized program in Finance * 15 required courses * internship (or project under special circumstances) YTL 36,500 (all inclusive) &YTL 500 (technology fee) YTL 22,500 (tuition) &YTL 500 (technology fee) YTL 22,500 (tuition) &YTL 500 (technology fee) Partnership Arrangements Curriculum Design Tuition (2008-2009) Bachelor's degree, interview, GMAT/GRE/ ALES and TOEFL/SU ELAE International exchange opportunities available with schools in the US, Europe and Asia 21 months (including summer) Full-time International exchange opportunity is available through the Erasmus program International exchange opportunities with schools in Europe Specialized program that combines IT with Management * 31.5 credits required * credits of electives * company project YTL 17,000 (tuition) &YTL 500 (technology fee) General Man & Specialist Eng Curriculum; * 30 credits mgmt courses * 30 credits eng courses * company project Program partners and University finances the program In addition, members of the FMAN are strong contributors to programs run by SU’s Executive Development Unit (EDU), the Entrepreneur Development Program (GGP), the Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey, (CGFT) and the Competitiveness Forum (REF) It is important to note that we are the youngest among the top universities in Turkey Yet, in the less than the 10 years since our inception, we have done exceptionally well, to the extent that SU and its FMAN are recognized as a rising star in the Turkish academic context We believe our strengths stem from our innovative programs, excellent students and faculty members and solid relationships with the Our PhD in Management offers specializations only in areas where we believe we have achieved a critical mass in faculty numbers We hope in a year or two to begin offering a specialization in marketing as well business community Moreover, the culture of the FMAN, built on integrity, respect and openness to change makes us a place where academic as well as administrative staff are highly committed to the mission and goals of the faculty 1.3 University Governance The basic performance expectations of the faculties of all foundation (private) and public universities are determined by the Higher Education Act and by the Higher Education Council (abbreviated as YÖK in Turkish) The Council approves all programs of higher education prior to their establishment; regulates and audits the institutions’ teaching, research, governance, planning and organization activities; keeps track of the students and faculty members; certifies the equivalency of the degrees from other countries for both the students and faculty members; and arbitrates academic misconduct Despite this centralized regulation of higher education institutions, non-profit foundation universities have flexibility in their administrative and financial matters as long as they comply with the procedures and principles stipulated in the Act regarding academic activities, recruitment of faculty and discipline matters Hence, as a private foundation university, SU is completely free to manage its own affairs and determine additional expectations for its faculty members in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by its Board of Trustees Across SU and within the FMAN we strive to have a highly participative culture Most initiatives emanate from the bottom up, are discussed in various forums within the faculties, and then brought before the required decision making bodies (e.g the Dean’s Council or Academic Council) We take care to include our various stakeholders in much of our decision making, in particular students and members of the business community Decisions necessitating significant resources are required to come for approval before the Administrative Council (comprised of the University Rector, General Secretary and Chair and Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees) It’s important to note that we have many advantages as a young, small university The academic leadership of the university resides in the Dean’s Council which includes the Deans of all three faculties, the Director of School of Languages, the Director of the Foundations Development Program, and the Rector We have a warm, highly collegial working relationship We are not very bureaucratic, it is very easy to get decisions brought before the council and we are able to move fast We can say unequivocally that there is great support amongst the SU leadership and wider community for our prospective CEMS membership Thus, we have no qualms about our ability to get the requisite support, be it financial or otherwise 1.4 Finances and Support for CEMS SU is financed through two main sources, university generated income (tuition, research grant, corporate projects) and funding from the Sabancı Foundation Sabancı Group is one of the largest corporations in Turkey and is a publicly traded company with a majority control held by members of Sabancı Family Through time, it has dedicated itself to give back to the society through extensive philanthropic endeavors Sabancı Foundation, which was founded in 1974, along with SU is the most important output of this philanthropic expression Sabancı Foundation has its own endowment to support various social initiatives of Sabancı family, including SU Income to the endowment of the foundation is augmented by annual transfers from several companies within the Sabancı Group Annual transfers from companies are dictated by clauses in their respective Articles of Association, and these transfers are mostly targeted to SU SU’s annual budget is approximately 95,000,000 YTL Of this approximately 20% comes from the Sabancı Foundation, 63% from tuition and 17% from other sources (e.g research grants, company projects) At SU, financial planning is conducted at the university level University budgeting is done on a calendar year basis At the end of October, each faculty and administrative unit puts together their financial plans and budget requirements for the following year, and report to the general secretary’s office These plans are then consolidated and aligned with the university’s financial strategies through negotiations with individual units Following this process, the completed budget is presented for approval at the December meeting of the Board of Trustees Since this year’s budgeting process will begin before we are notified of the CEMS decision, we plan to include additional support staff for the CEMS program within our budget for 2009 It is important to note here that once we are approved, hopefully, of CEMS membership, we will have to take our new Masters in International Management (MIM) program for approval to the Higher Education Council of Turkey (YÖK), as this is a legal requirement of all universities whether private or public Our track record in obtaining approval is 100%, so we envision no problems, but it is something that we will have to plan for as it usually takes several months for this approval to go through YÖK’s bureaucracy ACADEMIC REPUTATION OF FMAN The mission of the FMAN is to contribute to the knowledge and practice of management in Turkey and the world through the quality of our research, programs and graduates In this vein we: - Conduct and disseminate rigorous, relevant and internationally recognized research - Deliver a range of challenging and innovative programs that are responsive to the current and potential needs of business and society - Graduate confident, socially responsible individuals with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the global arena and poised to impact society The FMAN takes its mission to conduct and disseminate rigorous, relevant and internationally recognized research with utmost seriousness and commitment We are fortunate to be at a university that supports our research function with a myriad of services and funds In addition, we recognize that the culture of the university and faculty must also be conducive to fostering an environment where world class research can be imagined and executed Thus, priorities like achieving a critical mass of faculty in different areas, hiring post doctoral fellows to support faculty, hosting research seminars, and hosting visiting faculty on sabbaticals contribute to create this kind of environment Perhaps one of the most important things we to support our research function is to have a growing doctoral program In the section that follows, we describe our research policy and climate including incentives for faculty members Next, we outline our contributions to research with a comparison to Turkish universities as well as CEMS academic members and finally, we present our PhD program We conclude this section on academic reputation with information regarding our efforts towards international accreditation 2.1 Research Policy and Climate 2.1.1 Recruitment and Faculty Profile The FMAN’s recruitment, development and evaluation practices are all consistent with our desire for to have a core of faculty members who have the training and motivation to research and contribute to management knowledge through publishing in peer-reviewed publications Looking at the individual CVs of our faculty members will reinforce this statement (See Annex 1) Eighty-two percent of our fulltime faculty members have their doctorates from prestigious institutions abroad Beyond this, those who have their graduate training in Turkey have spent significant periods abroad, either in an educational program or as a research fellow As a young school, our number one priority has been recruiting high caliber faculty members trained at top tier institutions Over that last five years we have increased the size of our full-time faculty members from 13 to 28 Our recruiting strategy was led by our teaching obligations and a desire to achieve a “critical mass” in key areas so that young scholars have colleagues with which to joint research as well as teaching and curriculum development One of our latest achievements has been the recruitment of Prof Mete Soner, former Dean of the College of Administrative Sciences and Economics at Koỗ University, to our newly established Ik Inselba Chair of Finance (the university’s first chair) Prof Soner is a world class scholar who held a named chair at Princeton University before returning to Turkey Prof Soner is the only Turkish scholar listed in the Thompson ISI Highly Cited Researcher Ranking He is also the first Turkish scientist to receive an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) He will undoubtedly give a boost to FMAN’s research in finance (his appointment commenced September 2007) Table summarizes the pace and disciplinary focus of our recruitment activities to date Table Pace and Disciplinary Focus of FMAN Recruitment Activities By Date… Breakdown of new recruits by discipline December 2009 December 2008 December 2007 December 2006 December 2005 December 2004 December 2003 FIN, ACC, STRG, MKTG CHAIR FIN, OM/IS, MKTG OM/IS, FIN, OB FIN, MKTG, OT STRG, OM/IS, FIN, ACCT, MKTG OM/IS, MKTG Dean (OB) The breakdown of FMAN full time faculty is as follows: • Management and Organization: faculty with strengths in cross-cultural and international management and organization theory • Accounting: faculty with strengths in financial accounting • Finance: faculty with strengths in corporate governance, mathematical finance and portfolio management • Marketing: faculty with strengths in international marketing, brand management and quantitative marketing • Operations Management and Information Systems: faculty with strengths in supply chain management, mathematical modeling and optimization and facility location • Management and Strategy: faculty with strengths in organizations & strategy and political and development economics Many research focused on the Turkish context This year we are aggressively recruiting in Finance, Accounting, Management and Strategy and for a senior chaired position in Marketing (the Sabancı Group Chair in Marketing Excellence) The following table gives an overview of all full-time faculty members including their research interests Area Faculty Members PhD Areas of Interest Accounting Mine Aksu Syracuse University, USA Troubled debt restructurings, financial distress, valuation; initial public offerings Accounting Ulf Nilsson Jonkoping International Business School, Sweden Management accounting, Inter-organizational relationships, performance measurement Finance Hakan Orbay Stanford University, USA Corporate finance, corporate governance, firm theory Finance Kemal Saatỗiolu The University of Texas at Austin, USA corporate governance, market microstructure, emerging markets, corporate finance, Finance Akın Sayrak University of Texas at Austin, USA Corporate diversification and governance, optimal compensation schemes in diversified firms Finance Mete Soner Brown University, USA mathematical finance, Nonlinear partial differential equations; Finance Koray Şimşek Princeton University, USA Financial optimization, , asset liability management, financial econometrics, derivative pricing Organization Mahmut Bayazıt Cornell University, USA Organizational behavior, leadership, managerial decision-making Organization Nakiye Boyacıgiller University of California, Berkeley, USA Cross-cultural management; international human resource management; organizational culture; management pedagogy Organization ệzgecan Koỗak Stanford University, USA Organization theory, sociology of markets Organization Behlül Üsdiken Istanbul University, Turkey Organization theory, history of management thought Organization Arzu Wasti University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA Cross-cultural organizational psychology, human resources management Marketing Emine Batislam University of Missouri-Rolla, USA Performance measures, service marketing, service operations Marketing Ronan Jouan de Kervenoael University of Sheffield, UK Retail competition, consumer behavior, direct marketing Marketing Cenk Koỗa Purdue University, USA Game theoretical models of price promotions, industrial organization, Marketing Burcu Taşoluk Michigan State University, USA international marketing, global branding, global new product management Marketing Özge Turut Harvard Business School, USA Innovation under uncertainty, R&D interface, asymmetric information models, retail channel competition Operations Management and Information Systems Operations Management and Information Systems Can Akkan Cornell University, USA Design, planning and control of discrete parts manufacturing systems, production scheduling, project scheduling F Tevhide Altekin Middle East Technical University, Turkey Supply chain management, combinatorial and heuristic optimization, simulation modeling and analysis Operations Management and Information Systems Burỗin Bozkaya University of Alberta, Canada combinatorial modeling and optimization, heuristic algorithms, transportation and logistics planning, geographical information systems Operations Management and Information Systems Meltem Denizel University of Florida, USA Production planning, flexible manufacturing systems, mathematical modeling, supply chain management, e-business Operations Management and Information Systems Enes Eryarsoy University of Florida, USA Data mining, scheduling, IS economics, machine learning, and telecommunication Operations Management and Information Systems Çağrı Haksưz New York University, USA Supply chain risk management, real options, operational risk management, intelligent demand forecasting, Operations Management and Information Systems Nihat Kasap University of Florida, USA Pricing and quality of service in telecommunication networks, heuristic design and optimization, data mining and machine learning Operations Management and Information Systems Muhittin Oral Case Institute of Technology, USA Competitiveness analysis and strategy, group decision-making and consensus formation, performance analysis Management and Strategy Oğuz Babüroğlu University of Pennsylvania, USA Strategy and organizational development Management and Strategy Dilek Çetindamar Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Technology management, industrial economics, development economics Management and Strategy Ayşe Karaevli Boston University, USA Organizational change and strategic adaptation, comparative corporate governance, executive succession and selection Management and Strategy Ahmet Öncü University of Alberta, Canada Sociology of organizations, political economy, social theory In Economics we have 11 full time faculty, two visiting professors, two network faculty members and two part time faculty members For further information on the Economics program, please go to http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ssbf/economics/eng/?people/faculty.php The European Studies group currently has 13 full time faculty members, visiting faculty and one part time faculty member For more information on this program and its faculty please go to http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ssbf/es/eng/?Kisiler/OgretimUyeleri.php# 10 • the highest proportion in all the EU programs in Turkey Similarly, of the 43 MA degrees conferred by the Conflict Resolution program, 13 are to international students Some of these students are academically placed in a wide range of fields, ranging from psychology, political science, peace studies, management to international relations at Universities such as Illinois, Bradford, George Mason, Georgia, Carnegie Mellon Courses specifically designed for the CEMS-MIM track will also be open to students on the CAP track as electives This will not only enrich course alternatives for the students in the CAP track but also, create an environment for incoming CEMS exchange students to meet and work with Turkish students QUALITY OF OUR CURRENT AND FUTURE STUDENTS 6.1 SU Undergraduate Intake Statistics ÖSS Exam, carried out once a year to place students in universities, is a key, publicly available measure of student quality Two statistics are available for each student who has taken an ÖSS exam: (1) A point score (2) His/her rank in the exam Since the exam characteristics have changed over the years the best way to compare performances across years is the rank of students rather than their point scores Figure shows the rank statistics (in percent among all the students that take the exam, which is around 1.6 million every year) of the students who have entered SU through two faculties26 and Figure shows the number of students admitted to those two faculties Most of the BA in Management students enter the university through FASS – Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, however because of the freedom of choice given to the students a student who has entered through FENS – Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, could choose to get a BA in Management degree Since the rank data could be skewed, we are reporting the median, the 5th and 95th percentiles of these percent rank data of our intake The two charts show that our “typical” engineering student represented by the median ranks in the top 2.5% of the exam takers, and arts and social sciences student ranks in the top 4% of the exam takers Figure Undergraduate Student Intake Through Two Faculties 26 All other universities in Turkey take students into departments through the ÖSS exam SU takes them into two faculties and then gives them complete freedom in choosing which program they study, whichever program that faculty is in 50 In summary, most of our undergraduate students come from the top 5% of the 1.6 million ÖSS exam takers every year Figure ÖSS Performance of SU Undergraduate Student Intake Another key statistic that is relevant for CEMS membership is the number SU undergraduate students who come from high schools in Istanbul which teach in French, German or Italian Since these schools’ graduates are trilingual upon graduation from SU, they constitute a significant potential for our CEMS-MIM program Figure below shows that in the recent years the total number of such students who enroll in SU every year is around 90 These high schools are Saint Joseph Private French High School, Saint Benoit Private French High School, Lycèe Galatasaray, Notre Dame De Sion Private French High School, Sainte Pulcherie Private French High School, Saint Michel Private French High School, İstanbul High School (German), German High School, Sankt Georg Austrian High School, Italian High School, Beyoğlu Italian High School, and Galileo Galilei Italian High School 51 Figure SU Undergraduates from European Language High Schools 6.2 Admissions to FMAN’s Full-time Graduate Programs Below we provide summary statistics on the recent students entering all of graduates programs at FMAN In the rest of this section, we will focus on the full-time graduates programs at FMAN and relevant FASS graduate programs (Econ and European Studies) as they are more relevant to the CEMS membership 52 Table 22 Statistics on the Students Entering All Graduate Programs of FMAN 6.2.1 Admissions to the MBA Program The MBA program offered at FMAN is oriented towards students coming from various disciplines and having little or no business experience At a minimum, applicants must hold a 4-year Bachelor degree and score over the threshold of 55 points in the ALES exam administered by ÖSYM (an exam that measure academic readiness for graduate studies, similar to GRE or GMAT) However, due to competitive nature of the admission process, applicants typically enter with much higher exam scores The program administration also requires official GMAT scores, official TOEFL scores (minimum CBT 220, IBT 83) that indicate English proficiency, two letters of recommendation and transcript(s) from institution(s) attended earlier Again, satisfying minimum score levels for TOEFL and GMAT exams does not guarantee admission Students who satisfy the minimum conditions set by YÖK for admission are subjected to a screening and interviewing process by an Admissions Committee headed by the MBA Program Director The applicants are evaluated both through a written exercise as well as an interview conducted by two faculty members The interview follows a certain structure in order to determine a profile of the applicant The goal of the interview is to assess the spoken English, academic suitability, personal readiness and motivation of the applicant for the MBA program After all the interviews are complete, the Admissions Committee extends admission offers to a selected set of applicants For more information on admission procedures to our MBA program go to: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ybf/eng/?PrgMba/Application_Requirements.html SU’s MBA program currently enrolls 26 first-year and 28 second-year students The current MBA student population has limited work experience (mean 14 months, median months), mainly because in Turkey most students pursue an MBA as a pre-experience degree because it allows them to change the career that they were placed in involuntarily through the National Entrance Exam (ÖSS) or due to parental pressure Another important factor is that attending a graduate program allows young men to get a deferral from the compulsory military service which is typically completed upon graduation from college The gender distribution is therefore slightly skewed towards males, with 43 % female and 57% male students The MBA students hold undergraduate degrees from Engineering (69%), Business/Economics (19%) and Social and Natural Sciences (12%) 53 The majority of SU MBA students are graduates of elite universities in Turkey, e.g., Middle East Technical University, Koỗ University, Bilkent University, Boaziỗi University, Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and SU along with international (i.e non Turkish) universities Figure 10 Undergraduate Universities for MBA Classes of 2008 through 2010 Some summary statistics on the required examinations for the MBA Classes of 2008 through 2010 are as follows: • GMAT – Average 595, Median 600 • TOEFL (IBT) – Average 99, Median 100 • ALES – Average 72, Median 69 6.2.2 Admissions to the Masters in Finance (MiF) Program The admission requirements of the MiF program are similar to the MBA program For more information on admission procedures to our MiF program go to: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ybf/eng/? PrgMif/Application.html MiF program, which is in its first year, currently enrolls 13 students which are coming from various disciplines and with limited or no business experience The disciplines that the MiF students hold undergraduate degrees from were 38% Engineering, 46% Business/Economics and 15% Natural Sciences The gender distribution is slightly skewed towards males, with 38 % female and 62% male students Most of the SU MiF students are graduates from SU 54 6.2.3 Admissions to the Leaders for Industry (LFI) Program LFI program is open primarily to candidates who have engineering backgrounds and who would like to acquire management skills while strengthening their engineering formation Because the program involves areas of specialization, depending on the specific tracks that will be supported by the program partner companies, candidates typically have a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Biological Sciences and Bioengineering Candidates must submit an official transcript showing a GPA of at least 2.70 out of or 70 out of 100 Candidates must also submit one of LES, ALES or GRE scores, and a TOEFL score for English proficiency, along with letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose After the application deadline of June 1, candidates are screened by the Admissions Committee and selected candidates are invited for an interview The interview panel includes program directors and faculty members from the engineering and management faculties and HR directors and other representatives from the sponsoring firms LFI program is a fully-sponsored program; therefore a comprehensive scholarship package is available to students who are granted admission This package includes full tuition waiver for the duration of the program, a monthly stipend and partial housing support Through this scholarship and high threshold criteria, SU is able to attract some of the best students entering the university for graduate studies Because of the relationships with the sponsor companies, LFI is one of the best examples of universityindustry collaboration and the advantages it can provide both to education and industry For more information on admission procedures to the LFI program go to: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/mdbf/lfi/eng/?Admissions/Admissions.html Currently there are 10 students in the 2007 entering class and students in the 2008 entering class Typically LFI students are top graduates of top engineering schools, including Istanbul Technical University, Yıldız Technical University, Middle East Technical University, and SU graduates, making them the best of the best Figure 11 Undergraduate Institutions of LFI Students (Classes of 2009-2010) 55 6.2.4 Admissions to the MA programs at FASS The admission process for MA programs of FASS requires the submission of an official transcript, LES/ALES (for MA in Economics GRE with a minimum score of 780 out of 800 in the quantitative section) scores, a TOEFL score for English proficiency, along with letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose The majority of the FASS MA students are graduates of the three elite English language universities in Turkey, i.e., Bilkent University, Boaziỗi University and SU along with international (i.e non Turkish) universities The average GRE quantitative scores of the 2008 entering classes are 789 for the MA in Economics and 740 for the MA in European Studies The average TOEFL (IBT) scores are 94.8 (median 76) for the Economics and 91.5 for the European Studies programs 6.3 Placement Success of our Alumni Sabancı University graduates at both the undergraduate and graduate levels have gained impressive successes upon graduation Whether it be pursuing further study or entering the workforce, we see them being recruited by top universities and companies Below we share some statistics for our undergraduate and MBA programs as we feel those would be of greatest relevance to CEMS membership 6.3.1 Undergraduate 30% of our alumni pursue a graduate degree right after they receive their bachelor’s degree In the case of BA in Management alumni this ratio is 20% Most of these students study on full scholarship at some of the most prestigious universities of the world We see their success as a primary indicator of the quality of our undergraduate program The figure below, shows which universities have the highest number of our graduates Figure 12 Universities where at least SU undergraduate alumni attended a graduate program (20032007) 56 More than 50% of our undergraduates pursue professional careers upon graduation at some of Turkeys most prestigious companies See the table below for some of these companies Furthermore, as shown in Figure 13 in 2007 fully 93% of our alumni are employed with one year of graduation Figure 13 Percent of Alumni Placed within One Year of Graduation Some of the companies that hired our undergraduate alumni are as follows: ABB Elektrik Sanayi AŞ Accenture Danışmanlık ACNielsen Araştırma Hizmetleri A.Ş Alcatel Lucent Türkiye Alstom Transport Associated Press Autoliv Cankor Otomotiv Emniyet Sist Aviva Hayat Emeklilik Bayer Türk Kimya Blockbuster Inc Bosch San BP Petrolleri British American Tobacco Carrefour Cisco Systems Citibank A.S Credit Europe Bank - Holland Danonesa Deloitte & Touche - Amerika Deutsche Bank Germany DHL Express Dupont Türkiye Ericsson Telekomünikasyon Ernst & Young ETH, Zurich Eurobank Tekfen Fortis Bank Frito Lay GlaxoSmithKline Google Henkel - İstanbul Hewlett-Packard (HP) HSBC Bank IBM Turk Limited Sirketi Infenion Technologies AG Johnson & Johnson Johnson Diversey - İstanbul JP Morgan Kimberly-Clark Company KLM KPMG Kraft Lilly laỗ L'Oreal Mattel McKinsey and Company Mercedes Benz Metro Cash&Carry Microsoft Corporation Millennium Bank Nestle Gıda Nortel Novartis Oracle Bilgisayar Ltd Sti Peppers & Rogers Group PepsiCo International Perfetti Van Melle Türkiye Pfizer Philips- Japonya Phillip Morris Pirelli Pricewaterhousecoopers Procter & Gamble - Brüksel Reckitt Benckiser Reuters Robert Bosch GmbH - Sttutgart Rolls Royce Sandoz Shell International Ltd - UK Siemens San Tic AŞ Sony Tchibo Toyota Motor Europe TRW Automotive Aftermarket Unilever Türkiye Vodafone Xerox Several start-up companies have also been founded by SU Alumni in areas such as Information Technology, Software Development, and Advanced Materials, of which two are based abroad 57 6.3.1 Placement Success of our MBA Program Alumni We keep record of placement statistics of our MBA program alumni according to the norms of MBA Career Services Council Table 23 reports the placement performance of alumni who were actively searching for a job (thus, the statistics exclude those who worked at their family business, established their own company, or joined the military to complete their obligatory military service) Table 23 MBA Program Placement Performance MBA Class of % employed by graduation % employed by three months of graduation 2007 2008 39 % 72 % 89 % 100 % In addition to being placed rather quickly our alumni have been recruited by some of the leading Turkish and multinational companies, as depicted in Table 24 Table 24 Companies that hired MBA Class of 2007 and 2008 Abott Pharmaceutical ACNeilsen Akbank Anadolu Group Avea Bosch Citibank Coca Cola Deloitte Touche Deutsche Bank Eczacıbaşı Pharmaceutical Ernst and Young ETI Fuyang Kangwei Garlic Products HSBC İş Investment Maersk Maxxium Turkey Novo Nordisk Pfizer Philip Morris PWC Sony Standard Unlu Unilever Wyeth Pharmaceutical OTHER STRENGTHS OF SU AND SU-FMAN 7.1 Integration with and Contribution to the Society Among the foundation (private) universities in Turkey, SU is particularly well-known for its integration and contributions to the society This stems partly from the Sabancı family’s long history of philanthropy, the values of the university and its leadership and thus the strategic vision we have set for our school From day one, our goal was not to be an ivory tower, to be actively engaged with society In Turkey, these added-values can be summed as follows: • • • SU provides an extensive pool of scholarship opportunities to young and bright individuals who reach the university level About 40% of the undergraduate students at SU receive a scholarship that alleviates their financial pressures and help them focus to their studies After their initial year, ongoing students also receive scholarship support based on their need and merit; combined, nearly 3.000 such scholarships were provided to SU's student body since 1999 Along with scholarships, a recent study by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) has identified SU at the top of all of the private higher educational institutions in Turkey in its scale of investment per student In other words, SU spends 30.000 USD per student per year while tuition fees reflect only around 63% of its budget Recognizing the weak state of NGOs and civic participation in Turkey, we require all SU undergraduate students to work for 40 hours their first year on Community Involvement Projects (CIP) CIPs, a unique aspect of SU, enables the channeling of our students' willing efforts to not only the needs of SU's immediate physical surroundings (socially an area that remains marginally poor with many community improvement necessities) but also to very remote areas of the country So far, 4,200 of our students have volunteered in more than 630 community projects ranging anywhere from training/education/capacity building, environmental 58 • • • • • • conservation to the supports provided to the elderly and handicapped citizens Completely student run, we see that over 25% of our students continue working at with the CIP office, even after they have fulfilled their required hours In addition, close to 20 universities around Turkey have requested our help in setting up their own CIPs FMAN through its early adoption of the Principles for Responsible Management Education27, membership on the boards of the Turkish Sustainable Development Association, endorsement of the UN Global Compact, and its required Business Ethics classes and sponsorship of the Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey, actively seeks to promote and embody the principles of responsible management The Istanbul Policy Center, referred to as a “think and tank” by its founding director former rector of Boaziỗi University Prof ĩstỹn Ergüder, and its associated research groups function as an NGO that fosters thinking, debate and lobbying to influence important issues in the educational and socio-political agenda of Turkey Strengthening the position of women in Turkey is a top priority and we support to several NGOs working in this area One of our own notable efforts in this area is the UN Joint Program "Promoting and Protecting Women's and Girls' Human Rights," a social improvement and human development project in which all of the United Nations institutions in Turkey, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Sabancı Foundation and SU have been contributing This project aims at to reduce existing gender inequality by bringing together local governments, public institutions, the private sector and non-governmental organizations in a collective action program As part of this initiative SU faculty members have devised and delivered in six provinces, the Purple Certificate program, which seeks to raise the consciousness of high school teachers and through them, high school students with respect to women's human rights In addition, we work very closely with KAGIDER, the Women’s Entrepreneurship Association Scientific research and the intellectual outputs in the form of patents and other inventions may be one of the most understated contributions of SU to the society at large In this sense, SU is a hub of innovative thinking that often results in improving the efficiency of products used directly and indirectly in the Turkish economic arena or intellectual productivity that questions Turkish and global scientific trends In 2007 alone, more than 170 research projects were carried out with international partners, some of which eventually lead to the improvement of our life quality Since its establishment, SU distinguishes itself as a university that has enabled a "reverse brain drain" for bright Turks who used to prefer working, researching and/or teaching abroad About 85% of our faculty members have returned to Turkey, to SU after completing their post-graduate studies in important universities of Europe and USA Last but not least, SU provides an unmatched contribution to the society through its support to culture and the arts The Sakıp Sabancı Museum and the Sabancı Performing Arts Center as well as the contemporary art spaces of the university host members of the local communities as well as a wide range of regional and national-international constituents 7.2 Unique Undergraduate Curriculum All applicants of undergraduate programs of Turkish Universities must take an entrance examination (ÖSS) administered by the National Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) attached to the Higher Education Council (YÖK) The Council determines applicants for the enrollment of each university and faculty/program after evaluating related subject grades, high school results, and student preferences according to the faculty/program requirements In all cases but SU, students are placed into a specific university department through this process At SU, students enter the university, not a specific program, and make their program choice at the end of their second year, with complete freedom (e.g no quotas or GPA requirements even for our most in-demand programs) Basically we argue the individual 27 One for our faculty members, Dr Dilek Çetindamar was a member of the international task force that developed these principles 59 should be allowed to make their own choice, and not be forced into a program that they are not interested in We are the only university in Turkey that gives this freedom to students, a very important factor in helping us attract top notch students All SU undergraduate students take a set of required university courses during their first year (after they have completed their English preparation year if unable to pass the English entrance exam) The intent of the university courses is to ensure that each and every student has a broad and solid foundation in the humanities and the sciences Furthermore, our undergraduate programs provide the students with quite a bit of flexibility and options to take lots of electives outside of their own programs giving them a broad perspective For more information on university courses please go to: http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/eng/?ogrenim/temelgelistirme/dersler/dersler.html 7.3 Academic Support Services for Students In accordance with its mission, student support receives utmost attention at SU The Center for Individual and Academic Development (CIAD) is comprised of sub-units that aim to facilitate students' adaptation to university life, thus providing a smooth transition from secondary to undergraduate education: • • • • Academic Support: Academic Support organizes and provides services that enable students to benefit fully from the university environment It helps them realize their potential and develop their skills The unit assists students in clarifying their academic goals so that they make appropriate course choices according to their career plans It also organizes programs promoting peer support and plays a role in building a healthy academic and social campus climate Moreover, Academic Support aims to promote student success and encourages their awareness in local and global subjects Disabled Student Support: Disabled students are supported regarding their mobility in the campus as well as their academic and personal well-being Individual Counseling: Individual counseling is provided by CIAD to assist students in their academic and personal needs Individual Counseling assists students in clarifying concerns, examining solutions they have employed, and developing new coping strategies in order to acquire the skills needed for healthy, successful adult lives Writing Center: The Writing Center creates a learning environment in which students can work to attain the highest possible level of written English The Center's goal is to provide guidance, assistance, and reinforcement to students for competence in primarily academic writing but other venues as well such as presentation skills and creative writing The Writing Center faculty fulfils this aim by organizing a wide range of workshops and tutorials as well as individual support assisted by peer tutors 7.4 Infrastructure and Campus Life SU campus is located at the edge of Istanbul with state-of-the-art facilities The campus occupies over 1.3 million square meters, with over 162,000 square meters of covered area Classrooms of various sizes are located within three faculty buildings and School of Languages Each faculty building also houses an auditorium with seating capacities of 170-380 persons 7.4.1 Faculty of Management Building FMAN building covers a total area of 12,750 square meters, with 50 faculty offices, 13 classrooms, 41 student team offices, a room of cubicles for concurrent teamwork for up to teams, seminar rooms, 60 meeting rooms and an auditorium There are 50 hotel rooms on the top floor, operated by the Executive Development Unit (EDU), which facilitates overnight stay mainly for executive education program participants as well as Executive MBA students, however rooms are available for anyone who wants to stay on campus All classrooms and seminar rooms at FMAN are equipped with a desktop computer, projector and screen Three of the classrooms offer power outlets and wired connections for individual seats to facilitate laptop use with internet and intranet connection 7.4.2 Library Services (Information Center) We have a beautiful library, which we call the Information Center, to reflect its state of the art infrastructure which provides access to a wide range of information sources The Information Center has a large collection of books (87,415, 30% of its periodical collection), 38,057 e-books, 31,561 (95.6% of its multimedia collection) multimedia resources, more than twenty thousand print and electronic journals (98,5% of its periodical collection), 62 online databases, 295 e-Thesis, and 1,547 eLiterature These databases include management and business specific ones such as Ebsco-Host and ISI Emerging Markets database In addition attention was paid to provide ample spaces for individual and group study making it a favored locale for many of our students 7.4.3 Information Technology Infrastructure Information technology infrastructure of SU is unmatched in Turkey The university makes every effort to provide up-to-date equipment and software to faculty members and students Each student is provided with a laptop when registering This enables faculty members to efficiently use the most modern technology when teaching and ensures that students have access to a large amount of information through this infrastructure wherever they are 7.4.4 Medical Services The University has a Health Center providing 24 hour access and a fully equipped ambulance Furthermore, private health insurance is provided for all students at no extra cost SU's annually revised health services and insurance plans are fundamental elements that enable students to maintain their social lives as healthy individuals as well as succeed in their academic studies 7.4.5 Dormitories SU is largely a residential campus, where approximately 75% of our students and 60% of our faculty reside on campus All the dorms are on campus Dorm rooms which accommodate or students are equipped with showers, closets, and personal telephones All exchange students are guaranteed accommodations on campus 7.4.5 Transportation and Other University Services The University Center houses independently operated facilities to provide for student and faculty needs Among these are a full bank branch, a supermarket, a bookstore, a copy center, dry cleaning and technology stores In the dormitory area, there are several cafes and a hair dresser all of which are operated independently University provides mail services for students 61 Another service provided by the university is transportation between campus and several city locations There are regularly scheduled shuttles which students can use for a fee Cost of transportation is partly subsidized by the university University also maintains an easily accessible help desk that aims to assist students, staff and subcontracting companies on any issue regarding campus facilities with the goal of maximizing the efficient use of the University’s resources 7.4.6 Sports Facilities The Sports Center contains a multi-purpose court for basketball, volleyball, and handball at a spectator capacity of 1200; squash courts at international standards; aerobics studios, a covered tennis court, a climbing wall, locker rooms and showers Membership is free for all University members and any required equipment can be borrowed from the Sports Center 7.4.7 Culture and Arts Sakıp Sabancı Museum: The historical Mansion on the bosphorus and the new gallery Annex equipped with the latest technology are now a museum of international standards with an area of 3500 m2 appropriate for holding exhibitions of every kind Sabancı Museum's collection of precious manuscripts and extensive collection of 19th and 20th century paintings are on permanent exhibition in the rooms of the original house and gallery Annex The museum also hosts national and foreign exhibitions, which recently included Picasso and Dali exhibitions Performing Arts Centre: SU Performing Arts Center (SGM) aims to contribute to the rich cultural life of Istanbul, particularly to the city's Asian side, and provide cultural and artistic services to the University's students and staff, as well as to all art appreciators in the region It is the largest and most well equipped performing arts center on the Asian side of the city Every month 8-9 arts events take place at the centre where ticket prices are heavily subsidized (prices are around €4 for students and €6 for the general public) Events include concerts (classical, jazz, pop, etc), theatre shows, dance shows of professional groups In addition, SU student clubs (choirs, theatre groups etc) also perform at the centre 7.4.8 Student Clubs and Extracurricular Activities SU supports student extracurricular activities that enable the enhancement of their social, cultural, artistic and individual skills In addition, these activities aim to encourage the development and fostering of students' creativity In line with our University's philosophy, "creating and developing together" student clubs and their activities grow and develop with the participation of the campus community It should also be mentioned that the university recognizes outstanding achievements in extracurricular activities through its annual Extracurricular Activity Awards event Currently, the following student clubs are active: Aerospace Club Amateur Astronomy Society Atatürk Club Bridge Club Ceramics Club Folklore Club FRP Club Game Club Gender Club Global Interaction Club Model United Nations Club Motor Sports Club Music Club Ocean Publication Club Outdoor Sports Club 62 Chess Club Cinema Club Computer Club CoRe (Conflict Resolution Club) Culture and Literature Club Dance Club Debate Club Drama Club Economics & Management Club EU Club Horseback Riding Club Ice Skating Club IEEE Student Branch International Students Club Istanbul Club LeYLeK Travel Club Linux Users Group Manufacturing System Engineering Society Mathematics Club MBA Club PiraSA Humour Club Photography Club Politics Club Radio Club Robotic Club Sailing Club Saving the World Club Social Sciences Club Underwater Sports Club Young Entrepreneurs Club Of particular importance is the MBA Club of the FMAN The MBA Club is established to help students improve their managerial skills, to foster mutually beneficial relationships between the business world, academia and the students, and to help students obtain better career opportunities in the business world The MBA Club aims to build bridges between the graduate and undergraduate students and to establish a link among the MBA Clubs of other universities, both in Turkey and in other countries Some activities that the MBA Club organized during the previous two years are: • • • • • • • • • An MBA forum, co-organized with Bilkent University MBA program that takes place over an extended weekend in April in a resort in Southern Turkey where executives from companies and some 200 MBA students get a chance to come together and network Networking events where members from organizations such as The Young Executives and Businessmen's Association (GYIAD) are invited to campus Civil involvement projects, such as tutoring underprivileged children or nature preservation work A reunion for the MBA and EMBA program graduates in Sakıp Sabancı Museum A Tea&Talk series where MBA students get to come together and chat with an invited faculty member over tea Company visits to companies such as Coca&Cola and P&G An "Executive Insights" series that the MBA club co-organizes with the Dean’s Office A bowling tournament with participating MBAs from all other MBA programs from across Istanbul A four week seminar series on marketing named "Pazarlama Sohbetleri" where practitioners and academics share current developments on a topic chosen to be the theme for the year 7.5 Alumni organisation and networking possibilities The University’s Alumni Office maintains and strengthens links between the University and its more than 2500 graduates Also it is a bridge between SU and the Alumni Association Alumni Association, SÜMED, was established in 2002 SÜMED publishes an e-newsletter, organizes mentorship activities and social events We have an alumni web portal, in which alumni can update their alumni profile, search for their classmates, and post/search job opportunities In addition to the university-wide organizations and activities, FMAN facilitates several venues where current graduate students and alumni can network and assist each others’ professional development For instance, Executive Insights events where top managers and owners of leading companies share their 63 experiences are open to all graduate students and alumni, and organized in the city close to major business centers Executive MBA (EMBA) program is a valuable resource for the students in all our graduate programs because this program attracts mostly middle and senior level managers (EMBA classes have an average work experience of 10 years) from leading national and multinational companies in Turkey To facilitate networking and maintain bonds between FMAN and alumni, an annual alumni event is organized where both students and alumni of EMBA and MBA programs are invited Students in all our programs meet a large number of managers throughout their studies at FMAN Especially for the students in the MBA program, this number is quite high (around 200 managers during the two-year program) MBA students are given “business cards” to help them develop contacts with those managers whom they meet on- and off-campus As a young school, we have had only a few small reunions However, in June 2009, we will host the first major reunion homecoming weekend It is going to be a special time to reconnect with old friends, learn something new, hear what is happening at SU and have some fun We hope we will also be able to announce our CEMS membership to our alumni They would be delighted! 64 ... environment The academic seminars offered can be found at http://www.sabanciuniv.edu/ybf/eng/?News/Academic_Seminars.html 2.1.8 Academic Performance Evaluations Maintaining academic qualifications is... Incoming faculty automatically are given $3000 USD for their PRF for two years under the assumption that it take a while for one’s publication stream to begin The average PRF for FMAN faculty members... finish for PET HMLS yarn Borusan Holding Adaptation of the ITIL (Information Technology Information Library) Alcatel Rural transportation IBM Transformation project TOFAS Beksa Establishing performance

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